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1、英语每日一课3英语每日一课-英语短文写作练习与参考范文(三) 英语短文写作练习与参考范文(三) 45. Write a composition: How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities. Your suggested solutions to this problem are listed below. You are supposed to write in favour of one suggestion (ONE only) and against another (ONE only). You should give your re

2、asons in both cases. 四种可能解决住房的方案: (1) 多造高层建筑 (2) 向地下发展 (3) 建造卫星城市 (4) 疏散城市人口参考范文How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big CitiesWith the development of modern industry, more and more people are flowing into big cities. Accordingly, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious.Pe

3、ople have offered many solutions to this problem. I think building satellite cities in the suburbs is more practical. The fresh air and beautiful scenery in the suburbs will be appealing to the city citizens, who suffer a lot from air pollution, noises, etc. in the overcrowded city. With more people

4、 leaving the city, more space will be available for those remaining. The housing problem in big cities will thus be solved.In the meantime, Im against the opinion of utilizing the underground space to solve the problem. We can imagine how uncomfortable it will be to live under the ground, having to

5、probe in the dark. The air there will be very stuffy. And the cost of building underground houses will be tremendous.In brief, building satellite cities can not only improve the housing condition in big cities, but also provide a much better living environment. But the housing problem is very compli

6、cated. Perhaps people can hardly rely on only one way to solve the problem completely.46. A great many people are studying English. But why do we learn this foreign language anyway? Give your opinions.参考范文Why Learn English?Many people are studying English. They attend schools, learn on the radio and

7、 TV, in order to master this foreign language. Obviously people consider English as important.It is quite clear that English has become an international language. It is used by most of the nations of the world. You may make a trip around the world without being misunderstood if you know English.Engl

8、ish is useful in many other ways, too. We know that many valuable books are written in English. We must know English to read them. Furthermore, we should also learn English if we want to do business with foreign countries, because English is spoken by the majority of foreigners.At present the contac

9、t between countries is growing day by day. English is known as an indispensable tool of intercourse. Learning English makes life more convenient.In conclusion, English is really a very useful instrument to us. Why dont we double our efforts to learn it?47. Study the following statistics and then wri

10、te a composition on the topic Why Libraries Are Losing Customers. You are supposed to give possible reasons and your own comments. Remember to quote as few figures as possible.a. In 1983, Beijing National Library accommodated 368,000 readers. In 1993, it accommodated 168,000 readers.b. National Libr

11、ary (Beijing) Reading-room average daily readership in 1992: 5,300. Average daily readership in 1993: 4,700.c. State investment in public libraries: $9.6 million in 1980; $6. 9 million in 1992.d. Increase of prices of some books, more than 1,000% in ten years.参考范文Why Libraries Are Losing CustomersSu

12、rely Chinese libraries are nostalgic recalling the days shortly after the Cultural Revolution was over when readers swarmed into their reading rooms hungry for knowledge. Nearly a decade and half have passed, and todays libraries are sad to find that they are losing customers.There may be several re

13、asons for this situation. Firstly, the rapid development of Chinas national economy is driving people out of the reading room and into the market. Secondly, due to the hiking book prices and the relatively small amount of state investment in public libraries, there is an absence of up-to-date books

14、for readers. The readers will cease to come if they cannot find books they want. And thirdly, Chinese people are getting wealthier and can afford to buy books they need and like from the numerous bookshops, and therefore they have no need to spend time going to library.Is this trend good or bad? Thi

15、s is a complicated question. But one thing is certain, the reduction of readers is only transient, and the social development in the long run will attract the readers back to the library reading rooms. With the improvement of libraries and the advancement of the countrys culture and education, peopl

16、e will gradually drift back to the books in library reading rooms.48. For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on the Influence on Young Adults. You must base your composition on the following instructions (given in Chinese)有人认为家庭影响着青少年, 另一些人则认为朋友影响着青少年。你的

17、观点如何? 写出你的观点。说明你的理由并且适当举例。在你的文章结尾处不要忘记写出你的结论。参考范文My View on the Influence on Young AdultsAs a popular saying goes, A man is known by the company he keeps. Hard-working young students, when affected by lazy and pleasure-hunting friends will become negligent of their studies. On the other hand, wrong-

18、doers who feel guilty in the presence of their virtuous companions can often turn over a new leaf.At the same time, the influence ones family can exert on him cant ignored. If the parents are wicked, dishonest and corrupt, it is likely that such bad traits will rub off on the young adults. Also, man

19、y scientists and statesmen owed their successes to the good upbringing their families had given them.Personally, I think friends do most of the influencing. As one begins to have friends, family members usually become less influential. The young adults pay much more attention to their friends. A cas

20、e in point is my neighbours son. For many years my neighbour has been complaining that it is a difficult child who cant be taught by his parents. However, his son was arrested the other day for having murdered a lady. What is more, it was his friends who instigated him to kill the lady for her money

21、. So my conclusion is: tell me who your friends are and Ill tell you what kind of man you are.49. Suppose you need a condenser for your Radio Cassette Recorder of the brand Red Lantern, and you cant find a new one in the city you live, and the one in the machine happened to be so rusted that you don

22、t have a clue to what the serial number might be. Write a letter to Shanghai Radio Plant asking for the information as to where you can get a condenser.参考范文 Room 413 Building 6 Beijing Foreign Studies University Beijing Jan. 1, 1997 Shanghai Radio Plant 180 Hunan Road ShanghaiTo Whom It May Concern:

23、I am in great need of a condenser for may Radio Cassette Recorder of the brand Red Lantern produced in your factory. The original one has been worn out. I have been using it for my English study every day. As you know, both the radio and the recorder dont work without this vital part. And without th

24、e recorder my English study is affected. I have been looking for a new one, so far I havent located one. Unfortunately the one in the machine has rusted so badly that I dont have a clue to what the serial number might be. Could you please help me?If you have the correct condenser in stock, please le

25、t me know the price, and Ill send you the money to mail-order one. If you dont have the piece but know where I can get it, please forward that information. I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours trulyLi Wei50. Write a letter of application to the Department of Physics, University of Wisconsi

26、n, asking for admission as a graduate student. Your letter should contain the following points: (1) the reason why you file this application (2) your educational history and your major (3) your request to get the materials about the university参考范文 Computation Center Shanghai Jiaotung University Shan

27、ghai, China Sept. 23, 1997 Chairperson Dept. of Physics University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53711Dear Sir,I am very interested in undertaking graduate work in your university. I have read research papers by two of your professors, Dr.Thomas Haily and Mr. Jackson Bay. Id like to study under their gui

28、dance. Please review my education history and let me know if I can have such a chance.In September of 1990 I enrolled in the Graduate School of the Qinghua University as a computer major. Throughout the two years of study I have maintained a GPA of no less than 95. Since graduation in 1992, I have b

29、een working in the Computation Center of Shanghai Jiaotung University. I see this field as one of great potentials for my country and me. I feel the need to study further in order to develop this potential.If you consider me a viable candidate for your doctorate program, please send me the appropria

30、te forms to apply for admission. Also, I would appreciate receiving from you informational material such as departmental brochure or pamphlet, and a university catalog or bulletin.Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.Very truly yours,Li Wei参考范文Annual Payroll of a U.S. Inc.B

31、and Number Wages paid Manager 5 110 000 Supervisor 25 350 000 Assembly worker 500 600 000 Total 530 1 060 000 Directions: 1. Describe the number and the wages paid of each class in the table 2. By comparision of each class, draw your conclusion 3. Your own commentsAnnual Payroll of a U.S. Inc.The ta

32、ble shows us the annual payroll of a U.S. company. The total number of the employed in the firm is 530 with yearly-paid wages of 1 060 000. In the company, 5 managers are paid 110 000 each year. And there are 25 supervisors in the company who are paid 350 000 annually. However, 500 assembly workers of the firm get their wages of 600 000 altogether in the whole year.By comparision of each class, firstly, the number of manager is les

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