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1、四川省成都市七校协作体0910学年高二下学期期中英语试题doc四川省成都市七校协作体09-10学年高二下学期期 中英语试题1、笫二部分:英语知识运用(共两小节,满分45分)future mightfoot;第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出口J以填入空白处的最佳选项。 when I first set in Canada, T didn t know what thhave in for me.A、 my foot; the store B a foot; the store Cstore D、 feet; stores答案c解析2、Loo

2、k at the trouble T am in! Tf only T your advice.A. followedB. would follow C. had followed D.答案C解析3、The old worker insisted that he old, and backpost again.A. wasn, t; besentB. wasn t; was .C. be not; send D sentshould followto workingisn, t; sent答案A解析5、for the next year.Our money is limited and we

3、shouldA. save B. spare C. limit D. budget答案D解析6、Can you the graduates a satisfying job when they graduate fromuni versi ty?A. provideB. guaranteeC.arrangeD.apply答案B解析7、The governmentdemanded againthat the publictherumour.B. mustn, tnot believeD.wouldn tA. not to believe.c.believebelieve答案c解析8、The mo

4、ther forbids noise in our study, but she doesn t forbidus a discussion.A. resulting fromB figuring out benefiting fromD. bringing up答案B解析答案c解析答案B解析答案C14、 the new technology in their production, the peasants had a better harvest last year.A. Applied B. Applying to C. Having appliedD. Applying for答案c解

5、析15、Try to a few hours each week for exercise.A. put away B. take away C. pick up D. set aside答案D解析16、第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的四个选项屮,选出最佳选项。Tn the wake of Chicago s worst ever winter, when al 1 of the rooftops were loaded, many overloaded with snow-Robcrt McGrath saw his wife

6、run out to the backyard garage to some boxes.Seconds later he heard the 2 !Looking out he saw the 3 of the garage had caved in (下塌).McGrath did not 4 for hat or coatHe ran from the house, 5 a snow shovel, and called out for neighbors to 6 . Yelling and 7 , with sweat freezing on his face throwing sn

7、owand pul ling away 8 he heard her voice and then saw her 9 He kept digging, throwing and pullingAnd within minutes he had his wife in his arms and was 10 “Arc you all right? Are you all right? I thought you were 11 Oh baby, 1 love you so much!” She was 12 What Robert McGrath did not 13 was this: Mr

8、s. McGrath had gone into the garage through one door and 14 through another. She was 15 in the house when she looked out and saw her husband digging and 16 orders and throwing planks of wood, feverishly trying to 17 her. She could not let her gallant(英勇) rescuer 18 So she put her coat on again and w

9、ent outsideand 19 entered the garage through the 20 door-and allowed her husband to be her hero.36 A、 fetch B、 put C、lay D、 fix37 A、 overloadB accidentC、crashD、 falling38、 A、 doorsB roofC、topD、 wall39、 A、 searchB、 lookC、hesitateD、 stop40 snatchedB grabbedC、robbedD carried41 A、 escapeB runC、helpD mov

10、e42 A、 diggingB workingC、complainingD、 crying43、 A、 bricksB stonesC、grassD、 boards44 A、 handB、 bodyC、faceD、 feet45 A、 sobbingB questioningC、tiredD、 happy46 A、 missingB、 hiddenC、crazyD、 hurt47、 A、 excitedB、 fineC、surprisedD、 happy48、 A、 findB mindC、knowD care49 A、 awayB upC、offD out50 A、 safeB waitin

11、gC、watchingD、 anxious51 A、 receivingB placingC、givingD、 shouting52 A、 pullB、 rescueC、uncoverD、 protect53、 A、 inC、upD、 down54、 A、 finallyB unexpectedlyC、quietlyD、 carefully55 A、 backB openC、frontD、 broken答案ACBDD CADAA DBCDADBDCA解析17、笫三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 AUni

12、versal Orlando Resort in Florida is opening a Harry Potter theme park that will let fans visit many of the iconic(标志性的)locations in the Harry Potter books and movies.“The Wizarding(魔法)World of Harry Potter” is set to open at Universal s Islands of Adventure theme park in late 2009, complete with the

13、 Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the ForbiddenForest and Hogsmeade village.一The plans Ive seen look incredibly exciting, fans of the books or films will be disappointed, ”J. K. Rowling, who has been working with a creative team to the park resembles the books and films.More than a dozen

14、artists 1ead by Stuart Craig, the world best to ensure that level of authenticity(真实性)she said.The park will let visitors view the famed locations in Rowling s magical world, like Dumbledore s office in Hogwarts and the shops inHogsmeade. Some locations may be in upcoming books, Trowbridge said. Man

15、y tourists outside the theme park said the experience would boost its appeal to a younger audienee.Brandon Wi1 son, a 15-year-old from Pleasant Hill, said he can, t get enough of Ilarry Potter, he has read every book and watched every movie.“I hope we will be able to fly like Harry Potter, ” Wilson

16、said. 56 What s the best title of the passage?A、 The Introduction to Universal Orlando Resort.B Harry Potter Theme Park Headed to Florida.C、 The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry.D、 Hogsmeade Village. .57 Whats the meaning of the underl ined word resemble” in Paragraph 3?A、 Look like. B Loo

17、k out. C、 Look at. D、 Look into.58 Which of the following is TRUE?A Harry Potter theme park has been built in Universal Orlando Resort.B The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is the name of theme park.C、 J. K. Rowling is the chief director of the theme park.D、 The Harry Potter theme park wi11 attract

18、al 1 the audience.59 which of the following spots can NOT be seen in the future Harry Potter theme park?A The Forbidden Forest. B HogsmeadeVillage.D、C、 Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Dumb1edore, s bedroom.答案【小题1 B【小题2】A【小题3】B【小题4】D 解析18、BAn adopted American girl who was dying from bone

19、marrowfailure has survived a successful, transplant thanks to her Chinese donor 献者).She has come to China, with her family, to meet her donor at a ceremony held in Beijing.Who would have thought that such a lovely girl had just survived such a deadly disease?A big hug is the only way to express feel

20、ings at the moment, as Kailee Wells is embraced by her donor Dr Wang Lin. Kailee Wells said, ” Xie Xie Ni, Dr Wang Lin, for giving a part of your life to me. ”Dr Wang cannot control his emotions after seeing 10-year-old Kailee s miraculous recovery. Dr Wang Lin. Said, To see this beautiful and spiri

21、ted 1 ittle girl standing before me today, T feel so relieved, so hoppy. ”Born in the central province of Hunan, Kailee was found abandoned in Changdc. She spent a year in an orphanage before being adopted by the Wells family in New Mexico.At 5, her bone marrow stopped producing red and white blood

22、cells. But her family never gave up hope of finding a perfect match, and after two unsuccessful plants, Kailee finally had a third, which was successful.Kailee s mother Linda Wei 1s said, well last Christmos,we were al 1very worried she would be Beijing with It, s 3 trueabout Kailee, emd we were not

23、 sure at that time whether here this year with us now-and here we ware in China, in this wonderful celebration and meeting Dr Wang Lin. blessing.China s bone marrow donor registry has grow to more than 700 000, thanks to increased awareness of the procedure by Chinese citizens. Hong Junling, directo

24、r of Red Cross Society, China said, Tn the past, if a patient became sick, we had to turn to donor programs overseas or in Taiwan to apply. Nowadays, for the most part, our patients know that if they become sick they can first try the ChinaRed Cross database. ”The Wells family will stay in China unt

25、il next week, during which they will help recruit more bone marrow donors.60、 Which would be the best title for the passage?A、 US girl saved by Chinese donor, B US girl is to meether donor.C A lucky adopted US girl. D、 US girl fightswith dceidly disease.61、 Which of the following is TRUE about Kaile

26、e?A She was abandoned outside an orphanage in New Mexico.B She has suffered the hone marrow failure for about 5 years.C、 She had never been to China before the ceremony.D、 She is an American born Chinese adopted by a US couple.62、 The Wells family paid a visit to China A、 for Kailee, s third transpl

27、ant B、 to donate bone marrowC to meet a special person D、 to help abandonedchildrcn 63 What can we infer from the passage?A、 Kailee is willing to help bone-marrow一failure patients in the hospital.B There are more than 700 000 patients of bone marrow failure.C、 Kailee, s family will donate money for

28、patients of bone marrow failure.D Kailee sAmerican parents loved her and ncver gave her up.答案【小题1 A【小题2】B【小题3】C【小题4】D 解析19、cThe French submarinc is called Lc Triomphant, mcaning “thewinner The name of the British submarine is Vanguard, meaning “the leading position in an army” It s clear from the su

29、bmarines names that they were made for victory.However, it was an accident, rather than a victory, that led these two submarines to recently make news headlines across the world.On February 16,Britain and France admitted that two of theirnuclcorarmed submarincs, I1MS Vanguard and Lc Triomphant, coll

30、ided while deep in the Atlantic in early February. Both submarines were on secret patrols (巡逻)and carrying nuclear arms when they collided.Le Triomphant had no idea that it had run into HMS Vanguard until several days later. The French navy at first believed that Le Triomphant had hit an “object, probably a container(集装箱)” Investigations have begun to work out how such a collision could have happened. Both submarines are equipped with state-oftheart (最先进 的)technology that is supposed to f

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