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2、。二、市场经济的特点与类型一市场经济的特点Market economy An economy where all economic decisions are taken by individual households and firms, and which relies on the price mechanism to allocate the resources.市场经济是一种用价格机制决定资源配置的经济体制。在这种经济体制中,资源配置的决策由单个经济单位作出。机制一词原意是指机器构造及其制动原理和运行规那么。在这里,被用来说明社会本身的运行、调节的方式和规律。价格机制又称为市场机制


4、权。3、通过价风格节经济。价风格节就是价格是经济运行的调节者,由市场竞争决定的价格是资源配置的主要手段。通过价格对经济进行调节是市场经济和方案经济的主要区别。价风格节经济必须具备三个条件:其一,经济单位是独立的经济实体;其二,存在市场;其三,市场竞争的完全性与公平性。在完全竞争市场条件下,不存在买方和卖方垄断的问题。二市场的类型 对于市场的类型可以按以下几种标准进行划分: 、根据商品交换内容,可分为:农产品市场、家用电器市场、建筑材料市场、日用百货市场、化工原料市场和车辆交易市场等。 2、根据商品交换场所,可分为:国内市场和外贸市场。国内市场又分为农村集市、城镇产品市场、沿海产品市场、边境产品

5、市场和经济特区产品市场等。 3、根据产品的经济用途,可分为:消费资料市场和生产资料市场。消费资料市场上交易的商品主要是城乡居民生活必需品,如粮食、蔬菜、水果、衣服等。生产资料市场上交易的商品主要是种子、农药、化肥、饲料、农机、机械零配件等各业生产的生产资料。 4、根据产品交易方式,可分为:现货交易市场和期货交易市场。现货市场的交易特点是买卖双方交易的是现实交割的商品;期货市场买卖双方交易的是标准化期货交易合同。5、根据市场经营环节,可分为:批发(wholesale)市场和零售(retail)市场。批发是指一切将商品或效劳给为了转卖给他人或商业用途而进行购置行为的个人或组织的营销活动,批发市场是

6、进行商品批量交易的市场。从事批发经营的主体主要有:商人批发商(wholesaler)、经纪人(broker)或代理销售商(sale agent)等;零售是指所有向最终消费者直接销售产品或效劳的营销活动。零售市场是进行商品零星交易的市场。从事零售业务的商品经营者主要有商店零售商、无门市零售商和零售机构等。三、价格在市场经济中的作用一价风格节经济的条件均衡价格是调节经济的“看不见的手,但是,要让“看不见的手发挥作用还需要一些条件,换言之,市场经济中价格的调节作用以三个重要的假设为前提条件。、商品交易者是有理性的经济人。在市场上无论居民户或厂商,每一个人都有能力自觉地追求个人利益的最大化。只有这样,

7、价格才能自发地有效地引导人们的经济行为。2、市场是完全竞争的。这就是说,每一个消费者或生产者都不能通过人为的关系改变由市场决定的价格,市场上的商品价格是由所有供给者和需求者双方共同决定的,每个交易者只是价格的接受者,不是决定者。3、信息是完全畅通的。这就是说,市场上任何一个消费者或生产者都可以免费得到作出决策所需要的信息。任何一方都不能利用信息优势欺骗对方。二价格在经济中的调节作用The price mechanism The system in a market economy whereby changes in price in response to changes in demand

8、 and supply have the effect of making demand equal to supply. 在这样的前提下,美国经济学家N费里德曼把价格在经济中的作用归纳为三种:一是传递情报;二是提供一种刺激,促使人们采用最节约的方法进行生产;三是决定谁可以得到多少产品。这三种作用实际上解决了资源配置的三个问题:生产什么、如何生产和为谁生产的问题。其作用可以具体化为:第一,作为指示器反映市场的供求状况。市场供求关系是受各种因素的影响的,每时每刻都在变化。这种变化必然要反映在价格上,人们通过价格的波动来了解供求的变动。第二,价格的变动可以调节市场需求。消费者为了实现效用最大化,一


10、格机制对经济进行自发的调节。没有任何外力的作用,价格也可以对经济进行自发的调节。因为价格可以对经济起到自发的调节作用,所以人们把价格对经济的调节作用形象地比喻为是“一只看不见的手,价格主要是通过市场供求关系的变化来对经济进行调节,协调商品的需求与供给。五、搞好市场建设的根本措施一建立和完善市场运行机制 市场运行机制,是指构成市场的各个要素的相互联系、相互制约而发挥功能的关系体系。建立和完善市场运行机制主要要做好的工作有:建立和完善市场体系,理顺产品价格体系,加强市场根底设施建设,加强市场秩序管理,搞好市场管理的法制化建设,加强市场行情预测和预报,进行科学的市场信息网络建设,提供优质的各种市场效

11、劳等。二鼓励开展正当的市场竞争行为 市场经济的主要特征是买卖双方可以自由竞争,买者和买者之间可以自由竞争,卖者和卖者之间也可以自由竞争。在市场竞争中,主要是卖者之间的竞争,竞争的内容有:、质量竞争 quality competition。产品质量是市场竞争中取胜的关键性因素,俗语说“不怕不识货,就怕货比货。质量问题是市场竞争的关键。同时,产品的外观形状、色泽、包装、商标和售后效劳也是重要的产品竞争内容。 2、价格竞争price competition。在产品质量相近的情况下,价格上下是产品市场竞争能力上下的重要影响因素。商品价格比较低,商品需求量就会较多。 3、效劳竞争service comp

12、etition。在产品质量和价格相同的情况下,效劳是否到位直接影响着产品的市场竞争力。优质的售后效劳是扩大商品销路的重要手段。 4、时间竞争time competition。时间就是生命,时间就是财富。有了物美价廉的产品,还必须掌握适当的投放市场的时机,谁能以在用户最需要的时间里以最快的速度提供商品和劳务性效劳,谁就能在市场竞争中取得优势。 5、信誉竞争reputation competition。信誉是顾客心目中对某些企业和产品的信任感。良好的信誉是在市场竞争中保持稳定优势的重要条件。在这方面,努力提高商品在用户心目中的知名度和美誉度是非常重要的促销手段和措施。三搞好市场的合理布局和选址在这

13、方面要和社区经济建设的长远规划相结合,重点是搞好现有集贸市场的改造和升级,在市场地址选择上应以方便居民生活为主要原那么,同时充分考虑到生产和经济建设的长远开展需要,另外还要适当尊重当地居民的历史习惯,考虑地区和民族的风俗文化特点,有些有历史特色的经济和文化名市要结合约定俗成的历史传统要适当给予保存,如洛阳的关林市场,南京夫子庙市场等。Exercises:Markets The Efficiency of the Invisible HandThe NewsImage: Pope John Paul II. His death led to the election of a new Pope

14、Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict VI. Ratzinger was one of 5 potential candidates but could you have predicted who it would eventually be? The markets did! Title: Pope Makes Landmark Hundredth Foreign Trip. Copyright: Getty Images, available from Education Image GalleryThe death of Pope John Pau

15、l II on April 2nd 20* prompted the process of a conclave at which a new Pope would be elected. 5 cardinals entered the Sistine Chapel in Rome for secret discussions and a series of ballots that would determine who was to be the next Pope. In theory, any one of the 5 cardinals could have been candida

16、tes but only one of their numbers would emerge.On May 5th 20*, the UK will have a general election. The winner of the election will be one of the three major political parties Labour, Conservative or Liberal Democrat. In reality, the race will really only be between two of these the Conservatives an

17、d Labour. 4 weeks before the actual election could you have predicted who would win?In these two situations there is an outcome. The outcome in each case is uncertain but subject to some element of certainty that can be identified. In the case of the Pope, either Cardinal Ratzinger would be elected

18、Pope or he would not; Cardinal Scola, the Patriarch of Venice and the subject of thousands of jokes, would also either become Pope or he would not.Labour will win the general election or it will not. The Conservatives will win the general election or it will not and so on. Each of these events has a

19、n unambiguous outcome. As such, a contract can be issued on this outcome.There are now a series of markets called Trade Exchange Networks that exist to enable individuals to buy and sell contracts on the outcome of such events. It appears that these markets are highly efficient in predicting the fut

20、ure. Their efficiency is such that the Pentagon, the United States Defence Department, floated the idea of using such markets to get information on politically sensitive outcomes like the possibilities of the US president being assassinated or the likelihood of a terrorist attack on the Houses of Pa

21、rliament.Their plans were withdrawn after it was feared that assassins or terrorists with inside information could use the markets! One of the main principles of these markets is that those who trade in them are not party to inside information which would distort the whole workings of the market. So

22、me of these markets were extremely efficient in predicting the winner of the US presidential election in 20*; in some cases they were able to predict accurately which party would win which state and even the proportion of votes the parties gained! Bush Celebrates 4th Of July In West Virginia. Copyri

23、ght:What these markets are doing, therefore, is bringing together thousands, if not more, individuals all seeking to make a profit. They make a profit by buying and selling the contracts at different prices. The prices will rise and fall depending on the perceived outcome of the contract.A contract,

24、 therefore, could be announced that Michael Howard will win the election. If he does, then the contract will pay out 0. If not, it will pay out nothing. In the time up to the outcome, the contracts can be traded by the buyers and sellers in this market. If, as the election approaches, it looks as th

25、ough Michael Howard will win the election then demand for the contract will rise and the price will also rise. If I bought the contract at the start of the period, I may have paid 4.20, as the election approaches and the price rises I might decide to sell it at 8.90 thus making a profit of 4.50 for

26、each contract I own.The person buying the contract at 8.90 will, if Michael Howard does win the election, get 0 thus making a profit of .0. If the market feels the chances of Michael Howard winning are receding then they will try to sell and the price will fall. They will want to sell because holdin

27、g on to the contract will mean they get nothing at the maturity of the contract period.Buyers will, therefore, either buy thinking the price is going to rise or sell thinking the price is going to fall. For each trade, the Exchange charges a small commission.The traders who are successful are the on

28、es who correctly predict the outcome. To help them in their decision making they may well be watching polls, signs, news items, etc. very carefully. What happens, therefore, is that the combined wisdom of thousands of individuals is brought together through this trading process. The market can be ve

29、ry accurate in predicting outcomes.TheoryA market is any place that brings together buyers and sellers with a view to agreeing a price for exchange. This means that markets could be anything from a street market to a supermarket to eBay, a pub, club, the London Metal Exchange, or a drugs transaction

30、 on a street corner. Whether legal or not, each of these examples has the characteristics of a buyer, a seller and a price.The market is often spoken of as being an entity in itself, something tangible that exists somewhere out there in the world. We hear people saying things like, the market needs to cater for those less able to help themselves or the market must take into account the effects on the environment.The market, however, is not a physical identity. It is made up of people. In some cases, the number in the ma

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