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1、统考英语交际英语交际英语1、- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! - _ This is not the end of the world. luck. up. ahead. problem.答案:B2、Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.- _ mindm glad you like it. dont say so., Its not so good.答案:B3、- Is it possible for you to work late tonight - _ like

2、it.ll do that.d love to. think so.答案:D4、Whats the problem with your bike- _ at all., thank you. serious.答案:C5、Would you like something to drink What about a cup of tea- _ , thanks., I wouldnt., I want., I like.答案:A6、How can I get to the cinema- _ s very far., there is a cinema near here.s well known

3、. down this street and turn left.答案:D7、What a beautiful dress you have on today!- _ is suitable for me., it isnt. want to have one, too you.答案:D8、Let me introduce myself. Im Steward - _ a pleasure. to meet you. dont know. a lot.答案:B9、I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me. - _ too bad.s all righ

4、t.s a pleasure. you.答案:B10、Are you going on holiday for a long time- _ was a long time. weeks ago. Only a couple of days. long time ago.答案:C11、Is John there- _ .m not Mary. are you is well today.答案:A12、Thank you for your invitation.- _ doesnt matter.s a pleasure.s a small thing.ll appreciate it.答案:B

5、13、Good morning, John. How are you doing- _ m pleased. night. so bad. And you do you do答案:C14、- Whats wrong with you, dear- _ didnt go to school. have a terrible headache. took the kids shopping today. is a beautiful dress.答案:B15、I think he is a good lecturer.- _ , it doesnt matter. do I. Its a good

6、 idea. dont mind.答案:B16、What are you majoring in- _ a university. hard. nine in the morning.答案:C17、Whats the matter, John- _ failed my French test. doesnt matter.s wrong with him. dont think I can.答案:A18、Lets go to the library this afternoon.- _, thats right. I cant. about yous a good idea.答案:D19、Ho

7、w tall is your sister- _ is not very well. is 28 years old. is very nice. is as tall as I am.答案:D20、What do you think of this novel- _ ve read it.s well-written. was written by my uncle. bought it yesterday.答案:B21、Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please- _ s theres that speaking are you wants to s

8、peak to Mark答案:B22、What does Toms wife do for a living- _ is a doctor. loves his wife. has a happy life. lives far from here.答案:A23、How much is this necklace- _ s very nice.s a birthday present from my parents. costs fifty pounds.s a bargain.答案:C24、Hello, how are you - _ , how are you do you do, tha

9、nk you.s OK.答案:C25、Good-bye for now. - _ same to you.s OK. you. time no see.答案:C26、What day is today- _ s March 6.s a fine day today.s March.s Monday.答案:D27、How are you getting on today- _ well. do you dom a doctor. to have known you.答案:A28、Is that seat taken- _ dont worry. dont think so. nots very

10、nice.答案:B29、Thank you for calling.- _ t mention it.s fine. talking to you. back again.答案:C30、Hows your family- _ all the same. for calling. too bad.t mention it.答案:C31、- Excuse me, when does the next flight from Paris arrive- _ half an hour. hour before. the next one. another one.答案:A32、- Will you c

11、ome to my birthday party this Sunday- _m very busy. , I dont., I do. , I will.答案:D33、- Let me introduce Peter to you. He is my roommate.- _, Peter. , I dont know him. me introduce Peter, too. are you答案:A34、- Do you think its going to rain over the weekend- _ dont believe. dont believe it. dont think

12、. dont think so.答案:D35、- Im sorry I broke your mirror.- _s OK with me. doesnt matter. are welcome. dont care.答案:B36、- May I introduce myself Im Li Hua.- _m Todd Smith. Its nice to meet you.m Todd Smith. How old are you you., here is my card. You can have a look.答案:A37、- This is Bill speaking. May I

13、speak to Mr. Smith- _ Here he comes., speaking. t go away. are you on.答案:D38、- Let me give you a lift(搭便车).- _ I prefer to walk on such a lovely day. you. , thanks. are welcome. , you cant.答案:B39、- Could you please open the window- _ cant. ahead. . s really very kind.答案:C40、- Do you have any oranges

14、 and apples- _, madam, on the second shelf over there. oranges are very cheap. like apples, dont you course, we have some fruits.答案:A41、- Would you come and have dinner with us- _, I think I do. , never mind., please. . I will.答案:D42、- Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.- _, no

15、. lets not.d rather stay at home.m sorry, but I have other plans., no. Thatll be too much trouble.答案:C43、- Im sorry Im late.- _ Come earlier next time. are welcome. doesnt matter. dont know.答案:C44、- _ - Oh, well, Ill speak a little slower. long do you speak do you like my speech you speak Englishm s

16、orry I cant understand you.答案:D45、- Which would you like Tea or coffee- _, I would. , pleasure., thank you., please.答案:D46、- Thank you for giving me so much help.- _ pleasure. mind., thank you. doesnt matter.答案:A47、- Im looking for a shirt for my father.- _ size do you wear can I do for you about th

17、is one size does your father wear答案:D48、- Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow.- Oh, really _ am sorry. you. a good time.!答案:C49、- Jill, you look tired. Lets go for a walk.- _ you, Im really hungry. s a good idea. are wrong.答案:B50、- You have such a nice house! I do like it.

18、- _, you neednt.s very kind of you to say so., it is not. t mention it.答案:B51、- This book is really interesting. I enjoy it very much.- _ have just finished a novel. is it about found it in a small bookstore. did you start reading答案:B52、- How is your headache- _ at all. now. you. special.答案:B53、- Ca

19、n I help you, sir- _, no trouble. , you cant. Can I have a look at that sweater dont know.答案:C54、- I must apologize to you for the delay. - _s all right. s a pleasure. the best. are welcome.答案:A55、- Im glad you like the show.- _ you so much for inviting me. , I dont like it., I dont know. ll never g

20、o to it again.答案:A56、- Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please- Yes, _ is me. am Mr. Brown. is speaking. speak.答案:C57、- How do you like the movie we saw yesterday- _ are welcome. about youve never seen a better movie than it. is very expensive.答案:C58、- Please help yourself to the fish.- _., but I dont like

21、 the fish., I cant help., what about you , I cant.答案:A59、- Our apartment is dirty.- _ is hot today. is not my business. is on duty this week me have a try.答案:C60、- Mary, we should get together some time.- _, what about next week will miss you.m afraid I can wait. think about it.答案:A61、- Do you think

22、 I can borrow your bike for a few hours- _m afraid you can. m sorry, but I really need it this afternoon., I dont think so. ll think about it later.答案:B62、- Good afternoon. Can I help you with something- _, it is a pleasure. , Im interested in that handbag. dont like anything. dont need help.答案:B63、

23、- Sorry Im late. - _ are welcome. s a pleasure. care. t worry.答案:D64、- What will the weather be like tomorrow- _ dont like the weather at this time of the year. dont know if it is going to rain tomorrow. dont you read the newspaper yourselfs listen to the weather report on the radio at ten.答案:D65、-

24、Could I borrow your English Dictionary- _ you very much. , I am not ready.m sorry. Its not at hand now.s very kind of you.答案:C66、- Thank you very much. - _ doesnt matter. , please. are welcome. it. 答案:C67、- ID card, please.- _ is it. are they. you are. you.答案:C68、- I think digital dictionaries are v

25、ery useful.- _, I think so. s a good idea. are welcome.s a pleasure.答案:A69、- Hello, who is calling- _ is out. , this is William from IBM.s in the office. you hold the line答案:B70、- Would you turn up the radio, please- _, please., thank you. , thats all right.答案:B71、- Can I speak to Mr. Rose- _ Can I

26、take a message for him is he. am afraid he is not in. are you. Do you know him答案:B72、- Are you doing anything this evening- _ you for the dinner. about you can do nothing about it. dont think so.答案:D73、- How do I get to the cinema- _s very far., there is a cinema near here.s well known. down this street and turn left.答案:D74、- Whats wrong with your car- _s very expensive. like it. of the windows is broken.s not for sale.答案:C75、- Have a nice holiday!- Yes. _ same to you. do too. as you. have it too.答案:A76、- Would you like to have some coffee- _, please., I like. is a pleasure., thank you.

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