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1、暑假一日一练中考英语一轮复习G开头词汇讲义中考一轮复习 G 开头词汇(一)(讲义)以字母 G 开头的单词garage /r:d/ n. 车库garbage /gbd/ n. 废物;垃圾 Can you take the garbage out when you go? U Please take your litter away with you. UThe dustmen collect the rubbish on Thursdays. U勿扔垃圾!No littering!垃圾箱: dustbinBrE garbage can AmEgame /eim/ n. 游戏;比赛;运动 the

2、Olympic Games = the Olympics = the Games play games 玩游戏garden /:dn/ n. 花园;公园;果园;菜园in the gardengate /eit/ n. 大门at the gate of our school at the school gategeneral /denrl/adj. 全体的,总的,普遍的People are usually required to give a general self-introduction in a job interview. in general 一般来说;通常;在一般情况下In gen

3、eral, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare. adv. 普遍地The plan was generally welcomed. 该计划广受欢迎。n. 将军The kings top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three day s time.generous /denrs/ adj. 慷慨的;大方的 It is generous of you to share your food with me. gentleman /dentlmn/ n

4、. 绅士;有教养的人ladies and gentlemen adj. 柔和的 adv. 柔和地a gentle voice a gentle breezegeography /dirfi/ n. 地理学语文:Chinese 英语:English 数学:math(s) = (mathematics)体育:P.E.(physical education) 历史:history 政治:politics 物理:physics 化学:chemistry 生物:biologyGerman /d:mn/adj. 德国的;德国人的;德语的n. 德语;德国人pl.(复数) GermansGermany /d:

5、mni/ n. 德国gesture /dest/ n. 姿势;手势make a rude gesture 做出粗野的姿势get /et/ v. (got, got) 得到;成为;具有;到达get sth. from sb.从某人那得到某物; get sth _ sb.= get sb. sth 为某人取得某物 get the first / second place 获得第一名/第二名I got it! / Got you! 我明白了。get on 上车 get off 下车get up 起床,起身 get to 到达get back 返回,回到某地 get together 在一起get i

6、nto They dont want to get into trouble.get out _ get out of You should get out of your room.get away from sp. = run away from sp. Toby got away from home at the age of 14.get over She cant get over shyness.get on / along (well) with How are you getting along with your classmates? get rid of She want

7、s to get rid of all these old toys. get in the way (of) Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork.get dressed 穿上衣服 get lost 迷路get mad 大动肝火;气愤 get popular 受欢迎get used to doing 习惯于ghost /ust/ n. 鬼;鬼魂That night, three ghosts visit /ift/ n. 赠品;礼

8、物giftC = present C 生日礼物:a birthday giftgiraffe /dir:f/ n. 长颈鹿 (复数:giraffe or giraffes)girl /:l/ n. 女孩give /iv/ v. (gave, given) 给;递给;付出;给予give sb. sth = give sth to sb. 给某人某物give a hand 给帮助;助一臂之力Could you give me a hand with these boxes? give a ring / call 给打电话Please give him a call later. give birt

9、h to 生(孩子)She gave birth to a girl last night. give away 捐赠;赠送He gave away most of his money to charity. give out = hand out 分发;散发The teacher gave out the test papers. give up 放弃,停止Cant you give up smoking? give back 归还Could you give the pen back to me?give in 让步,屈服,上交 (上交:hand in) Shes a brave play

10、er, she never gives in.Please give your exam papers in to your teacher when you finished.glad /ld/ adj. 高兴的;乐意的Im glad to hear hes feeling /l:s/ n. 玻璃;玻璃制品;(pl. glasses)眼镜 a glass of water 一杯水a pair of glasses 一副眼镜two pairs of glasses 两副眼镜glove /lv/ n. 手套mitten 连指手套a pair of gloves 一副手套

11、glue /lu:/n. 胶;胶水mend a broken cup with gluev. (用胶水将物体)粘合;粘贴glue two pieces of wood togethergo /u/v. (went, gone) 去,走;移动,行走;去(做);去(参加),去(从事)go out 外出(娱乐) go to the movies 看电影go for a walk = take a walk 散步go fishing / shopping / skating 去钓鱼/购物/滑冰go ahead 走在前面,前进,发生,进行May I start now?Yes, go ahead. go

12、 away 走开Dont go away. Ill be back in a minute. go by (指时间) 过去;消逝As time goes by, my memory seems to get worse. go off 爆炸,发出响声,(机器)停止运转This morning my alarm clock didnt go off. go on 继续(说/做)下去 go on with 继续Who knows whats going on here? go over 复习,仔细检查Lets go over the lesson again.go (straight) along

13、 sth. 沿着(一直)往前走。Go straight along the street and take the second turning on the left. go through 查阅;浏览I always start the day by going through my e-mail. go out of ones way 特地;格外努力They go out of their way to make me feel at home.goal /ul/ n. 球门;射门;目标 score a goal 进球 goalkeeper 守门员 achieve ones goal 实

14、现某人的目标goat /ut/ n. 山羊Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolflamb 小羊羔 sheep 绵羊god /d/ n. 神;(God)上帝God knows 天晓得 goddess n. 女神gold /uld/n. 黄 金 win a/ the goldadj. 金的;黄金的golden /uldn/ adj. 金(黄)色的golf /lf/ n. 高尔夫球运动play golf 打高尔夫球golfer /lf/ n. 打高尔夫球者good /ud/ adj. (better, best)好;良好 be good at 擅长,善于(做某事)He is g

15、ood at drawing. 他擅长画画。be good for 对有好处Practice is good for our health. 锻炼对我们的健康有好处。be good to 对态度好/友好She is good to Germans. 她对德国人很好。be good with+ n. 在某方面擅长Mr. Wang is good with the children. 王先生与孩子们相处得很好。辨析:good 与 wellgood adj. 好的well adj. 身体好的 adv. 好地 n. 井goods /udz/ n. 货物;商品cheap goods 便宜货物 cotto

16、n goods 棉织商品 cgoodbye /,udbai/ (bye-bye) interj. 再见goose /u:s/ n. (pl. geese) 鹅;鹅肉government /vnmnt/ n. 政府grade /reid/ n. 等级,级别;年级;成绩,分数Class Two/2, Grade Nine/9 九年级 2 班get good gradesgradually /grdjuli/ adv. 逐渐地;逐步地The weather gradually improved. 天气逐渐好转。graduate /rdueit/n. 毕业生(BrE),大学毕业生(AmE) a law

17、 graduatea graduate of Oxforda high-school graduatev. 毕业graduate from 从毕业She graduated from Cambridge with a degree in law.n. graduation 毕业grammar /rm/ n. 语法;语法学 vocabularygrandchild /rn,taild/ n. (外)孙或孙女;孙辈granddaughter /rn,d:t/ n. (外)孙女 grandfather/grandpa n. (外) 祖父 grandmother/grandma n. (外)祖母gra

18、ndparent /rn,prnt/ n. 祖父母;外祖父(母)grandson /rnsn/ n. 孙子;外孙granny /rni/ n. 老奶奶;祖母;外婆grape /reip/ n. 葡萄a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄 grape juice 葡萄汁grass /grs/ n. 草;牧草;草场 U sea grasses 大叶藻(专指某种草,C)grateful /reitful/ adj. 感激的be grateful to sb. for sth. 为某事感谢/感激某人同义词 thankfulbe thankful for sth.gravy /reivi/ n.(

19、调味)肉汁 U grave 坟墓gray /grei/ (grey) n. & adj. 灰色(的);灰白(的)great /reit/ adj. 伟大的;重要的;好极了Great Lakes 五大湖 the Great Wall 长城Greece /ri:s/ n. 希腊green /ri:n/n. 绿色adj. 绿色的;青的; 缺少经验的The new trainees are still very green. 这些受培训的新学员还很不成熟。a green hand 新手,菜鸟greet /ri:t/v. 问候;迎接;向打招呼;对作出反应He greeted me in a friend

20、ly way yesterday.(often passive)呈现在眼前;传入的耳中;朝扑面而来As we walked into the house, we were greeted by a wonderful smell of baking.我们一进屋,一股烘烤食物的香味扑鼻而来。greeting /ri:ti/ n. 问候;招呼 (pl.) 祝贺;祝愿语;问候词He nodded his head in greeting. 他点头致意。birthday/Christmas greetings 生日/圣诞祝福ground /raund/n. 土地;地面;运动场地,体育场;知识(概念、经

21、验)领域,范围play on the groundgrounds(用于某项活动或运动的)一大片场地/海域hunting/fishing groundsgroup /ru:p/ n. 集体;团体a group of girls 一群女孩子a group of tall trees 一片高大的树a newspaper group 报业集团grow /ru/ v. (grew, grown) 增多,增大;生长,种植;成长I want to be a doctor when I grow up.guard /:d/ n. 守卫;警戒v. 守卫;保卫guess /es/ v. 猜Can you gues

22、s (她多大了)?guest /est/ n. 客人;宾客He invited her to be his guest for the evening at the 主人guide /aid/n. 向导;导游a tour guide 导游I know the place well, so let me be your guide.v. 引导;指导I guided him to his seat.guidebook /gadbk/ n. (旅行、游览等) 指南guilty /ilti/ adj. 内疚的;有罪的;犯罪的I feel guilty about visiti

23、ng her so rarely. feelings of guilt/guilty feelings 内疚感guitar /it:/ n. 吉他;六弦琴He likes playing the guitar.He likes (弹吉他).gum /m/ n. 口香糖chew gum 嚼口香糖 Ugun /n/ n. 枪;炮Look out, he has got a gun!guy /ai/ n. 家伙;小伙子;(pl.) 伙计们hey you guys! Hes a great guy.gym /dim/ = gymnasium /dmnezm/n. 体操,健身操U;体育课U;体操馆;健身

24、房C = gymnasium /dmnezm/ He often exercises in the gym.gymnast /dmnst/ n. 体操运动员gymnastic /dimnstik/ adj. 体育的;体操的gymnastics /dimnstiks/ n. 体操技能,体操与字母 G 相关的谚语God helps those who help themselves. Great minds think alike.Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. A good examp

25、le is the best sermon.Give me liberty or give me death. Good clothes open all doors.Grasp all, lose all.Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil; if the reward is not forthcoming, it is because the time has not arrived yet; and when the time arrives, one will get all the rewards he deserv

26、es.精讲精练一、单项选择( )1. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we just fine together.A. get up B. get along C. get away D. get off( )2. In the song I Bet My Life, the US rock band Imagine Dragons tells people never to catching their dreams.A. give up B. give out C. give in D. give off ( )3. Loo

27、k! Whats on the ground?Oh, its my sweater. Please .A. pick it up B. put it on C. give it out D. take it off ( )4. I think our chemistry teacher is working hard. He teaches us .Yes, but he hasnt come today. He doesnt feel _ .A. good; well B. good; goodC. well; good D. well; well( )5. Liu Ming, is tha

28、t our headmaster Miss Chen over there?It cant be her. She _ Xiamen for a meeting.A. has been to B. has gone toC. has been away D. has gone away二、根据提示填空1. In g , he can get along well with his classmates.2. Miss Li is a kind teacher and she always talks to us (gentle).3. Air pollution is one of the g

29、 problems in the modern world.4. 打电话会影响安全驾驶。Talking on the phone will of driving safely.(way)5. 每周末我都和妈妈出去吃饭。I for a meal with my mother every weekend.【参考答案】以字母 G 开头的单词general gentle, gently for进入,卷入出来从出来,摆脱,逃离远离,逃离克服与相处(得好) 去掉,除掉妨碍,阻挡how old she isto play the guitar与字母 G 相关的谚语1. 自助者天助之。2. 英雄所见略同。3. 天才是 1%的灵感加 99%的汗水。4. 身教重于言教。5. 不自由,毋宁死。6. 门不挡衣着华丽的人。7. 贪多必失。8. 善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到,时候一到,一切都报。精讲精练一、单项选择15:BAADB二、根据提示完成句子1. general 2. gently 3. greatest 4. get in the way 5. go out

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