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1、语法新题型语法词汇专项练习(一)PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 15 MIN.1. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A. The fishing and the hunting in Arizona were good that year. B. Brown bread and butter are usually eaten with smoked salmon. C. Many a man and woman in this room is entitled to a copy. D. Not only

2、 the switches but also the old writing has been changed.2. Which of the following best explains the meaning of He may not go to the party? A. He is not permitted to go to the party. B. Possibly he will not go to the party. C. He shouldnt go to the party. D. He can decide whether to go to the party.3

3、. Which of the following contains an adverbial clause of concession? A. You will pass the exam as long as you work hard. B. As Chile is a long, narrow country, temperature varies considerably from north to south. C. Tom must finish the work as his boss asked him. D. Child as he is, John knows a lot

4、about the history.4. Which of the following prepositional phrases can function as an attribute? A. We will go to the park without you. B. There seems to be a solution to this problem. C. To my delight, he passed the entrance examination in July. D. Fruit is rich in vitamins.5. Which of the following

5、 determiners (限定词) can be placed before both singular count nouns and plural count nouns? A. many a B. a few C. such D. certain6. Which of the following reflexive pronouns (反身代词) is used as an appositive (同位语) ? A. I told myself never to give up B. He did all the things for himself. C. The president

6、 himself will show you our campus. D. You should try to do it by yourself.7. Which of the italicized parts functions as a subject? A. It is not decided whether to go or not. B. It will be given to whoever comes first. C. It is his father that has prevented him from doing so. D. What matters is not h

7、ow much you do but whether you try to do.8. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A. The cattle in the farm were killed. B. New machinery was introduced in the factory. C. The police are going to search that district. D. All the furniture were sold in the house.9. Which of the italicized pa

8、rts functions as an object? A. His daughter is looking forward to his coming back from the travel. B. Her coming late for the meeting was beyond his expectation. C, It is no use your crying over split milk. D. My parents strongly object to the idea of my going out alone at night.10. All the followin

9、g sentences have an appositive EXCEPT A. She doesnt like his present job, typing the documents. B. He knows the fact that he has been fired. C. They both like the food in that restaurant. D. He doesnt like the way I speak in the meeting.11. In Would you pass me the dictionary?, the italicized part i

10、s_of the sentence. A. the subject B. the direct object C. the complement D. the indirect object12. Which of the following sentences indicates COMMAND? A. You must have told her the truth. B. You must be Mr. Smith. C. All men must die. D. You must do it again.13. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

11、A. Tom suggested that we leave earlier. B. Tom suggested that we should leave earlier. C. Tom suggested leaving earlier. D. Tom suggested us to leave earlier.14. What does it refer to in the sentence I think it important to achieve an agreement on this issue? A. I B. an agreement C. the issue D. to

12、achieve an agreement15. In the sentence The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city, the italicized part is_ A. the appositive clause B. the attributive clause C. the object clause D. the subject clause16. The_of the flood, which caused thousands of people to lose their houses, wa

13、s 3 weeks of torrential rain. A. source B. origin C. root D. Resource17. Every year, one student in our high school wins a scholarship that_one year of college. A. improves B. subsidizes C. obliges D. Inflicts18. _human behavior may be caused by eating substances that upset the delicate chemical bal

14、ance in the brain. A. Deliberate B. Consistent C. Primitive D. Abnormal19. It is due to the invention of the computer that man has been able to work so many wonders in the past few years. A case_is the successful launching of space shuttle. A. in point B. in question C. in a way D. in brief20. He pl

15、ays squash to the_of all other sports. A. eradication B exclusion C. extension D. inclusion21. Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very _. A. intriguing B. indefinite C. obscure D. dubious22. They have decided to_physical punishment in all loc

16、al schools. A. put away B. break away from C. do away with D. pass away23. Geoffrey Chaucer occupies a _ place in English literature. A. most unique B. least unique C. very unique D. Unique24. Although I liked the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful_throug

17、h the window. A. vision B. look C. picture D. View25. The police got some_information about their plans. A. inner B. inside C. inward D. Interior26. There are several landladies approved by the university who take in_. A. lodgers B. residents C. inhabitants D. Settlers27. There are many who believe

18、that the use of force_ political ends can never be justified. A. in search of B. in pursuit of C. in view of D. in light of28. Because of the_noise of traffic I couldnt get to sleep last night. A. progressive B. provocative C. perpetual D. Prevalent29. You should have your eyes tested every year in

19、case the_of your spectacles need changing. A. lenses B. glasses C. sights D. crystals30. Good travelers dont leave_on trains or airplanes. A. rubbish B. litter C. garbage D. Pollutant语法词汇专项练习(一)答案解析1、答案:B 解析: 下列哪个句子是不正确的?考点 本题考查主谓一致。B)句的主语是Brown bread and butter,在英语中bread and butter被看做一体,表达单数概念,故其做主

20、语时,后面的谓语动词用单数形式,故B)项错误,为答案。A)项的主语The fishing and the hunting是由两项内容组成,表达的是复数概念,故谓语动词用复数,正确;C)项Many a man and woman虽然意义上是复数,但形式上是单数,故谓语动词用单数,正确;D)中的主语为few students,故谓语用复数,也正确。2、答案:A 解析:下列哪项是对“He may not go to the party”的最佳解释?考点 本题考查情态动词。“He may not go to the party”一句中may表示“许可”,而may not表示“不许可”,故该句意思是“他

21、不可以去参加派对”,即“他不被允许去参加派对”。故答案为A)。3、答案:D 解析:A项为条件状语从句;B项为原因状语从句;C项为原因状语从句;D项为让步状语从句4、答案:B 解析:题意 下列哪句中的介词短语用做定语?考点 本题考查介词短语充当的成分。B)中的介词短语to this problem充当名词the solution的后置定语,表示“这一问题的解决办法”,故答案为B)。A)中的without you做状语,表示条件;C)中的To my delight做状语,表示“让某人高兴的是”;D)中的in vitamins做状语,表示“在某方面”。5、答案:D 解析:下列哪个限定词既能放在单数可

22、数名词前面也能放在复数可数名词前面?考点 本题考查限定词的用法。D)certain既可以与单数名词搭配,表示“某一个”,也可以与复数名词搭配,表示“某些”,故答案为D)。A)many a表达“许多”,但其后只能接单数可数名词;B) a few只能与复数可数名词搭配;C)such能与复数可数名词及不可数名词搭配,但不能直接与单数可数名词搭配,需加上冠词,再接名词,即用于“such a/an+n.”结构。6、答案:C 解析: 下列哪项中的反身代词被用做同位语?考点 本题考查反身代词。C)中的反身代词himself是主语The president的同位语,两者所指相同,故答案为B)。A)中反身代词做

23、谓语told的间接宾语;B)中反身代词做介词for的宾语;D)中反身代词与by一起充当句子的方式状语。7、答案:A 解析:下列哪个句子的斜体部分用做主语?考点 本题考查It做形式主语的用法。A)句中it做形式主语,whether引出的不定式短语结构才是句子真正的主语,故答案为A)。B)中的whoever引导宾语从句,做介词to的宾语;C)句是个强调句型,强调的成分是句子的主语,that只起引导作用,其后的内容是句子的谓语部分;D)中的not.but连接的并列结构充当句子的表语。8、答案:D 解析:下列句子哪个是不正确的?考点 本题考查主谓一致。D)中的furniture为无生命的集合名词,做主

24、语时谓语要用单数形式,故D)错误。A)中的cattle、C)中的police均为有生命的集合名词,做主语时谓语用复数形式,均使用正确;B)中的machinery为无生命的集合名词,做主语时谓语用单数形式,使用也正确。9、答案:A 解析: 下列哪个句子的斜体部分用做宾语?考点 本题考查动名词复合结构。A)中斜体部分是looking forward to的宾语,其中to是介词,故答案为A)。避错 B)中斜体部分是做主语;C)中it是形式主语,斜体部分是真正的主语;D)中斜体部分做宾语the idea的同位语。10、答案:D 解析:下列哪项句中不含同位语?考点 本题考查同位语。D)项中I speak

25、 in the meeting是省略了成分的定语从句,做the way的定语,该句中没有同位语,故答案为D)。A)中typing the documents是her present job的同位语;B)中的that引导同位语从句,做the fact的同位语。C)中both是They的同位语。11、答案:B 解析:考查句子成分。某些及物动词(如buy,give,show,teach,pass,lend等)之后跟有双宾语,往往一个指 人,一个指物。指人的为间接宾语,指物的为直接宾语。故答案为B。一般情况下,间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后; 也可把间接宾语放在直接宾语之后,但间接宾语前需加介词。题中的句

26、子可改为:Would you pass the dictionary to me?12、答案:D 解析:考查情态动词用法。A、B项表示推测,意为“应该,一定”;C项表示不可避免性,意为“必然要,必定会”;D 项表示命令,意为“必须”。故答案为D。13、答案:D 解析:考查动词用法。suggest表示“建议做某事”时,通常用suggest doing sth表达;或后加that从句且从句 由“should动词原形”构成,should可以省略;但没有suggest sbto do sth的用法。故答案为D。14、答案:D 解析: 考查代词用法。it在句中是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式to a

27、chieve an agreement,故答案为D。15、答案:A 解析:考查从句成分辨析。题中的that从句是对the thought的解释说明,属于同位语从句,可先排除C、D项 (宾语从句、主语从句)。B项定语从句具有一定的干扰性。定语从句的作用相当于一个形容词,用来修饰前面的 名词或代词,其引导词在从句中充当一定的成分;而同位语从句中的引导词在从句只起连接作用,不作任何句 子成分。此题的that在句中不充当任何成分,故属同位语从句。答案为A。16、答案:B 译文:这场造成数千人无家可归的洪水起因于持续了三个星期的倾盆大雨。 解析 考查名词辨析。origin“起源,起因”,指事物后来发生、

28、发展变化的最初起点,或指人的出身和血统,如: words of Latin origin(源于拉丁语的词)。source指河流、泉水等的发源地,常指抽象事物的根源或来源或资 料、信息的出处或来源,如:the source of strength(力量的源泉)。root“本质,根本”,喻指事物最初、最根本的 起因,如:the root of all evil(万恶之源)。resource常以复数形式出现,表示“资源,财力”,如:natural resources(自然资源)。本句指洪水的“起因”,所以origin为正确答案。17、答案:B 译文:我们高中学校每年会有一名同学获得一笔可补贴一年大学

29、生活的奖学金。 解析 考查动词辨析。subsidize意为“给.津贴;资助”,符合题意。improve意为“改进,改善”;oblige意为 “施恩惠于,帮.忙”;inflict意为“予以(打击);使遭受(损伤,苦痛等)”。18、答案:D 译文:反常的人类行为是由于人们吃了扰乱人脑复杂化学平衡的物质引起的。 解析 考查形容词辨析。abnormal与normal相对,表示“反常的”,符合题目的语义及用法要求。deliberate表 示“深思熟虑的,故意的”;consistent指“一致的,相容的”;primitive指“原始的,简单的”。19、答案:A 译文:计算机的发明使人类在过去几年能够创造出

30、许多奇迹,成功地发射宇宙飞船就是一个恰当的例子。 解析 考查词组辨析。in point“恰当的,切题的”,a case in point意为“恰当的例子”,故A为正确答案。in question意为“正被谈论的,被考虑的”;in a way意为“从某种意义上来说”;in brief意为“简而言之”。20、答案:B 解析:他只打壁球,排斥其他所有的运动。 解析 考查名词辨析及固定搭配。短语to the exclusion of意为“把.除外,排斥”,例如:A leadingmember should never concentrate all his attention on one or tw

31、o problems,to the exclusion of others(一个领 导人不能把全部注意力只集中在一两个问题上而不顾其他。)eradication意为“根除(疾病、问题等)”; extension意为“延伸,范围”;inclusion意为“包含”。21、答案:C 译文:没有几个人能明白这位教授的讲座,其主题太过晦涩难懂。 解析 考查形容词辨析。题目说没有几个人明白教授的讲座,证明它太难以理解,obscure意为“晦涩的,费解 的”,强调“难以理解”这个含义,为正确答案,又如:This poem is obscureI really dont understand it(这首 诗很费解,我真的看不懂。intriguing意为“引起好奇心或兴趣的,有迷惑力的”。indefinite意为“不确定的,不明 确的”,如:。My plan remains indefiniteI dont know how to tell you about it(我的计划还未确定,我不知 道怎么跟你说好。)dubious意为“可疑的,含糊的”,如:She always takes other peoples compliment as dubious(她总是怀疑别人对她的恭维。)22、答案:C 译文:他们已经决定在当地所有学校中废除体罚。 解析 考查词组辨析。do away wi

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