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1、唯美的爱情名言中英对照爱情格言,几百条爱情名言概括了爱情的各个瞬间和心境,共分为16部分。1、寻寻觅觅 2、朦胧情愫 3、初恋情怀 4姗姗来迟 5情为何物 6激情似火 7心心相印 8爱之魔刀 9爱情密码 10爱与友情 11千里相思 12激情相吻 13坎坷情路 14爱情迷宫 15爱情克星 16爱情荒原1、寻寻觅觅True love does not come by finding the perfect person ,but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly获得真爱不是靠寻觅完美之人,而是学会把不完美之人看得完美 Jason Jo

2、rdan 乔丹It is possible to learn more of a human being in one minute of love than in months of observation要了解一个人,相恋一分钟可能胜过观察几个月Roman Rolland 罗曼罗兰Love is always present ;it is just a matter of feeling it or not爱情无时不有,无处不在,问题在于你能否感觉到Kimberly Kirberger 基贝格尔Never let a problem to be solved become more imp

3、ortant than a person to be loved决不让悬而未决的问题阻挡我们去爱应爱之人Barbara Johnson 约翰逊The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread对爱的渴望要比对面包的渴望更难消除Mother Teresa 特蕾莎修女Love is the flower of life ,and blossoms unexpectedly and without law ,and must be plucked where it is found ,and e

4、njoyed for the brief hour of its duration爱情是生命的花朵,花儿绽放出人意料,没有规律。哪里见到哪里采摘,赏花就在花开时D. H. Lawrence 劳伦斯If it is your time ,love will track you down like a missile如果轮到你了,爱情会像巡航导弹一样找到你Lynda Barry 巴里Love may be blind ,but it can sure find its way around in the dark !爱情也许是盲目的,但是在黑暗中它会找到路Love is not finding s

5、omeone to live with .Its finding someone you cant live without爱情不是找一个人一块生活,而是寻找那个生活中离不开的人。Rafael Ortiz 奥尔蒂斯Let the first impulse pass ,wait for the second不要理会第一次感情冲动,等待第二次吧。Baltasar Gracian 格拉西安True love is like ghosts ,which everybody talks about and few have seen真正的爱情犹如幽灵,人人都说过,但几乎没谁见过Francois de

6、la Rochefoucauld 罗什富科Love ,while you are able to love趁着能爱,尽快去爱A. Frieligrath 弗里雷格拉夫What then in love can women do ?If we grow fond they shun us ,And when we fly them ,they pursue ;but leave us when theyve won us恋爱中的女人会怎么做呢?我们有了爱意,她们就遁而避之。我们避而远之,她们又紧追不舍,可是追到手又离我们而去。John Gay 盖伊It is at the edge of a p

7、etal that love waits爱情等在花瓣的边缘William Carlos Williams 威廉斯Love sought is good ,but given unsought is better追求得到的爱情固然美好,但不经追求而得到的爱情更为美好。William Shakespeare 莎士比亚Dont try so hard ,the best things come when you least expect them to不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before m

8、eeting the right one ,so that when we finally meet the person ,we will know how to be grateful在遇到意中人之前,上帝也许会安排我们先遇到几个不合适的人;在我们终于遇见心仪之人时,便知道如何心存感激。We love those who admire us ,but not those whom we admire我们爱爱慕我们之人,而不是爱我们爱慕之人。Francois De La Rochefoucauld 罗什富科Perfect love is rare indeed -for to be a lo

9、ver will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise ,the flexibility of the child ,the sensitivity of the artist ,the understanding of the philosopher ,the acceptance of the saint ,the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain完美的爱的确不常见,因为要做一个爱人你就要具备智者的敏锐、少儿的灵活、艺术

10、家的敏感、哲人的体谅、圣人的大度、学者的宽容和坚定者的刚毅。Leo Buscaglia 布斯卡格利亚Remember that you dont choose love ,Love chooses you记住不是你选择爱情,而是爱情选择你If you find someone else in love with you and you dont love him or her ,feel honored that love came and called at your dooe ,but gently refuse the gift you cannot return一旦发现有人爱上了你,而

11、你却不能报之以爱,你应为爱情前来叩门而感到荣幸,但是你要和蔼地拒绝这份你无法回报的礼物。Kent Nerburn 内伯恩Love the heart that hurts you ,but never hurt the heart that loves youVipin Sharma爱伤你之心,勿伤爱你之心Vipin Sharma沙马2、朦胧情愫We are alwys afraid to start something that we want to make very good ,ture and serious我们总是害怕开始,因为凡事开了头我们都希望它美好、真实而严肃Brenda Ue

12、land 尤兰Love ceases to be a pleasure when it ceases to be a secret爱情一旦不神秘了,也就失去了它的乐趣Aphra Behn贝恩The resk it takes to remain tight inside the bud is more painful than the risk it tades to blossom紧紧地包在花蕾中的风险要大于让它绽放的风险Anais Nin 尼恩Looking back ,I have this to regret ,that too often when I loved ,I did no

13、t say so回首往事,我心存遗憾;过去我常有爱,但却始终没能表白爱。David Grayson 格雷森They do not love that do not show their love不表白者没有爱William Shakespeare莎士比亚Listen !Encourage .Say something .Do something ,Be yourself .Love !听着,鼓足勇气!说吧,行动吧!镇静些,去爱吧! Rev. Dale Turner 特纳3、初恋情怀First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curi

14、osity初恋只是一点点愚蠢加上许许多多的好奇George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love究竟怎么用化学和物理来解释初恋这种重要的生物现象呢?Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦We only love truly once .It is the first ti

15、me and succeedin passions are less uncontrolled真爱只有一次。它就是初恋,初恋之后感情就不那么无羁无绊了。Du Coeur 克尔We always come back to our first love我们总是会回到我们的初恋Etienne 艾蒂安The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end初恋的魔力在于我们不知道它永不会结束Benjamin Disraeli 迪斯雷利First love is unforgettable all ones life初恋是永生难忘的。M

16、axim Gorky高尔基4姗姗来迟Loves like the measles all the worse when it comes late in life爱情犹如麻疹来得晚,糟得很Douglas William Jerrold 杰罗尔德It is never too late to fall in love相爱不嫌晚Love, with very young people ,is a hearless business .We drink at that age from thirst ,or to get drunk ;it is only later in life that we

17、 occupt ourselves with the individuality of our wine对年轻人而言,恋爱是件残酷的事。年轻时,我们渴了就饮,甚至沉入醉乡。只是年长后我们才一心嗜好自家酒。Isak Dinesen 丹森5情为何物LOVE :The irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired爱情:一种无法遏制的渴望,渴望得到难以克制的爱。Robert Frost 弗罗斯特Love is the flower youve got to let grow爱情是朵花,你要等它开放John Lennon 列侬To love and be

18、loved is to feel the sun from both sides爱与被爱就像前身后背都能感爱到太阳的温暖David viscott 维斯科特We can never really love anybody with whom we never laugh如果跟一个人在一起从未有过欢乐,你就不会真正爱上他William Sloan Coffin 科芬To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another爱就是把我们的幸福融入另一个人的幸福之中G. W. Von Leibnitz 莱布尼茨Love is the o

19、nly gold爱情是惟一的金子Lord Alfred Tennyson 丁尼生With love ,you should go ahead and take risk of getting hurt bexause love is an amazing feeling爱情也许会使你受到伤害但是你应该去爱,因为爱情是一种神奇的感觉Britney Spears 布兰妮Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real爱情让你终于认识到除了自身之外还有件事是那样真真切切。Iris Murdoch 默

20、多克Lov eand dmagic have a great deal in common .They enrich the soul ,delight the heart .And they both take practice爱情和魔术有许多共同之处;两者都能充实心灵、愉悦内心,而且都需要练习Nora Roberts 罗伯茨Love is not just looking at each other ,its looking in the same direction爱情就像贺周率自然,非理性、却至关重要Antoine de Saint-Exupery 霍夫曼Love is like pi

21、-natural ,irrational, and VERY impoutant爱是一种许多人经历过但只有少数人享受过的情感George Jean Nathan 内森Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence爱情是想象对智慧的胜利H. L. Mencken 门背The reduction of the universe to a single being ,the expansion of a single being even to God ,this is love把宇宙浓缩成一个人,把一个人想象成上帝这就是爱Victor Hu

22、go 雨果Loves a disease .But curable爱是一种病,但却能治愈Rose Macaulay 麦考利You call it Madness ,but I call it Love你可以称它为疯狂,但我称之为爱情Don Byas 拜厄斯Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others ,and the delight in the recognition爱就是在别人身上找到我们自己,就是这种自我发现带来的喜悦Alexander Smith 史密斯Love is a game that two can play and both

23、 win爱情是一场游戏,两人参加并双双获胜Eva Gabor 加博尔Love is like an hour glass ,with the heart filling up as the brain empties爱就像沙漏,心里满了,头脑就空了。Jules Renoud 雷诺德True love doesns have a happy ending ,because true love never ends真正的爱情没有幸福的结局,因为真正的爱情从有会结束If I know what love is ,it is because of you如果我知道什么是爱,那就是因为你。Herman

24、Hesse 赫思Lov edose not begin and end the way we seem to think it does .Love is a battle ,love is a war ;love is a growing up爱不会像我们想的那样开始或结束。爱是战斗,爱是成长James Baldwin 鲍德温The only love worthy of a name is unconditional名符其实的爱就是无条件的爱John Powell 鲍威尔Love has no price .It is only love if it is free爱情是无价的。只有不标价

25、的爱才是真爱Melody Beattie 贝蒂The sweetest joy ,the wildest woe is love最甜蜜的快乐、最钻心的痛苦,就是爱情Pearl Bailey 贝利We define love as a delight in the presence of the other person and an affirming of his value and development as much as ones own我们把爱情定义为一种和另一个人相处时的愉悦,一种像肯定自己的样对他人价值和发展的肯定。Rollo May 梅Love is what is left

26、 in a relationship after all the selfishness is taken out爱情是两个人关系中除去自私之后剩下的部分Nick Richardson 理查森Love is like a violin .The music may stop now and then ,but the strings remain forever爱好双小提琴。音乐可以时停时起,而琴弦伴琴,永不分离June Masters Bacher 巴彻To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven爱就仿佛是看到了天堂Karen Sunde 森德To be

27、 in love is merely to be in a perpetual state of anesthesia恋爱就是始终处于一种陶醉状态H. L. Mencken 门肯Love means the body ,the soul ,the life ,the entire being .We feel love as we feel the warmth of our blood ,we breathe love as we breathe air ,we hold it in ourselves as we hold our thoughts爱意味着身体、灵魂、生活和整个生命。我们感

28、觉到爱就仿佛感觉到血液的温暖,我们呼吸着爱就仿佛呼吸着空气,我们拥有爱就仿佛拥有思想。Guy De Maupassant 莫泊桑Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common-sense坠入爱河只不过是把想像力从瓶子中释放出来,把判断力装进去Helen Rowland 罗兰Lov eis a sweet torment爱情是一种甜蜜的折磨Love is a sweet tyranny ,because the lover endures his toument willin

29、gly爱情是甜蜜的暴君,爱人心甘情愿受他的折磨Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise爱情是愚者的智慧、智者的愚蠢。Samuel Johnson 约翰逊6激情似火Who loves ,raves谁恋爱谁狂热Byron拜伦For those passionately in love ,the whlole world seems to smile对那些激情相爱的人而言,整个世界似乎都在微笑David Myers 迈尔思Love is fire .But whether its gonna warm your heart or

30、 burn your house down you can never tell爱情是火,它是温暖你的心房还是烧毁你的住房,你永远说不准。Jason Jordan 乔丹The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth ,the delight ,the ecstasy of it ,you will discover that for you the world is transformed一旦心里有了爱这种奇妙的东西,并且能感受到这种爱有多深,感受到它带来的快乐和狂喜,你就会发现世界已经为你而改变。J. Krishnamurti 克里希纳穆尔蒂7心心相印We are ,each of us angels with only one wing ;and we can only fly by embracing one another我们人人都是独翼天使,只有相拥才能飞翔。Luciano de Crescenzo 克雷申佐Where

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