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1、英语教学法考试重点判断主张并简要说明理由:Structural view:The structure language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems:phonology,morphology and syntax.To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.Functional view: The functional

2、 view is not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things,such as offering suggesting,etc.Leaners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions.International view:The international view considers lang

3、uage to be a communicative tool,whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.Leaners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary but also need to know the rules for using them in a communicative contexts. What makes a good language teacher? These elements can be ca

4、tegorized into three groups:ethic devotion,professional qualities and personal styles.教师的专业能力是如何发展起来的(How can be a good teacher/The development of professional competence) 答:The development of professional competence including three parts: Stage1,Stage2 and Goal. I. The first stage is language devel

5、opment.All English teacher are supposed to have a sound command of English,and language is always changing,language development can never come to an end. II. The second stage is the most important stage and it is more complicated because it involves three sub-stages:learning,practice,and reflection.

6、(1)The learning stage is the purposeful preparation before a teacher starts the practice of teaching.It includes three parts:learning from others experience,learning the received knowledge and learning from ones experiences.Both experience knowledge and received knowledge are useful when a teacher g

7、oes ton practice.(2)The term practice can be used in two senses. One sense is also called pseudo practice.The other sense is the real classroom teaching.(3)Teacher benefit from practice if they keep on reflecting on what theyve done,Not only after they finish their practice,but also while they are d

8、oing the practice, III. After some period of practice and reflection,a teacher should be able to reach his or her professional competence.As an final it shouldnt an end,one must be keep learning,practicing and reflecting.真实应用语言&课堂语言的不同(The differences between language used in real life and language

9、taught in the classroom.)Language used in real life differs from language learned under the traditional language teaching pedagpgy in the following aspects:(1)In real life,language is used to perform certain communication functions;in a traditional language classroom,the teaching focus is often on f

10、orms rather than functions.(2)For various reasons,traditional pedagogy tends to focus on one or two language skills and ignore others.In real language use we use all skills,including receptive skills and productive skills.(3)In reality language is always used in a certain context,but traditional ped

11、agogy tends to isolate language from its context.交际教学法的目标The goal of CLT is to develop students communicative competence,which includes both the knowledge about the language and the language about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.交际的五个方面 (名词解释or简答)There are five main

12、 components of communicative competence.Namely,linguistic competence,pragmatic competence,discourse competence,strategic competence,and fluency.Linguistic competence is concerned with knowledge itself,its form and meaning.(It involves spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, grammatical

13、structure,sentence structure,and semantics.It is an integral part of communicative competence.)Pragmatic competence is concerned with the appropriate use of the language in social context.(That is to say,the choice of the vocabulary and structure depends on the setting,the relative status of the spe

14、akers,and their relationships.)Discourse competence refers to ones ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them.(According to Hedge,also includes ones ability to initiate,develop,enter,interrupt,check,or confirm in a conversation.)Strategic competence is

15、 similar to communication strategies.It refers to strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources.One can compensate for this by searching for other means of expression.Fluency means ones ability to link unit of speech together with facility and without strain o

16、r inappropriate or undue hesitation.Principles of communicative language teaching.(交际教学语言CLT原则)(1).Communication principle:Activities that involve real communication promote learning.(2)Task principle:Activities in which language is used for carring out meaningful tasks promote learning.(3)Meaningfu

17、lness principle:language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.交际教学法&语言技能的关系(CLT and the teaching of language skills )(听说读写在交际教学法中怎样。可能出听OR 读OR说OR写)Communicative competence in language teaching practice is to develop learners language skills,such as listening,speaking,readi

18、ng and writing.In traditional pedagogy,listening and speaking activities involves use of language in a completely different way from how language is used in reality.The listening skill has received special attention in CLT.Listening shares a number of features with reading since.Listening is not onl

19、y as the counterpart of speaking but as an independent skills with its own objectives.In real life,there are situation in which we act as listeners only,for example as audience for radio,television,lecture,films,etc.The reading skills is redefined to focus on the purpose of reading.Traditionally the

20、 purpose of reading is to learn language,namely vocabulary,grammar,etc.In CLT,reading is to extract meaning or information.With Different reading purpose,students use different skills,such as skimming,scanning,etc.In CLT,the writing skill has been expanded to focus on its communicative goals.Student

21、s should practice writing what people write in every day life abd writing in the way people write in reality.Students should write to express their own feelings or describe their own experiences.In a word,CLT only expanded the areas:language content,learning process,and product.CLT requires a higher

22、 level of communicative competence on the part of the teacher.Six criteria for evaluating how communicative classroom activities:(怎样判断XX是不是一个好的交际活动)(1)Communicative purpose;The activity must involve the students in performing a real communicative purpose.In order for this to occur there must be some

23、 kind ofinformation gap that students seek to bridge when they are communicate.(2)Communicative desire:The activity must create a desire to communicate in the students.(3)Content,not form:When the students are doing the activity,they must be concentrating on what they are saying.They must have some

24、messagethat they want to communicate.(4)Variety of language:The activity must involve the students in using a variety of language, not just one specific language form.The students should feel free to improvise,using whatever resources(5)Not teacher intervention:The activity must be designed to be do

25、ne by the students working by themselves rather than with the teacher.This assessment should be based on whether the student have achieved the communicative purpose. (6)No materials control:The activity should not be designed to control what language the students should be use.The choice about what

26、language to use should be rest with(取决于) the students.Task-based language teaching is a further development of communicative language teaching. Its considers that language should be learned as closed as possible to how it is in real life.Four components of a task:a purpose,a context,a process,a prod

27、uct.PPP and TBLPresentation, Practice and production A typical PPP lesson would start by the teacher introduce a new language item in a context followed by some controlled practice,such as drilling,repetition,dialogue reading,etc.Students then move on to produce the language in a more meaningful way

28、 ,such as a role play,a drama,an interview,etc.(1)The way students use and experience in TBL is radically different from PPP.All three components(task,planing and report) are genuinely free of language control and leaners rely on their own linguistic resources. The task supplies a genuine need to us

29、e language to communicate,and the other components follow on naturally from the task. In all three components language is used for a genuine purposethere are outcomes to achieve for the task and the purpose of the planning stage is to adjust their language for the report stage.The report allows a fr

30、ee exchange of ideas,summarizing leaners achievements.The planing stage encourages leaners to consider appropriateness and accuracy of language form in general.There is a genuine need to strive for accuracy and fluency as leaners prepare to go public for the report stage,it is not a question of eith

31、er accuracy or fluency at any one point in the cycle. (2)TBL can provide a context for grammar teaching and form-focused activities.PPP is different in this aspect.In a PPP cycle,with the presentation of the target language coming first,this context has to be invented.In a TBL framework,the context

32、is already established by the task itself. The process of consciousness raising used in the TBL language focus activities encourage students to think and analyse,not simply to repeat,manipulate and apply.Listening and reading of the TBL framework provide a more varied exposure to natural language.The exposure in the TBL framework will include a whole range of words,collocation,lexical phrases and pattern in addition to language than verb tenses and new word. In a PPP cycle,it is the teacher who are pre-selects the la

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