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1、空气滤清器外文翻译 学校代码:11517 学 号:201250616134 HENAN INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 文献翻译 题 目 东风日产阳光轿车空气滤清器的设计 学生姓名 李明阳 专业班级 机械设计制造及其自动化1222班 学 号 201250616134 院 (部) 机械工程学院 指导教师(职称) 杨建伟(副教授) 完成时间 2014 年 2 月 26 日 一个用于内燃发动机进气系统的无声空气滤清器的虚拟设计及性能预测HAO Zhi-yong, JIA Wei-xin, FANG Fang (College of Mechanical and Energy Eng

2、ineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)(Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072,China)E-mail: haozy; jiawxReceived Jan. 17, 2005; revision accepted May 12, 2005摘要:本文报道中采用低噪声内燃机进气系统开发的虚拟设计方法结合作者的研究结果。由此产生的高的通过噪声水平高于在全油门的立法目标时,发动机转速为5200

3、 r/min需要边界元辅助设计任务,按照典型的进气系统的设计与开发过程。在最初的设计中,基于声学理论和要求并考虑空间发动机室中的约束,总体积和粗糙的内部尺寸的测定。在详细设计阶段,确定了空气滤清器的确切的内部尺寸,和一个有效的方法应用于低频声性能的改善。预测表明,进气系统的声功率达到最小的进气系统噪声降低发动机整体噪声。关键词:虚拟设计;声学性能;沉默的空气滤清器;边界元法(BEM)1简介 一个原函数的进气系统的主要功能是首先有效信道的新鲜空气对发动机进气噪声,其次是减少排放。有一些现有方法的发展来提高进气系统设计一个更现实的方法。这些目标包括:更有效的消声性能,达到降低噪声一方面日益严峻的立

4、法目标,优化发动机的性能和燃油经济性伴随着车辆质量的提高。 一个典型的程序,用于汽车发动机进气系统的设计与开发过程中。设计过程包括仔细调谐的匹配这些发动机运行和呼吸特性的影响,污染物排放优化影响噪声进气系统的所有组件,性能和经济性。从现有的或符号的系统布局,进行各种性能综合评价。这种信息可能会被适当地使用评估的各种设计目标当前系统的性能,通过对其构成要素进行适当修改,为系统优化设计提供理论基础。 边界元法广泛应用在进气和排气系统的设计可以用来计算内部,外部,或两个领域的同时,只要求的空气滤清器可分为元素的周长;和施加边界条件的缓解是另一个吸引。在本文中,边界元法是用来预测的空气滤清器的传输损耗

5、和噪声排放。 原来的进气系统设计中出现的水平高于在全油门和发动机转速在5200r/min的噪声信号的频谱特性的立法目标噪声高通连接通常是由离散的音调,对发动机的点火频率是173赫兹对应5200 r/min内联四缸四冲程发动机谐波相关的广泛的序列占主导地位。在许多情况下,从主源的声能量体分布较低的频率成分,可能是难以控制的。因此,本文提到的频率范围是从0到1千赫。在这个频率范围内,如滤纸对集成系统的声学性能的影响是微不足道的,所以滤纸不顾。噪音是从空气滤清器入口喷出,与空气滤清器系统出口连接到发动机的进气。所以在发动机空气滤清器的出入口压力为边界元法的边界条件。一个降噪通常有两部分功能的传统进气

6、系统:空气滤清消声器。由于空间发动机室中的约束,重新设计的空气净化器结合清洗和沉默效果。在这项工作中,一个所谓的沉默的空气滤清器进行了重新设计,几何结构确定的预测TL和边界元的声功率发射。同时,为了尽量减少在较低频率的进气系统的声功率,旁通管被添加到空气输送管。所产生的声学性能分析表明,该方法最大限度地减少对进气系统噪声降低发动机整体噪声的目标是可行的。2无声空气滤清器的设计2.1原装空气滤清器的评价 这种原始的空气滤清器的清洁设计主要关注减少噪音排放。空气滤清器的出口段是一个单位的速度振幅。 计算Tl时,空气滤清器的出口部分给出了单元速度振幅模型的声源,所有其他的表面被建模为“声学硬”默认情

7、况。出口部分的声功率可以从公式计算。所有后续的TL的预测具有相同的边界条件。预测的空气滤清器性能。在发动机进气道的声功率级是显示图的噪声源信号峰值为173赫兹的频率谐波相关的发动机点火。由于发动机燃烧分布式低频率从100赫兹到800赫兹之间的声音能量堆积太高,传输损耗在220赫兹到1千赫兹的频率范围内是如此之低,噪声排放不能最小化,所以一个沉默的空气滤清器具有较高的TL 200赫兹到1 千赫兹的要求。2.2无声空气滤清器的初步设计 如果有足够的空间,一个复杂的结构,可以被分配到降低进气噪声排放。因此我们必须充分利用有限的空间。在这项工作中用CAD软件或Pro/E进行包络发动机室中的其他汽车部件





12、在大约173赫兹的频率为目标确定尺寸LD = 980毫米。比较预测的声学性能上的布局与管和柔性分流管的布局现状没有改变。旁路管道布置的声学性能显著提高在大约173赫兹的频率和519赫兹的频率的三倍,大致对应半波长,预计旁路管道布置TL轻度上升。可以看出,无辅助空气净化器在173赫兹是最高的声功率级,而旁路管空气净化器在这个频率大大降低。总声功率水平从0到1千赫,为无旁路管空气清洁器110.2分贝,并为旁路管空气清洁器105分贝。请注意,引擎声功率级不从实验检测进气系统噪声112.2分贝和无声的旁通管的空气清洁器105分贝,所以重新设计的无声空气滤清器切实降低发动机整体噪声为最小的进气系统噪声。

13、3结论 本文报道了一个边界元法的辅助设计无声空气滤清器。在最初的设计中,基于声学理论和要求并考虑空间约束,进行空气滤清器总体积、空气滤清器的粗糙的内部尺寸的测定。之后,一个有效的方法应用到173赫兹的频率的声学性能的改善。 边界元法的声学工程设计使用帮助迅速增加。本文的研究结果为无声空气滤清器的工程应用指南。流量的影响在本研究中并没有考虑。虽然平均流将不会对声学性能影响显著,这可能对空气净化性能的影响和滤纸的影响被忽略,尽管它可能会影响在高频率的空气滤清器声学性能。未来的研究应包括在高频率上的空气净化和过滤纸上的声学性能影响的流动的影响。参考文献1 Bilawchuk, S., Fyfe, K

14、.R., 2003. Comparison and implementation of the various numerical methods used for calculating transmission loss in silencer systemsJ. Applied Acoustics, 64:903-916.2 Davies, P.O.A.L., 1996. Piston engine intake and exhaust system designJ. Journal of Sound and Vibration,190:677-712.3 Wu, T.W., Cheng

15、, C.Y.R., Tao, Z., 2003. Boundary element analysis of packed silencers with protective cloth and embedded thin surfacesJ. Journal of Sound and Vibration,261:1-15.Virtual design and performance prediction of a silencing air cleaner used in an I.C. engine intake systemHAO Zhi-yong, JIA Wei-xin, FANG F

16、ang (College of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)(Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072,China)E-mail: haozy; jiawxReceived Jan. 17, 2005; revision accepted May 12, 2005Abstract: This paper reports resul

17、ts of the authors studies on the virtual design method used in the development of low noise intake system of I.C. engine. The resulting high pass-by noise at level above the legislative target at full throttle when engine speed was around 5200 r/min necessitated a BEM-aided redesign task, following

18、the typical process of design and development of an intake system. During the initial design, based on the acoustic theory and the requirements and considering the constraint of space in the engine compartment, total volume and rough internal dimensions were determined. During the detailed design, t

19、he exact internal dimensions of the air cleaner were determined, and an effective method was applied to improve the acoustic performance at low frequency. The predicted sound power of the intake system indicated that the objective of reducing the overall engine noise by minimizing intake system nois

20、e was achieved.Key words: Virtual design; Acoustic performance; Silencing air cleaner; Boundary element method (BEM)INTRODUCTION The primary function of an The primary function of an intake system is firstly to efficiently channel fresh air to the engine, and secondly to minimize intake noise emissi

21、ons. There are a number of current approaches for developing a more realistic method to improve intake system design. The objectives include more effective silencing performance to meet increasingly severe legislative targets for reduced noise on the one hand, with optimized engine performance and f

22、uel economy accompanied by improvements in vehicle quality on the other hand.A typical procedure followed during the design and development of an intake system for a vehicle engine is shown. The design process includes a careful tuning of all components of the intake system that influence noise emis

23、sion with optimized matching of these to the engine operational and breathing characteristics influencing pollutant emission, performance and economy. Starting with an existing or notational system layout, an integrated assessment of the various performances is performed. This information may then b

24、e used appropriately to assess current system performance in terms of the various design objectives, to provide rational basis for systematic optimization of the design by implementing appropriate modifications to its constituent elements. The BEM widely used in the design of intake and exhaust syst

25、em can be used to compute the interior, exterior, or both fields simultaneously and only requires that the perimeter of the air cleaner be divided into elements;and the ease in imposing the boundary condition is another attraction. In this paper BEM is used to predict the air cleaners transmission l

26、oss and noise emission. The redesign of the original intake system arises in connection with a high pass-by noise with level above the legislative target at full throttle with engine speed around 5200 r/min. The spectral characteristics of the noise signal are normally dominated by an extensive sequ

27、ence of discrete tones that are harmonically related to the engine firing frequency which is 173 Hz corresponding to 5200 r/min and the inline 4-cylinder 4-stroke engine. In many instances the bulk of the acoustic energy from the primary source is distributed among the lower frequency components tha

28、t may be difficult to control. Thus frequency range this paper referred to is from 0 to 1 kHz. In this frequency range, as the influence of filter paper on acoustic performance of integrated system is trivial, so filter paper is disregarded. The noise is emitted from the inlet of the air cleaner, an

29、d the outlet of the air cleaner system connects to the inlet of the engine. So the pressure at the inlet of the engine or the outlet of the air cleaner is the boundary condition for the BEM. Traditional intake system with a function of noise reduction normally has two parts: air cleaner and silencer

30、. Due to the constraint of space in the engine compartment, the redesigned air cleaner combines the effect of cleaning and silencing. In this work, a so-called silencing air cleaner was redesigned, with geometrical structure determined by predicted TL and sound power emission by BEM. Also, in order

31、to minimize the sound power of the intake system at low frequency, a bypass pipe was added to the air-channeling pipe. Analysis of the resulting acoustic performance showed that the method is feasible for the goal of reducing the overall engine noise by minimizing the intake system noise.DESIGN OF T

32、HE SILENCING AIR CLEANER Original air cleaner evaluation This original air cleaner of mainly cleaning design paying little attention to minimizing noise emission is its BEM mesh. During calculation of TL, the outlet section of the air cleaner is given a unit velocity amplitude to model a sound source, all other surfaces are modeled as acoustically hard by default . The sound power of the outlet section can be calculated from the formula. All the subsequent TL p

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