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1、中考英语选择填空100题2019-2020年中考英语选择填空精编 100 题()1.Granny looked for her book, but she couldn t find it .A. somewhereB. everywhereC. anywhereD. nowhere()2. When did you the book to the library?Yesterday afternoon.A. borrowB. lendC. giveD. return()3.The man took away the dictionary but did not .A. pay itB. pa

2、y for itC. cost itD. spend it()4. English teachers often encourage the students English aloud.A. readB. readingC. to readD. readed()5. he ever abroad ?No, never.A. Did, goB. Is, beenC. Has, beenD. Has, gone()6. How long may I thehistory books?A. keepB. lendC. borrowD. return()7. She an English teach

3、er.A. uses toB. used toC. use to beD. used to be()8. One day the librarian anidea.A. came upB. came withC. came up withD. came up to()9. Now her lost books are usually the library.A .returnedB .returned toC. paidD. paid to()10. My hobby is all kinds of coins.A. to collectB. collectingC. to pick upD.

4、 picking up()11. Can you who haslost the watch?A. look forB. look upC. findD. find out()12. My postcard is still on the desk. Why you it ?A. havent , postedB. didnt, postC. wasnt postingD. wont, post()13. The man France will give us a talk his country.A. from, onB. of, inC. of, aboutD. from, of()14.

5、 He is too old to the name of that book.A. pick upB. think ofC. come upD. fill in()15. Someone is knocking at the door. It my mother. Its time for her to beback.A. can beB. may not beC. must beD. mustn t be()16. I don t know wheWhite has gone. You d better ask .A. else somebodyB. other somebodyC. so

6、mebody elseD. anybody else()17.When he saw a ticket on the ground, he stopped .A. to pick it upB. pick it upC. to pick up itD. pick up it()18. He says that he will to me in three days.A. return the moneyB. return back the moneyC.getthemoneybackD.paybackthe money()19. Father the city of New York thre

7、e days ago.A. leaveB. left toC. left offD. left for()20. Tom there for 10 months since he back to his hometown.A. has lived, getsB. has lived, gotC. lived, goD. lived, has got()21. is oneof the water sports.A. Water-skiB. Water-skiingC. Water-skingD.Watering-skiing()22. The film is very _. Tom is ve

8、ry .A. exciting, excitedB. excited, excitingC. exciting, excitingD.excited,excited()23. the weather will be like tomorrow, we II go surfing.A. No matter howB. No matter whatsC. No matter whatif()24. The river near our village is about long.A. Sthree-hundreds-metres B. three-hundred-metreC. three-hun

9、dred-metreshundred metres()25. He has not had a night for two weeks, but he still feels .A. off, happyB. away, happilyC. off, happilyhappy()26. It makes him .A. feel angrilyB. feel angryC. to feel angryangry()27. Its good food that we all like it very much.A. so aB. such aC. so()28. When you the str

10、eet, you must look first.A. acrossB. go crossC. crossacross()29. Look! Mrs. Green is talking the students of Class I on the ground.A. amongB. in the middle ofC. between()30. Her teacher thinks other.A. highB. highlyC. well()31. Lei Feng is the of all the people in China.A. prideB. proudC. pridefulpr

11、oudly()32.-Have you finished your homework ? -No, not .A.already, alreadyB.yet, yetC.already, yetalready()33. Neither you or he Hawaii before.A. has gone toB. have gone toC. have been toto()34. Xian is very famous Terra Cotta Warriors.A. toB. ofC. in()35. Bruce has lived here last year.A. /B. forC.

12、beforesince()36. Waikiki is one of the best beaches surfing in Honolulu.A. toB. forC. with()37. Ive never him before.A. heard ofB. hear fromC. heard to()38. They were very proud their daughter.A. forB. ofC. with()39. Then he slowed as the wind became stronger and the waveshigher.A. underB. belowC .d

13、ownD .slowly()40. All of us except him to Beijing.A. have goneB. has goneC. have been()41.How long has Jim at thisschool?D.NomatterD.threeD.away,D.feelingD. suchD.goesD. atD. goodD.D.yet,D.hasbeenD. forD.D. inD. hear ofD. aboutD. has beenA. arrivedB. comeC. studiedD. gone()42. The little girl is afr

14、aid of at night.A. goB. goesC. goingD. went()43. As soon as he , he will write to me.A.arrives at B. arrives C. reaches D. gets()44. The teacher is with what we did.A. pleasedB. pleaseC. pleasureD.pleasant()45. will he be back? In a week.A. How longB. How soonC. How oftenD.Howmany()46. I have to do

15、my homework for every day.A. one and half hourB. one and a half hourC. one and half hoursD.oneandahalf hours()47. Who draw Jack?A. so well asB. as well asC. so better thanD. as good as()48. The girl had a short rest and did her homework she reached home.A. afterB. beforeC. whenD. since()49. We have

16、known each other wewere young.A. forB. sinceC. afterD. before()50. They very busy last month.A. areB. wereC. beD. have been()51. There a park near our school sincetwo years ago.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. will be()52. Lucy is very free. Look, she a modelship.A. makesB. madeC. has madeD. is making()53.

17、Many students in our class glasses over their eyes in class.A. put onB. dressC. wearD.getdressed()54. What do you think we should improve our environment?A. doB. toC. do forD. do to()55. Theyve found a way to that waste thing.A. doB. do withC. throwD.moveaway()56. We find the book very .A. interestB

18、. interestingC. interestsD. interested()57. She has finished herlunch, but she hasnt washed her bowls .A. already, yetB. just, alreadyC. already, justD. just, yet()58. Uncle Wang has been here ten years ago.A. forB. sinceC. inD. at()59. They went to London just over five months.A. forB. sinceC. befo

19、reD. when()60. The weather was it is today.A. not as wetter asB. not wetter thanC. more wetter thanD. wetter as()61. The little boy was with the big boy because he was words to him.A. fond, speakingB. angry, sayingC. angry, talkingD.friendly,telling()62. Lucy, please dont play with fire. .A. How can

20、 you say like that?B. Its right.C. It doesnt matter.D. Sorry, I wont do it again.()63. We dont know If it . If it , we won t go out for a walk.A. rains, will rain,B. rains, rainsC. will rain, will rainD.willrain,rains()64. Its difficult your sound because the noise is too high.A. to listenB. to know

21、C. to learnD. to hear()65. He says he will be back soon.A. whenB. whatC. thatD. where()66. He told a very story about his life inAmerica.A. liveB. livingC. livelyD. life()67. If you dont get up early, you II the bus.A. not missB. missC. catchD. lost()68. How long it _to go there by train?A. do, take

22、B. does, takeC. does, spendD. does, play()69. A young man practised English with Mr Green.A. speakB. speakingC. to speakD. speak in()70. She says she can get to Tian anmfernom Wangfujing by bike ten minutes.A. afterB. inC. beforeD. about()71. We should help her when she is .A. in troubleB. in a trou

23、bleC. in the troubleD. in troubles()72. The policeman kept the thief for four hours.A. standingB. to standC. to sitD. siting()73. I want to visit England .A. if it possibleB. as soon possibleC. as soon as possibleD. if possible()74. They Hong Kong twice.A. have gone toB. have been toC. have been inD

24、.havegone in()75. I have never seen film before.A.a so interestingB.a such a interestingD.suchaninteresting()76. Everyone went to the zoo last Sunday Jim.A. butB. notC. exceptD. besides()77. What just now?A. was happenedB. were happenedC. happenedD. happens()78. If you miss so many l

25、essons, you must fall behind classmates.A.anotherB.the othersC.otherD.the other()79. did Lin Tao say aboutMount Emei?A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Why()80. I m afraid you may be late.A. whenB. thatC. whyD. how()81. I able to sing any song but this one.A. mayB. canC. amD. would()82. Everybody is here Jim Gr

26、een.A. asB. withC. onD. except()83. Which of these do you think is usefulinvention?A.the moreB.the second moreC.mostD.thesecondmost()84. Do you know where from?A. he comeB. he comesC. did he comecame()85. Our teacher saw us on the desks and went out of the classroom.A. to sitB. satC. siting()86. I m

27、aths and science.A. interestingC. am interestedinterested inre away.()87. Linda will look after the children weA. thatB. duringC. while()88. David was born .A.since twenty years ago B.for twenty yearsC.twenty years ago twenty years()89.Mike his homework three hours ago.A. finishedB. has

28、 finishedC. is finishingfinish()90.- haveyoubeenatthisfactory?-Ivebeenheresince1993.A.WhenB.HowlongC.Whattime()91.Allancutthebigbirthdaycake smallpieces.A.asB.toC.into()92.Whenhewasachild,hewasalways outnewideas.A.tryB.tryingC.taking()93Wereyouborn May21,1974?A.inB.onC.from()94.It sverykind you lend

29、yourbiketome.A.of,toB.for,inC.for,to()95.Ihavetwopens.Oneisred, isblack.A.otherB.anotherC.theothers()96. “ doyouwritetoyourparents? ”“ Onceamonth. ”A.HowlongB.HowmuchC.Howfarn()97.Heaskedwhowas inyourclass.A.theoldestB.oldestC.older()98.Theteachertoldus Exercise1inourexercisebooks.A.doB.todoC.doing(

30、)99.Ifound verydifficulttolearnmathswell.A.whatB.itC.that()100.Im totroubleyou.A.gladB.afraidC.fearD.doesheD. sittingD.amD. whereD.justoverD. is going toD.HowoftenD.inD.triedD.atD.of,inD.theotherD.HowofteD.theolderD.doesD.thisD.sorry单项选择答案:(1-20):1-5.CDBCC6-10ADCBA11-15DAABC16-20CADDB(21-40):21-25 BACDA26- 30BDCBB31-32ABDDD36-40BABCC(41-:604) 1-45 CCBAB46-50DBCBB51- 55CDCDB56-60BABAB(61-8:0)61-65 BDDDC66-70CBBBB71-75AACBD76- 80CCDAB(81-100:) 81-85CDDBD86-90CCCAB91-95 CDBAC96-100 DABBD

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