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本文(北京市朝阳区2朝阳外国语学校小升初20篇完形填空精品资料含详细答案解析详细答案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、北京市朝阳区2朝阳外国语学校小升初20篇完形填空精品资料含详细答案解析详细答案北京市朝阳区2朝阳外国语学校小升初20篇完形填空精品资料(含详细答案解析)详细答案Do you love music? Yes? Some boys and girls in Sunshine Middle School love music, too. 1 also have dreams of being a musicians. But their dreams are difficult to achieve(实现), 2 have no money to 3 a piano, a guitar or a v

2、iolin.Do you want 4 them? If you do, come and 5 us. Well have a great sale at Students Home in our school. 6 watches,clothes, schoolbags and many other things will be 7 sale here.We ll use the money to help the 8 in Sunshine Middle School. We 9 buy pianos, guitars or violins for them, or give the mo

3、ney to them, and they can have music 10 .Our sale is from next Monday to Wednesday. We welcome all of you.1AWe BThey CYou DI2Aand Bor Cbecause Dso3Aplay Bfind Cbuy Dshow4Ahelp Bhelps Chelping Dto help5Ajoin Bteach Cthank Dsee6ABusy BBig CBad DNice7Ain Bat Con Dwith8Ateachers Bstudents Cboys Dgirls9A

4、must Bmustnt Ccan D cant10Astories Blibraries Cparties Dlessons【答案】1B2C3C4D5A6D7C8B9C10D【解析】【分析】文章大意:阳光中学的一些学生有一个音乐梦,但是他们没有钱买钢琴吉他等乐器。作者和一些学生将在学生之家举行一次拍卖会,得到的钱将用来给阳光中学的那些学生买钢琴等乐器,这样他们就能上音乐课了,作者号召大家一起加入这次活动。1A. We我们;B. They他们;C. You你们;D. I我。根据上文Some boys and girls in Sunshine Middle School love music,

5、 too.阳光中学的学生们也喜欢音乐,可知,此处应是:他们也有成为音乐家的梦想;故答案选B。2A. and和;B. or或者;C. because因为;D. so因此。根据语境可知此处应是:但他们的梦想很难实现,因为他们没有钱买钢琴、吉他或小提琴;结合选项,故答案选C。3A. play玩;B. find发现;C. buy买;D. show展示。根据语境可知此处应是:但他们的梦想很难实现,因为他们没有钱买钢琴、吉他或小提琴;结合选项,故答案选C。4本句句意是:你想帮助他们吗?want to do sth.想要去做某事,固定搭配;结合选项,故答案选D 。5A. join加入;B. teach教;C

6、. thank谢谢;D. see看见。根据上下文的语境可知此处应是:如果你想帮助他们,请加入我们的行列。join sb.表示加入某人的行列,故答案选A。6A. Busy繁忙;B. Big大的;C. Bad坏的;D. Nice好的、漂亮的。根据上下文的语境可知此处应是:漂亮的手表、衣服、书包和许多其他的东西将会在这儿廉价出售;结合选项,故答案选D。7根据语境可知此处应是:好的手表、衣服、书包和许多其他的东西将会在这儿廉价出售;on sale表示廉价出售,为固定搭配;故答案选C。8A. teachers教师;B. students学生;C. boys男孩;D. girls女孩。根据语境可知此处应是

7、:我们将会用这些钱来帮助阳光中学的学生;故答案选B。9A. must必须、一定;B. mustnt千万不,表示禁止;C. can能、可以;D cant不能。根据语境可知此处应是:我们可以为他们买钢琴、吉他或小提琴,或者给他们钱,他们可以上音乐课。结合选项,可知只有C选项符合题意,故答案选C。10A. stories故事;B. libraries图书馆;C. parties聚会;D. lessons课,功课。根据语境可知此处应是:他们可以上音乐课,结合选项,故答案选D。Dear Sammy,Im 1 I cant go to the sports center with you today. Y

8、our grandmother is not feeling 2 . I have to take her to the hospital. Let me 3 you the way to the sports center.When you walk out of our 4 , turn left. Its Bridge Street. Walk past the police station and the City Fountain. Then 5 can see a bridge over a river. Cross the bridge. At the other side (边

9、) of the 6 , turn right. There is a new post office 7 your left. The sports center is next to the post office. You cant 8 it. At 3:00 p.m., Ill 9 you at the sports center. Lets have some ice cream after you finish 10 . Have fun. Mom1Asad Bsorry Ctired Dbusy2Ahappy Bwell Cquiet Dwarm3Asay Bspeak Ctel

10、l Dread4Aschool Bhouse Coffice Dhospital5Ayou BI Cwe Dthey6Astreet Bpark Criver Dlibrary7Ain Bon Cat Dfrom8Amiss Bsee Cforget Dvisit9Acall Bremember Cmeet Dwatch10Areading Bwriting Csinging Dplaying【答案】1B2B3C4B5A6C7B8A9C10D【解析】【分析】文章是妈妈告诉塞姆怎么去体育中心。1句意:我很抱歉今天不能和你去体育中心了。A. sad 伤心的; B. sorry 对不起; C. ti

11、red累的; D. busy忙的;根据Your grandmother is not feeling_2_. I have to take her to the hospital.奶奶感觉不好,我不得不送她去医院,不能陪你去,所以应是感觉抱歉;故选B2句意:你奶奶感觉不好。A. happy 幸福; B. well 好; C. quiet 安静的; D. warm暖和;根据I have to take her to the hospital我不得不送她去医院,可知是感觉不好;故选B3句意:让我告诉你去体育中心的路。A. say 说; B. speak 说; C. tell告诉; D. read读

12、;根据句意排除D;say to sb对某人说,speak to sb对某人说,tell sb告诉某人;故选C4句意:当你走出我们的房子,左转。A. school学校; B. house 房子; C. office 办公室; D. hospital医院;根据结尾Mom,可知是妈妈写的,应是从我们的房子出发;故选B5句意:然后在河上你能看见一座桥。A. you你; B. I我; C. we 我们; D. they他们;根据When you walk out of our _4_, turn left可知是你;故选A6句意:在河的另一边右转。根据Then _5_can see a bridge ov

13、er a river. Cross the bridge.可知是河的另一边;故选C7句意:在你的左边有一个新邮局。根据on ones left在某人的左边;故选B8句意:你不会错过它。A. miss 错过; B. see 看见; C. forget 忘记; D. visit参观;根据The sports center is next to the post office.可知是不会错过;故选A9句意:在下午3点,我在体育中心见你。A. call 打电话; B. remember记住; C. meet遇见; D. watch观看;根据Lets have some ice cream after

14、you finish_10_. 你做完运动后让我们去吃冰激凌;可知是见你;故选C10句意:你做完运动后让我们去吃冰激凌。A. reading读; B. writing写; C. singing 唱; D. playing玩;根据sports center.可知是玩运动;故选D点睛:根据前后文语境,结合时态,语态,词性,短语,句型,词义辨析和主谓一致,选出正确的选项。例如:小题10 句意:你做完运动后让我们去吃冰激凌。A. reading读; B. writing写; C. singing 唱; D. playing玩;根据sports center.可知是玩运动;故选DId like to t

15、ell you about my dream classroom in the futureMy classroom will be very 1 ,so we can do lots of activities in the classroomIn summer,it will be 2 and in winter it will be warm,so it will be 3 There will be a beautiful garden in front of itWe can see many trees and 4 in itThere will be a cable TV in

16、our classroom and we can 5 it at noonEveryone will have a 6 on the desk,so we can read information 7 the InternetThe lessons will be interestingWe 8 use pens or pencilsWe will use computers to do our homeworkThe teachers wont use 9 to write on the blackboardThey will 10 the lessons with the help of

17、the computer1Abig Blong Csmall Dshort2Acold Bwarm Chot Dcool3Adull Bcomfortable Cboring Duncomfortable4Aflowers Bbooks Cchairs Dlights5Aeat Bwatch Cbuy Dlook at6Aradio Bphone Cclock Dcomputer7Ain Bnear Cat Don8Awill Bcan Cwont Darent9Apens Bchalk Cpencils Dpaper10Agive Bstudy Chave Dlearn【答案】1A2D3B4

18、A5B6D7D8C9B10A【解析】1so we can do lots of activities in the classroom 可以看出教室很大2and in winter it will be warm,在冬天很温暖所以说在夏天也很凉爽所以选D3冬暖夏凉应该是舒服。4There will be a beautiful garden in front of it可以看出这是一个花园里面要有花所以选A5There will be a cable TV in our classroom 里面有个电视所以他们能看电视6Internets一词可以看出要有电脑才可以7在互联网上要用on所以选D8

19、在电脑上学习学生就不用钢笔或铅笔,这是将来的动作故用C.9在电脑上学习教师就不用粉笔。10give the lessons sth 表示上课。An artist went to a beautiful part of the country to go on a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went 1 with his paints(颜料) and brushes and painted till evening. When it got 2 , he went back to the farm and had a good

20、dinner 3 he went to bed. At the end of his 4 he wanted to pay the farmer, 5 the farmer said, “No, I dont want money. But give me 6 of your pictures. I will use up the money some day, but your picture will be here forever.” The artist was very 7 and thanked the farmer for saying so. The farmer smiled

21、 and answered, “Your picture can also give me a big help. I have a 8 in London. He wants to be 9 . He will come home 10 month. Ill show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”1Ain Bout Cback Dat2Ablack Bwhite Cdark Dgreen3Abefore Bwhen Cafter Dbecause4Abirthday Bho

22、liday Cweekday Dparty5Aand Bor Cbut Dso6Aone Btwo Csome Dany7Aangry Bhappy Csad Dgood8Adaughter Bsister Cson Dwife9Aan artist Ba teacher Ca scientist Da doctor10Alast Bfirst Cnext Devery【答案】1B2C3A4B5C6A7B8C9A10C【解析】短文大意:本文讲述了一位画家去乡下度假,和一个农民住在一起,他们之间发生的故事。1句意:每天他都带着自己的颜料和刷子出去,绘画到晚上。A. in介词,在.里面;B. ou

23、t副词,在外面;C. back副词,回来;D. at介词,在。went out出去。故选:B。2句意:天黑时,他回到农场,在上床睡觉前吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。A. black形容词,黑色的;B. white形容词,白色的;C. dark形容词,黑暗的;D. green形容词,绿色的。此处指“天变黑”。故选:C。3句意:天黑时,他回到农场,在上床睡觉前吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。A. before连词,在.之前;B. when连词,当.时候;C. after连词,在.之后;D. because连词,因为。根据语境可知指“在上床睡觉前”。故选:A。4句意:在假期结束时,他想付给农夫钱,但农夫说.A. birthd

24、ay名词,生日;B. holiday名词,假期;C. weekday名词,工作日;D. party名词,聚会。根据短文第一句An artist went to a beautiful part of the country to go on a holiday and stayed with a farmer. 可知,“假期”符合语境。故选:B。5句意:在假期结束时,他想付给农夫钱,但农夫说.。A. and 连词,和、又,表示并列或承接关系;B. or连词,或者,表示选择;C. but连词,但是,表示转折;D. so连词,所以,表示结果。根据上下文义可知是“转折”关系。故选:C。6句意:但是给

25、我一张你的画。A. one数词或代词,一个;B. two数词,两个;C. some代词,一些;D. any代词,任何一个。根据后文but your picture will be here forever可知此处指“一张画”;One of +名词复数,意为“.中的一个”。故选:A。7句意:画家非常高兴,并感谢农夫这么说。A. angry形容词,生气的;B. happy形容词,高兴的;C. sad形容词,悲伤的; D. good形容词,好的。根据语境可知,画家是“高兴的”。故选:B。8句意:我在伦敦有一个儿子。 A. daughter名词,女儿;B. sister名词,姐、妹;C. son名词,

26、儿子;D. wife名词,妻子。根据后文中代词he,可知此处指“男性”人物。故选:C。9句意:他想成为一名画家。A. an artist一名画家;B. a teacher 一名教师;C. a scientist一名科学家;D. a doctor一名医生。跟“图画”有关的职业应是“画家”。故选:A。10句意:他下个月回家。A. last形容词,最后的;B. first序数词,第一;C. next形容词,下一个的;D. every形容词,每一的。根据谓语 will come可知需要表示将来的时间短语。next month下个月。故选:C。Dear Bill,Thank you 1 all of y

27、our kindness. I really 2 at your house for a month.Would you like 3 me in China next August? My younger brother 4 his holiday in France next summer, and you can 5 his room! But 6 be too surprised when you see it. Hes crazy(疯狂)about football, so he has many pictures of famous football players 7 the w

28、all. His room is very comfortable, and you will enjoy staying in it.In his room 8 a colour TV. Its not a big one. You can use my brothers CD player, too. I 9 sure you will like China. Say 10 to everyone in your family for me. Write back soon. Your friend, Li Ling1Avery much Bwith Cfor DIn2Alike to s

29、tay Blike staying Cenjoyed to stay Denjoyed staying3Avisit Bvisited Cvisiting Dto visit4Ahas Bhad Chave Dwill have5Ause Bborrow Cstay Dlive6Adont Bwont Cmustnt Dneednt7Ain Bon Cto Dup8Ahave Bhas Cthere is Dthere are9Athink Bguess Cam Dwill10Ayes Bhello Cno Dgood【答案】1 C 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 A 6 A 7 B 8 C 9

30、C 10 B 【解析】【分析】这是李明写给比尔的信,李明邀请比尔明年8月来中国,让比尔住他弟弟的房间,说他弟弟对足球很疯狂,墙上有许多著名球星的照片,住他的房间会很舒服的。1句意:谢谢你的善良。A. very much非常B. with和;C. for为了;D. in在-里;根据thank you for因-而感谢你;故选C2句意:我真的很享受在你房子的那一个月。根据句意可知是过去时态,排除A/B;根据enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事;故选D3句意:明年8月你愿意来中国看我吗?根据would like to do sth愿意做某事;故选D4句意:我弟弟明年暑假在法国度假。根据next summer可知用将来时态,will+动词原形;故选D5句意:你可以用他的房间。A. use使用;B. borrow借;C. stay呆,停留,不及物动词,呆在某地用stay in/at;D. live住,不及物动词,住在某地用live in/at/on;故选A6句意:但是当你看见它的时候,不要太惊讶。A.

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