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1、状语从句分类别对比练习状语从句分类别对比练习 状语从句分类别对比练习100组1.(1)Mr. Brown will phone us _ he gets to Washington. (2)Lucy burnt her hand _ she was cooking the dinner. (3)Mrs. Smith has taught maths _ he came to our school. (4)_ the bell rang, I was watching the evening news. (5)Mr. Brown did _ phone us _ he got to Washin

2、gton. A. when (as) B. while C. since D. as soon as E. notuntil2.(1)It will be two years _ he leaves the country. (2)It wasnt two years _ he left the country. (3)It is three years _ she joined the army. (4)It was midnight_ they came back home. A. before B. since C. after D. when3.(1)_ what the school

3、master said, the girls face turned red. (2)_ what the schoolmaster said, she was encouraged. A. After she heard B. After hearing C. To hear D. To be heard4.(1)_ he heard this, he got very angry. (2)I met Lucy_ I was walking along the river. (3)Do phone me_ you get back home. (3)_ a child, he lived i

4、n the countryside. A. when B. while C. as D. as soon as5.(1)We were about to leave_ it began to rain.(2)She thought I was talking about her son, _, in fact, I was talking about my son.(3)Hardly had I finished my composition _ the bell rang. A. when B. while C. as D. during6.(1)It will be years _ we

5、meet again.(2)It is ten years _ I came to this town.(3)It is ten years ago _ I came to this town.A. when B. that C. before D. since7.(1)When I stopped thinking, I found _ in the classroom.A. me seated B. me sitting C. myself sat D. myself seated (2)When I entered the room, I found a little baby _ on

6、 the table. A. sat B. sitting C. seating D. seating himself8.(1)It was _ that I began to learn English.(2)It was _ since I began to learn English. A. two years ago B. two years C. two years before D. until two years9.(1)It was some time later _ we realize the truth. (2)It was some time _ we realize

7、the truth. A. until B. since C. before D. that10.(1)How long is it _ we last spent the holiday in the country together?(2)Will it be long _ we spend the holiday in the country together? A. before B. until C. since D. that11.(1)Its nine oclock_ we got to the station. (2)Its at nine oclock_ we got to

8、the station. A. as B. that C. when D. while 12.(1)It was not until 12 oclock _home. (2)Not until 12 oclock_ home. A. did he return B. he returned C. that he returned D. that did he return 13.(1) Its three years_ I smoked. Its good for your health.(2) Its for three years _ Ive smoked. Its bad for you

9、r health. A. for B. since C. before D. that14.(1)It will be two years _ he leaves the country. (2)It wasnt two years _ he left the country. (3)It is three years _ she joined the army. (4)It was midnight_ they came back home. A. before B. since C. after D. when15.(1)It is 10 years since they_ their h

10、ometown. (2)it was 10 years since they_ their hometown. A. have left B. leave C. had left D. left16.(1)_, the train started.A. The signal given B. Giving the signal C. The signal being given D. The signal giving(2)_, the train started.A. After having given the signal B. After the signal given C. Giv

11、ing the signal D. After the signal was given17.(1)It wont be long _we meet again.(2)He came soon _ we had watered the garden.A. till B. since C. after D. before18.(1) _ he comes tomorrow, I shall ask him where he has been.(2) _ he was speaking, everybody listened carefully.(3) _ they picked tea, the

12、 girls song happily. (4)Henry is in charge of the office _Mr Smith is away.(5)I was going out _ a visitor came. (6)Some people respect him _ others are afraid of him.A. when / When B. while / While C. as / As 19.(1)Before he went abroad, he looked forward _ English as much as possible.(2)Before he w

13、ent abroad, he spent as much time as he _ English.(3)As their English teacher had gone back America, so as a result, they stayed only _ French. A. could learning B. to learn C. to learning D. could learn20.(1)- Excuse me. Did you notice the No 178 bus had gone by?-Not _ Ive been standing here. (2)-

14、Excuse me. Did you notice whether the No 178 bus had gone by?- Not _ I began to stand here. A. as B. since C. when D. while21.(1) _ you are at home alone, please dont leave the door open.(2) _ you are alone with her, tell her that you like her. A. While B. As C. After D. How22.(1)The famous scientis

15、t grew up _ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai. (2)The second world war broke out _ he was born.(3)You are welcome _ you come here, for you are our distinguished guest. A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever23.(1)-May I go and play with Tom this afternoon, Mum? -No. You cant go out _ your

16、 homework is being done. (2) - May go and play with Tom this afternoon, Mum? - No. You cant go out _ your homework is done. A. until B. since C. before D. if24.(1)She _ early before she came here.(2)She _early since she came here.A. used to get up B. has used to get up C. has been used to getting up

17、 D. used to getting up.25.(1)_ I stopped my car, a man came up to me. (2)_ you have finished your work, you may have a rest.(3)_ the election approached, the violence got worse.(4)_ I was walking down the street, I came across an old friend of mine.(5)_ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually

18、 like the person.A. when B. while C. as D. since26.(1)We were about to leave_ it began to rain.(2)She thought I was talking about her son, _, in fact, I was talking about my son.(3)Hardly had I finished my composition _ the bell rang. A. when B. while C. as D. since27.(1)You _wait until your father

19、_ back. (2)You _leave until you father_ back.A. shouldcomes B. shouldntwill come C. shouldntcomes D. shouldwill come28.(1)It is 10 years since we _ school. A. left B. have left C. had left D. leave (2)This is the first time I _ here. A. was B. am going C. have been D. came29.(1)It was not _ that the

20、 police arrived and caught the thief. (2)The book will be printed _. A. before long B. before C. long before D. long30.(1)It is 3 years _ his brother joined the army.(2)It is 3 years ago _ his brother joined the army. (3)Itll be 3 years _ he comes back A. since B. that C. after D. before31.(1)It won

21、t be long _we meet again.(2)He came soon _ we had watered the garden. A. till B. since C. after D. before32.(1)Not until he was eight _ go to school. A. he did B. he did do C. did he D. had he (2)Only when the war was over _ get happily back to work. A. he was able to B. was he able to C. did he abl

22、e to D. he did able to33.(1)She didnt come back _ her mother went to bed. (2)She wont come back _ her mother asks her to. A. unless B. if C. until D. when34.(1)She didnt leave the classroom _she had finished the homework. (2)She got to the station _the bus left. A. till B. since C. while D. before35

23、.(1)I was about to go out _ the telephone rang.A. suddenly B. when C. as soon as D. directly(2)We were swimming in the lake _ the storm started.(3)She was walking down the road _ she heard someone shouting for help.A. when B. suddenly C. until D. before35.(1)Everything he _ away from him before he r

24、eturned to his hometown. (2)Everything _ away from him before he returned to his hometown. A. took B. had been taken C. had had been taken D. had taken36.(1)It is on Monday morning _ Professor Zhang teaches us English.(2)It is Monday morning _ Professor Zhang teaches us English.(3)It is two months _

25、he arrived here .(4)It would be two months _he arrived here.(5)It was two months later_ he arrived here. A. that B. before C. when D. since37.(1)His pen is red_ mine is black.(2)He was about to start_ it began to rain.(3)He hurried home, looking behind_ he went.A. when B. as C. while D. since 38.(1)

26、Ill write to you_ I arrive in London.(2)I had hardly arrived in London_ I wrote to you. (3)I had no sooner arrived in London_ I wrote to you. A. than B. as soon as C. when D. once39.(1)_ had he come out of the house than he was arrested by the police.(2)_ had he come out of the house when he was arr

27、ested by the police.(3)_ he had come out of the house he was arrested by the police. A. Hardly B. Immediately C. No sooner D. Quickly40.(1)_ he come, what _ you say to him?(2)_ he comes, what _ you say to him? A. Should; would B. When; would C. If; will D. Were to; do40.(1) _ I met the girl, I fell

28、in love with her.(2)_I met the girl.A. The first time when B. For the first time C. The first time D. By the first time(40).(1)I was watching TV _my brother was reading a newspaper.(2)We have just arrived at the station _ the train left.A. while B. as C. after D. when.(1) _ time going on, she leant more and more.(2)_ time went on, she learnt more and more.A. With B. For C. As D. When41.(1)It was not until I had read your letter _ the truth. (2)Not until I had read your letter _ the truth. A. did I learn B. I didnt learn C. that I learned D. th

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