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1、深圳市六年级英语上册同步练习共16份资料深圳市六年级英语上册同步练习(共16份)Unit 1一. Unit1重点词组过关1.一个健康的身体 2.比玛丽更高 3.这些相片 4.去年 5.做很多锻炼 6.经常锻炼7.体检 8.更高和更重 9.长得快 10.做得好 11.比赛最后一名 12.举重13.做两个引起向上 14.你真棒 15.举行一场跑步比赛 16.什么事情 18.炎热的一天 19.又热又累 20.休息一下 21.到达终点线 22.睡着 23.醒来 二Unit1重点句型过关1. 你想告诉别人,去年你身高138cm,体重29kg,应该怎么说_2. 你想告诉别人你经常锻炼所以今年你很强壮,应该

2、怎么说?_3. 你想告诉别人Candy今年更强壮了,她可以举起一些重的哑铃,怎么说?Candy is _ this year. She can _ _ _ _.4. 你想告诉别人Bob今年变得更强壮了,他能做45个引体向上,应该怎么说?Bob is _ this year. He can _ 45 _.5Mary太瘦弱了,你想建议她多做锻炼,应该怎么说?_ 难点突破练习:一.写出下列形容词的比较级形容词比较级形容词比较级形容词比较级healthyshorttalllightheavystrongweakfastslowfunnyloudlazyhottiredlateimportantdiff

3、erentcarefulgoodmuchbad二.用所给词的正确形式填空1.My brother was very _(tall) but my sister was very _(short).2.Turtles are _(slow) than rabbits.3.Book 11 is _(easy) than Book 12.4.Lynn is _(loud) than any of us.5.Pat is a _(good) runner in the 200m race but Linda is a_ (good) runner than her.6.This box is _(he

4、avy) than that box.三写作:How to keep a healthy bodyUnit 2二. Unit2重点词组过关1.祝贺 2.自然世界 3.新西兰 4.黑山 5.蜡烛湖 6.雨岛 7.雪河 8.海洋 9.一座高山 10.一条长河 11.长江 12.最高的山 13.在世界上14.珠穆朗玛峰 15.最大的城市 16.是睡觉的时间了 17.休息 18.最高的城市 19.最长的河20.黄河 21.努力学习 22.度假46.最热的天 23.最长的沙滩 24.在省里 25.最年轻的冲浪运动员 26.在国家里 27.最重的动物 28.最长的脖子 29.最大声的动物 30.锦绣中华

5、31.最大的模型公园 32.长城 33.布达拉宫 34.美丽的古树 35全中国36.龙舟比赛 37.爬刀山 38.泼水节 39.玩得开心 40.醒来 Unit2重点句型过关6你想询问这个地方的名字叫什么,如何问? _7如果你想告诉别人,这个地方的名字叫黑山,如何说?_8如果你想问这面国旗是哪个国家的,怎么问?_9如果你想问别人,在中国最大的城市是什么城市,如何问? _10如果你想告诉别人,中国最大的城市是重庆,怎么说?_11如果你想问别人,世界上最高的山脉是什么山脉,如何问? _12你想告诉别人,世界上最高的山峰是珠穆朗玛峰,应该怎么说? _13如果你想问中国最长的河是什么河,怎么问?_14如

6、果你想告诉别人,中国最长的河是长江,应该怎么说?_15如果你想告诉别人,今天是今年中最热的一天,应该怎么说? _16如果你想说这是我们省里最长的沙滩,应该怎么说?_17如果你想告别别人,她是这个国家里最年轻的冲浪运动员,怎么说?_18如果你想说,锦绣中华是世界上最大的模型公园,应该说?_ _ is the biggest _ _ in the world.19如果你想说世界上最长的城墙是长城,怎么说?_20如果你想说世界上最高的宫殿是布达拉宫,应该说?_ _ is the highest _ in the _.难点突破练习:一.回答下列问题1. Which is the highest mou

7、ntain in the world? _.2. Which is the largest city in China? _.3. Which is the longest wall in the world? _.4. Which is the biggest model park in the world? _.5. Which is the longest river in China? _.6. Which is the highest palace in the world? _.7. Which is the highest city in China? _.二.用所给词的正确形式

8、填空1. My English is _(good). Yours is _ (good)than mine. His is _ (good) in our class.2. Chongqing is _(large) city in China.3. Im _(fat) than my daughter.4. Today is _(hot) than yesterday. Its _(hot) day of this year.5. Both Kim and Paul are 140 cm tall. Kim is as_(tall)as Paul.6. Which box is _(hea

9、vy), the yellow one, the red one or the black one?三写作:Splendid ChinaUnit 3一Unit3重点词组过关默写1.在太空中 2.离近的3.离远的 4.一颗行星 5.其它的星星6.近得多 7.对不好 8.大得多9.重得多 10.像一个气球 11.一个好问题12.在天空中 13.谈论 14.亮得多15.小得多 16.轻得多 17.前四颗行星18.事实上 19.在太阳系中 20.第一颗行星21.第二颗行星 22.第三颗行星 23.第四颗行星24.最热的行星之一 25.最小的物体之一 26.太空中的一天 27.在太空站中 28.做新药

10、29.没有地心引力30.修理一些东西 31.一个日出或日落 32.每45分钟33.在晚上9:30 34.漂走 35.睡一个好觉 二.单项选择题1.This is one of _ in Australia. The water is very white. A. faster rivers B. the fastest rivers C. the faster rivers D. the fastest river2.The sun is a star. Its _ to the Earth than the other stars.A. far B. much near C. much ne

11、arer D. much faster3. The Earth is _ biggest of the four planets. Its _ than the first, second and fourth planets.A. one; bigger B. one; biggest C. the; bigger D. the; biggest4.The Earth is _(small) than the sun. The moon is _ of the three.A. smaller; the most smallest B. small; the most smallC. sma

12、ller; the smallest D. small; the most smallest5.Pat is _ of the _ girls in our school.A. one; happy B. a; happiest C. one; happiest D. a; happier6.The moon is near _ the Earth. And the sun is far _it.A. from; to B. to; in C. to; from D. off; on一Unit3重点句型过关21你想告诉你的同学,月球离地球近,怎么说?_22你想告诉你的同学,太阳离地球远,怎么说

13、?_23如果你想告诉别人,太阳不是一颗行星,它是一颗恒星,你应该说?_24如果你想说太阳距离地球比其它恒星距离地球要近得多,怎么说?The sun is _ _ _ the Earth than _ _ stars.25你想告诉你朋友不能看太阳,对眼睛有害,怎么说?_26如果你想告诉别人,太阳比地球大得多,怎么说?_27你想问,月球像个气球吗,怎么问?_28你想告诉别人,太阳是太阳系里最大的物体,怎么说?_29你想告诉别人地球是最热的行星之一,怎么说?_30你想告诉别人地球是四颗行星中最大的一颗,怎么说?_31你想告诉别人地球比第一颗,第二颗,第四颗行星更大,怎么说?The Earth is

14、_ than the _, _ and _ planets.32你想告诉别人,月球是太阳系中最小的物体,怎么说?_二写作:The sun 期中知识输理和复习根据所给情景选择正确的答案( )1.你想问去邮局的路,首先应说:A.Sorry . B. Excuse me . C. Thank you . ( )2.如果你想问别人地球比月球重吗,可以说: A. Is the Earth heavier than the moon? B. Does the Earth heavier than the moon?C. Is the Earth lighter than the moon?( )3. 如果

15、你想告诉别人太阳比地球大得多,如何说:A. The Earth is much bigger than the sun.B. The sun is much bigger than the Earth.C. The sun is much smaller than the Earth.( )4. 如果你想告诉别人地球是最热的行星之一,如何说: A.The Earth is the hottest planet.B.The Earth is one of the hottest planet.C.The Earth is one of the hottest planets.( ) 5.如果你想

16、问别人太阳,月亮,地球哪个最小。如何问?A.Which is the biggest , the sun the moon or the Earth?B.Which is much biggest , the sun the moon or the Earth?C.Which is the smallest , the sun the moon or the Earth?( )6. 当你告诉别人,你去年经常锻炼身体,应该说:A. You exercised a lot last year. B. You liked to exercise last year.C.I exercised ver

17、y often last year.( )7. 问最热的地方是什么,你应该说: A. What is the hotter place in the world?B. What is the hottest place in the world?C. What is the hot place in the world? ( )8. 当你听到你朋友告诉你说:“我得了第一”。你会说:A. Congratulation.! B. Cheers! C. Congratulations! ( )9.当你想了解别人有多高,应该问:A. How high are you? B. How short are

18、 you? C. How tall are you?( )10. 当有人告诉你他今年跑得快多了,你应该说:A. Well for you. B. Bad for you. C. Good for you. ( )11. 初次见面, 一般不说:A.How are you? B.How do you do? C.Nice to see you.( )12.你告诉别人,Peter 去年经常锻炼身体,应该说:A. Peter liked to exercise last year. B. Peter exercised a lot last year.C. Peter didnt like to ex

19、ercise last year.( )13. 你想问:世界上最高的山是什么?你可以问:A. What is the highest mountain in the world?B. What is the higher mountain in the world?C. What is highest mountain in the world?( )14. 你想说:中国最长的河流是长江。你可以说:A. The longer river in China is the Changjiang River.B. The longest river in China is the Yellow Ri

20、ver.C. The longest river in China is the Changjiang River.( )15.你想说:太阳比任何行星都大得多。你可以说:A. The sun is much bigger than any planet.B. The sun is bigger than any planet.C. The sun is much smaller than any planet.( )16.你想说:地球是最热的行星之一。你可以说:A. The earth is one of the coldest planets. B. The earth is one of

21、hotter planets.C. The earth is one of the hottest planets.( )17.你想问:中国最大的城市是什么?你可以问: A. Whats the smallest city in China? B. Whats the largest city in China?C. Whats the larger city in China?( )18.你听说同学的妈妈生病了,你应该说 A. Im sorry to hear that. B.really? C. It doesnt matter.( )19.接到电话后请对方稍等: A. Whos call

22、ing? B. Youre wanted on the phone. C. hold on ,please.( )20. 打电话问对方是谁,一般不说:A. whore you,please? B. whos calling ,please? C. whos that speaking?( )21.要求对方重复讲过的话,你最好说:A. say it again B. repeat it C. pardon?( )22.在餐桌上,招待朋友吃鱼时,可以说: A. help yourself to some fish. B. eat fish C. eat more fish( )23.别人夸你的新衣

23、服漂亮,你应说A. I dont think so. B. Not so good. C. Thank you.( )24.别人祝你生日快乐,你应该说:AThe same to you. B. Thank you. C. Me, too. ( )25.当有人不小心撞了你,并对你说:“Oh, sorry!”, 你应回答说A. Im sorry B. Be careful C. Thats all right( )26.你想知道世界上最高的山峰,该问:A.Whats highest mountain in the world?B.Which is the longest mountain in the world?C.Whats the highest

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