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1、重庆大学本科人才培养方案机械电子工程机械电子工程专业本科培养方案Undergraduate Program for Specialty in MechatronicsEngineering一、修业年限及授予学位名称 四年;工学学士I、Len gth of Schooli ng and DegreeFour Years: Bachelors of Engineering.二、培养目标 本专业培养具有机械、电子、控制、计算机等基础理论知识与实际应用能力,富有责任心、主 动性和创造力,能从事机电设备系统及元件的研究开发、设计制造、技术经济管理等工作的高素质 创新型技术与管理人才。n、Educatio

2、nal ObjectivesThe main object of education is for students to have basic knowledge of general principles about mechantronics engineering and to have the capability of science and research, responsibility and creativity. The graduate students will work in manufacturing works, research institutes, gov

3、ernments and colleges; they will have the abilities in mechantronics engineering related design, experiment, manufacturing, management and education.三、培养规格及要求 本专业学生主要学习机械电子工程专业领域的基础理论知识,受到工程设计和研究分析的基本 训练,具有学习、创新和分析解决工程实际问题的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1掌握较扎实的数学、力学等学科基础理论知识; 2系统掌握本专业领域的机械、电子、控制、计算机等专业基础知识

4、; 3具备必要的制图、设计、计算、测试和基本工艺操作等应用能力; 4了解机械电子工程学科前沿及发展趋势; 5具有一定的人文、艺术及其他社会科学基础素养; 6具备较强的自学能力、创新意识和较高分析问题、解决问题的综合素质。III 、 Skills Pro Minimum CreditsThe education emphasizes on systems approach to general mechantronics engineering principles and knowledge. Training on engineering project design, investigat

5、ion and analysis are focused on. Thus capability of self study, creative thinking and practical problem solving are encouraged.The students graduated should have the related knowledge and capability as follows:1.The common theories corresponding to engineering mechanics and mechanical engineering;2.

6、Basic knowledge on mechanical drawing, electrical and electronic Technology, engineering materials, measurement technology and computer technology;3.Application abilities of design, calculation, test, computer and foreign language;4.The nowadaysadvancement of mechantronics engineering techniques;5.B

7、asic knowledge on social science;6.Comprehensive quality of Self-learning ability, innovation Thinking, analysis and solve the problem.四、 主干学科和主要课程主干学科:机械工程主要课程:机械制图、理论力学、材料力学、机械设计、电路原理、模拟电子技术、数字电子 技术、程序设计技术、计算机硬件技术基础、计算机接口技术及应用、控制工程基础、流体传动与 控制、机械电气控制及自动化、机械工程测试技术、机器人技术基础、机电一体化系统设计。IV、 Core Discipli

8、nes and CoursesCore Discipli nes: Mecha ni cal Engin eeri ng.Core courses: Mechanical Drawing, Classical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Theory of Mach in ery, Mach ine Desig n, Circuit Prin ciples, Experime nt of An alog Electr onics Tech no logy, Digital Electr onics Tech no logy, Program ming

9、Tech no logy, Basic Prin ciple of Computer Hardware Tech no logy, Fun dame ntals of Con trol Engin eeri ng, Hydraulic Drive and Con trol, Test Tech no logy of Mecha ni cal Engin eeri ng, Electrical Con trol and Automati on for Mach in ery, Foun dati on of Robot Tech no logy, Mecha ntronics System De

10、sig n.五、 使用双语教学的课程机械工程测试技术V、 Bilingual CoursesTest Tech no logy of Mecha ni cal Engin eeri ng六、课程体系的构成及学分、学时分配和最低毕业学分VI、Hours/Credits of Course system and Minimum Graduate Credits课程类别学时/周数学分学分比例()必 修通识教育基础84052.537.78学科大类基础48830.521.94专业主干192128.63集中实践环节36周29选 修文化素质19264.32通识教育基础192128.63学科大类基础14496

11、.47专业选修3201712.23最低毕业学分168Type of CourseHours/WeeksCreditsPerce ntage (%)Required CoursesBasic Course in General Education84052.537.78Basic Course in General Discipline48830.521.94Major Courses in Specialty192128.63Internship and Practical Training36周29Elective CoursesCulture Elective Courses19264.3

12、2Basic Course in General Education192128.63Basic Course in General Discipline14496.47Selective Courses in Specialty3201712.23Mi nimum Graduate Credits168七、集中实践环节及要求1.金工实习:初步掌握机械设备基础知识及数控加工的基础知识,掌握基本的工艺操作技能。2.电子实习:了解电子产品制作的基本工艺过程、掌握基本仪器仪表的使用及产品的测试技 术。3.机械设计课程设计:进行简单机械设计,掌握机械设计基本理论、设计步骤及方法,培养 设计、计算、制图

13、、查阅资料、应用标准手册的能力与技能。4.机械制造基础课程设计:结合 CAPP,设计简单零件的工艺规程。5.微机原理及应用课程设计:计算机接口设计。6.液压气动系统课程设计:液压气动系统设计。7.生产实习:了解机电产品的组成及其制造过程。8.机电控制课程设计:典型机电系统的结构设计,硬件、软件设计。9.毕业实习设计:综合应用所学的基础理论和专业知识,以实际工程设计、科技开发、试验 研究为课题,进行设计能力和科研能力的培养及综合工程训练。Vfl Practical Trai ning and Requireme nt1.Metal Tech no logy Practices: to have

14、the basic kno wledge about mecha ni cal device and nu merical mach ining, and the skills of manu facturi ng process tech no logy.2.Electric Tech no logy Practice: to have the basic kno wledge about electr onics manu facturi ng procedure, in strume nts and devices skills.3.Mach ine Desig n Course Pro

15、ject: through mecha nic desig n of basic structures, stude nts will mast the prin ciple of mach ine un its and comb in ati ons; theory, procedure and methods of mecha nic desig n; and will get the skills and tech nique abilities on desig n, calculati on, graphics.4.Fun dame ntals of Mecha nical Manu

16、 facturi ng Course Project: Comb in ati on of CAPP, desig n the process of simple parts.5.Computer In terface Tech no logy Course Project: Computer in terface desig n6.Hydraulic Drive and Con trol Course Project: Hydraulic pn eumatic system desig n7.Product ion Practice: un dersta nd the compositi o

17、n and manu facturi ng process of mecha ni cal and electrical products.8.Electro-mechanical Control Specialty Courses Project: design the structure of a typical electro-mecha ni cal systems, desig n con trol systems hardware and software.9.Graduati on Desig n: through the applicati on of com mon prin

18、 ciples and specializatio n kno wledge, to finish a project of engineering design, technique development or experiment study, to get the skill training of desig n, R&D and engin eeri ng.八、教学进程及说明忸、Teaching Schedule学 年学期教学进程理 论 教 学 f实习V课 程 设 计 o毕 业 设 计 /考试入 学 军 训就 业 教 育合计12345678901112131415161718192

19、0-一-1探探探探ffffffffffffff:1424202ffffffffffffffff:1:17219-二二3fffffffffffffVVV1432194ffffffffffffffff:1:V171220-三-5ffffffffffffffoooo1441196offffffffffffffffo162220四7VVVffffffffffffffo14311198ooo/315220合 计106710151242156九、教学安排指导表区、Table of Teachi ng Arra ngeme nt(1)必修课 Required Courses课程 类别Type of Cour

20、se专业 方向Special ty课程编号CourseCode课程名称Course Name总学分Credits总学时Hours课内学时Hours课外 实践Practice开课学期Semester理论 课Theo ry实验 课Expe rime nt上机Oper atingBasic Courses i形势与政策”教育Studies of Current Social Situations23232思想道德修养与法律基础Ethics and Principles of Law232321大学英语(1)College English(1)34840161体育(1)Physical Educati

21、on(1)116321军事课(含军事训练、军事理论)Military Course (Including Training and Theories)2323周1高等数学(n -1)Higher Mathematics ( n -1)4.572721大学计算机基础Fundamentals of Computer2.54024321中国近现代史纲要Outline of Modern Chinese History232322n General Ed大学on语(2)College English (2)34840162体育(2)Physical Education(2)116322高等数学(n -

22、2)Higher Mathematics ( n -2)6.51041042课程 类别Type of Course专业 方向Special ty课程编号CourseCode课程名称Course Name总学分Credits总学时Hours课内学时Hours课外 实践Practice开课学期Semester理论 课Theo ry实验 课Expe rime nt上机Operating大学物理(n -1)College Physics( n -1)3.556562大学物理实验College Physical Experiment1.524482马克思主义基本原理Marxism Philosophy3

23、48483大学英语(3)College English (3)34840163体育Physical Education(3)116323大学物理(n -2)College Physics( n -2)464643毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Overview of Theoretical System of Maoism and Chinese Characteristics Socialism348484大学英语(4)College English 34840164体育Physical Education(4)116324通识教育基础课程小计Sub-total of Basic C

24、ourses in General Education52.5840672240323周Basic Courses i机械制图(I )Mechanical Drawing ( I )348481机械制图(n )Mechanical Drawing( n)34838202电路原理(山)Circuit Principles (山)3.5565283模拟电子技术(山)Analog Electronics Technology (山)348483模拟电子技术实验(n)Experiment of Analog Electronics Technology (II)0.58163理论力学(n )Theor

25、etical Mechanics( n)3.5565283机械原理Theory of Machines and Mechanisms3.556564数字电子技术(山)Digital Electronics Technology(山)348484n General Dis数字电子技术实验(n)EXpment of Digital Electronics (II)0.58164材料力学(n )Mechanics of Materials( n )3.5565284机械设计Machine Design3.556565学科大类基础课程小计Sub-total of Basic Courses in Ge

26、neral Discipline30.54884505620程Major oursesn课控制工程基础(I)Fundamentals of Control Engineering( I)2.540405流体传动与控制(I)Hydraulic Drive and Control( I)2.54032165课程 类别Type of Course专业 方向Special ty课程编号CourseCode课程名称Course Name总学分Credits总学时Hours课内学时Hours课外 实践Practice开课学期Semester理论 课Theo ry实验 课Expe rime nt上机Operating机械工程测试技术(I )Test Technology of Mechanical Engineering( I )2.540406机械电气控制及自动化(I )Electrical Control and Automation for Machinery2.540406计算机接口技术及应用(I )Computer Interface Technology( I)2322887

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