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1、北京高考模拟题三及答案北京高考模拟题(三)及答案总分150分第一卷(三大题,共95 分)、单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分;满分25分)A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选 项。例:haveB)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。例: We last night, but we went to the concert instead.A must have studiedB might studyC should have studiedD would study 答案是 C。6 The police have power to arres

2、t bad people by law.A the; theB .不填;thec不填;不填D. the; 不填7. Shall I talk to him in English or French? Do as you please. He can speak of B . bothc. neitherD. any8.When their first child was born, they _ for 3 years.A.had marriedB . got marriedc.had been marriedD . had got married9. The house

3、work is too much for me, Jack. Sorry, but I cant help it, Joan. Ive got something important to do, you know.A . doB . doingc. to be doingD. having done10Delias going to join us , was agreed the day beforeyesterday.A it B that C what Das11 Have a sweet dream.A Yes, I willB Thank you all the sameC All

4、 rightD You too12You can never imagine what great difficulty I have yourhouse.A found B findingCto find D for finding13Whydid you throw the bottle out of the window? You somebody.A might hurtB could have hurtC would hurtD must have hurt14 Im too busy to go to the cinema with you, John. The film is s

5、aid to be a very good one.A Thats all right.B Im so sorry.C What a shame!D Its too disappointed.15Thats funny! I remember putting my glasses on my desk, but now theyre .A missed B brokenCgone D disappeared16If you lived with me, Id give you as much freedom as you A wanted Bwould wantCwant D had want

6、ed17I came home very late last night, , early this morning.A at latestB on the wholeC in a wordD or rather18You look not a bit older than you did 5 years ago. How do you so young?A change B growCbecome D stay19So funny that everybody burst out laughing.A she looked B was she lookingCdid she look D h

7、ad she looked20Everything into consideration, they ought to have anotherchance.A to takeBtakenC to be takenDtakingAbroke upBput downCgave upDtook away22I think youve got to the point a change is needed, otherwiseyoull fail.AwhenBthatCwhereDwhich23 Why did she spend so muchtime searching shop after s

8、hop onlyfor a blouse? Oh, she was very about her clothes.AspecialBparticularCespecialDunusual24Id like you to meet David, a cowboy.Adark , handsome , tallBtall , handsome , darkChandsome, dark, tallDtall, dark, handsome25 I love you more than her, child. You mean more than love her or more than she

9、loves ?; meB.I;; youD.I; me二、完形填空(共25小题,每题1分;满分25分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2650各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。The ni ght passed peacefully. I was begi nning to think that all was well. Then, just before daybreak I heard the man of the house talking to his wife. With my ear to the chimney that connected ou

10、r rooms, I heard what they were saying. “Okay, okay, but must I kill themboth? ” To which the wife answered, “Yes. ” Then I heard nothing more. What can I tell you? I could nt breathe. My body 26 cold. God! There were thetwo of us, without anything to 27 ourselves. How could we fight aga inst half a

11、 doze nmen with guns and other weapons? , my friend was asleep. Should I wake him? Idid nt want to 29 a sou nd. Should I try to run away? I could nt. I looked 30the win dow. Maybe I could 31 out, I said to myself. But there were two big dogs just32 me.I was still won deri ng what to do 33 I heard a

12、sound on the stairs. The door was alittle open. Through the 34 , I saw the husband. He was carrying a lamp in one hand. Inthe other hand he carried one of his big 35 . His wife was right behind him. I ran behindthe door just as 36 ope ned. He gave the lamp to her and came into the room. “ Go37 ! ” s

13、aid the woman, as she put her hand in front of the lamp.He walked to the ladder and started 38 it. He was holdi ng the knife betwee n his _ 39 . When he reached the top, he 40 over my young frie nd sleep ing peacefully.Then the man took the knife in his right hand, and with his 41 he took. ah! aham

14、from the shelf. He cut off a big piece, and left the 42 hecame. The door closed, the 43 was gone, and I was left alone with my 44 .When morning came, the whole family came 45 to wake us. They placed a large 46 in front of us-and an excelle nt meal it was, too! When we were almost 47 ,the wife came i

15、n. She was carry ing one more plate of food. It had two cooked 48 on it.“We just cooked these for you, ” she said. “Eat one now, and take one on your 49 . ” That was when I understood the 50 of thoseterrible words. “ Must I kill them both? ”26AfeltDwasB wentC changed27AhelpDguardB saveC defend28ABes

16、idesDLuckilyB HoweverC Unfortunately29AcauseDmakeB haveC let30AoutDroundB downC up31AwalkDrushB jumpC break32AbesideDbeforeB behindC under33AthatDwhenB thenC while34AopeningDchimneyB doorC hole35AgunsDhammersB knivesC sticks36AheDsheB itC I37AquicklyDslowlyB carefullyC quietly38AclimbingDcarryingB m

17、ovingC cutting39AfingersDteethB handsC feet40AstoppedDstoodB bentC satD.41. A.handkn ifeB. leftC . otherD.42. A.shelfwayB. doorC . ladderD.43. A.lampmanB. womanC . lightD.44. A. doubtsfeeli ngsB. sensesC . thoughtsD.45. A.upforwardB . onC . alongD.46. A.platedinnerB. breakfastC . mealD.47. A. eate n

18、goneB. doneC . completedD.48. A.dogschicke nsB . hamsC. eggsD.49. A.visitholidayB . roadC . journeyD.50. A. mea ningpurposeB . truthC . reality三、阅读理解(共25小题,A节每小题2分,B节每小题1分;满分45分)A )阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。AThe story of Diego Maradona, the Argentinian football player, is the story of the rise and f

19、all of a poor man who became a world star, but paid the price of fame. At 33 years of age, he is now at the end of a career (职业生涯)which saw him, in the 1980s, as the bright star of World Cup Football. In the 1990s, this career has come into a story of poor performa nee on the field, drug-tak ing, sp

20、eak ing ill of football officials, being forbidde n and fin ally facing court acti on in which he has had to defe nd charges ( 指控)of shooti ng at several reporters.Maradona was born in the poor area of Furito in Buenos Aires. Early in his life, he was able to realize a dream of most poor boys, the d

21、ream that the way out of poverty-trap is through success in sport. Sport in the world around is an activity open to all people, no matter what their background is.Diego Maradona is one of eight children. His father is an Indian and mother an Italian. The games of football played in the dirty street

22、outside his small white, one-storeyed home in Furito were to provide him with a passport out of the small town. Today, poorly dressed boys still run and kick balls around the street from which their hero traveled to become one of the worlds great football artists.Football expert Francis Corneo found

23、 Diegos gift. He says that the young player was “ a natural ”and there was nothing he could teach him. He had never seen anyone play like him in his thirty years football life.51In the second paragraph of this passage, what does “ poverty-trap ” mean?A The low position in society.B Extremely poor co

24、ndition in ones life.C Poor living conditions which are hard to escape from.D Become wealthy in the future.52After rising to the height in his footall career, he has been in decline ( 衰落), for .A his performance is not as good as before on the fieldB he will be brought in an action against his bad d

25、eedC he showed no respect for some football officialsD all the above53Sport is an activity open to all people, no matter what their background is. This sentence tells us .A everybody enjoys sport and could turn a dream into realityBthrough sport everybody maybe successful and becomesa famous star in

26、 the world, no matter how poor he used to be.C if one wants to be a famous sport star, he must have a special backgroundD people from working-class families will never get international success54We can infer from the passage that .A Maradona will face a possible prison term if found guilty ( 有罪 ) on

27、 the shooting chargesB background is very important in sportC Maradona is a football star; he is as famous as beforeD Maradona is down but he isnt knocked outBMoney spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of. It serves directly to bring about a rapid sale of goods at reasonable pri

28、ces, so setting up a firm home market and making it possible to provide for export ( 出口 ) at good prices. By drawing attention to new ideas it helps greatly to raise standards of living. By helping to increase demandit causes an increased need for labour, and is therefore a nice way to fight unemplo

29、yment. It lowers the costs of many services ; without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much, the price of your television program would need to be doubled, and travel by bus or subway would cost more.And perhaps most important of all, advertising provides a promise of rea

30、sonable value in the products and services you buy. Besides the fact that twenty-seven Acts of Parliament ( 国 会 )govern the terms of advertising , no regular advertiser dare produce anything that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. He might fool somepeople for a little while through misleading advertising. He will not do so for long, for the public has the good sense not to

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