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1、独家代理协议中英文EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT独家代理协议CONTRACT NO 协议号:本协议由(卖方公司名称),一家依据(注册地)法律成立的公司,其注册地址为:_(以下简称“甲方”)和_公司,一家依据_法律成立的公司,其注册地址为:_(以下简称“乙方”)自 (日期)签署并生效。This Agreement is made and executed on _ (Date), by and between:(The name of seller), a company incorporated under the laws of (China) with its reg

2、istered address at:_(hereinafter refer to as “Party A”) And_a company incorporated under the laws of _ with its registered address at:_(hereinafter refer to as “Party B”) 鉴于:甲方从事(此处填写产品名称)(以下简称“产品”)的制造,乙方从事产品的采购与销售,并希望自甲方购买产品。为信守承诺,甲乙双方达成协议如下:WHEREAS, Party A engages in the manufacturing of (hereina

3、fter referred to as the Products), Party B engages in the buying and reselling of the Products and desires to purchase the Products from Party A.THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, both parties reach the agreement as follows:1.授权 Authorization甲方授权乙方为甲方产品独家经销商,该独家经销权不可转让,于_地域,销售_品牌下的产

4、品。Party A names Party B as the exclusive, non-transferable agency of the Products of _ brands of Party A, in the Territory of .2.产品价格Price of the Products除非双方书面同意,否则该协议下产品合同的所有付款方式都按照FOB青岛价格条款执行。双方必须严格执行付款方式和价格条款。如甲方需对价格进行调整,应提前30天或60天通知乙方,新价格自甲方通知之日起生效,具体产品价格在每月订单中体现。Unless otherwise agreed between

5、 the parties in writing, all payment of the products made by contract under this Agreement shall be made by and under FOB QINGDAO price term. The payment item and price item shall be strictly executed by both parties. The price shall be determined by both parties through negotiation and shall be exe

6、cuted after written confirmation by both parties.If Party A needs to adjust the price, it shall notify Party B 30 or 60 days in advance, the new price comes into force upon the notice by Party A, and the specific price shall be reflected in the monthly order.3购销数量Amount of Purchases and Sales3.1 每年1

7、0月20日之前,双方约定下一年的销售预测,该预测并不具有约束力。该销售预测必须包含每月销售数量预测和全年平均月销售数量。3.1 The parties will agree to a non-binding estimate of the next years sales forecast before 20th of October of each year. And it shall specify each month sales quantity forecast and a monthly average sales quantity throughout the year.3.2每

8、月20日之前,乙方通过邮件形式向甲方发送下个月订单,根据乙方的需求,双方另行签署订单协议。每月最终实际订单数量可在当年预测的相应月份的非约束性订单数量的基础上增减20%以内.3.2 Before the 20th of each month, Party B shall send the order of next month to Party A by email. According to the demand of Party B, both parties shall sign another order agreement. The final order quantity for

9、the month can be 20% than is specified in correspondent month of the non-binding estimate of the years sales forecast.3.3根据双方协商,各月份销量明细如下(单位:units):3.3 Monthly sales volume are as follows according to negotiation by two parties( in units):ProductJan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.TotalI

10、tem 1Item 24.交付和风险转移Delivery and Risk of Loss4.1除另有约定外,本协议项下所涉及的全部货物将以青岛港装运成交。每次装运的包装均按照甲方的装运标准执行,如乙方有特殊的包装需求,需在订单中明确告知甲方包装要求。如因乙方特殊的包装需求及转运要求所产生的费用,由乙方承担。双方的责任和风险转移按最新的“国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 2020)”执行。4.1All products will be tendered QIGNDAO port of shipment, unless otherwise agreed. Each shipment sh

11、all be packed in accordance with standards of Party A, unless Party B clearly notifies Party A of any special packing instructions in the orders. Party B shall bear the expenses arising from Party Bs special packing instructions and transshipment requirements.Responsibility and risk transfer of both

12、 parties shall be governed by the latest issue of the “International Rules for the Interpretation of the Trade Terms” (INCOTERMS 2020).5.保证Warranty5.1 对于有设计、材料和工艺方面缺陷和故障的产品,乙方将按照甲方执行的理赔政策规定获得理赔。If defects occur due to design, used materials, or workmanship, Party B shall receive the claim for the de

13、fective product with defects and faulty conditions as set forth in Party As claim policy.5.2所有理赔的计算将按理赔发生时甲方现行的理赔政策进行,如果甲方要修改该政策,需提前45天书面通知乙方,所有在 45天通知期结束前订购的产品仍然适用未修改的理赔政策。All claims shall be calculated according to Party As current claim policy at the time of claim settlement. If Party A modifies

14、the claim policy, Party A must provide Party B a written notice in 60 days; before the change and all products ordered during the 60 days will be covered by the unmodified claim policy.5.3 乙方根据甲方当时执行的理赔政策向甲方书面提交的所有符合条件的理赔投诉,甲方应在收到索赔资料后60天内进行处理。Party A should handle all the qualified written claims t

15、hat are submitted by Party B in 60 days after receiving the claim information as per the claim policy that is used at that time. 6.双方的权利与义务Rights and obligations6.1 甲方的权利义务Rights and obligations of Party A6.1.1为了促进销量、提高市场对品牌的认知度,甲方将为乙方提供营销支持用以帮助乙方有效地进行包括但不限于:市场推广、促销、展会、媒体广告活动;For promoting sales and

16、 brand awareness, Party A provides Party B marketing support for effective promotions which includes, but is not limited to any promotions, campaign advertising, exhibitions, and media advertising;6.1.2保证产品质量符合乙方要求,产品与标签或包装一致;Ensure that the product quality meets Party Bs requirements and the produc

17、t is consistent with the label or package;6.1.3甲方认为有必要时,为乙方的员工提供关于经销产品维修和服务的培训;When, as and if deemed necessary by Party A, train Party Bs employees on the maintenance and service of the products;6.1.4 如果乙方在指定区域的销售达不到双方确定的销售目标,甲方有权自行取消本协议中所授予乙方的经销商权。The Party A has the right to cancel the distributo

18、rship granted to the Party B in this Agreement in case the sales target which is confirmed by the parties can not be reached in the Territory.6.2 乙方的权利义务Rights and obligations of Party B6.2.1 在指定区域积极并努力促进经销产品的销售,保护甲方的合法权利和利益;Energetically and diligently promote sales of the Products within the Terri

19、tory and safeguard the legal rights and interests of Party A;6.2.2 根据甲方要求,向甲方提供有关经销产品在指定区域内的信息,包括法律法规的变动、经营预测、市场容量、竞争者动态、产品/价格分析、营销发展趋势、市场前景等,同时制定市场战略,双方确定后共同遵守并实施;According to Party As requirement, Party B will update regularly Party A with information on the products in the Territory including cha

20、nges in laws and regulations,operation forecast, market volumes, competition situation, product/price analysis, marketing development trends, market forecasts, etc. and work out the marketing strategy simultaneously which should be confirmed, abide by and implemented by both parties;6.2.3根据甲方的要求,在甲方

21、指定时间按其要求的形式向其提供有限经销产品销售情况的书面报告;Furnishing Party A upon request with written reports and such time and in such form as may be requested by Party A concerning sales of the Products;6.2.4 非经甲方书面同意,不得转让本协议项下的权利义务;The rights and obligations under this Agreement shall not be assigned without the written c

22、onsent of Party A;6.2.5 乙方应建立质量台账,用于收集来自客户、代理商、分销商等方面的质量信息。这些信息必须定期及时反馈给甲方,甲方有权随时检查,乙方应当予以完全配合。在发现重大产品质量问题后,乙方应将经销产品的故障现象立即通知甲方。The Party B shall have quality files to collect and record the quality information from customers, agents and sub-distributors. All information shall be notified to the Par

23、ty A regularly. Party A has the right to inspect at any time, and Party B shall fully cooperate. In case a severe quality accident as to the Products occurs, the Party B should let the Party A be apprised immediately.7. 不可抗力Force majeure7.1如由于或根据法律或政府规定或限制,或由于罢工、停工或其他劳工纠纷或伤亡,或由于任何一方不能控制的任何原因(包括但不限于任

24、何“天灾”、火灾、水灾、地震、暴风雨、流行病、检疫限制、战争、骚乱或暴乱、民事动乱、货物禁运、延迟、或运输异常困难或不寻常的灾害天气),任何一方未能履行其于本协议项下之义务或未能履行任何已接受的订单或延迟交付产品,该方不应以任何方式向对方、其客户、经销商或任何其他第三方承担任何责任。不可抗力条款不适用于乙方的付款义务,乙方不得以不可抗力为由拒绝或迟延支付货款。7.1Neither party shall be liable in any manner whatsoever to the other parties hereto, its customers, distributors or a

25、ny other third parties for failure to perform its obligations under this agreement or fulfill any accepted order, or for delay in delivery of products in the event that such performance or the fulfillment of any such order, or timely delivery thereof is prevented by or pursuant to any law, or govern

26、mental regulation or restriction, by any strike, lock out or other labor dispute or casualty, or any cause beyond the reasonable control of the party, including , but not limited to any “act of god”, fire, flood, earthquake, storm, epidemic, quarantine restriction, war, insurrection or riot, civil u

27、nrest, freight embargo, delay, or extraordinary hardship in transportation, or unusually severe weather. The force majeure clause shall not be applied to payments obligations of Party B, and Party B shall not refuse or delay payments on the ground of force majeure.8. 保密条款 Confidentiality8.1 本协议双方应共同

28、遵守:不向任何第三方披露在履行本协议过程中所知晓的对方的任何商业或者贸易秘密(尤其是专有技术)。乙方不得将从甲方接收的、仅供内部使用的任何秘密文件向任何XX的第三方转移。本条款规定的义务在本协议终止或解除后仍然有效,直至保密信息成为公开信息为止。8.1 The parties hereto shall commit themselves on a mutual basis not to make available to any third parties any business and trade secrets (in particular technical know-how) com

29、ing to their knowledge in connection with the performance of this Agreement to any third parties. The Party B shall neither be allowed to transfer any documents of confidential nature he has received from the Party A that are intended for his internal use exclusively to any non-authorized third part

30、ies. The obligations under these Terms shall remain in effect after the termination or cancellation of this Agreement until the confidential information becomes public information.8.2 每一次对保密协议的违反,违约方应当向守约方支付违约金人民币500,000元。其他所有的损害赔偿等权利不受影响。8.2 For each individual culpable breach of the duty of confid

31、entiality the breaching party shall pay to the non-breaching party a contract penalty of RMB500,000. Any further rights to claim for damages or other rights shall not be affected hereby.9. 商标保护 Trademark Protection9.1甲方独家拥有_品牌标识,乙方不得进行以下行为:9.1Party A owns the trademark exclusively, and the Party B is forbidden to have the following activities:9.1.1将甲方的商标在某个国家(地区)进行商标注册、申请,或在网站上申请登记为域名;9.1.1Application or registration of the trademark of the Party A in certain counties (regions) or application or registration of the trade

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