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现代大学英语听力 UINT9.docx

1、现代大学英语听力 UINT9Unit 9 Task 1: 【答案】 A. 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 T 8 F 9 T 10 T B. 1 trade and economic growth,resorting diplomatic ties 2 integrate,the global economy,membership,the World Trade Organization 3 democracy,human rights,religion,nationalities,introduce great achievements 4 shared interest

2、s,present or past differences 【原文】 On Tuesday, U.S. President George W. Bush meets with Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai. Topping the agenda will be economic issues. But 30 years after the end of the Vietnam War, many believe the visit will symbolically turn a page and begin a new era of trad

3、e and cooperation. The vivid images of the Vietnam War still produce strong emotions in the United States and Vietnam 30 years after the conflicts end. Despite those memories, the two countries have forged a new relationship built on trade and economic growth over the past 10 years, since restoring

4、diplomatic ties. Today, the United States is Vietnams largest trading partner. Dana Dillon, a Southeast Asia analyst at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, credits the bilateral trade agreement signed four years ago. “As a consequence of signing that bilateral trade agreement and the implementati

5、on of the bilateral trade agreement, Vietnams economy has grown by leaps and bounds and our trade relationship with Vietnam has also grown considerably, said Mr. Dillon. Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai wants to further integrate his nation into the global economy and is seeking membership in

6、 the World Trade Organization. During his talks with President Bush at the White House on Tuesday, Mr. Khai will seek accelerated negotiations to make membership possible by the end of the year, with U.S. help. The relationship has gone a long way and this meeting will cap what has been a tremendous

7、 10 years as far as the development of the U.S.-Vietnam relationship. Despite growing commercial ties, differences remain between the two nations, most notably U.S. criticism of Vietnams record on human rights. Mr. Khai believes his government has made progress on this issue. We are also ready to di

8、scuss with the U.S. leaders the issues like democracy, human rights, religion and nationalities and to have the opportunity for us to introduce great achievements we have recorded so far in this area. Mr. Khai is the first Vietnamese leader to visit the United States since the end of the Vietnam War

9、. His visit may indicate that the United States and Vietnam now base relations on shared interests, not present or past differences. Task 2: 【答案】 A. They are the leaked British documents that suggest that President Bush told Prime Minister Tony Blair as early as April 2002 of his intention to topple

10、 Saddam Hussein by force and was having the intelligence cooked to support his plan. B. 1 Because the republicans had refused the use of a hearing room. 2 Whether Mr. Bush deliberately misled Congress to ma ke the most important decision a president has to make. 3 On May 1st in the Sunday Times of L

11、ondon. 4 Blair would support military action to bring about regime change in Iraq. 5 A resolution that would require Mr. Bush to announce by the end of the year a plan to withdraw American troops from Iraq. C. 1 through military action,being fixed around the policy 2 late-blooming issue,the whole bu

12、ildup for war against Iraq,the search for weapons of mass destruction,the links to terrorists,pretext,an invasion already decided 【原文】 They are the leaked British documents that suggest that President Bush told Prime Minister Tony Blair as early as April 2002 of his intention to topple Saddam Hussei

13、n by force and was having the intelligence cooked to support his plan. The issue seems not about to go away in this country. On Thursday, Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee held a forum on the subject in the Capitol basement. The Republicans had refused the use of a hearing room. An

14、d at this forum, Charles Rangel of New York raised the question of whether Mr. Bush deliberately misled Congress to make the most important decision a president has to make. The highly classified memos were an issue in last months British election campaign, used by conservatives to support their cla

15、im that Blair was Bushs poodle. The memos surfaced on May 1st in the Sunday Times of London, owned by the conservative media tycoon Rupert Murdoch. One document quoted Blair as having told the American president in Crawford, Texas, in April 2002 that he would support military action to bring about r

16、egime change in Iraq. In July 2002, the prime minister sent an emissary to Washington, who returned with wordand here I quote the memothat Bush wanted to remove Saddam through military action and the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy, unquote. The memos became a late-blooming

17、 issue in American politics, seized upon by Democrats to assert that the whole buildup for war against Iraq, the search for weapons of mass destruction, the links to terrorists, were all simply a pretext to justify an invasion already decided. A small bipartisan group of House members, two Democrats

18、, two Republicans, have introduced a resolution that would require Mr. Bush to announce by the end of the year a plan to withdraw American troops from Iraq. That resolution has little chance at this point, but in the debate over it, were likely to hear about the Downing Street memos all over again.

19、Task 3: 【答案】 A. 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T B. I. A. 3 B. 175 million,190million II. A. 35,25 B. Africa, Latin America,the Caribbean,Europe,Oceania,North America,the former Soviet Union C. the United States,Russia,Germany,China,India,the Philippines III. A. high population growth,high HIV/AIDS incidence,armed c

20、onflict,civil wars B. African emigrants in other countries can be of use for the de velopment of their own countries IV. A. huge amounts of money B. $93 million,$100 million 【原文】 The 2005 World Migration Report says too many myths and misperceptions exist about the millions of people who migrate to

21、other countries. The Geneva-based International Organization for Migration says common perceptions that migrants cause job losses, lower wages and increase welfare costs are exaggerated, and contrary to the evidence. The report says the belief that migration is spiraling out of control is contradict

22、ed by the facts. It says migrants represent less than three percent of the global population. The editor-in-chief of the report, Irena Omalaniuk, says migration is growing, but it is not growing at a huge pace. Roughly, 175 million persons in the year 2000 were migrants and we think that by now it i

23、s closer to 190 million, if we extrapolate on the statistics around 2000. It is not a large and dramatic growth,” she noted. The report finds nearly half of all migrants are female. It says global migration has decreased practically everywhere. Although the number of Asian migrants has increased, it

24、 says their share of the global number of migrants has decreased from nearly 35 percent in 1970 to 25 percent in 2000. In addition, the report says more and more Asians are finding job opportunities within Asia itself. It notes the number of international migrants have decreased in Africa, Latin Ame

25、rica and the Caribbean, Europe and Oceania. The report says only North America and the former Soviet Union have seen a sharp increase in migration. According to the report, the top three migrant-receiving countries are the United States, Russia, and Germany. The top three sending countries are China

26、, India, and the Philippines. Ms. Omalaniuk says that, for several reasons, Africans will continue to seek to migrate to other regions. high population growth, high HIV/AIDS incidence, deteriorating education and health systems and armed conflict, civil wars and large displaced person populations. T

27、he African Union has placed the diaspora at the center of its vision and strategic plan for the years 2004 and 2007. There is a lot of emphasis for the African Union, there is a lot of importance being placed on how African emigrants in other countries can be of use for the development of their coun

28、try, she explained. Ms. Omalaniuk says governments increasingly are looking at migrants as a force for development because they send home huge amounts of money. The report notes in 2003, remittances through official channels totaled $93 billion dollars. And, that grew to more than $100 billion last

29、year. It says this exceeds the amount of money many countries receive in official development aid. Task 4: 【答案】 A. 1 Aid to Africa 2 Help for the Palestinians 3 A vow to seek consensus on global warming 4 Unity in the face of terrorism B. 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 F C. 1 They hoped to address the ho

30、pelessness and poverty that could create a breeding ground 2 A substantial package up to $3 billion in the years to come. 3 In addition to an already completed agreement on debt cancellation, the G8 promised a $50 billion aid package, steps to boost trade, and efforts to dramatically increase access

31、 to AIDS treatment. 4 It is designed to reduce emissions of gases that pollute the air and warm the atmosphere. 5 Slowing down and then in time reversing the rise in harmful greenhouse gas emissions 6 On the 1st of November with a meeting in Britain. 【原文】 The G8 summit has ended with agreement on ai

32、d to Africa, help for the Palestinians, and a vow to seek consensus on global warming. This meeting to the worlds leading industrialized nations and Russia may be best remembered for its unity in the face of terrorism. The final image of this summit sent a strong message, the sight of the G8 leaders

33、 standing as one to condemn terrorism, along with a group of presidents and prime ministers from Africa. British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who left the summit for several hours Thursday to go to the scene of the London bombings, walked to the podium. We speak today in the shadow of terrorism, but it will not obscure what we came here to achieve. Mr. Blair said the

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