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1、八年级下册期中模拟检测题二八年级下册期中模拟检测题(二)一、单项选择1.I am not good at English._. A. So am I B. Neither am IC. Neither I am D. So I am2. There is some rubbish. Please _. A. take it out B. take out itC. take them out D. take out them3.Can I _ a pen _ you?Sure. A. borrow; to B. lend; toC. borrow; from D. lend; from4. P

2、arents find it difficult _ with their children. A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk5. I _home while you _ the book. A. get; read B. got; readC. was getting; read D. got; were reading6. The girl _ the woman. Maybe she is her daughter. A. takes care B. takes afterC. takes off D. looks after7. She

3、_ live with her parents, but she doesnt now. A. used to B. is used toC. was used to D. has used to8. Though she is _ at home, she never feels _. A. alone; lonely B. lonely; aloneC. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely9. My mother seldom allow me _ with my friends on weekends. A. hang out B. to hang outC.

4、hanging out D. hangs out10.Whats wrong _ you?I have a headache. A. for B. of C. to D. with二、完型填空I was a student of yours in Grade Six, and I hope you still remember me. Im _1_ this letter because I want to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me.I know I _2_ be ver

5、y quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big _3_ in my life. You see, all through my first year in schools, I hated to read. Books were just words that had _4_ to do with me, and I felt bored while reading them. Ill never _5_ the first day of Grade Six

6、when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. It _6_ that your voice changed with the people in the story, and you drew pictures in my mind as you read _7_. Since that day, I always waited for the time that you read to the class. You _8_ us all kinds of wonderful stories.D

7、uring the summer after my year in your class, I _9_ the stories you read. So one day I picked up a book and read it all by myself. I found out that I could make the words _10_, too. Now, I love to read! Thank you for opening the world of books for me.Yours,Linda1. A. watching B. reading C. writing D

8、. getting2. A. used B. used to C. was used D. was used to3. A. difference B. mistake C. decision D. progress4. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything5. A. remember B. know C. forget D. understand6. A. liked B. looked C. looked like D. seemed7. A. loudly B. quiet C. aloud D. quietly8. A. t

9、old B. read C. borrowed D. taught9. A. finished B. practiced C. missed D. kept10. A. boring B. patient C. interesting D. necessary三、阅读理解ALion is a special animal to Chinese people. A couple of stone lions, a male (雄性) and a female (雌性), can often be seen in front of the gates of old buildings. The m

10、ale lion is on the left with his right paw (手掌) on a ball, and the female on the right. And her left paw is touching a baby animal.The lion is the king in the animal world because he is powerful. The ball shows the country or the family will be together forever, and the baby animal with the female s

11、hows that you will have many children.The stone lions were also used to show the families were powerful. If you had no money or power, you couldnt put the stone lions in front of your houses.It was also popular to make bridges with stone lions. The best known of this is the Lugou Bridge (also as Mar

12、co Polo Bridge), built from 1189 to 1192. The stone lions on the bridge are most famous. Maybe there are 485 lions in all, maybe there are 498 or 501. A famous saying is that “the lions on the Lugou Bridge are uncountable(不可数的).”1. What is a special animal in Chinese people? A. Dragon(龙). B. Tiger.

13、C. Lion. D. Dog. 2. How many stone lions can often be seen in front of some old houses? A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 D. 43. Who is the king in the animal world according to the text? A. Tigers B. Lions C. Elephants D. Bears4. Which is NOT right below about the stone lions in front of the gates of the old houses?

14、A. The male lion is on the left with his right paw on a ball.B. The female is on the right with her left paw touching a baby animal.C. The common people couldnt put a pair of stone lions in front of the gates of old buildings.D. If someone puts a pair of stone lions in front of the gate, he must hav

15、e a lot of babies.5. Where do we often see stone lions besides in front of some gates? A. On bridges. B. In Hebei. C. On towers. D. By a river.BOur reporter asked people what they were doing on July 20, 1960 when a man first walked on the moon. Here is what they said:Kate Jones, waitress. I remember

16、 that day very well. I was fifteen years old. It was a hot and humid day, and I was with my family in the mountains. We were having a picnic. We didnt see the moon landing when it happened, but we were thinking about it. We saw it later on the TV news.John Beats, Postman. I was eighteen years old. I

17、t was a very exciting day. I was watching TV at home when the astronaut walked on the moon. His name was Neil Armstrong. I remember he could jump really high because people arent too heavy on the moon. When he returned, he became a national America, and famous all over the world.Paul Robinson, docto

18、r. I was twelve. I remember the day, but I dont remember what I was doing. I remember I wanted to go to the moon, too. My dream was to become an astronaut and fly in a rocket. I wanted to see earth from the moon. The astronaut on the moon said that earth looked very beautiful from there.Linda Brown,

19、 clerk. I was working that day. I was twenty then. I didnt see the man land on the moon because I was busy. Of course I knew about it, I read it in the newspaper the next day. I thought it was amazing. Maybe one day people will travel to the moon for vacation. Mark Green, teacher. I was only seven y

20、ears old then. My parents talked about it, and I learned about it in school, but I dont remember the day it happened. I was too young to remember. Maybe I was having fun on the playground with my friends when it happened.1. _ was having a picnic with the family when a man first walked on the moon. A

21、. Linda Brown B. John Bates C. Kate Jones D. Mark Green2. John Bates was _ when the astronaut walked on the moon. A. having a picnic B. workingC. having fun with friends D. watching TV3. Mark Green was _ years old then. A. 15 B. 18 C. 12 D. 74. Pauls dream was to become a(an) _. A. doctor B. astrona

22、ut C. teacher D. clerk 5. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage? A. Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut who walked on the moon.B. Linda Brown read about it in the newspaper on July 21, 1960, and thought it was amazing.C. Mark Green is the youngest of the five people now.D. All the

23、five people remember the day when a man first walked on the moon.CSam was an English student. He always stayed at home for his holidays. But last winter he thought, “I have never left the country. All my friends have been to Spain. They like it very much. So this year Im going there for my holiday.”

24、First he went to Madrid and stayed in a small hotel for a few days. One morning he went out for a walk. In his country people drive on the left, but in Spain they drive on the right. Sam forgot about this, and while he came to a busy street, a bike knocked (碰撞) him down.Sam lay on the ground for a f

25、ew seconds and then he sat up and said, “Where am I?”An old man was selling maps at the side of the street. He quickly came to Sam and said, “Maps of the city, sir?”1. Sam came from_. A. England B. Spain C. Madrid D. a hotel2. Sam went to Spain _. A. to see his friends B. because he like it very muc

26、hC. to learn English D. for his holiday3. In _, people always drive on the left. A. Spain B. the street C. Madrid D. London4. One morning, Sam was badly hurt by _. A. a car B. a bike C. an old man D. his friend5. When Sam sat up and said, “Where am I?” the old man thought_ A. he was badly hurt B. he

27、 wanted to buy a mapC. he lost his way D. he needed some help四、单词拼写1. Can you tell me the _(important) of knowledge(知识)?2. Its not easy to _(communication) with a stranger.3. Tell you the _ (true), Ive never seen him before.4. I have two _ (old) sisters.5. She often falls _ (sleep) in class.五、根据汉语提示

28、完成句子1. 让我吃惊的是,他竟然又迟到了。_ _ _, he was late again.2. 我们绝不该放弃梦想。We should never _ _ our dreams.3. 在我看来,一切皆有可能。_ _ _, anything is possible.4. 小时候,我父母总是把我和别的孩子进行比较。My parents always _ me _ other children when I was young.5. 我可以给你提供一些有用的信息。I can _ some useful information _ you.六、书面表达你的好朋友Linda, 现在面临很多压力,爸爸

29、妈妈总是把她与其他同学相比较,因此她最近心情很不好。请你给她写一封信,建议她1.与父母好好沟通,2.通过做运动,听音乐等方式学会放松。要求:1. 语句通顺,符合逻辑,2. 70词左右。参考答案及解析一、1. B 句意:我英语不好。我也不好。so, neither位于分句或句子的开头,这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人(或事物),表示“我也这样”之类的概念。 其句型可归纳为: so / neither + be / have / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语。2. A 句意:有一些垃圾。请把它带出去。Take out把带出去,这是一个由动词加副词构成的短语,代词宾语要放在两词之间,

30、rubbish垃圾,是不可数名词,可用it代替。所以选A。3. C 句意:我可以借你的钢笔吗?当然可以。Borrow借入,常与介词from搭配使用;lend借出,常与介词to搭配使用。根据句意可知该选C。4. D 句意:父母发现与他们的孩子交谈很难。find it + 形容词 + to do sth是一个固定句型,所以选D。5. D 句意:你读书时,我回到家。表示在某一动作发生的过程中发生了另一动作,主句用一般过去时,从句用过去进行时,所以选D。6. B 句意:女孩长得像那个女人。也许她是她的女儿。take care当心,小心; take after长得像,性格类似于,效仿; take off 脱,摘,起飞;look after照顾。所以选B。7. A 句意:她过去与父母住在一起,但她现在不。used to do sth过去常常做某事,be used to doing sth习惯于做某事,根据but she doesnt now可知该选A。8. A 句意:虽

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