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1、中考英语真题及答案二一六年初中毕业暨升学考试第I卷(选择题 共55分)一、英语知识运用(共两节,满分2分)第一节 单项填空(共1小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 host falyi tking me o _ngh flm ftiva nex weeknd. Aan B. a C.the D.不填2. Wt do oucall your fhrs ser?_. A. Unces B. Cousins . Auts .arnt3.A10-yerold m ran a maratho in Tornto on Suny.

2、e bcm the _ erson to comlete the lng-itan runnig in the wold.A.unet B.bes . gst D lde4. What doeournew Eglih tchr lolke? Sh aprttlady _ log hA. t B. for with D of5. Do you needa nwdctinay, Ssn?No, Mum. Myclebot me _ eserdy. B. .the ne Danote. frend Frnk sings wel, and he s _ go n gutar.A.nt B

3、also C. ye D. to7.s oeothe schol rules, iddl shol tudets are not_to smoke. A ordere . refud C.alloed D.orbidde8. ve you ee sen theve 2012? Ye,but I ontbeive _te ar 202 illsete d of the orld. A.t . ha C. how D.9. Some ofthesudent re easghted _ they sped too mc time wahing T or plai onnegaes .when B.

4、though C. beuse D unless10.Excusm, can you ell me teway theeplesrk?Wlk alonthi road and turnght, nd th parkis on your ght. ou_issit. A.neednt . mstnt C. ma not D.wnt11. Ourfoein eacher M Gree_s Egishsine thee yea ago. A. as tught B. s teachn tught D. eaches12.t, _ youla basklatrschol? ice aweek It c

5、an keep e healty. A. ho far B. howoon w ong hoofen13.Wheee I s the ird,Ill _flyg inthe sk.A. hikup .em of C.ork on . pick p1.elcome to schol, ies and men._, Id like tntroduce mysef. A. To be honest B. To my srpris C. Tostat th . To telyo tuth15. Which of thefolowng signseas “No climbig”? B D第二节 完形填空

6、(共10小题;每小题分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1625各小题所给的四个选项(、B、C和)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。om ws tingin hs Enish casIt wa a hot afternoon d as feelin lepy. It waarmma lesso a To w as oed.He 6 gramarHewnte o lee schoo and wrk.To oked ou of e 1 .elookeda thetresad flower. n he sarted adren. Aftertn miues the tacher

7、stope 18 e aked thestdetst do a grmma exercientheir booksTh sde tookou 19 xeis boo n penls and they statd wriTe techer loked atTom. a thathas witig s he sad,“ 20 arnt you riting, To?”“Wht, si?”Tom said.“ 21 , Tom!” te eache id, “h rentou writing?”om thoght for a momet an relid, “I ant got nopencil”h

8、 teache looked 2 om and sd, “Youintgot n pel? u mean you dnthva penci?”Toidnt unertad the ngish eace 23 hsaid, “Srry, sr.”Teeahai n(n) 2 voic, “Idot have peil.H doesnthave a pcl Sh doesnt have a penil. We dotv pencil.They dotave peil No,Tom D you understad?”Tom loke attheteacher for ammet andthenhe

9、said, “y goodness! Wht hene t l the 2 , s?”1.A. aedB. loved C studied. enjoed17A.boB. bacboar C ndwD. de1. A. thnkng. takin C.hoting D. litening19.A ther B. hi . ourD. your. .Whn B.Ho C ha D. hy21.A. Sit dn B. Comin CWe uDGet p22 A. after B. t. or.throuh2 . becaue B. when C.while Do. Ahappy.anryC. c

10、itedD. a5 Abok. pens C.papersD. pncis二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWat:Pt ittero ou lke dgs? Do have free time at the weeknd? W need pet sier (临时照看宠物者) forrdog. Hoursa from 8:00 a.m. t 6:00 .m. n Saturdy andSnda. P is 2ea hour.For the jb, you willwtch our dog,

11、fed tand alit t.You wilwork i ou house. We live i Lodon, narVictoritation.Please cl 007 926216.Ask for MsSh. Sitewa for teend?Gog oolida?Im 15 yeasod andavexprine caring f dogs and as.Yor o r mi.Cal Adam.Phone:888-6870.2.Wantsto fnd a pt sittr fr th dog? . Ms Smih. Adam.C. s ihs parets. .Aa brother.

12、7. How many hoursdoes the pesit wor fromSatuday o Suday? A.0. 15. C. 20. 252Th petsitter ll gt_ or orig very ekend. A.0.B.4. C.50.D. 60.2. What is OT theet sttes o?A. Takngce of the dg. B.Takinga wakwi th do.C iin ood t he og. .Cleang theo houe.3. Wih fthe oloingis rue?. Adam ak or jo sa pet sitte B

13、. The et ittr will wrkin his or her own hous.C. MsSmith livearawy froVitri station. Adam i not good a looking after dogsand ct.BDffrent counre ha iferent customs in givingpresens. Cina youmus never give clok to aChineseprsn,becau thsund ofth wod “cock” is iilar to the sound o “deat”. Alo, dot wra (用

14、包裹) a prset in he, blak,rblupap, cae hyre thelous or neral(葬礼). ot give a knif, becase somethin a ancut a friendship.InRussia ifyugi fowers s pese, ou vetogive o numbr of them (on, hree, fie, ec.) becase een nubersof lwes ae for fueals.InGerany if yo ae invied to dine, lower are good retsto tke t yo

15、ur inn htess (女主人),tdonakeer redroses because it means yu ren l wth her. Don take tr fanythingbeue its ulcky uer.Don akan evn mberof anyhng, eiter. Do wrap yr prestsin whit, brown, or lack pape.3. Accordi to the assage, _must neverbe giento inseoepsens. . flers B.othe . ooD. ocs32.Pp do wapreses in

16、blackor whie apein_.A. Grmany B. ChinaCoth n ad Germany D bth do theunderl wor “even” men i Chse inth page? A偶数的 B. 奇数的 C. 甚至 D 平坦的34. ha eentscan ou tktyoudinr hosess n German?A.Thirtee osomthing. B. Flwrs xcet re rosesC. nven nub of somehin. omethng rapdinbrown aper.Wich is the bes

17、titleof thesag? oreigners presnts. B.iving flwr as resent C. Diferen cstoms in vigpeset. . Dn g thren o anything as presents.A Aeianarcitect (建筑师) wa vsiing Lndon.He anedto e l theamoildings theesohe tope a ta ad asked the dver totake him to al the l and fmou bidings i London.h river ove im to th To

18、wr of oon “Ths s the Towe f Lodon.It as a prison (监狱)in the d days,” hesid. “ s somal. rca we ol buil th in ay,” said he Amerin.The tax drverokthemerican to Wetnstre. Heai,“Tisi famouscurc. Kingsan queens(国王与王后)g mrried her”The American loked at tholbuildig ansai, “. W codbuild thisi twodays”h diver

19、 didedtoke th mericato abigger uch so e drove him to SaulsCtedal. He stoped oud thchrh and ad,“Thi is th ot fmous chrc in Egla. The rat architcChrstopher re built is church.” Te Aiangotot f th ti and looe the chuch “Huh. Wecoudildhiscurh inthe days,” he a.Nexthe drr t theAmern o thHou ofParlamen. “T

20、 iswhe Brtish politicians (政治家) met.”“Huh,” Ameriansaid, “W could bui thisfordys.”Thedive sa thin and ove ptBckingham alace,th hmeof Quen liaeth As the tai pssed t paace, he meicn aid, “y! h is tis buling? I have nv seen sucha beatif one” The taxi rier looked at the paac and said,“ dnt now. Itwasn t

21、e ths oig”36.Ho ny od and fous builingsin Lnoaemntioned (提及) i the passae?A. To. B Three. F. D. Fi.3. Where o the Britsh ings an qeen getmaied? . In the Towr of London. B. IS Pauls Cathedral Cn teHose f Parlament. D In Wesmine Abb. 38.Accrding o theAmerian architect, thy couldbuld SPaus Cathedrl n _

22、.A. on day . twdays C. thr dysD four days3. Whn heAmerican sBuckiham Palace,he _. t grat srpise Bfel ver disappinte C. said nothin an n awayD. said th culd ild this i fivedyin Amerca40.Frm tetory e cn e the Americ archtec ws _.A.oest B. roud C odst hrdworkig 试卷类型:第卷(非选择题 共4分)注意事项:1 第 I卷共4页,用钢笔或圆珠笔直接

23、答在试卷上。2. 答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。得 分评卷人三、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读短文,完成有关任务。 8-ya-old boy becoaCOHarl Jordea, an 8year-ldy from Ste Newingt, Lonon los mrbles (弹珠) vry muhWih hsmthrs help, he st hownwsteamed marblekngco.k. eelal ki oarbes online d his in storei er populrHridmis to beom the ownr oono bggestoystore in heworld. Matt rdefom an ukow(不知名的)painter to a ht singerMatt rdl, a2-y

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