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1、寄内阅读答案寄内阅读答案【篇一:外贸函电复习题及答案】 from englishtochinese 1) terms of payment 2) net weight 3) bill of lading 4) country of origin 2. from chinese to english 1) 供求 2)标题项下的货物 3)商会 4)共同努力 5)保兑信用证 6)会签 三. 句子翻译 1. 我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。 2. 因无直达班轮,请允许转船。 3我们得悉上述货物的有关信用证即将开出。保证一收到贵方信用证,我们将尽早安排第一艘可

2、以定得舱位的船只装运。 三. 信件翻译 敬启者: 你公司11月5日的报价单和尼龙女式运动成衣样品都已收到,谢谢。我公司对价格和品质均感满意,并乐意按你方报价单所提条件订购下列货物: 小号尼龙运动衣 每打80美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价,5打。 中号尼龙运动衣 每打120美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价 7打。 大号尼龙运动衣 每打160美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价 4打。 只有在满足12月15日前将货运到的条件下,我公司才订购上述尼龙运动衣。 我公司通常的付款条件是60天承兑交单。请告你公司是否同意这一条件。 .谨上 二 翻译 短语翻译 1支付条件 2.净重 3. 提单 4. 原产地 1.

3、supply and demand 2. the captioned goods 3.the chamber of commerce 4.joint effort 5. confirmed l/c 6.countersign 句子翻译 1. our mens shirts are packed in poly bags, five dozen to a carton lined with damp-proof paper and secured with 2 iron straps outside. 2. as there is no direct steamer, please allow

4、transshipment. 3. we have learned that the relative l/c for the above-mentioned goods will be opened immediately. you are assured that upon receipt of your l/c, we will arrange to ship by the first available steamer. 信件翻译(注意格式) dear sirs we thank you for your quotation of nov5 and the samples of rea

5、dy-made nylon womens sports garments. we are satisfied with both the quality and price,and pleased to order the following goods according to the terms of your quotation: small size womens sports coat us80 per dozen cif london 5 dozens . medium size womens sports coat us120 per dozen cif london 7doze

6、ns. large size womens sports coat us160 per dozen cif london 4dozens. we place the order with you for the above-mentioned goods subject to your delivery of the goods prior to december 15. our normal term of payment is d/a after 60 days.please let us know whether you agree to the terms of payment. yo

7、urs faithfully, 外贸函电试题库 match a. “incoterms” ()1. 货交承运人 b. fob ()2. 信用证 c. fca ()3. 欧洲主要口岸d. t/t ()4. 海运提单 e. d/p ()5. 装运港船上交货 f. l/c ()6. 协会货物条款 g. emp ()7. 国际贸易术语解释通则 h. fpa ()8. 平安险 i. b/l ()9. 付款交单 j. icc ()10. 电汇 a. “incoterms” ()1. 货交承运人 b. fob ()2. 信用证 c. fca ()3. 欧洲主要口岸 d. t/t ()4. 海运提单 e. d

8、/p ()5. 装运港船上交货 f. l/c ()6. 协会货物条款 g. emp ()7. 国际贸易术语解释通则 h. fpa ()8. 平安险 i. b/l ()9. 付款交单 j. icc ()10. 电汇 a. “incoterms” ()1. 运费、保险费付至 b. cfr ()2. 承兑交单 c. cip ()3. 银行保证书 d. d/d ()4. 预计到港时间 e. d/a ()5. 国际贸易术语解释通则 f. l/g ()6. 海运提单 g. eta () 7. 中国人民保险海洋运输货物保险条款 h. wpa ()8. 票汇 i. b/l () 9. 水渍险 j. cic (

9、)10. 成本加运费 answers: 7,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,6 7,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,6 5,10,1,8,2,3,4,9,6,7 business terms translation 1. chamber of commerce _ 2. quotation _ 3. counter-offer _ 4. customs invoice _ 5. open account terms _6. certificate of origin _ 7. import quotas system _ 8. bill of exchange _ 9. promissor

10、y note _ 10. confirmed l/c _ 1. quantity discount _ 2. proforma invoice _ 3. non-tariff barriers _ 4. sales contract _ 5. documentary bill _ 6. sight draft _ 7. irrevocable l/c _ 8. on board b/l _ 9. more or less clause _ 10. insurance policy _ 1. cash discount _2. commercial invoice _ 3. import lic

11、ence system _ 4. sales confirmation _ 5. commercial draft _ 6. time draft _7. collection _ 8. clean b/l _ 9. warehouse to warehouse clause _ 10. insurance certificate _ answers: 1 商会 2。报盘(价) 3。还盘 4。海关发票 5。赊帐方式 6。原产地证 7。进口配额制 8。汇票 9。本票 10。保兑信用证 1数量折扣 2形式发票 3非关税壁垒 4销售合同 5跟单汇票6。即期汇票 7。不可撤消信用证 8。已装船提单 9

12、。溢短装条款 10。保险单 1现金折扣 2。商业发票 3。进口许可证制 4。销售确认书 5。商业汇票6。远期汇票 7。托收 8。清洁提单 9。仓至仓条款 10。保险凭证 sentence translation 1) 贵国驻华大使馆商务参赞处告知,你拟从我国进口车床(lathe),故特致函你公司,希望能在该项产品方面建立业务关系。 2) 我们想请你们代为查询一下伦敦一家商行的财务和信用情况,他们是james neils co.。他们的银行是香港汇丰银行。谢谢。 3) 我们是世界上最大的丝绸进口商之一。我们过去一直是从日本进口的,现在我们想到中国市场订购。 4) 我们很遗憾不能接受你方的还价。自

13、从我们报价给你们后,我们已按原报价与其他许多客户成交,故如你方仍有需要,请立即订购。 5) 你公司8月10日来函收悉,内附有关第100号订单订购500台缝纫机的销售确认书第90sp-5861号一式两份。今签退一份请查收。 6) 对这次交易,我们例外同意用信用证方式付款,但对以后的交易,我们要求更有利的付款条件,也就是付款交单。 7) 今收到你公司对第-号销售确认书开来的第-号信用证,但发现少开500美元。请与上述销售确认书核对并希及早修改。 8) 我们报的是cfr价格,因此,货物将由你方保险,但我们在货物装运后,将立即通知你们有关的装运情况。 9) 如果指定我们做你们在巴基斯坦的代理,我们将集

14、中精力,努力推销你们的商品。这对我们双方都是有利的。 10)在收到你方具体询价时,我将立即寄上报价单及样品。 1)为了使你们对我们可供出口的各类纺织品有一个总的概念,随函寄上样本和价格单各一份,供你们查阅。 2)我们已收到日本一客户的询价,他需要1公吨的标题糖。 3)按照你们的要求,我们报50公吨大豆的实盘如下,以自本日起一周之内你方复到为准。 4)如果你公司能将9月3日的报价单的价格降低3%,则我公司将乐意接受你们的报价。 5)我们今天已由伦敦的中国银行开出了一张以你方为抬头人的信用证,计500万美元。 6)瑞典一进口商要求我们按承兑交单方式运去一批试销商品。 7)为了避免随后修改信用证,务

15、请注意下列事项。 8)关于第345号合约项下的300架缝纫机,我们将自行办理保险。 9)我们愿意担任你们现行出口商品的代理,因为我们拥有一个广阔的国内市场。 10)我方订单1361号来货发现短重2500公斤,为此特向你方提出索赔。 1)你方2月15日函悉,并已转交给上海分公司。他们会直接答复你们,因为你所询问的商品是他们经营的。 2)一旦收到你方具体询盘,我们将立即给你们报最优惠的上海到岸价。 3)为了开展双方间具体的业务,我们很高兴向你方报特盘,以我方最后确认为有效。 4)由于考虑到你方将开出大量订货的订单,对于我们最近的报价单将允许一定的折扣。 5)你们的不可撤销的信用证已及时收到,我相信

16、下周内可以安排装运。 6)我们今日已通知我方银行电汇给你方全部金额,受到后请回信。 7)信用证3855号,请来电取消“银行费用由收益人负担”的条款。 8)根据你们通常的cif价格条件,所保的是那些险别? 9)我们已委托abc公司为你地区的代理。 10)兹寄去中国商品检验局报告一纸,作为我方索赔的根据。 1. 我们愿意在平等互利,互通有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务联系。 2我们的惯例是接受即期付款交单而不是信用证。 因此, 对这笔交易和以后的交易, 我们希望你能接受付款交单的支付条件。 3在随附的单子上我们列出了关于包装的具体要求,请你方务必照办。 4请报cif温哥华最低价,包括我方5%的佣金。

17、5随函寄去我们的报价,此报价有效期仅为两周。 6我们将为货物投保cif价值的110%,如果要求额外险别, 则额外保费由买方负担。 7很遗憾,你们运来的我方758号订单的货物与双方谈定的规格不符。 8凭着我们在这一行业的丰富经验,我们对自己能以最有效的方式代理你方出口产品这一点非常自信。 9我们很高兴向你订购下列货物,其条件是按你所报价现货供应。 10请你方给予合作,将装运期提前到9月底,以使我们能够赶上圣诞节销售旺季。 1. 承蒙中国外贸组织的介绍,我们得知贵公司有意在本地市场做生意。 2期待尽快收到你方的全套样品。 3请报cif温哥华最低价,包括我方5%的佣金。4我们收到了你方6月4日对我们

18、电子玩具的询价,现高兴地向你方报盘如下,供你参考。 5我们的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。 6. 请尽快通知我们23546号合同项下货物大约交货日期。 7谢谢你方授权我公司作为你们的产品在日本的销售代理。 8经过长期友好的讨论,现已经达成交易。 9双方同意,上述订货货款以60天信用证或即期付款交单方式支付。 10保险应由买方办理。 1. 我们是经营轻工产品的国营公司。 2. 一旦收到你方具体的询盘,我们将立即给你们报出优惠的欧洲主要口岸到岸价。 3. 关于支付条款,我们要求不可撤销的,凭即期汇票支付的信用证。 4本报盘五日内有效。 5考虑到贵方将开出大量的订单,对于我们最近的报价将允许一

19、定的折扣。 6现附上我方第101号合同正本两份,请会签并早日寄回一份。 7 我们今天已经由中国银行开出了一张以贵方为受益人的信用证, 金额合计为200,000美元。 8我们已经向中国人民保险公司办理了投保一切险,保险金额为25,000人民币。 9感谢贵方授权我公司作为你们的产品在中国黑龙江地区的销售代理。 10由中国商品检验局出具的检验报告将作为最后依据,对双方有约束力。 answers: 1. the commercial counsellors office of your embassy in china has informed us that you intend to import

20、 lathes from china and we are writing to you in the hope that we may establish business relations with you in this line. 2. we should appreciate it if you could obtain for us all information about the financial and credit standing of james neils co. in london. the reference they have given us is the

21、ir bank, hongkong and shanghai banking corporation. 3. please be informed that we are one of the largest importers of silk in the world. we have been importing this item from japan and now intend to extend our business to import the same from china. 4. we regret being unable to accept your counter-o

22、ffer. since we quoted you we have concluded business with many clients at the price originally quoted. therefore, if you are still in need of this item please place your order without delay. 5. we have received your letter of the 10th august, enclosing s/c no.90sp-5861 in duplicate against our order

23、 no.100 for 500 sets of sewing machines. attached hereto is a copy of the said sales confirmation, duly countersigned. please find it in order. 6. for this transaction, we exceptionally agree to make payment by l/c but for future t4ransactions, we would ask for more favourable payment terms, i.e. d/

24、p. 7. we have received your l/c no. - against s/c no.- , but found its amount is us$500 short. you will find the shortage by referring to the said contract. it is hoped that you will make it up at your earliest convenience. 8. our price is quoted on cfr basis and consequently the insurance is to be

25、covered by yourselves. however, as soon as we ship the goods we will let you know the relative shipping position. 9. if you appoint us your agent in pakistan we will concentrate our effort on pushing the sales of your products, this being to the benefit of both parties. 10. we will send you our quot

26、ations and samples immediately upon receipt of your specific enquiry. 1. in order to give you a general idea of our various textiles available for export, we are enclosing herewith sample books and a copy of price list for your information. 2. we have received an enquiry from one of the japanese cli

27、ents who is in the market for 1 metric ton captioned sugar. 3. at the request of you, we offer you firm, subject to your reply reaching here within one week, 50m/t soyabeans as follows; 4. if you reduce the price of quotation sheet dated sep. 3 by 3%, we are desirous of accepting your offer. 5. we h

28、ave opened an l/c in your favor for the amount of $5000000 with bank of china, london today. 6. an importer from sweden requests us to ship a parcel of shipment for trial on d/a terms. 7. please be sure to pay attention to the following in order to avoid subsequent amendment to l/c. 8. as to 300 set

29、s of sewing machines under contract no.345, we would cover insurance on our own account. 9. we would like to act as our agent for ruling exportable goods as we own a wide domestic market. 10. the goods of order 1361 were found short-weight of 2500 kgs for which we raise a claim against you. 1. your

30、letter of feb.15 has been received and passed onto shanghai branch. they will reply directly as the commodities you enquired are handled by them. 2. as soon as we receive your specific enquiries we will make you best offer on cif shanghai basis. 3. in order to start the concrete business between us, we are glad to make you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation. 4. in consideration of your large orders we will allow discount to the certain extent on the recent quotations.

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