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1、河北英语中考仿真卷及答案042020年河北英语中考仿真卷二英语试题注意事项:1本卷总分90分,时间90分钟. 2答题前将密封线左侧的项目填写清楚.3答题用黑色钢笔或碳素笔书写. 题号卷I卷II 总分第一部分第二部分IIIIIIIVVVIVIIIXXXI得分卷(选择题,共50分)笔试部分得分评卷人 .单项选择.(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The population of Shanghai is larger than _ of Shenyang.A.that D.this2. You should devote as much

2、time as you can _ the piano.A. to practicing playing B. practice play C. practice playing D. to practicing play3. Please dont stand up in class until you _.A. were told to B. are told to C. were told D. are told4. He never _ learning English. That was why he was successful at last.A. gave in B. gave

3、 out C. gave up D. gave away 5. I have written twice to tell them the problem, but there is no _ at all.Maybe they didnt get your letter.A. call B. advice C. reply D. report6. Has your father finished his report? Well, Im not sure, he _ last night.A. wrote B. had written C. was writing D. would writ

4、e7. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _.A. not to B. not to do C. not to it D. do not to8. Excuse me,sir.You _ open the door before the car stops. A.neednt B.dont have to C.may not D.mustnt9. _ big success the charity show was! We collected a lot of school thi

5、ngs.A. How B. What C. How a D. What a 10. Hi, Daming. Its said the famous singer will come to Nanning. Do you know _? Next month.A. when does he come B. when he comesC. when will he come D. when he will come得分评卷人.完形填空.(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.We know that trees are useful

6、 in our everyday life. They 11 us many things, such as wood, oxygen (氧气), rubber(橡胶), medicines and many other things. They can 12 tell us a lot abou t our climate. The following are the reasons(原因). If you 13 a tree, you can see that it has many rings (年轮). Most trees grow one new ring 14 year. Bec

7、ause of this reason, we know 15 a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred 16 .When the climate is dry or very cold, the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually 17 . When it is wet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly v

8、ery thin or suddenly very thick, this means that the 18 changed suddenly(突然). If we look at the rings of this tree, we can 19 about the climate for a hundred years. We can see 20 our climate is changing today.11. A. tell B. ask C. give D. get 12. A. not B. too C. to D. also 13. A. cut down B. climb

9、up C. walk past D. look at14. A. many B. every C. some D. only15. A. how big B. how long C. how old D. how much16. A. trees B. leaves C. people D. rings17. A. big B. thin C. things D. small 18. A. climate B. trees C. sky D. animal 19. A. study B. get C. learn D. teach 20. A. how B. why C. when D. wh

10、ile 得分评卷人.阅读理解.(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) 阅读A.B.C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.AEvery school has a notice board. Lets see what is on the notice board of an America school.21. According to School Policy, visitors have to _ when entering the school.A. hand in a note B. call at 524-9752C. check in at the office D.

11、 telephone the school22. From _, students can get information on the parents meeting.A. School Policy B. Report Card C. After-school Program D. Class Announcement23. Suppose Tony doesnt do well at school but makes progress, he will get _ on the Report Card.A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4BSeveral years ago, a te

12、levision reporter was interviewing three of the most important people from local businesses. One was a very rich banker, another owned one of the largest companies in the world, and the third owned many buildings in the center of New York.The reporter was talking to them about being important.“How d

13、o we know if someone is really important?” the reporter asked the banker.The banker thought for a few moments and then said, “I think anybody who is invited to the White House to meet the President is really important.”The reporter then turned to the owner of the very large company. “Do you agree wi

14、th that?” she asked.The man shook his head, “No. I think the President invites a lot of people to the White House. Youd only be important if while you were visiting the President, there was a telephone call from the president of another country, and the President said he was too busy to answer it.”T

15、he reporter turned to the third man. “Do you think so?”“No, I dont.” he said. “I dont think that makes the visitor important. That makes the President important.”“Then what would make the visitor important?” the reporter and the other two men asked.“Oh, I think if the visitor to the White House was

16、talking to the President and the phone rang, and the President picked up the receiver, listened and then said, its for you.”24. There are _ in this passage.A. three men B. three women and one manC. four men D. three men and one woman25. The banker and the owner of one of the largest companies in the

17、 world _.A. had similar opinions about the reporters question B. disagreed with each other C. had been invited to the White House many times D. didnt reply to the reporter 26. The underlined word you in the last paragraph refers to (指的是) _.A. the television reporter B. the owner of many buildingsC.

18、the President D. the visitor to the White HouseCA beautiful and very successful actress was the star of a new musical show. Her home was in the country, but she didnt want to have to go back there every night, so she rented (租用) an expensive flat in the centre of the city, bought some beautiful furn

19、iture (家具) and hired a man to paint the rooms in new colors.It was very difficult to get tickets for her show because everybody wanted to see it, so she decided to give the painter two of the best seats. She hoped that this would make him work better and more willingly for her. He took the tickets w

20、ithout saying anything, and she heard no more about them until the end of the month, when she got the painters bill. At the bottom of it were the words “Four hours watching Miss Hall sing and dance,3,” with this note:“After 5 p.m. I get fifteen shillings an hour instead of ten shillings.”27. In the

21、article, “Miss Hall” was the name of _.A. a place where people sang and danced B. an unmarried womanC. a hall D. a street28. The actress gave the painter two tickets, hoping he would_.A. be pleased B. ask less money for his workC. charge more money for his work D. say a good word for her musical sho

22、w29. After the painter got the tickets from the actress, he _.A. sold them for 3 B. went to watch the musical showC. paid 3 for them D. was very thankful to her30. In the story ,_ made a mistake.A. both the actress and the painter B. neither the actress nor the painterC. the painter D. the actressD

23、Do you still get free plastic bags from the supermarkets? Things have changed.China has banned(禁止)free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets,and people have to pay for using plastic bags. The rule started on June 1,2008. It came because our country tried to make litter less. Making super-thin(超薄)pl

24、astic bags has also been banned.The Chinese once used about 3,000,000,000 plastic shopping bags a day,and they have caused pollution of the environment. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution because they are easy to break and people throw them away here and there. So the Chinese peo

25、ple are encouraged to bring their own bags for shopping.What kind of shopping bag is the best to bring? Some students in Chongqing have a good idea. They make their own shopping bags. They use old clothes to make cloth bags(布袋),and send them to their parents as presents. They also ask their parents

26、and friends to use cloth bags instead of plastic ones. They think it is their duty(责任)to prot ect the environment.31. People in China have to_ now.A. collect plastic bags in the street B. use free plastic bags at shops and supermarketsC. pay for using plastic bags at shops and supermarketsD. buy clo

27、th bags32. China made this rule because plastic bags were bad for the_.A. environment B. supermarkets C. shops D.house33. The Chinese people are encouraged to bring _for shopping.A. their own bags B. super-thin plastic bags C. free plastic bags D.super-thin cloth bags34. Some students in Chongqing _

28、.A. ask their parents to make cloth bags B. make cloth bags themselvesC. buy cloth bags for their parents D. make plastic bags for their parents35.Whats the main idea of this article (文章)?A. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution.B. Some students in Chongqing begin to make their own

29、shopping bags.C. To protect the environment, free plastic bags have been banned in China. D. People are encouraged to use plastic bags. 卷 (非选择题,共40分)笔试部分得分评卷人.任务型阅读.(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)阅读下面短文,根据所给语境,按要求完成下列各题. Mr. Dawson was a man with a bad temper(脾气). And everyone in town knew it. Kids were afraid to

30、 go into his yard to pick apples.One Friday, 12-year-old Janet and her friend Amy had to walk past Mr. Dawsons house. When Janet saw him, she suggested crossing to the other side. But Amy said they neednt.When Mr. Dawson saw Amy, he smiled and said, “Hello, Amy! I see you have a new friend with you

31、today.” Amy smiled back and told him that Janet would stay with her that night. Mr. Dawson looked friendly and gave them each a fresh apple. The girls were glad to get them.Later Janet asked Amy, “Everyone says he is the most unwelcome person in town. Why was he so kind to us?”Amy explained that when she first walked past his house, she was also afraid of him. But she preten

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