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1、怎么用简单的词说地道的英语怎么用简单的词说地道的英语怎么用简单的词说地道的英语?为英语口语苦苦挣扎的孩纸们!觉得有用就捞走吧_更新中? Pretty Little Liars S2 #10 来源: 王倚天的日志 Your panels came back with high levels of Hgh.检验报告显示有大量Hgh。 (Brit) list of doctors who treat patients in a certain area as part of the National Health Service 国民保健署医生名单Emily, if youre using a pe

2、rformance-enhancing drug, its going to show up in your tests. 如果你用提高成绩的药物,报告里都会显示出来。Can I just say how nice this reaching for your hand and not worrying about who might be watching us?这感觉真的很棒,牵着你的手,不用担心谁在看我们。Sorry to interrupt, but its about Mike. 抱歉打扰了,我来是为了Mike。It was fine, till the cops showed up

3、 to let us know that our son had been arrested for breaking and entering.很好,直到警察来告诉我们我们的儿子因私闯民宅被拘留。Save the date. 腾出时间。Im not gonna be a bridesmaid. 我不做她的伴娘。What do you want from me? 你想从我这里得到什么?Well make sure the video stays in a safe place. 我们会把视频藏在一个安全的地方。Should I be worried about you and this Jas

4、on guy?我需不需要担心你跟这个Jason?Its Jasons darkroom. 这是Jason的暗房。Why is your phone turned off? 你怎么关机了?I was trying to reach you all night. 我整晚都在联系你。I was trying to figure out a way to tell you guys. 我一直在想怎么告诉你们。I totally dont know how to tell Ezra.我完全不知道怎么跟Ezra说。Creepy pictures. causing or having an unpleasa

5、nt feeling of fear or horror 令人毛骨悚然的; 不寒而栗的Spencer and I found a darkroom in his woodshed.我们在他的小木屋里发现了一个暗房。贮放柴薪的木棚He developed photographs of you sleeping他印了你睡觉时的照片。 treat (an exposed film) with chemicals so that the picture can be seen 冲洗(已曝光的底片); 使(已曝光的底片)显影Im officially terrified. 我开始害怕了。 (of sb/

6、sth)/(at sth) feeling terror; very afraid (对某人某事物)感到恐惧的, 很害怕的For the record, I never bought Jasons whole act - hanging around here, pretending to be concerned about at-risk youth,using your brother to get to you.一直以来,我从来不买Jason的帐到这里来假装关心问题儿童,利用你弟弟来接近你。Hold on. He really did help Mike. 等等,他确实帮助了Mike。

7、Thanks, Em, I really needed that, on top of everything else.谢谢,Em,在这个节骨眼儿上讲出来。Sometimes you have to hurt someone to help them.有的时候为了帮别人,就得伤害他们。The ceremony for the college fair will be held all day at the cafeteria.大学咨询会将在食堂举行一整天。 large-scale exhibition of commercial and industrial goods (商品及工业产品的)大

8、型展览会; 博览会I promised that I would pack up rest of Ians stuff before Melissa gets home.我答应在Melissa回家之前把Ian的剩下的东西都打包好。So its a table for one. 那就是我一个人吃饭了。She got up super early to go to swimming practice. 她老早起来练游泳了。I thought she wasnt allowed to swim yet. 我以为现在还不允许她游泳。She sits by pool, hoping someone wi

9、ll push her in. 她坐在游泳池旁边,希望有人能把她推下去。Shes not going to get any better doing what shes doing.她这样做一点好处都没有。Emily needs to heal, inside and out. Emily需要治疗,不管是心理还是身体。Yeah, tell me about it. She grinds her teeth in her sleep now.可不是么,她现在睡觉磨牙。 sth (down/up) (to/into sth) crush sth to very small pieces or to

10、 powder between millstones, the teeth, etc or using an electrical or a mechanical apparatus 磨碎; 磨成粉状; 碾碎; 咬碎; 嚼碎Its like lying next to a buzz saw.就想睡在电锯旁边一样。Hanna,compassion. Hanna,要有同情心。Gift certificate. 礼券。 official written or printed statement that may be used as proof or evidence of certain fact

11、s 证(明)书All you ever gave me was a two-for-one at the donut hut, which I appreciated.你最多也就给过我一张甜甜圈店的买一赠一券,当然我很感激。油炸圈饼; small roughly-built house or shelter, usu made of wood or metal 简陋的小房子, 棚, 舍(通常为木头或金属建造的)What did your father have to say? 你爸爸怎么说?Nothing much. 没说什么。Its not that big of a deal. 没什么大不

12、了的。It is a big deal. 这当然是大事了。It clearly means a lot to him that youre going.很显然你的参与对他意义重大。I just think people make too much out of weddings in general.我就是觉得人们太看重婚礼的意义了。I want you to embrace that, in the same way that you would embrace it if I found someone. 希望你能接受,也希望我找到男朋友的时候你也能接受。拥抱, 互相拥抱, 包含, 收买,

13、 信奉Its college fair day. Attendance is optional. 今天是大学咨询日,可以不去。People would rather sneak behind your back than ask you a direct question.人们宁愿在背后偷偷摸摸也不会正面质问。Look, I found a roll of her film in the house, so I developed it.我在家发现一卷胶卷,就洗出来了。The prints were gone because I was having them framed.冲洗好的照片被拿走

14、了是因为我要装裱。Anything else you want to accuse me of? 还有什么想质问我的么?What brings you here today? 今天你怎么来了?An upcoming presentation. 近期将有一场演讲。即将来临的, 预定将要Hes just become very withdrawn.他最近变得很孤僻。 (of a person) uncommunicative or unsociable (指人)不交际的, 离群索居的I dont usually recommend that siblings see the same therap

15、ist.一般我不建议姐弟俩见同一个心理医生。 any one of two or more people with the same parents; brother or sister 兄弟姊妹But why dont I come up with a few people who might be right for him?但我可以多请几个人来也许能帮到他。Shall we get the other box from your car?你车里的另一个箱子也搬过来么?Let the kids scavenge through them.让学生们自由翻阅。 (for) sth (of a

16、person) search through waste for items that one can use (指人)在垃圾堆里寻找有用之物Arent we checking out booths together?我们不一起去升学咨询会么?small, usu temporary, stall where goods are sold or displayed at a market, a fair or an exhibition 售货摊; 摊位I just had to go to that stupid fitting for my bridesmaids dress.我得去为那个无

17、聊的婚礼试穿伴娘礼服。 process or occasion of having a garment fitted 试穿; 试衣That was hilarious! 那太可笑了! extremely amusing; very funny 十分有趣的; 非常滑稽的Are we hanging out at my house before the meet? 比赛之前到我家玩么?I know what youre thinking. That I couldnt possibly understand the problems youre dealing with right now, bu

18、t I might surprise you if you give me a chance.我知道你怎么想的,觉得我不可能明白你遇到的问题。但如果你愿意试试,也许会有惊喜。Just because you stopped being my patient doesnt mean I stopped caring about you.虽然你不再是我的病人但我还是很关心你。Boxing up someones life. 把别人的生活打包起来。You know the Hastings motto- “Why enjoy today when you could be worrying abou

19、t tomorrow?”你知道Hasting家的座右铭居安思危。 (pl es) short sentence or phrase chosen and used as a guide or rule of behaviour or as an expression of the aims or ideals of a family, a country, an institution, etc 箴言; 格言; 座右铭Hey check this out. 看这个。I came close to joining the madrigals! 我差点加入了合唱部!(esp 16-century)

20、 songfor several voices, usu without instrumental accompaniment,on the themes of love and/or nature (尤指16世纪的)牧歌(以爱情和大自然为主题, 通常无乐器伴奏的多声部歌曲)Its not in the index of clubs. 不在社团目录索引里面。I think youll find the teachers are very hands-on.老师们也都经验丰富。adj attrib 作定语 practical 亲身实践的;实习的have ,hands-on experience

21、of a computer keyboard有操作计算机的实际经验.I just feel like outside forces are kind of taking over.我感觉外部压力把我们推得越来越远。v.把.从一地带到另一地, 接收, 接管She flirts with you every single day. 她每天和你眉来眼去。Its not her fault. Weve left ourselves open to that because she doesnt know that youre in a relationship - The same way that

22、no one knows that Im in a relationship.这不是她的错。是我们自己造成的,因为她不知道你有女朋友,同样也没人知道我有男朋友。That came out entirely wrong. 这么说不对。Hold on. Let me stop dry-heaving first.等等,让我先缓一下想干呕的感觉。 (up) be violently sick; vomit 恶心; 呕吐All youre missing is cud.你现在就差反刍了。 food that cattle, etc bring back from the stomach into th

23、e mouth to chew again 反刍的食物(牛等自胃部返回口中再次咀嚼的食物)Who is this hillbilly your dad is marrying?你爸跟那个乡巴佬结婚啊?山地内部的贫农, 山地人Can you ease up? 放松点行么?放松, 缓和, 减轻I need to make it up to them.我想补偿她们。Your stepmom-to-be is a jug-blowing hayseed.你的准继母是个财大气粗的乡巴佬.。deep vessel, with a handle and a lip, for holding and pour

24、ing liquids (有柄有嘴盛液体用的)大罐, 壶;乡下佬What are the chances of me running into you today?今天太巧了会遇上你。They were complimentary.人家也是好意。expressing admiration, praise, etc 表示崇敬、赞美、称赞、赞许等的Well start easy and see where youre tender.开始会轻一点,看看你哪里疼。I just checked a bunch of old yearbooks.我刚查了一堆旧年鉴。It must be some kind

25、 of prank.肯定是恶作剧。 playful or mischievous trick 玩笑; 恶作剧Whats a nice way to say someones obsessive?怎么含蓄地说某人有强迫症? (贬) of or having an obsession 萦绕于心的; 有执着想法的They were perverts.他们都是变态。person whose (esp sexual) behavior is considered abnormal or unacceptable 走上邪路者; 堕落者; 反常者; (尤指)性变态者, 性欲倒错者.How much are

26、you loving these outfits?你有多爱这装束?These jodhpurs are cutting off my circulation.这马裤勒得我血液循环不畅。pl.骑马裤-Ready? -You bet! 准备好了? 当然!I was doing renovations in Alis room.我当时在重修Ali的房间。 renovating or being renovated 修复; 整修Hiding things became such second nature for her.藏东西成了她的一种新习惯。I embellished a little bit.

27、我渲染了一小下。 sth (with sth) 1 make sth beautiful by adding ornaments, etc 美化、装饰或修饰某物Sorry I snapped at you. 抱歉冲你发了脾气。 speak or say (sth) in a sharp (usu angry) voice 厉声说(话)(通常指生气时)He had a legitimate explanation for the photos.关于照片他有合理的解释。that can be defended; reasonable 正当的; 合理的Youre unavailable. 你已经名花

28、有主了。Not a great fit. 不合身。And I just assumed it was gossip because he was young, and clearly a lot of students were nursing a crush on him.我认为那都是八卦,因为他年轻,很多学生都暗恋他。Small sips. 小口喝。drink (sth), taking very small quantities each time 小口喝; 抿Shes shaken, but shes still standing. 她还在惊吓中,但是还能忍受。Made him step up. 终于让他迈出了那一步。My mom thinks that youre the one thats hooking up with him.我妈以为你是那个和他有一腿的人。Whats on your mind?你是怎么想的?

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