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1、英语泛读教程4课文翻译第一单元第一篇Good words cost nothing, but are worth much,said Thomas Fuller,the 17th century British scholar. “良言不费分文,但价值甚大,”托马斯说丰满,17th世纪英国学者。 They serve to give encouragement and smooth away differences and misunderstandings, as this article explains. 他们服役给予鼓励和克服差异和误解,因为这篇文章解释了。 Maybe when Im

2、 a hundred,Ill get used to having everything I do taken for granted,a young homemaker confided to her neighbor. “也许当我一百岁时,我就会习惯吃我做的一切视为理所当然,”一个年轻的家庭主妇被任命她的邻居。 If Bill would compliment me once in a while, hed make my life much happier. “如果法案恭维我,偶尔也好,他会使我的生活更幸福。” Few of us realize how much we need enc

3、ouragement. 我们很少有人意识到我们是多么需要鼓励的。 Yet we must bask in the warmth of approval now and then or lose our self-confidence. 但是我们仍然必须沐浴在温暖的批准,否则现在失去自己的自信。 All of us need to feel needed and admired. 我们都需要去感觉需要和赞赏。 But unless we hear words of praise from someone else,how can we know that we are valued friend

4、s or co-workers? 但是如果我们听到别人的赞扬之词,我们怎样才能知道我们有价值的朋友或同事呢?Anyone who wants to improve his relationships with others need only show a sympathetic understanding. 任何人想要提高自己的和其他人的关系之间只需要显示一个有同情心的理解。 The way to express this understanding and to give others the feeling of importance and worthiness boils down

5、to this:always look for something in the other person you can admire and praise-and tell him about it. 这种理解的方式来表达,给别人的感觉,重要性和价值归结为:总是寻找一些其他的人,你可以欣赏和赞美告诉他这件事。 We each have a mental picture of ourselves,a self-image. 我们每个人都有自己的脑海里,一个自我形象。 To find life reasonably satisfying,that self-image must be one

6、we live with,one we can like. 去发现生活相当满足、自我形象必须是一个我们生活在一起的人,一个我们可以像。 When we are proud of our self-image,we feel confident and free to be ourselves. 当我们以我们的队伍为荣的自我形象,我们相信自由是我们自己。 We function at our best. 我们最好的一面。我们功能 When we are ashamed of our self-image,we attempt to hide it rather than express it.

7、当我们自觉惭愧我们自己,我们尝试把它藏起来,而不是把它表达出来。 We become hostile and hard to get along with. 我们变得敌意和很难相处。 A miracle happens to the person whose self-esteem has been raised. 会发生奇迹的人的自尊已经复活了。 He suddenly likes other people better. 他突然喜欢其他的人更好地。 He is kinder and more cooperative with those around him. 他是仁慈和更多的合作与他周围

8、的那些人。 Praise is the polish that helps keep his self-esteem bright and sparkling. 赞美是波兰才使他的自尊心明亮晶莹剔透。 What has this to do with your giving praise? 这有什么用你的赞美? A lot.You have the ability to perform that kind of miracle in another person. 一个lot.You有能力执行这样的奇迹在另一个人。 When you add to his self-esteem,you mak

9、e him want to like you and to cooperate with you. 当你加入他的自尊,你让他想爱你,与你携手合作。 In a classic bit of advice,Lord Chesterfield suggested to his son that he fellow the example of the Duck de Nivernois:You will perceive that he makes people pleased with him by making them first pleased with themselves. 在一个经典的

10、一些建议,主切斯特了他的建议,他的儿子为例Nivernois鸭德:“你会认识到他使人满意他通过使他们第一次满意自己。” The effects of praise can be great indeed. 赞美的影响可以确定无疑。 A new minister called to a church jokingly referred to as the refrigerator,decided against criticizing his congregation for its coolness toward strangers. 一个新部长被召到教堂开玩笑地称为“冰箱”,决定不指责他的会

11、众面前它对于陌生人冷淡。 Instead,he beban welcoming visitors from the pulpit and telling his flock how friendly they were. 相反,他beban接待来访者从讲坛,告诉自己的羊群怎样友好他们。 Time after time he held up a picture of the church as he wanted it to be,giving his people a reputation to live up to. 一次又一次地让他举起了一幅巨大的教堂,因为他想做的,让他百姓的名声,使其与

12、之相配。 The congregation thawed. 会众解冻。 Praise transformed the ice-cube members into warmhearted human beings,he said. “赞扬改变了颗冰块或成员带入人类温情的,”他说。 Sincerity is essential in giving praise. 真诚的赞美是十分必要的。 It lends potency to a compliment. 它把一个恭维。效力 Coming home after a hard days work ,the man who sees the faces

13、 of his children pressed against the window,watching for him,can water his soul with their silent but golden opinion. 回家后,一天的辛苦工作的人,看到他的孩子们的脸紧贴着窗外,看着他,他们自己的灵魂能水无声但黄金的意见。 Praise helps rub off the sharp edges of daily contact. 赞美有助于掉色刀边上的日常联系。 Nowhere is this truer than in marriage. 没有哪个国家比在婚姻。 Yet it

14、 is perhaps in the home that the value of praise is less appreciated than elsewhere. 然而,这也许是在家里的价值比其他地方更少感谢赞美。 The spouse who is alert to say the heartening thing at the right moment has learned one of the most important requirements for a happy family life. 配偶谁是提醒说令人振奋的事情正好学会最重要的条件之一,一个幸福的家庭生活。 Chi

15、ldren ,especially,are hungry for praise,reassurance and appreciation. 儿童,特别是,都渴望赞美,安全感和欣赏。 A young mother told her pastor of a heartrending incident: 一位年轻的母亲告诉她的牧师令人伤感的事: My little boy often misbehaves,and I have to scold him. “我的小男孩常常言语,我不得不骂他。 But one day he has been especially good. 但是有一天,他一直特别好。

16、 That night,after I trucked him in bed and started downstairs,I heard him crying. 那天晚上,我躺在床上,开始交换他下楼时,我听到他在哭。 I found his head buried in the pillow. 我发现他的头埋在枕头里。 Between sobs he asked,Mommy,havent I been a pretty boy today? 他啜泣之间问道:“妈妈,我还没成为一个漂亮的男孩,今天好吗?” That question went through me like a knife,t

17、he mother said. “这个问题经过我像刀子一样,”妈妈说。 I had been quick to correct him when he did wrong,but when he had behaved,I hadnt noticed. “我已很快纠正他当他做错了,可是当他的表现之后,我没注意到。 I had put him to bed without a word of praise. 我已经把他放到床没有一句赞扬。” Take the trouble to find something to commend in your child,and you will disco

18、ver that both his ability and attitude will improve. 不嫌麻烦来找点东西来表彰在你的孩子,你会发现他个人的能力和态度会提高。 Encouragement though praise is the most effective method of getting people to do their best. 鼓励虽然赞美是最有效的方法让人们尽了自己最大的努力。 As artists find joy in giving beauty to others,so anyone who masters the art of praising wi

19、ll find that it blesses the giver as much as the receiver. 作为艺术家找到快乐美丽给别人,所以谁掌握了艺术的赞扬会发现它不但赐福施予者一样多接收器。 There is truth in the saying,Flowers leave part of their fragrance in the hand that bestows them. 真理是存在的在说:“花离开他们的部分香味赋予他们的手。” 第一单元第三篇I never learned hate at home, or shame. 我从未听说过恨在家里或羞耻。 I had t

20、o go to school for that. 我不得不去上学的。 I was about seven years old when I got my first big lesson. 我大约七岁的时候,我得到了我的第一个重要的一课。 I was in love with a little girl named Helene Tucker, a light-complexioned little girl with pigtails and nice manners. 我爱上了一个小女孩名叫海伦塔克,一个小女孩light-complexioned辫子又好的礼貌。 She was alway

21、s clean and she was smart in school. 她总是干净,她在学校是聪明的。 I think I went to school then mostly to look at her. 我想我去学校然后主要是看她。 I brushed my hair and even got me a little old handkerchief. 我拂去我的头发,甚至让我有点陈旧的手帕。 It was a ladys handkerchief, but I didnt want Helene to see me wipe my nose on my hand. 这是一个女士的手帕

22、,但我不想让海伦看我擦擦鼻子在我的手上。 The pipes were frozen again, there was no water in the house, but I washed my socks and shirt every night. 管子再次被冻结了,没有水在那栋房子,但我洗了我的袜子和衬衣的每一个晚上。 Id get a pot, and go over to Mister Bens grocery store, and stick my pot down into his soda machine and scoop out some chopped ice. 我会得

23、到一个锅,去先生本的杂货店,并把我的锅下入自己的汽水机,挖出一些切碎的冰。 By evening the ice melted to water for washing. 至傍晚,冰融化的水清洗。 I got sick a lot that winter because the fire would go out at night before the clothes were dry. 我生病了很多冬季,因为火会在晚上出门之前,衣服就干。 In the morning Id put them on, wet or dry, because they were the only clothes

24、 I had. 在清晨,我把它们放在,干、湿,因为他们是唯一的衣服。 Everybodys got a Helene Tucker, a symbol of everything you want. 每个人都有一个海伦塔克,象征着一切你想要的。 I loved her for her goodness, her cleanness, her popularity. 我爱她,因为她善良,她的清洁,她的声望。 Shed walk down my street and my brothers and sisters would yell, Here comes Helene, and Id rub

25、my tennis sneakers on the back of my pants and wish my hair wasnt so nappy and the white folks shirt fit me better. 她将沿着我的街道和我的兄弟姐妹会大喊,海伦来了,而且我擦我的网球运动鞋在我背后的裤子,希望我的头发不是如此的尿和白色衬衫适合我家人的更好。 Id run out on the street. 我在街上跑出去。 If I knew my place and didnt come too close, shed wink at me and say hello. 如果我

26、知道我的地方,没有走得太近,她会对我眨眼和她打个招呼。 That was a good feeling. 那是一段美好的时光。 Sometimes Id follow her all the way home, and shovel the snow off her walk and try to make friends with her momma and her aunts. 有时候我会一路跟着她的家,铲雪掉她走了,试着和她结交朋友的妈妈和她的阿姨。 Id drop money on her stoop late at night on my way back from shining

27、shoes in the taverns. 我就把你的钱在她堕落深夜在回来的路上的光芒鞋子的酒馆。 And she had a daddy, and he had a good job. 39她有一个爸爸,他有一个好工作。 He was a paper hanger 他是一个纸衣架 I guess I would have gotten over Helene by summertime, but something happened in that classroom that made her face hang in front of me for the next twenty-two

28、 years. 我想我会了海伦的夏季,但一些发生在那个教室,让她的脸挂在我的前面为下一年二十二岁。 When I played the drums in high school, it was for Helene, and when I broke track records in college, it was for Helene, and when I started standing behind microphones and heard applause, I wished Helene could hear it too. 当我踢鼓在高中的时候,那是海伦,当我打破了在大学里的记

29、录,那是海伦,当我开始站在后面麦克风和听到掌声,我希望海伦都可以听到它太。 It wasnt until I was twenty-nine years old and married and making money that I finally got her out of my system. 直到我二十九岁,结婚,赚钱,我终于得到了从我的系统。 It was on a Thursday. 它是在一个星期四。 I was sitting in the back of the room, in a seat with a chalk circle drawn around it. 我正坐在

30、房间的后面,在一个座位与粉笔圈画它。 The idiots seat, the troublemakers seat. 这个白痴的座椅,座椅的麻烦制造者。 The teacher thought I was stupid. 老师以为我是愚蠢的。 Couldnt spell, couldnt read, couldnt do arithmetic. 不能法术,不识字,不能做算术。 Just stupid. 只是愚蠢。 Teachers were never interested in finding out that you couldnt concentrate because you wer

31、e so hungry, because you hadnt had any breakfast. 老师们从不感兴趣发现你不能集中精力,因为你太饿了,因为你没有吃过早餐了。 All you could think about was noontime; would it ever come? 所有你能想到的是正午,它会不断来临? Maybe you could sneak into the cloakroom and steal a bite of some kids lunch out of a coat pocket. 也许你可以溜进衣帽间,去偷吃一些孩子的午餐的外套的口袋里。 A bite of something. 咬东西。 Paste. 粘贴。 You cant really make a meal of paste, or put it on bread for a sandwich, but sometimes Id scoop a few spoonfuls out of the big paste jar in the back of the room. 你不能真的让一顿饭的粘贴,或将它放入面包吃三明治,但有时我想挖几勺子从大酱罐在屋子的后面。 Pregnant people get strange tastes.

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