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1、英语简历范文英语简历范文 Writing Skills Resume 英文简历(Resume)包括个人资料、教育背景、工作经历和附加信息(Personal Information, Education,Work Experience,Additional Information),写简历时,语言应简明,内容要全面。 1. 结构 简历包括个人资料、教育背景、工作经历和附加信息四部分。如果已有全职工作,要把工作经历放在前面;如是在校学生,应把教育背景放在前面。教育背景、工作经历和个人资料的名称可以首字母大写,也可全部字母大写; 可写在最左侧,也可居中。 2. 写作技巧及注意事项 1) 个人资料(P

2、ersonal Data /Information) (1) 名字:一般名在前姓在后。如:李阳:YANG LI,Yang Li;王晓峰:Xiaofeng Wang。 (2) 地址:小单位在前大单位在后,邮编放在省市名与国名之间。 (3) 电话:电话前面要加地区号,区号可用括号或与号码间加空格。如: (8610) 650-5226;8位号码中间加一个“-”,如6505-2266。手机要用“4-3-4原则”,如:“1380-135-1234”。 2) 教育背景 (Education Background) 时间要倒序:最近的学历要放最前面。学校名要大写并加粗;地名右对齐,全部大写并加粗。学历常用C

3、andidate for开头,比较严谨;已经毕业,可把学历名称放在最前。 (1) 社会工作:担任班干部,可写职务;参加过社团协会,写明职务和社团名。社团协会国外一般都用club。不必写年月和工作详情,有些可留待工作经历中写。 (2) 奖学金:奖学金一项一行。 (3) 成绩:如果不是前五名,建议不写。 (4) 专长与爱好: 重点罗列对应聘工作有用的专长与技能。 语言:可用aurate & fluent(准确、流利), fluent in(流利), English as working language显得不非常流利,但可信度更高。 电脑:不要用“熟悉”(familiar), “熟悉”是一个很弱的

4、字眼。如果几个软件,有的熟练,有的不熟悉,建议只写软件名。如果真的使用的很多,可用“Frequent user of”。 (5) 资格证书:写资格证书时, 一定要写上取得时间、国籍。如:注册会计师(CPA),世界各国都有自己的CPA,但有些是互不承认的。能显示一定素养的业余爱好,也可写上,如:英语考级、计算机等级、钢琴考级。 (6)爱好与特长:写强项,写两到三项。不要笼统写,如:sports、music、reading。 3) 工作经历(Working Experience/ History) 强调一下,对于正在工作的人,Experience应写在Education的前面,而对于在校生Educ

5、ation则应放在Experience之前。 (1) 时间:时间要倒序,写在左侧,如:1997-present。工作时间长要加上月份,如:May,xx- Jan, xx, 显得精确。工作的时间较短,只写年份,如1993-1995。夏期工作的几种写法:Summer Intern(不管职务职称),Summer Analyst(适合大学本科或研究生期间的暑期工作),Summer Assistant(适合多种情况),Summer Associate (专指MBA学生的暑期工作)。 (2)公司名称:公司名称应大写加粗。若全称太复杂,可写得稍微简单些。如ARRAIL CHAINSHINE INVESTME

6、NT PANY LIMITED不如写成ARRAIL CHAINSHINE显得 简明,一看就知道指的是哪家公司。如:在中国就不是每个人都知道INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE是什么公司,但IBM的大名却是家喻户晓的。 (3)职务与部门:应写在公司简介之后,职务与部门应加粗,每个词的第一个字母要大写,如:Manager, Finance Department。 (4)工作内容:要用点句(bullet point),最多不要超过两行;句数以三到五句为佳。为了强调自己的某种技能,写明技能类别,如翻译、电脑等。对于工作经历有时间断层的人更可使用这种方法。点句以动词开始。目前的工

7、作用一般现在时,以前工作用过去时。 (5) 主要职责与主要成就:初级工作以及开创性不强的工作,把主要职责放在前面;若是较高级或开创性较强的工作则应把主要成就写在前面。工作成就要数字化,精确化,避免使用many, a lot of, some, several等模糊的词汇。 4) 纸与字体 ( Paper and Typeface) (1) 纸规格:至少80克,或100克左右。 纸尺寸,A4,即29.7厘米长,21厘米宽。 (2) 字体及间距:常用Times New Roman或Palatino。字号:最好用小五号,学生简历中可用小四。页眉间距:上下一样,约2-3厘米;左右一样,约1.2-2.5

8、厘米。 3. 格式 简历通常有两种形式:分项式(Item Pattern)和表格式(Form Pattern)。分项式是根据简历的构成元素逐项排列,而表格式则需先一个表格,在把内容填写进去。如(表1-1) 4. 简历样本(Sample) RESUME Personal Information Name: Jizhong Wu Health:Excellent Gender (Sex): Male Age: 25 Place of Birth: Nan _g, Jiangsu, China Marital Status: Single Address: No.45 Zhongshan Road

9、Nang _g Zip Code: 475003 Tel: (025) 365-8096 Mobile Phone: 1373-785-6566 E-mail Address: Jizhong Wuxx163. Job Objective: Electrical Automatic Control Education 09, xx-07, xxYellow River Conservancy Technical Institute Major: 09, xx-07, xxNan _g Technical School Part- time Work Experience 08, xx-08,

10、xx Hydroelectric power station assistant CAD Engineer 09, xx-present Power plantassistant CAD Engineer Language Proficiency English( ): Aurate & Fluent CET4: Excellent CET6: Excellent Computer Proficiency Pass the National Computer Rank Test ( third grade of database technology) Familiar with CVB, A

11、SP, SQL, SERVER 2000,Special interest in the development of JAVA; good at the development of Software; experience in group work. Other Specialties Knowledge of merce and foreign trade, and with special interest Self-judgment Honest, energetic, fashion minded, having strong ambition and determination

12、 to sueed; pleasant personally with initiative and driver; prepared to work hard, ability to learn; creative while possessing a great team spirit. 5.英文简历一些常用的语言 ( Useful Patterns for Writing Resume ) Interpretation of Specialty Courses 专业课程名称的翻译 Self-judgment Honest, dependable, having an independen

13、t mind and good teamwork spirits. Responsible, ambitious individual with versatile experience, excellent organization, interpersonal, managerial skills. Honest, energetic, fashion minded, having strong ambition and determination to sueed, pleasant personality with initiative and drive, prepared to w

14、ork hard, ability to learn, creative while possessing a great team spirit. Personal Information: Name: * Date of Birth: July 12, 1971 Birth Place: Bei _g Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried Telephone: * E-mail: careersohu. Work Experience: Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software deve

15、lopment and web publishing anized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) . Summer of 1997 BIT Company as a technician, designed various web sites. Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage,

16、Photoshop and Java as well ; Education: 1991 - August 1996 Dept. of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E. Achievements & Activities: President and Founder of the Costumer Committee Established the organization as a member of BIT President of Communications for the Marketing Association Representative

17、 in the Student Association English Skills : Have a good mand of both spoken and written English . Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213 Characters : Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious nature and dedication are my g

18、reatest strengths. 描述工作经验的常用方法: Senior Internal Auditor Conducted operational and financial audits of manufacturing subsidiaries. Designed and implemented audit programs to test the efficiency of all aspects of aounting controls. Remended changes and improvements to corporate and divisional manageme

19、nt. Office Manager Arrange logistics for office expansion and relocation. Establish office procedures and systems. Actuate/implement filing system, client billing system and bookkeeping. Order supplies; maintain inventory. Handle word processing and receptionist responsibilities. Software Engineer o

20、ver eleven years of extensive puter/electronics experience. Versed in both digital and analog electronics with specific emphasis on puter hardware/software. Special expertise in system and ponent evaluation. Network supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arc LAN system. Proficient in asse

21、mbly and C programming language.。 Excellent munication skills including written, verbal and interpersonal. To those who may concern Dear sir or madam, Thanks for reading my resume. I am a junior student from College Of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University. As we all

22、know, Intel (Chengdu) is a large powerful pany, which I have been always looking forward to giving an insight into. I have a dream that one day I will have a chance to enter a pany like yours. Fortunately, you are going to employ some college students to work as interns this summer. I desire that yo

23、u can offer me an opportunity. Now, I introduce myself in several ways as follows. My attitude toward life is always positive and optimistic. I love to make friends. I like municating with people from different places. We can share our fresh ideas. I like the way I treat my family and friends, easyg

24、oing, sincere and honest, and I am always ready to help them. In my spare time, I am fond of sports, singing and many other entertainments. For instance, I once took part in an English speech organized by The Student Union and was awarded. Moreover, team work plays an important part in my life and s

25、tudy. I have achieved some suess in my study. It was due to the right manner and hardworking. In the last 5 semesters, I have got an average score of 83.315, ranked 68th in 332 students in my department. Some scores of the courses were very outstanding such as College English. Because of my intense

26、interest in English, I learnt English very hard. I am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing. I often topped the whole class in the final English examination. I also did well in my professional courses, to name only a few, Principles of Electronic Circuits, Analog Electronic Circuits, Digi

27、tal Electronic Circuits and Electrical Machinery. I have mostly got a level A in these courses. In April and June, xx, I passed the NATIONAL PUTER RANK EXMAMINATION (Grade 2, language C) and CET-6 without a hitch. Whats more, I have got several scholarships offered by nation, university and some pan

28、ies. I am a good student leader. I once worked as the branch secretary of the Communist Youth League. During my first two years of my college life, I worked for the student union. And now, I bee the branch secretary of the Party, in charge of the daily work, and help more and more students join the

29、Party. I take a positive and serious attitude toward my job. I try my best to work as a bridge between superiors and students, and they all speak highly of my excellent work. I have been elected superior student and outstanding student leader many times. I often spare time to do some practice jobs.

30、I worked as an intern in a medical institute in Chongqing during my last summer vacation. Besides, I take some part time jobs from time to time. Now I am the tutor of a junior 2 student and play a very important role in her study. With my help, she has made a great progress. Her parents are very sat

31、isfied with me. As a result, I have a good wage so that I need not rely on my parents any more. It is the very beginning of my financial independence. In my opinion, college study means not only the dull text books but also the capability of learning, thinking and practice. That was what I pursued in my last two years and a half. In my eyes, Intel (Chengdu) is a business with strong technique power and excellent culture, which can provide many chances for your staffs to l

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