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1、陕西专升本考试考试模拟卷72022年陕西专升本考试考试模拟卷(7)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Ive worked here since I _ Harvard Business School. Aleave Bleft Chave left Dhad left 2.A completely new situation will when the examination system comes into existence. Aarise Brise Craise D

2、arouse 3.If you want his address ,you will have to _ the number in the book. Alook into Blook up Clook through Dlook after 4._ Chicago is a beautiful city today, but _ Chicago of the 1920s was a very dirty place. AThe; the B/;/ CA; the D/;the 5.I _ swim in summer when I was young. Aused to Bused Cwa

3、s used to Ddid used to 6.The man showed the boy _ he should play the piano. Awhat Bwhen Cwhich Dhow 7.Without the help of people from every corner of the world, people in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province _ recovered very quickly from the May twelfth Earthquake. Amust not have Bcouldnt have Cmay not

4、 have Dcant have 8._ cave that George has discovered in his lifetime is near the Alps. AThe hundredth BThe hundred CHundredth DA hundred 9.Speaker A: Id like to cash this traveler s check, pleaseSpeaker B:_ ADo you want anything else BHow do you want it CDo you have a deposit account DHow can I give

5、 it to you 10.Host: John, come and sit in the sof ADinner will be ready in a minute. Could I get you some- thing to drink Guest:_A. No, don t trouble, drunk enough.B. No, you couldnt, Im not thirsty.C. Yes, please. Id like some Sprite.D. Yes, you could, Id like some Coca Col 11.Speaker A: 911 Emerge

6、ncy.Speaker B:_ AWe need your help. Someone has broken into our house. BAll fight. Hurry up, I m in hospital. CHow much is the phone call DMay I speak to Dr. Wang, please 12.Nancy: Have you heard about Dana She is going to get married to Graham!Scott:_ AYou re kidding ! BCongratulations ! CIs it a r

7、eal thing DGood luck! 13.It s very kind of you to help me with my English._ ANot at all. BNever mind. CThat s all right. DYoure so welcom 14.Speaker A: It s already late. I think I d better go now. And thank you for the dinner.Speaker B:_ AOK. Please walk slowly. BTake care of yourself. CWon t you s

8、tay for another cup of coffee DIt s really late. Why not go now 15.W: Excuse me, do you have some change for a dollar M:_ AWhy do you want to change BIs it my business CAre dimes and quarters OK DYou shouldn t ask a stranger for chang 16.Speaker A: What a surprise ! You changed your hair style.Speak

9、er B: Yes, and another surprise, Im going to get married next Saturday.Speaker A:_ AOh, sorry, I nearly forgot that. BReally Congratulations ! CHow about another time Ill be busy then. DThat s OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriag 17.George: You ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner

10、, Mrs. Wang.Mrs. Wang:_ AOh, Im afraid I didn t cook very well. BIm glad you enjoyed it. CCome again when you are free. DIts not necessary for you to say so. 18.Speaker A:_Speaker B: It s Saturday. AWhat date is it today BWhat s the date CWhat day is it today DWhats day 19.W: What did you think of t

11、he movieM:_ ASorry, I didn t have time to go to the movies. BThe movie was made in India. CThe ticket of the movie was inexpensive. DIt was worth neither the time nor the money. 20.Speaker A: Could you give me some advice on how to prepare for the finalSpeaker B:_ AWhy dont you go over the textbook

12、before we discuss some questions BWhat course of action do you want me to recommend CI think it s an excellent suggestion, Ill try my best. DThe idea is not bad, yet I doubt if that would do my best. 21.Customer: I m looking for a new living room set.Salesman: We have a lot of very nice sets. What s

13、tyle do you have in mindCustomer:_. What I need is something comfortable. AI really don t know BIt s really not necessary CI really don t bother DIt really makes no sense 22.Speaker A: Sam, Im calling to say goodbye to you, as Im leaving this afternoon.Speaker B:_ ALook after yourself, and thank you

14、 for your calling. BPay attention to your schedule. Don t be late for the train. CThank you and don t forget to keep in touch with me. DTake care and I wish you a pleasant journey. 23.W: Ray, arent you going straight home after school todayM:_ AYes, I won t be going home until Friday. BNo. I have a

15、class until one o clock, and after that I m going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home. CYes. But I am afraid I have to stay for a few hours in the city library before going home. DYes. If I were you, I wouldn t go home directly. 24.He has_ the army for ten years and is now an

16、 officer. Agone into Bjoined in Cbeen in Dcome into 25.He never let me _ when I need his support. Ain Bdown Coff Dout 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.他一直全身心地扑在工作上。 2.不管他们说什么,做你认为是正确的事。 3.如果我们不努力的话,就学不好英语。 4.和远方的朋友保持联系不是一件容易的事。 5.一个人要想健康,每天锻炼身体是非常必要的。 6.As a saying goes, well beginning is half d

17、one. 7.Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that come in contact with it. 8.Your home may be poor and humble, but your duty lies there. 9.In this world of change and complexity, the need for information is of greatest importance. 10.In order to make a good impression duri

18、ng a job interview, you need to prepare yourself for it. 11.Knowledge Is Power 12.集体舆论是班主任倡导的言论。 13.课外校外教育与课内教育没有共同之处。 14.简述德育方法的改革。 15.简述学校体育的意义。 16.动作技能的特点是动作对象的物质性、动作进行的外显性及动作结构的简缩性。 17.联系实际,论述循序渐进的教学原则。 18.在新形势下,我国学校德育工作出现的新形式主要有哪些 19.能力是指能够完成某种活动所需的个性心理特征。 20.简要说明解决问题的阶段。 21.简要说明意志的基本特征。 22.如何灵活运用记忆规律,促进知识的巩固 23.如何进行分阶段练习 24.简述民法和商法的区别。 25.试述无效民事行为和被撤销民事行为的后果。

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