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1、学年最新人教新目标版八年级上学期期末模拟联考英语试题及答案精编试题 第一学期期末模拟教学质量检测八年级英语试卷第一部分 听力部分(20分)一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节和第二每小题1分,第三节每小题2分,共20分)第一节:听句子,选择相应的答案。(5分)( )1.What does Grace think of sports shows? A. She loves them. B. She cant stand them C. She doesnt mind them.( )2. How much salt should the boy add to the soup? A. One spo

2、on. B. Two spoons. C. Three spoons.( )3.What will the man do during the Spring Festival? A . Go to Hainan. B. Travel around the world. C. Visit his family and friends( )4.What did Alice do in the New Years Talent Show? A. She sang. B. She danced. C. She played the piano. ( )5. Who are the two speake

3、rs? A. Mom and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and nurse第二节:听对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。(5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6 8两小题。对话读两遍。( )6.What kind of party are they planning? A. A birthday party. B. A housewarming party. C. A class party.( )7. What time should the man arrive? A. Before7:30 p.m. B. After 7:30 p.m.

4、 C.At 8:00 p.m. 听下面一段对话,回答第8 10三小题。对话读两遍。( )8.How long has the woman been sick? A. Three days. B. Seven days. C. Two weeks.( )9. Whats the matter with the woman? A. She cant sleep well at night B. She doesnt get enough exercise. C. She coughs much at night .( )19. What does the doctor tell the woman

5、 to do? A.To visit the doctor often. B. To go to bed at the same time. C. To drink more tea at night.第三节:听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。短文读两遍。(10分)( )11. Where does Greg come from? A. India. B. The US. C. Australia( )12. Which cinema does Greg like to go to? A. Wanda Cinema. B. Lantian Cinema. C. Houpin Cin

6、ema( )13. Why does Greg like to go to Yonghui Supermarket ? A. Because its big. B. Because its closer to his home. C. Because things are cheaper there( )14.Which is right about Gregs new friend? A. He is thin. B. He is funnier. C. He is hard-working.( )15.What is Gregs idea about friends? A. A good

7、friend is like a mirror. B.A good brings out the best in me. C. A good friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.第二部分 笔试部分(80分)二、单项填空(10小题,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项)( )16. We are going to have an evening party tomorrow night. What _ news. Hooray!. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )17.I dont thi

8、nk Alice is able to do the job, because she had little _. A. success B.difference C.discussion D. experience( )18. I wont have time to go shopping with you tomorrow. But you _ me yesterday,Mum. A. ordered B. knew C. promised D. expected( )19. Sorry , Mr Zhou, I forgot to bring my homework to school.

9、 Dont be so _, Sandy. A. careful B. careless C.lazy D. hard-working( )20.Do your English teacher talk with you on QQ? Yes, sometimes. Its _ we enjoy doing on weekends. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing( )21. Its time for Dad, where are we going . Lets _ the TV and watch it. A. turn u

10、p B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off( )22. Look, Mum, Some people are running the red lights. Oh, dear. We should wait _ others are breaking the rule. A. if B. unless C. although D. because( )23. Why do you go to Wanda Cinema ! It has _ seats than the others. A. comfortable B. more comfortable C. v

11、ery comfortable D.the most comfortable( )24. I don t know if it _ tomorrow. If it _ , I will stay at hone. A. rains, rains B. will rain, rains C. rains, will rain D. will rain, will rain( )25. _do you eat junk food? Once a week. A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How long三完型填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15

12、分) For this little boy, it was the coldest winter. A car hit his father and he 26 a leg, and the family got poor. After that, his father became another person. When the boy was not nice enough, the father would be 27 .One night , the boy walked on the street. He passed a lovely small shop. The boy w

13、as 28 interested that he couldnt move . He saw some beautiful bags of 29 . He had an idea. He knew his father 30 coffee and knew stealing (偷)was no good. But all he could think was his fathers smile(微笑). He put one bag into his jacket and ran away. He gave the coffee to his father , his father gave

14、31 a kiss(亲吻). The boy was very happy, 32 he expected the kiss from his father for a long time. But 33 , before his father could taste the coffee, the shopkeeper(商店主人) came and caught the boy. Many years later, the boy became a successful businessman. One day, his mother called him , and said his fa

15、ther wanted to see him. He 34 because he was too busy. After a few weeks, he heard the 35 news that his father died. When he was in his fathers room , he found an old box. It was the box he got from the shop. On it was a piece of paper, It said: “The gift 36 my son.” There was also a letter in it: “

16、Dear son, I am not a good father. But I also have a dreamto own a coffee ship. Then I can make coffee for you. I am 37 I didnt hold on to it.”The boy was very sad He felt sorry for not meeting his father for the 38 time. He decided to go on with his fathers 40 . He started a coffee business.His coff

17、ee business is now a 40 . And the little boy is Howard Schultzthe owner of Starbucks(星巴克). ( )26.A. had B. put C. lost D. tried ( )27.A. afraid B. angry C. happy D. surprised( )28.A. So B. too C. very D. really( )29.A . salt B. sugar C. yogurt D. coffee( )30.A . loved B. tasted C. added D. poured( )

18、31.A . me B. him C. it D. them( )32.A . if B. until C.unless D. because( )33.A. luckily B. unluckily C.easily D. truly( )34.A. agreed B. replied C. refused D. accepted( )35.A. sad B. good C. funny D. exciting( )36.A. to B. by C. for D. from( )37.A. sorry B. glad C.serious D. understanding( )38.A. fi

19、rst B. last C. next D. second( )39.A. kiss B. life C. coffee D. dream( )40.A. success B. hobby C. example D. event四.阅读理解(本题有10小题,每小题2分,共30分) ASimon is reading his e-friends blogs (微博)on the internet. Lets have a look! TopicwriterTimeclick (点击)I like playing the piano. But my parents let me practice

20、it for a long time every day , so I begin to hate playing the piano.Kitty22:2022/0532I watched the two matches last night . I slept very late, but I am not tired today, because the England Football Team won. Nick18:4623/05122I know e-mails are cheaper and quicker than letters. But sometimes e-mails

21、cant replace(替代)letters.Nancy22:0723/0516The football match on CCTV-5 last night was very bad. The striker(前卫) did badly. He missed all the chances. He made my favorite team lose the game.Jim21:0523/0528( ) 41.More people click(点击) _topic than the others. A. Mikes B. Kittys C. Nicks D. Jims ( )

22、r the football match, Jim_ . A. thought the striker didnt do well. B. thought it was really wonderful C. liked the England Football Team best D. liked the striker very much( )43. _ might go to bed the latest of all. A. Nick B. Kitty C.Nancy D. Jim ( )44. The England Football Team won the match on _.

23、 A. May 20 B. May 21 C. May 22 D. May 23B Everyone has a dream. Some are good dreams . Some are bad dreams. Here are some kids talking about their dreams they had last night. Lucy: In my dream , I saw my favorite band EXO singing a wonderful song. One of the main singer Lu Han wore special clothes a

24、nd sang songs only for me. The songs were so beautiful that it touched my heart. I hope I didnt wake up this morning. Kelly: Last night I dreamed I was an astronaut . I flew a rocket around the earth . The sky was so blue and the white clouds were here and there. I felt I was like a bird . I even sa

25、ng a song because I was so happy. John: I had a really bad dream last night. I invited lots of friends to my home to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. All the preparations were ready. Turkey was in the oven. Other food was on the table. Guests were happy and ready to enjoy the meal. However, someone shout

26、ed “Oh, my God!” All the guests disappeared(消失) . I didnt know what happened . I was scared so much. Emma: I dreamed I became a pediatrician. I could be a doctor for all small kids. It was really wonderful. I tried my best and saved many kids. Parents came to thank me. How happy I was!( )45. In _ dr

27、eam, Lu Han sang a song. A. Lucys B. Kellys C. Johns D. Jacks( )46. Which is NOT TRUE about Johns dream? A. He invited some friends to his house. B. He was so happy that he sang a song. C. His guests disappeared for no reason. D. He cooked some Turkey in the oven.( )47. The word “Pediatrician” might

28、 mean_. A. 精神病医生 B. 外科医生 C.牙科医生 D. 儿科医生( )48.From the passage, we know that_ A. People only have good dreams. B. John had a good dream. C. Emma saved many parents in her dream. D. Kelly dreamed she was an astronaut.C A 48-year-old bus driver gave his life to save the passengers after a piece of meta

29、l(金属) broke the bus screen. His name is Wu Bin.On Tuesday, May 29, 2012, he drove to Hangzhou from Wuxi. The bus ran quickly on the highway with 24 passengers on it. Suddenly, a piece of metal broke through the bus screen. The flying piece of metal hit Wu Bins arms and stomach. He was badly hurt. Le

30、aving no time for himself, the driver decided to slow down(减速)the bus and stop it for the safety of the passengers. Then with surprising strength(力量), he stood up and opened the door and advised passengers not to run around because the bus was still on the highway. The he asked passengers to call th

31、e police. After doing these things, he fell down on his seat. The passengers called the police. After the police arrived, they sent Wu to a hospital. Though the doctors tried their best, Wu Bin died on Friday.Wu Bin was really a good driver. He was the hero(英雄)of Hangzhou. He became great because of what he did.( )49. When Wu Bin died when he was _. A.24 B. 29 C. 39 D. 48( )50. This story happened _ A. In Wuxi B. In

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