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1、完整word版一般现在时专项练习题般现在时专项讲解及练习题、概念:一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态。用法可概括为:经常性或习惯性动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。如: ofte n, always, sometimes, every ,on Suldayl go to school on weekdays.a.肯定句中,只出现实义动词,如:I get up in the morning. 我早晨起床。b.否定句中,要在实义动词前面加 do (does) + not, do (does)作助动词,本 身无意义,常与not缩写成dont (does nt),如:

2、I dont like vegetables.我不喜欢蔬菜。c. 一般疑问句,要在句子开头加助动词 Do (does),句尾用问号,简略答语用Y es,主语 +do (does).或 No,主语 +do (does) + not.如:Do you like oran ges? 你喜欢桔子吗?Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。(No, I dont.不,我不喜欢。)专题专练1:1. Where(一)单选:Lucy come from?A. do B. does C. is D. areA. comes from B. is from C. are from D. come of3.We sp e

3、ak En glish .A. every days B. everyday C. very day D. every day4.My math teacher a big pair of glasses.C. wear D. puts on5. Whatyour father and mother ?A. does, do B. do, do C. are, do D. do, does (二)用动词适当形式填空:(三)句型转换:1. My livi ng room has three wi ndows.(改为否定句)2. Jim and Jack like swimmi ng on Sun

4、 days(就划线部分提问)3. We are in the same class.(改为一般疑问句)4. He comes from England.(就划线部分提问)专题专练2:、用所给动词的适当形式填空。二、填空。Mrs. Black s DayMrs. Black ofte n(get) up at 7:00 on Sun day morning. She(have)breakfast at 8:30. She(have) a little dog. She(like) to go to thepark with her dog. At 10:50, Mrs. Black someti

5、mes(wash) her clothes.At 3:00 p.m. she usually ( go) shopping. She often_(make) supper at 6:00 p.m.She doesn t (watch) TV at night. She(go) to bed at about 10:30p.m.三、联词组句。1. tomorrow, give it back , pl ease2. is, it, today, what day3. Un cle Joh n, I, sp eak to, May, pl ease4. some mon ey, borrow,

6、I, from you, May5. at this time of day, the shop, I thi nk, is, closed专题专练3:I .用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1. He often2. Daniel and Tommy(have) dinner at home. (be) members of the Readi ng Club.3. She and I(take) a walk together every evening.4. There(be) some water in the bottle.5. We(n ot watch) TV on weekdays.

7、6. Nick (not do) his homework on Sun days.they (like) the World Cup?3 / 118. What9. they usually your parents (do) on holidays?(read) n ews papers every day?10. The girl (teach) us En glish on Sun days.n .按照要求改写句子。1.Daniel watches TV every evening.改为否定句)TV every eve ning.2. I do my homework every da

8、y .(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)Danielyouhomework every day?No, I3. She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)shemilk?Yes., she does4. Sim on is from Beiji ng.(同义句改写)Sim onBeiji ng.5. Millie is clever at Maths.(同义句改写)MillieMaths .m .改错。1.1s your brother sp eak English?AB C2.Does he looks like his father?3.He likes play games

9、A Bafter class.4.Mr Wu teachs usEn glish.5She does nt her homework on Sun days.A B CIV .将下列句子译成英文。1.-桑迪放学后打羽毛球吗?-不她学习很用功放学后她总是看书. SandyNo. Shebadm inton after school?hard. She always 2.他在第三中学上学.他每天早上七点上学.books after school.Hein No .3 Middle School. He to school at 7a.m.every day.3.父亲早晨送我到学校.My fathe

10、r me to school in the morning.TV and to music.4.我女儿喜欢看电视和听音乐.My daughter5.西蒙朋友的姐姐长大后想当一位歌手.up.Sim on s frie nd s sister to a sin ger whe n she专题专练4:1.按要求改写下列句子.1、Sandy has long hair in a ponytail.改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)Simon and Daniel2、Simon and Daniel are good friends .改为否定句)good frie nds.3、We are in the s

11、chool football team.改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) you in the school football team? Ye .4、Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) Amy p layi ng compu ter games?We5、We go to school every morning .改为否定句)to school every morning.6、She is always ready to help others.改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) always ready to help others? .

12、7、The earth goes around the sun改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)aro und the sun? 5 / 118 He speaks English very well.改为否定句)well.9、John comes from Canada对划线部分提问)10、I like taking my dog for a walk after supper after supper?.二.改错:(划出错误的地方,然后把正确的改在题后。)1.Lily and Lucy does nt_wa nt to clea n the blackboard.2.Mr Gree n like

13、s work in China very much.3.My mother ofte n go to the shop on Sun days.4.She doesn t likes bread or cakes.5.Where is Jim and Kate now?6.There are some water and leaves in the po ol.7.PI ease give a colour pen cil for me.8.They aren t go to school at the weekend.9.The dog sits betwee n the chair.10.

14、She ofte n works hard and goes to bed in ni ght.11.Millie is good in En glish. She sp eaks En glish well.12.She is a member at the Compu ter Club.13.Do you help your mother in the housework?14.Do Sim on ofte n go home by a bus?15.I ofte n take bus to school.16.Do you want to p lay with us after the

15、school?17.Daniel and David want to p lay on us.专题专练5:用所给动词正确形式填空1. He loves2.Nick goes 3.Simon enjoys(read )n ews paper.(swim )every Saturday after noon.(p lay )football.6 / 115. Amy likes(talk) on the phone with her friends. (run) for half an hour.(look )for things on the In ternet. _ (da nee).En g

16、lish.3.Millie takes Eddie a walk every after noon.4.Kitty lives a flat sits Kitty and Amy.6.Here is a p icture my family. Do you want to look7.Does Simon ofte n eat a restaura nt?bunches(辫子).10. Mr Smith comesNew York. He is America n.专题专练6:、按照要求改写句子1.This is my pencil ?(变一般疑问句)2.

17、These red socks are Kate .(变一般疑问句)3.I want to buy a big green bag .就划线部分提问)4.Mary does not have any books .变肯定句)5.The clothing shop is on sale.变为否定句)6.She likes the black bag very much .变为否定句) 7. I buy the pants for oniy 50 Yuan. (用 she改写句子)8.It an singlish dictionary .(对画线部分提问)9.Lily and Lucy are f

18、ifteen years old now .(对画线部分提问)10.(用he(改写旬子)Her dog is 2 years and 5 mon ths old .变为否定句)11.I usually get up at seve n o12.He often has hamburgers and apples for dinner 变为一般疑问句 )13.My family always like thrillers .(对画线部分提问)14.Jane s sister wants to see the comdl为一般疑问句)15.Maria and Jack come to this s

19、chool on Monday 对画线部分提问)二、完成句子1.他每天六点钟起床。Heat six every morning.2.hiking. 小明经常去远足。 Xiao Mi ng ofte n 3.her grandparents on她总是在星期天看望爷爷奶奶。 She alwaysSun days.4. Sa ndy周末上学吗?Sandyschool on weeke nds?6.李云喜欢秋天,不喜欢冬天。Li Yunautu mn, but he7.今天的天气怎么样? What s thelike wi today ?8.她有电脑吗?shea compu te

20、r?专题专练7:四、BE动词填空。 Li Fen? No,Mr. Gree n very busy? Yes, henot .3. He mustat home.4. Comediesvery in teresti ng.5. What class6. You and I7. His friends8. The twins_ you in?good frien ds._ very funny.very happy because they want to go to a movie.五.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. My classmate(know) the man on t

21、he bike.2.His sister usually (go) to school at 7:00 am.3.Lin Tao (like) his new sweater.(have) a look.4. Let me5. Let s (play) tennis!he _(like) En glish?7. I want (go) to a movie.(not know) the teachers n anie.6.8. He9. Nice _10. Can I(meet) you!_ (ask) the p olicema n?11.12.(sit) dow n and (not lo

22、ok) at your book!(have) a cup of tea .13.you14. I need (ca n see) the bananas on the table?(buy) some new clothes.专题专练8一、填空1 I can take Li Ming there whe n he(come) to visit.your sister3Her home(kno w)E nglish? (远离)her school.4The pot5 Where6 Who_(not look) like yours very (have)l unch ever

23、y day?(想要 )to go swimming?she(do) the housework every day?8 Jenny and Danny usually (p lay) games in the after noon .二、单选:1. Jenny is a nurse andA. works2. Johnin Town Hosp ital. C. is worki ngto bed early but his brother does nt.B. to workD. workA.goes B. go C. is going D. going3. its n early six o

24、clock. Lets home.A. to go B. go C. going D. goesfor a p ic nic tomorrow.A. to go B. go C. going D. goes5. When you leave the room, you must .4. How aboutA. turn on the light turn off the light 6. Liste n! JimB. to turn on the light C. turn off the light D. toEn glish in the room.A. is readi ng B. re

25、ads C. read D. to read三.用动词的正确形式填空。1. We often2. He (p lay) in the p laygro und.(get)up at 6 o clock.10 /113. you (brush)your teeth every morning? What (do) he usually (do) after school?四.句型转换(改为否定句及一般疑问句并作肯定及否定回答)1.My father reads Ch ina Daily every day.改 为否定句)2.We enjoy swimmi ng.3.They watch TV every evening对划线部分提问4.Lily s sister likes playing table tennis.5.I usually p lay football on Friday after noon.

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