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中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 八下 Unit.docx

1、中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 八下 Unit八年级(下)Units 34中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.borrow(反义词)_lend_2.independent(名词)独立_independence_3.develop(名词)_development_4.fair(名词)_fairness_(反义词)_unfair_5.ill(名词)_illness_municate(名词)_communication_7.second(副词)_secondly_8.usual(反义词)_unusual_(副词)_usually_短语归纳1.倒垃圾_take_out_the_ru


3、ow_16.过来,顺便拜访_come_over_句型再现1.“你能扫一下地板吗?”“好的,当然可以。”_Could_you_please_ sweep the floor?Yes,_sure_.2.他们应该将时间花在学业上,为的是取得好成绩并考上好大学。They should spend their time on schoolwork _in_order_to_get_good_grades_ and _get_into_ a good university.3.同时,当他们长大后,他们将不得不做家务,所以他们现在没必要做家务。Also,when they get older,they wi

4、ll have to do housework so _there_is_no_need_for_them_to_do_it_ now.4.我认为做家务并不是很难,我并不介意做家务。I think _doing_chores_ is not so difficult.I _do_not_mind_doing_ them.5.昨天我发现我的妹妹在翻阅我的东西。I found my sister _looking_through_ my things yesterday.6.相反,他想看什么就看什么,一直看到深夜。Instead,he watches _whatever_he_wants_ unt

5、il late at night.7.孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。_The_earlier_ kids learn to be independent,_the_better_ it is for their future.8.你为何不与你的家人谈谈这些感受呢?_Why_dont_you_talk_about_ these feelings with your family?9.人们不该把自己的孩子逼得太紧。People _shouldnt_push_ their kids so hard.10.他们总是把他们和其他孩子作比较。They _are_always_comparing_

6、 them with other children.语法结构1.情态动词could表示请求、允许的用法。2.表示征求意见或提出建议的句型。话题1.Chores and permission(家务和许可)2.Interpersonal communication(人际沟通)贵阳五年中考真题演练词汇类1(2013贵阳93题)Alex will go for a picnic instead of _staying_(stay) at home this weekend.(B)2.(2014贵阳38题)This math problem is so hard that I cant _.Please

7、 give me some advice.Alook out itBwork it outCgive it out3(2012贵阳92题)When is Mothers Day?Its on the _second_(two) Sunday in May every year.情态动词(B)4.(2014贵阳42题)In China and some other countries,it is impolite to speak loudly _ you are having a meal.AbeforeBwhileCafter句型类(A)5.(2013贵阳35题)“What should I

8、 get my mom for her birthday? Why _ get her a scarf?”Adont you Bdo you Care you贵阳中考重难点突破neither adv.也不【满分点拨】代词(1)作主语,谓语动词常用单数(2)常与of连用,neither of名词复数Neither of them was in good health,but both of them worked very hard.他们两个人身体都不好,但工作都非常努力。形容词(1)用在单数名词之前(2)其修饰的词作主语时,谓语动词用单数Neither answer is right.两个答案

9、都不对。副词放于句首,用倒装语序,表示“也不”neitherbe/助动词/情态动词主语He doesnt go to school by bike.Neither do I.他不骑自行车上学。我也不骑。短语(1)neithernor表示“既不也不”,连接两个并列成分表否定;反义短语bothand,连接同等成分表示肯定(2)连接主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”Neither I nor he knows it.我和他都不知道此事。【考点抢测】1I dont think I can walk any further._Neither_can_I_(我也不能)Lets stop here for a

10、 rest.(A)2.(2016麓山国际学校九年级模拟)Which would you like to drink,coffee or orange juice?_,Id like a cup of tea.ANeitherBBothCNone(C)3.(2016黑龙江中考)I tried two bookstores for the book I wanted,but _ of them had it.Anone Beither Cneither(B)4.(2016荆门中考改编)Alice,how do your parents like pop music?_my dad_my mom l

11、ikes it.But they both prefer Beijing Opera.AEither;or BNeither;norCNot only;but also辨析borrow,lend与keep【满分点拨】borrow借进说话人向别人借东西供自己用,常用于borrow sth. from sb.结构中,为终止性动词lend借出即说话人把自己的东西借给别人用,常用于lend sth. to sb.或lend sb. sth.结构中,为终止性动词Can I borrow this book?我可以借这本书吗?Yes,but you mustnt lend it to others.可以,

12、但你不许借给别人。keep保存,保留用于表示借用的时间长度,可以和表示时间段的时间状语及how long等连用How long may I keep this book?这本书我可借多长时间?Two weeks.两周。【图解助记】【注意】意为“归还”时,return是及物动词,后直接加物,加to可再接人,即return sth. to sb. 如:You should return the piano to Dick on time.你应该按时把钢琴还给迪克。【考点抢测】borrow,lend,keep5May I _borrow_ your bike?Certainly,but you mu

13、stnt _lend_ it to others.6I _have_kept_ this book for two weeks.I have to return it now.7She _lent_ him some money.She _lent_ some money to him.He _borrowed_ some money from her.(C)8.(2015贵阳18中模拟)I can _ you my dictionary,but you can _ it for only a week.Alend;borrow Bborrow;keepClend;keep辨析while与wh

14、en【满分点拨】while与when:当的时候while强调同时性或某时间段内一种情况发生时另一种情况出现,在while引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语动词只能是延续性的,而且也只能与主句中的谓语动词同时发生或存在;when说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;可与延续或非延续性动词连用。如:While Jim was repairing his bike,Lin Tao came to see him.正当吉姆修自行车时,林涛来看他。You cant do your homework while youre watching TV.你不能一边看电视一边做家庭作业。When th

15、e teacher came in,we were talking.当老师进来时,我们正在说话。I was doing my homework when my mother came back home yesterday evening.昨天晚上妈妈回家的时候,我正在做家庭作业。when和while的区别还在于:while引导的时间状语从句多用进行时态,而when引导的时间状语从句多用一般时态。【注意】while还可以表示对比或转折,意为“而,然而”。此时,while一般位于句中。如:Some people waste food while others dont have enough.有

16、些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。You like sports,while I prefer music.你喜欢体育,而我更喜欢音乐。【考点抢测】when,while9I was listening to the radio _when_ he came in.10_When_ he came back,I was doing some washing.11He fell asleep _when/while_ he was reading.(C)12.(2016河南中考)A stupid man tells a woman to shut up,while a wise man tells

17、 her that her mouth is quite beautiful_it is closed.AunlessBsinceCwhen(C)13.(2016绥化中考)She is listening to music _he is doing his homework.Aafter Bbefore Cwhile辨析provide,give与offer【满分点拨】三个词均有“供给;供应”之意,区别主要在结构上。(1)provideforprovidewith(2)give giveto(3)offer强调“主动提供”offer offerto【温馨提示】若offer所接的直接宾语和间接宾语

18、都为代词时,只能用后者。offer it to sb.(代词)【考点抢测】provide,offer14The hostess _offered_ us a cup of coffeeThe hostess _offered_ a cup of coffee _to_ us.15We _provided_ food _for_ the hungry children.We _provided_ the hungry children _with_ food.(C)16.(2015贵阳19中模拟)The cars will be _ to people all over the country.

19、AprovidedBboughtCsuppliedas soon as 一就;尽快【满分点拨】as soon as的用法(1)as soon as引导时间状语从句,如果主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。(2)as soon as possibleas soon as one can/could,意为“尽可能快地”。【考点抢测】(A)17.(2016西宁中考改编)When shall we begin our trip?Well set out _ our head teacher arrives.Aas soon as Bever sinceCso that(C)18.(2016湖

20、北中考改编)Did you catch the early bus this morning?Yes.The bus started to move _ I got on it.AthoughBbeforeCas soon as(C)19.(2014菏泽中考)When will you return the book to me?Ill give it to you _ I finish it.Aonce Buntil Cas soon assince prep.自以来conj.因为;既然【满分点拨】since的两种词性(1)作介词,since(过去的)某一时刻for一段时间,表示一段时间。(

21、2)作连词,引导时间状语从句,主句通常用现在完成时,从句通常用一般过去时。【考点抢测】(C)20.(2016大庆中考)Daming hasnt done much exercise_he got his computer.Awhen Bif Csince(C)21.(2016济宁中考)We have been expecting Rio 2016 Olympics_ the Olympic flame(圣火) was lit.Aif Bunless Csince(A)22.(2015黄冈中考)I can hardly believe my eyes.Is that you,Lucy?Yes.I

22、t has been almost 20 years _ we were together.Asince Bbefore Cafterget on with和睦相处;关系良好【满分点拨】get on的用法(1)get onget along相处;进展;与合得来(2)get on/along well with sb.与某人相处得好(3)get on/along well with sth.某事进展得好(4)How are you getting on/along with sb./sth.?你与某人相处得怎样?/某事进展如何?【归纳拓展】get on还可表示“上车”,其反义短语是get off

23、,意为“下车”。【考点抢测】23Im getting on well with my new classmates.(对画线部分提问)_How_ _are_ you getting on with your new classmates?(A)24.(2015兰州中考)Good manners can make people _ each other.Aget on well withBget offCget overPeter,could you please take out the rubbish?彼得,请你把垃圾倒掉好吗?【满分点拨】句式常见答语Could(Can/Would/Will

24、)you please do sth.?表示请求或征求意见(相当于Please do sth.)肯定:Yes,sure./Certainly./Of course./With pleasure./No problem.否定:Sorry,I cant.I have to/Certainly not./Im afraid not.Could you please not do sth.?常表示委婉批评或建议(相当于Dont do sth.)Sorry,I wont do that again.Could I do?表示请求许可(相当于May I?)肯定:Sure./Yes,you can.否定:S

25、orry,but you cant/youd better not./No,you cant.【归纳拓展】各种“请求”的表达方式请求Would you please do?请你做好吗?Would you like/love to do?你愿意做吗?Would you mind doing?你介意做吗?Shall I/we do?我/我们做好吗?Lets do!让我/我们做吧!【考点抢测】(A)25.(2016黑龙江中考)Would you mind my opening the window?_Its so hot in the room.AOf course notBCertainlyCBe

26、tter not(A)26.(2016黑龙江中考)The box is heavy.Could you please help me carry it?_!AMy pleasureBYou are kiddingCGood ideaWhy dont you go to sleep earlier this evening?你今天晚上为什么不早点睡呢?【满分点拨】(1)如何提出建议What/How aboutdoing sth.?做某事怎么样?Shall we do sth.?我们做某事好吗?Youd better(not)do sth.你最好(不)做某事。提出建议Why not do sth.

27、?为什么不做某事呢?Lets do!让我们做吧!Would you mind doing sth.?你介意做某事吗?(2)回答建议的常用句型:肯定答语:Good idea./OK./All right./Sure./Certainly.否定答语:No,thanks./Sorry,I cant./Im afraid not.【考点抢测】(A)27.(2016十堰中考)Shall we go to visit our teachers after this exam?_ASounds greatBYoure welcomeCIt serves you rightInstead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.相反,他看他想看的任何节目直到晚上很晚。【满分点拨】(1)whatever引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what,意为“无论什么,不管什么”。如:Call me when you get there,whatever the time is.无论什么时间,你到了那儿就给我打电话。(2)可引导让步状语从句的单词和短语:howeverno matter how(无论怎样)wheneverno matter when(无论何时)whateverno matter what(无论什么)whoe

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