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1、山东省烟台市德州市届高三下学期一模考试英语试题解析版2022年高考诊断性测试 英语 考前须知:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在 本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,只交答题卡。第一局部阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2.5分,总分值375分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。AEnter DSVVF Global Canvas 2022Global

2、Canvas is an annual childrens art competition run by David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF). Ifs a fantastic way to encourage creativity and display thought and concern for our planets environment and the incredible wildlife that inhabits it. Were thrilled to announce entries are now open for the

3、 DSWF Global Canvas 2022 competition, for which the theme is “Forests of Land and Sea”.DSVVF Global Canvas 2022 is free to enter and open to children aged 16 and under either as a group or an individual. Entries for group and individual categories will be judged separately and in the following age g

4、roups: age 4-7 years, age 8-11 years, and age 12-16 years. A group entry can be any size from 2 children up to an entire school!Any art technique is welcome. Entrants can create an artwork of any size that they like, as long as their entry is based on the theme and the work is original. DSWF always

5、likes to see recycled materials used wherever possible. Please note that you mustnt send us your actual artwork, however. You need to send us a photograph and video of it in addition to completing the relevant group or individual entry form. All entries must be received digitally by 11 June 2022.Ent

6、ries will be judged on the quality of art, interpretation of the theme, creativity, and for group entries level of joint work. The decision of the judges will be final. Competition winners will receive vouchers (代 金券)for art supplies, digital animal adoptions and certificates.1. How many age groups

7、will the entries be classified into?19 Adeles songs allow us to view the pleasure in terms of the meaning she helps us make. Adele takes hard life experiences and makes sense of them. This is what much sad art does. It takes the pain and suffering of the world and gives it meaning. As philosopher Fr

8、iedrich Nietzsche once put it, someone who has a why to live can bear almost any how.Ultimately, we listen to Adeles songs when we want to recall, reflect, or belong. They let us feel her sadness, share our suffering, and connect with others. To all of us, Adeles songs say: 20 A. You are not alone i

9、n your pain.B.Music speaks louder than words.C.These help us to tackle loss and pain.D.We can also think at the spiritual level.E.Few people are aware sad music makes us feel good.F.This lets us share an emotional experience with others.G.This may make us better prepared for when real loss strikes.1

10、6-20题答案】【答案】16. E 17. C 18. F 19. D 20. A【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章从三个角度介绍了悲伤的音乐确实能让我们振作起来的原因。【16题详解】根据后文“Yet sad music does pull us in and lift us up.(然而悲伤的音乐确实能让我们振作起来。)”可知, 人们没有意识到悲伤的音乐的积极作用。E选项Few people are aware sad music makes us feel good.(很少 有人意识到悲伤的音乐让我们感觉很好。)”符合题意,应选E。【17题详解】根据前文 uWhen we experi

11、ence real-life loss, or empathize with anothers pain, certain hormones are released within us.(当我们经历现实生活中的失落,或同情他人的痛苦时,我们体内会释放某些激素。)”可 知,本段介绍的是体内的激素对于我们情感修复的作用。C选项“These help us to tackle loss and pain.(这 些帮助我们处理损失和痛苦。)”符合题意,应选C。【18题详解】根据前文 w Indeed, when we have listened to “30”, we may turn to rea

12、ction videos to see how others feel.(事 实上,当我们听了30,我们可能会转向反响视频,看看其他人是什么感觉。)”和后文“And it boosts our feeling of being moved and triggers feelings of comfort and belonging.(它能激发我们被感动的感觉,激发我 们的舒适感和归属感。)”可知,听悲伤的歌曲有助于我们去提供情感。F选项“This lets us share an emotional experience with others.(这让我们与他人提供情感体验。)”符合题意,应选

13、F。 【19题详解】根据后文 “Adeles songs allow us to view the pleasure in terms of the meaning she helps us make.(阿黛尔的 歌曲让我们从她帮助我们创造的意义的角度来看待快乐。)”可知,本段介绍的是悲伤歌曲带给我们精神层 面的感悟。D选项“We can also think at the spiritual level.(我们也可以在精神层面上思考。)”符合题意, 应选D。【20题详解】根据前文“They let us feel her sadness, share our suffering, and c

14、onnect with others. To all of us, Adeles songs say:(他们让我们感受她的悲伤,提供我们的痛苦,并与他人联系。对我们所有人来说,阿黛尔的歌中写道:)” 可知,本段介绍的是通过听阿黛尔的歌,提供痛苦,悲伤不再是一个人的。A选项You are not alone in your pain.(你不是一个人在承受痛苦。)”符合题意,应选A。第二局部语言运用(共两节,总分值30分) 第一节(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。Several years ago, a nei

15、ghbor kid kicked a football and broke a basement window of my house. Due to financial problems, I 21 it up, thinking Id get to it someday.Over the years, I had planned to upgrade to energy-efficient windows. But with the frame (窗框)rusted (锈)and firmly 22 in the foundation, whoever did it would need

16、to chisel (凿)it out by hand. It would be a 23 process and there were six of those windows in the house. The cost was estimated at $15,000. It was simply 24.Honestly, the thought of that window 25 me for years. I knew I needed to fix it, but I had built up the 26 so much in my mind that I put it ofT

17、again and again.Then I had a job change and needed to sell the house before moving away. But it was almost 27 to find a buyer if there was a broken window. So I pulled off the boards to face this thing head-on. I grabbed some rust remover, 28 it around the frame of the window, and gave it a pull. To

18、 my astonishment, it easily 29.1 took the window downtown. It only cost me $12.1 could have 30 the problem foronly $12 when it occurred, but I let it bother me for five years!31、this isnt just about my window. Many of us live with broken windows of one type or another.They are things that seriously

19、aftect our 32 of life. If you recognize your broken window, dont33 to mend it. It may turn out to be 34 than expected. Usually we suffer more in 35 than in reality.21. A. toreB. madeC.boardedD.packed22. A. lostB. stuckC.buriedD.mixed23. A. brain-burningB.

20、24. A. in a messB. beyond handD.out of reach25. A. went againstB. relied onc.ate atD.appealed to26. A. difficultyB. confidencec.confusionD.harm27. A. shamefulB. impossiblec.pointlessD.unfair28. A. blewB. turnedc.passedD.spread29. A. brokeB. fellc.movedD.missed30. A. addressedB. ignoredc.

21、delayedD.considered31. A. LuckilyB. Consequentlyc.UnexpectedlyD.Actually32. A. qualityB. pacec.wayD.meaning33. A. attemptB. guaranteec.hesitateD.pretend34. A. easierB. tougherc.rarerD.worse35. A. practiceB. memoryc.principleD.imagination【2135题答案】【答案】2LC22. BD 32. A 33. C23. B 24. D 25. C34. A 35. D2

22、6. A 27. B28. D29. C 30. A 31.【解析】【导语】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者讲述了自己家的窗户被打破后,没有及时修理,但这个问题困扰他多年,最后发现只需要12美元就可以解决这个问题,因此告诫人们要及时修补生活中的漏洞,否那么会干扰你的生活。21题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于经济原因,我用木板堵住被打破的窗户,打算以后再修。A. tore撕碎;B. made 制作;C. boarded 用木板盖上;D. packed 打包。根据上句 Ma neighbor kid kicked a football and broke a basement window of

23、my house. Due to financial problems(一个邻居孩子踢球,打破了我家地下室的窗户。 由于经济原因)”和下文“S。1 pulled off the boards(所以我拆下板子)”可知,窗户被打破了,由于经济原 因,作者只好先用木板堵住。应选C。【22题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是由于窗框生锈了,牢固地卡在地基里。无论谁做都必须用手将其凿出来。A. lost 失去;B. stuck 卡住;C. buried 埋葬;D. mixed 混合的。根据下文 “whoever did it would need to chisel(凿)it out by hand”可

24、知由于窗框生锈了,牢固地卡在地基里,必须用手凿出来。应选B。【23题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那将是一个费力的过程,因为房子里总共有6个那样的窗户。A. brain-burning 烧脑的;B. labor-consuming费力的;C. energy-wasting浪费能量的;D. risk-taking冒险的。根据上文 a whoever did it would need to chisel () it out by handw可知,6个窗户要用手凿出来,这将是一个费力的工作。应选B。【24题详解】考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:那样的预算我是够不着的。 a mess 一团糟;

25、B. beyond control失控; C. at hand 在手边;D out of reach 够不着。根据上文The cost was estimated at $15,000.”可知,作者由于 经济原因,那样的预算太高,他够不着。应选D。【25题详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:坦率地讲,窗户的问题困扰了我多年。A.wentagainst违背;B.reliedon依 靠;C. ate at 困扰;D. appealed to 吸引,呼吁。根据下句I knew I needed to fix it, but I had built up the6 so much in my mind

26、that 1 put it off again and again.w 和下文 a but I let it bother me for five years!n 可知,作者知道要修窗户,但是觉得困难重重,一拖再拖。因此这个问题一直困扰着他。应选C。【26题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道要修窗户,但是觉得困难重重,一拖再拖。A. difficulty困难;B.confidence 信心;C. confusion迷惑;D. harm危害。根据下文1 put it off again and againw可知,作者觉得困难重 重,因此一直没有修。应选A。【27题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意

27、:但是,如果窗户破着,找到买主是不可能的。A.shameful可耻的;B. impossible 不可能的;C. pointless 无意义的;I), unfair 不公平的。根据上文“Then I had a job change and needed I。 sell the house before moving away.”可知,由于工作改变,作者需要卖房。但是如果窗户破着,找到买主是 不可能的。应选B。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我抓了一些除锈的东西,散布到窗户的框架上,用力一拉。A.blew吹;B. turned 转向;C. passed 通过;D. spread 散布,传

28、播。根据上文“I grabbed some rust remover和下文around the frame of the window”可知,是将除锈的东西,散布到窗户的框架上。应选D。【29题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:令我惊奇的是,窗户的框架很容易被移动。A.broke打破;B.fell倒下;C.moved 移动;D. missed错过。根据下文“I took the window downtown.可知,我将拆下的窗户拉到市区。因此 窗户的框架很容易被移动。应选C。【30题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我本应该当问题出现的时候就去解决,但是我却延误了 5年。A. addressed设法

29、 解决;B. ignored 忽略;C. delayed 延误;D. considered 考虑。根据下文 a but I let it bother me for five years!n 可知,我让问题延误了 5年,才去设法解决。应选A。【31题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:实际上,这不仅仅是我的窗户问题。A.Luckily幸运地;B.Consequently因此; C. Unexpectedly 没有料至 I; D. Actually 事实上。根据下句 u Many of us live with broken windows of one type or another.可知,我们许多

30、人都忍受着不同类型的破窗户问题。由此可知,实际上,这不仅仅是一个窗户 问题。应选D。【32题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些是影响我们生活质量问题的事情。A.quality质量;B. pace速率;C. way路, 方法;D. meaning 含义。根据上句 a Many of us live with broken windows of one type or another.w 可知,我 们许多人都忍受着不同类型的破窗户问题。而这些问题影响我们生活质量。应选A。【33题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你认识到你的窗户破了,要毫不犹豫地去修理.A. attempt尝试;B. guaran

31、tee 保证;C. hesitate 犹豫;D. pretend 假装。根据上文 “If you recognize your broken window” 可知,如果你 认识到你的窗户破了,要毫不犹豫地去修理。应选C。【34题详解】考查形容词比拟级词义辨析。句意:(及时修理的话)结果比预料的要容易。A.easier更容易的;B.tougher 更困难的;C.rarer更稀有的;D. worse更糟糕的。根据上文语境可知,作者一开始由于经济原因不修理破 窗,后来更是总想着修窗的困难重重,因此一直没有修,五年后发现12美元就可以解决破窗问题,所以说 问题出现时赶紧解决,结果比预料的要容易。应选A

32、。【35题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:通常情况下,我们在想象中受到的苦要比现实中的要多。/.practice练习;B. memory记忆;C.principle原那么;D.imagination想象。根据上文语境可知,作者一开始由于经济原因不修 理破窗,后来更是总想着修窗的困难重重,因此一直没有修,五年后发现12美元就可以解决破窗问题,结 合“than in reality”可知,这里将想象中受到的苦和现实中的苦进行比拟。应选D。第二节(共10小题;每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。With a history of more than 6,000 yea

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