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1、山东省德州市高三一模考试图片英语英语第一、第二、第三部分1-5 ABAAC 6-10 BCCBC 11-15 CABAB 16-20 BACAC21-25BDACA 26-30CDCBB 31-35AABDC36-40BADAC 41-45BCABD 46-50DCABC 51-55DCACB56-60CDBCC 61-65BABCA 66-70DBDDA 71-75CDCAB第四部分第二节 书面表达 One possible versionBeing an excellent student with all-round development, Li Hua has been honore

2、d as Star of the Campus.He spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work at weekends, helping the old or the disabled, which shows his character of responsibility and kindness. With great intelligence, diligence, good learning methods and positive attitudes, he studies well in all the subjects

3、and often ranks among the top three in the class. After class, he is active in the playground, music clubs and some communities. The sport he likes most is playing basketball and he has served as leader of our school basketball team for two years. He also takesgreat delightin Chinese opera as well a

4、s singing pop songs. Besides, he takes an active part in all sorts of social practices. In a word, Li Hua is an outstanding student, who has set a good example for us. (131words)录音原文:Text 1W: Check, please.M: Thatll be 21.50.W: Thats cheap!M: We try to make good food for less, madam.Text 2M: Hi, Shi

5、rley. This is Rich. Is Peter there?W: Im sorry, but my name isnt Shirley and there is no one here named Peter. Im afraid you have the wrong number.Text 3 M: Honey, arent you ready to go? We need to drive 20 minutes to get to the theater.W: Take your time, dear. The play wont start until 7:30, so we

6、still have 40 minutes to go.Text 4W: Jack, do you manage to continue playing sports?M: No. By the time I get home at night, it is always too late to do any training. Besides, I always have so much homework to do.Text 5W: Bill, have you heard the news? It appears we wont be laid off after all.M: Oh,

7、Im somewhat tired of working here. Ive been wondering whether I should leave. Anyway, the news seems to be good for you.Text 6W: Whats wrong, Josh?M: Well, its just that I cant make any friends here. It wasnt like this at my other university. W: Give it some time, Josh. You just transferred and all

8、the other students have already been here for two years. M: I know. Hey, you seem like a popular person. What do you suggest I do to get to know more people? W: I dont have anything special that I do. But my motto is to put myself in the other persons shoes at all times. Text 7M: . And this work her

9、e is our gallerys finest and most splendid piece.W: This black line?M: Um, yes, Mrs. Brown. This is Chinese writing, an example of the styles of the late Tang period. W: What does it mean? Those crazy black lines?M: Well, actually sometimes even Chinese people have trouble recognizing individual cha

10、racters. But, it is intended to be the character for “dragon”. It is pronounced “Long”.W: Hey, it actually does look like a dragon when I think about it.M: This is the power of great Chinese artists. They bring the works to life with only a few movements of a brush and only in black and white.W: I a

11、lways wondered why people paid top dollar for these pieces. I guess you cant really see the magic of it without understanding the language. How much is this one?M: 500,000 yuan.Text 8M: How did you spend your weekend?W: I went to a movie with my boyfriend.M: Really? How was it?W: It was great. The d

12、irector did a great job. People say he has a good chance of winning the Oscar for best director. Also I liked the actors, some really great new young actors.M: Oh yeah? Whats the film about?W: Well, its a classic love story of two people from conflicting backgrounds. Besides the story, the camera wo

13、rk is great and the music in the film is nice, too.M: It sounds pretty good. Is it a tragedy?W: The ending is a bit of a surprise. I dont want to ruin it for you.M: Oh, I like movies with surprise endings, although sometimes they can be frustrating. Maybe I should invite my girlfriend to go see it n

14、ext weekend.W: You should. Its a great date movie.Text 9W: How was your trip to the United States?M: Pretty good.W: Im glad to hear that. What impressed you the most?M: Well, the culture differences were really interesting.W: You mean we Chinese think differently from Americans?M: Thats right, quite

15、 different. One day one of my American friends looked pale, so I asked him whether he was sick or not. But he was reluctant to answer me.W: Thats strange.M: And whats more, when he told me he had been sick with a cold for several days, I suggested he go to the hospital as soon as possible. W: That s

16、hows you really cared about your friend.M: Yeah. But he responded by saying, “What do you mean?”W: Im confused. Why did he say that? M: I felt the same way at first. Later he told me that its not a good idea to give people suggestions about what to do when they are sick. But back in China, giving ad

17、vice is always regarded as being kind.W: Absolutely. But now I understand why he responded that way.Text 10Now class, Id like to tell you all about your final examination next week. As you know, the test will cover everything we have learned this year from the start of the term all the way until our

18、 last unit. That might sound like a lot of material to study, so I have some tips that I will share with you.First, plan ahead. Do not wait until the night before the test to start reviewing. That will not work and you will be very upset with your results. We have a total of eight units. I suggest s

19、tudying one unit every night for the next week. We have ten days until the exam so you will have plenty of time if you choose to do it this way.Second, focus on studying only the most important topics weve discussed. Studying is mostly about using your time well. You cannot possibly remember everyth

20、ing so just review the main points.The two days before the exam will be review sessions where we will review together in class. Please prepare any questions you have for those days. Otherwise, I will be available during lunch and after school for one hour every day until the exam. Good luck and keep a positive attitude. Success is what you make of it.

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