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人教高中英语选修八Unit 5 Period Two Warming Up.docx

1、人教高中英语选修八Unit 5 Period Two Warming UpPeriod TwoWarming Up & ReadingLanguage Points.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共10小题;每题3分,满分30分)1alternative n可能的选择 adj.供选择的;其他的2tentative adj.试探性的;不确定的 3acute adj.有观察力的;敏锐的;严重的;深刻的4regardless adv.不管;不顾 5beast n野兽 6centimetre n厘米 7ample adj.足够的;充足的;富裕的8primitive adj.原始的;远古的;简陋的9botan

2、y n植物学 10category n种类;类别;范畴.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共8小题;每题3分,满分24分)11挨饿;饿死 nstarvation使挨饿;饿死 vt.& vi.starve12精确;准确 naccuracy准确的;精确的 adj.accurate准确地;精确地 adv.accurately13打断讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止 vt.& vi.interrupt打断;中止 ninterruption14假定;设想 vt.assume假定;设想;承担 nassumption15(使)锋利;尖锐;清晰 vi.& vt.sharpen磨具;削具 nsharpener16凌乱的;脏

3、的 adj.messy混乱;一团糟 nmess17分析 nanalysis分析;分解 vt.analyz(s)e18使成熟;成熟 vt.& vi.ripen成熟的 adj.ripe.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共8小题;每题2分,满分16分)19不管;不顾regardless of20至多;最多at most21切碎cut up22show sb.round领着某人转转23in the centre of在的中心24scare.away吓跑25remove.from.把从去掉26care about在乎;关心.完成句子(共5小题;每题6分,满分30分)27It is a great pl

4、easure to meet you students from England,who are interested in archaeology.很高兴见到你们这些来自英国并且对考古学感兴趣的学生。28You must be aware that its here that we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world.你们肯定都很清楚,正是在这个地方,我们找到了居住在世界上这个地区最早一些人类的证据。29We have been excavating layers

5、of ash almost six metres thick,which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter.我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰,几乎有六米厚。这意味着他们可能整个冬天都在烧火。30Our evidence suggests that they did wear clothes made from animal skins.我们有证据表明,他们的确穿的是用兽皮制作的衣服。 the botanical analyses have shown us,all the fields around

6、 here used to be part of a large shallow lake.正如植物学的分析结果告诉我们的一样,这四周曾经是一个很大的浅水湖的一部分。重点词汇 Can you think of the alternatives we would use today?你能想出我们今天会用到的替代品吗? alternative n可能的选择;可供选择的事物 adj.供选择的;其他的an alternative to.的替代品have no alternative but to do sth.除了做某事别无选择have the alternative of.选择表示“别无选择只好做”

7、的常见句型:have no choice but to do sth.can do nothing but do sth.(1)In that situation,he had no alternative but to accept the offer.在那种情况下,他除了接受该项提议之外,别无选择。(2)Like my friend,I now have an alternative to complaining.就像我的朋友一样,我现在有了一种代替抱怨的东西。(3)You have the alternative of speaking or keeping quiet.你可以选择发言或

8、保持沉默。句型转换(4)Lacking money,I have no choice but to give up the plan.Lacking money,I have no alternative but to give up the plan.Lacking money,I can do nothing but give up the plan. Im sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here?对不起,打断了你的讲话。不过,他们怎么能够住在这个地方呢? interrupt vt.& vi.(用某事)打断讲话;打岔;暂时中断

9、或中止interrupt sb./sth.(with sth.)(用某事)打断(某人)讲话;打扰,打岔be interrupted by被打断interruption n打扰;阻断物without interruption不间断地(1)She said that she had no alternative but to interrupt your game at the time.她说当时除了中断你的比赛别无选择。(2)It is not polite to interrupt a speaker with frequent questions.不断提问打断演讲者是不礼貌的。(3)A wo

10、man excused the interruption(interrupt) and handed me an envelope.一个女人为打断我而道歉,并递给了我一个信封。 (4)She has kept up physical training for several years without interruption.她坚持体育锻炼,多年来从未间断。 So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves,regardless of the cold.因此,我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒,就住在这些洞穴里。 ass

11、ume v假定;设想;承担;假装assume sb./sth.(to be)adj./n.假定/认为某人/某事(为)It is assumed that.人们认为assume/assuming (that).假定/假设assumption n假定,假设on the assumption that.假定make an assumption作出臆断(1)It is wrong to assume arts groups cannot make a profit.(2018江苏)假设艺术团体不能盈利是错误的。(2)They assumed her (to be) the best singer of

12、 their time.他们认为她是他们那个时代最好的歌唱家。(3)Assuming that there is no alternative,what should we do?假设别无选择,我们应该怎么办?(4)It is assumed that this is the best possible solution.人们认为这可能是最佳的解决办法。(5)Try to understand whats actually happening instead of acting on the assumption(assume) youve made.(2018江苏)努力弄明白实际正在发生的事

13、情,而不是按照你所做的假设行事。一句多译(6)据我所知,很多人认为他是正确的。As far as Im concerned,a great many people assumed that he was right.(assume)As far as Im concerned,a great many people made an assumption that he was right.(assumption) regardless of不顾;不管(强调不在意某事)regardless of the fact that.不顾的事实in spite ofdespite 尽管;不顾(强调事情会令

14、人惊讶)(7)In addition,the Internet makes surveying and voting easy and convenient,regardless of time and space.另外,网络使得调查和投票更容易和方便,无论在时间和空间上。(8)They continued to work regardless of the fact that it was raining.尽管天在下雨,他们还是继续工作。(9)We arrived at the station on time in spite of/despite the storm.尽管有暴风雨,我们依旧

15、准时到达了车站。 Its at most three centimetres long.这个东西不超过三厘米长。 at most(at the most) 至多,最多,不超过at leastat the least 至少,最少not in the least一点也不,丝毫不(1)He should be there on time or at most a few minutes late.他应准时或最多晚几分钟到达。(2)It will take you at least 20 minutes to get there.到那里至少要花掉你20分钟。(3)Do you mind if I tu

16、rn on the radio?No,not in the least.你介意我打开收音机吗?不,一点也不介意。It seems that they used the sharpened stone tools to cut up animals and remove their skin.看样子他们可能是用磨尖的石器来切割野兽并剥皮。 cut up切碎;剁碎cut across抄近路穿过cut down砍倒;杀死;削减,缩短cut in插嘴;打断(谈话)cut out裁剪;删掉cut through将凿穿;抄近道cut off中断;切断;使隔绝(1)He cut up the meat an

17、d put it into the pan.他切碎了肉,放进了锅里。(2)Your essay is too long.You can cut out the last paragraph.你的文章太长了。你可以把最后一段删除。(3)This is the third time that the electricity has been cut off this week.这已经是本周第三次停电了。(4)The child kept cutting in while I was talking with his father.我和他父亲交谈时,这个孩子一直插嘴。(5)When the whol

18、e area was cut off by the flood,the government sent food and medicine there.当整个地区被洪水隔离时,政府向那里派发了食物和药品。经典句式It is a great pleasure to meet you students from England,who are interested in archaeology.很高兴见到你们这些来自英国并且对考古学感兴趣的学生。“It is/wasn./ do/that从句”为常用句型。其中it为形式主语,to do/that从句为真正的主语。(1)Its a won

19、der that more people werent hurt.奇怪的是没有更多的人受到伤害。(2)It is quite certain that he has stolen my mobile phone.是他偷了我的手机,这是确定无疑的。(3)It is a pity that you didnt attend the lecture yesterday.你没有听昨天的报告真是遗憾。单句改错(4)It is difficult to why she barks every minute shes outside.单句语法填空1It may be argued that automati

20、c hand dryers are a practical alternative to paper towels.2Lets go somewhere where we can talk without interruption(interrupt)3Cathy can do nothing but lie(lie) down and sleep.4In this way,the price of the knives was cut down by half.5There are at most 300 people seeing the film in the cinema now.6T

21、he amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.7To make the tasty cake,you must cut up the big meat and then cook it.8It is assumed that stress is caused by too much work.完成句子9Assuming (that) the suggestion is accepted,when are we going to get the money?假定这个建议被采纳,

22、我们什么时候能拿到钱?10It is the monitor who/that wins the first prize in the competition.这次比赛荣获第一名的是班长。11They did go to see you yesterday,but failed to meet you.他们昨天的确去看你了,但没见到你。 12There were so many cars held up by the heavy rain that we had no alternative/choice but to wait.被大雨堵住的车太多了,我们别无选择只好等。13To be hon

23、est,it is a great pleasure to talk to you.说实话,和你谈话是件很愉快的事。基础巩固.单词拼写1The expert has given a serious analysis(分析) of the situation at the meeting.2The woman is too busy to clean the house,so it is often very messy(凌乱的)3In art criticism,you must assume(假定) the artist has a secret message hidden within

24、the work.4Im very sorry to interrupt(打断) your conversation,but its really urgent.5It is said that they have drawn up a tentative(试探性的) program for the next month.6The young man had no alternative(可能的选择) but to wait for her in this park.7To my surprise,there are still some people dying of starvation(

25、饿死) in some parts of the world.8Before you start your work,youd better sharpen(使锋利) your old tools.选词填空9I will continue to work hard to achieve my dream regardless of many failures.10Here are some tips to prevent you from crying while trying to cut up an onion.11It was the fierce dog that scared the

26、 thief away that night.12I hear that there will be 200 people at most who will attend the meeting.13As time went by,the man gradually learned to care about his wife and children.单句语法填空14After five days without food,the woman was close to starvation(starve)15The kitchen knife has become dull,so my mu

27、m asked me to sharpen(sharp) it.16This experiment was designed to test the accuracy(accurate) of the new machine.17I will stick to my plan regardless of what others say about me.18They are to finish the whole project in three months at most.19As the study suggests,university education determines one

28、s future.20The old man suggested that we (should) leave(leave) the hall at once.21They came to that conclusion on the assumption(assume) that he was from the USA.完成句子22As we had expected,the hard-working girl was admitted into Beijing University.(as)正如我们所预料的,那个刻苦学习的女孩被北大录取了。23It is a great honor to

29、be here to give you a speech about tai chi.(it作形式主语)很荣幸,在这里给你们做关于太极拳的报告。24It is said that many people in this area are suffering from hunger and cold.(suffer from)据说,该地区有很多人在挨饿受冻。25To my anger,our relaxing conversation was interrupted by the sudden noise.(interrupt)让我生气的是,我们放松的谈话被突然的噪音打断了。26Our goal

30、 is to make higher education available to everyone regardless of his financial situation.(regardless of)我们的目标是为每个人提供接受高等教育的机会,而不管其经济情况如何。能力提升.阅读理解One of my wonderful memories is about a Christmas gift.Unlike other gifts,it came without wrap.On September 11th,1958,Mum gave birth to Richard.After she

31、brought him home from hospital,she put him in my lap,saying,“I promised you a gift,and here it is.” What an honor! I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll of their own.I played with it day and night.I sang to it.I told it stories.I told it over and over how much I loved it!One morning,however,I found its bed emp

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