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1、专业西餐厅英语服务用语一、预定 1、上午/下午/晚上好,我能为您做些什么?Good morning / afternoon/ evenig, May I help you?2、请问您一共有多少人来用餐?How many presons are there in you party,Sir/Madam?How many gicests are coming?3、请问您几点到?What time would you like to arrive?4、请问您贵姓?May I have your name,please?5、可以留下您的联系方式吗?May I take your telephone n

2、umber,please?6、请问您有什么需求需要我们做准备的?Is there anything specis you would like us to prepore?7、如果您有什么要求,请通知我们。If you have further requiements,please let us know.8、恐怕我们餐厅给您留座到晚上8:00。Im afraid that we only can guarantee the table before 8:00in the evening.二、迎宾1 、上午好,欢迎光临。Welcome to our restanrant.2、我能为您做些什么?

3、May I help you?3、请问您是否有预定?Do you have a reservation?4、请问您一共有多少人来用餐?How many persons5、请这边走/请跟我来。This way please/Follow me,please.6、先生,您看见在这里可以吗?Would you like to sit here,sir?7、您是愿意靠窗户坐还是靠门坐呢?Which do you prefer,by the window or near the door?8、您对这张餐桌还满意吗?Is this table fine with you?9、这是您的菜单,先生。Here

4、is the menle for you,sir.10、对不起,先生,我们现在没有空餐桌,请您在酒吧稍等一会儿,好吗?有空桌,我们会立刻通知您。Im sorry,sir,we dont have a free table now,Would you like to have a drink in the bar?Well call you as soon as possible.11、先生,对不起,让您久等了。Im sorry to keep you waiting,sir?12、如果您在用餐时有什么问题,请告诉我。If you need any help,please call me. 三、

5、点菜1、请问我可以为您点菜吗?Are you ready to order now?2、请问您想吃些什么?What would you like to order?3、请问您还需要点别的吗?Would you like some more?4、请问您的牛排要几成熟?How would you like your steak coled?(Rare 一成熟;Medium Rare 三成熟;Medium 五成熟;Medium Well 七成熟;Well Done 全熟) 5、对不起,先生,这道菜已卖完。Im sorry sir ,we dont have any more.四、征询意见1、请问您对

6、一切还满意吗?Is everything to you satisfaction?Is everything all right with your med?2、请问您还需要我为您提供些什么吗?Is there anything eles that I can do for you ?Can I bring you anything else?3、请问我能清理餐台吗?May I clean your table now?Would you like me to clear you table?五、致歉1、先生,实在对不起,我为我刚才的鲁莽行为向您道歉。Im terribly sorry for

7、 such a mistake sir?2、先生,对不起,我马上给你换一盘。Im change it right away.3、实在对不起,我马上报告主管。Im very sorry ,Ill call the superrisor.4、我再次向你道歉。I would like to apologize once again.5、对不起,但我们很高兴您向我们指正出来。Im sorry,but we glad you pointed this buttons.六、结帐1、请问您现在结帐吗?Would you like to have the bill now?2、请问您是付现金还是使用信用卡结帐

8、?Would you like to pay cash or by cred it card?3、请问你们是分帐单是是合在一起?Would you like the amout on the same billor seperately?4、对不起,我马上再重新算一遍。Sorry,I shall add it up again.5、对不起,您能告诉我哪儿错了吗?Sorry,would you show me what is wrong.6、对不起,您能告诉我您的房间号并出示您的房卡吗?Sorry,may I have you room key and room card?7、对不起,请您在这签

9、个名。Excuse me ,sir, would you please sign your name here?七、送客1、感谢您的光临希望再次为您服务。Thank you,sir,we hope to see you again.2、很高兴您用餐愉快,再见。Im glad you enjoyed your med,Good bye.3、十分感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚,再见。Thank you very much,Have a nice evening,Good Bye. 一、预定 1、上午/下午/晚上好,我能为您做些什么?Good morning / afternoon/ evenig, Ma

10、y I help you?2、请问您一共有多少人来用餐?How many presons are there in you party,Sir/Madam?How many gicests are coming?3、请问您几点到?What time would you like to arrive?4、请问您贵姓?May I have your name,please?5、可以留下您的联系方式吗?May I take your telephone number,please?6、请问您有什么需求需要我们做准备的?Is there anything specis you would like u

11、s to prepore?7、如果您有什么要求,请通知我们。If you have further requiements,please let us know.8、恐怕我们餐厅给您留座到晚上8:00。Im afraid that we only can guarantee the table before 8:00in the evening.二、迎宾1 、上午好,欢迎光临。Welcome to our restanrant.2、我能为您做些什么?May I help you?3、请问您是否有预定?Do you have a reservation?4、请问您一共有多少人来用餐?How ma

12、ny persons5、请这边走/请跟我来。This way please/Follow me,please.6、先生,您看见在这里可以吗?Would you like to sit here,sir?7、您是愿意靠窗户坐还是靠门坐呢?Which do you prefer,by the window or near the door?8、您对这张餐桌还满意吗?Is this table fine with you?9、这是您的菜单,先生。Here is the menle for you,sir.10、对不起,先生,我们现在没有空餐桌,请您在酒吧稍等一会儿,好吗?有空桌,我们会立刻通知您。I

13、m sorry,sir,we dont have a free table now,Would you like to have a drink in the bar?Well call you as soon as possible.11、先生,对不起,让您久等了。Im sorry to keep you waiting,sir?12、如果您在用餐时有什么问题,请告诉我。If you need any help,please call me. 三、点菜1、请问我可以为您点菜吗?Are you ready to order now?2、请问您想吃些什么?What would you like

14、to order?3、请问您还需要点别的吗?Would you like some more?4、请问您的牛排要几成熟?How would you like your steak coled?(Rare 一成熟;Medium Rare 三成熟;Medium 五成熟;Medium Well 七成熟;Well Done 全熟) 5、对不起,先生,这道菜已卖完。Im sorry sir ,we dont have any more.四、征询意见1、请问您对一切还满意吗?Is everything to you satisfaction?Is everything all right with you

15、r med?2、请问您还需要我为您提供些什么吗?Is there anything eles that I can do for you ?Can I bring you anything else?3、请问我能清理餐台吗?May I clean your table now?Would you like me to clear you table?五、致歉1、先生,实在对不起,我为我刚才的鲁莽行为向您道歉。Im terribly sorry for such a mistake sir?2、先生,对不起,我马上给你换一盘。Im change it right away.3、实在对不起,我马上

16、报告主管。Im very sorry ,Ill call the superrisor.4、我再次向你道歉。I would like to apologize once again.5、对不起,但我们很高兴您向我们指正出来。Im sorry,but we glad you pointed this buttons.六、结帐1、请问您现在结帐吗?Would you like to have the bill now?2、请问您是付现金还是使用信用卡结帐?Would you like to pay cash or by cred it card?3、请问你们是分帐单是是合在一起?Would you

17、 like the amout on the same billor seperately?4、对不起,我马上再重新算一遍。Sorry,I shall add it up again.5、对不起,您能告诉我哪儿错了吗?Sorry,would you show me what is wrong.6、对不起,您能告诉我您的房间号并出示您的房卡吗?Sorry,may I have you room key and room card?7、对不起,请您在这签个名。Excuse me ,sir, would you please sign your name here?七、送客1、感谢您的光临希望再次为您服务。Thank you,sir,we hope to see you again.2、很高兴您用餐愉快,再见。Im glad you enjoyed your med,Good bye.3、十分感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚,再见。Thank you very much,Have a nice evening,Good Bye.

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