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1、ACT核心词汇汇总【翻译】政府没能扭转经济下滑。revitalize 使恢复元气;使新生;使复兴2【例句】Congress has tried dozens of approaches to revitalize decaying urban and rural areas.【翻译】国会已经尝试了十几种方法来振兴城市和农村地区。revive使复活。使恢复;使振奋,复原3【例句】We tried to revive him but without avail.【翻译】我们试图使他复活,但没有用。revolve使旋转;反复思考;使循环2【例句】Their troubles revolve arou

2、nd money management.【翻译】他们的麻烦主要是围绕着金钱管理。ridicule嘲笑,嘲弄,奚落1【例句】 I admire her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.【翻译】 我很佩服她,随便他们怎么嘲笑她,从不反击。rivet铆接;把固定住3【例句】Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets?【翻译】我可以用铆钉把这些金属板固定好吗?riveter铆工;铆枪;打铆机10【例句】The experiment proved th

3、at the recoil force of the electromagnetic riveter has reduced greatly.【翻译】实验证明电磁铆枪的后座力明显减小。rub擦,摩擦;用擦2【例句】We may have to rub polish on the floor.【翻译】我们可以在地板上擦上光剂。rubberize涂橡胶,用橡胶处理1【例句】Even the best quality rubber will perish with age.【翻译】即使是最好的橡胶质量也会随着年龄的增长而消亡。rueful 可怜的;悲伤的;后悔的1【例句】He was rueful

4、for joining the army.【翻译】他后悔去参军。rugged崎岖的;凹凸不平的5【例句】A rugged area of land is uneven and covered with rocks with few trees or plants.【翻译】一个崎岖不平的地区,覆盖着岩石,很少有树木或植物。rumble 低沉地说;在滚筒里磨光或混合1【例句】We heard the occasional rumble of a passing truck.【翻译】我们偶尔听到卡车驶过的隆隆声。rummage翻箱倒柜;翻查;搜出2【例句】The old lady began to

5、rummage in her pocket for her spectacles.【翻译】老太太开始在口袋中摸索着找她的眼镜。rustle发出沙沙的声音1【例句】Her silk dress rustled as she moved.【翻译】她的丝绸衣裙随着她的移动沙沙作响。rusty生锈的,腐蚀的,铁锈色的2【例句】The creaking of the door on rusty hinges jars on my ears.【翻译】铰链生锈的门吱吱作响的声音使我的耳朵猛然震动。sac(动植物组织中的)囊,液囊3【例句】Sac is a small part of an animals b

6、ody, shaped like a little bag. It contains air, liquid, or some other substance.【翻译】囊是动物尸体的一小部分,形状像一个小袋子,它包含空气、液体或其他物质。salvation拯救,救助;救星1【例句】Salvation does not come through finance but from politics.【翻译】救赎不是通过金融而是来自政治。sarcastic 讥讽的,讽刺的,挖苦的3【例句】Mr. Putin is known for sarcastic comments on political e

7、vents.【翻译】普金先生以对政治事件的讽刺评论而闻名。savor品尝;带有的性质;食欲3【例句】So the next time you savor new candy or potato chips, thanks the favorists.【翻译】所以下次你品尝新的糖果或薯片时,要感谢调香师。scary使人惊慌的;胆小的2【例句】The sea witch lived in a scary place.【翻译】海巫婆住在一个可怕的地方。scatter(使)散开,(使)分散,驱散3【例句】She wanted us to scatter her ashes to the wind.【翻

8、译】她要我们把她的骨灰散在风中。scoff嘲笑,嘲弄;掠夺1【例句】Initially, the “core” of every industry scoff at our ideas.【翻译】最开始,每个行业的核心人物都嘲笑我们的想法。scoop舀,挖空;掏,抓取1【例句】You can scoop up more food from the bottom of that pot of soup.【翻译】你可以从汤壶的底部挖出更多食物。scour冲刷;擦亮,冲洗;擦1【例句】He decides to scour the sink.【翻译】他决定把水池擦干净。scourge鞭打;重惩,重责;

9、灾祸1【例句】After the war, came the scourge of the disease.【翻译】战争带来了疾病的祸害。scramble攀登,爬;争夺,抢夺1【例句】How can you scramble up such a steep hillside?【翻译】你怎么能爬上这么陡峭的山坡?scribble潦草地书写;乱写1【例句】The speaker spoke so fast that he could only scribble down some words.【翻译】演讲者说得太快了,他只能匆匆记下几个字。scroll使成卷形;(电脑屏幕上)从上到下移动1【例句】

10、At the ceremony he was presented a scroll commemorating his achievement.【翻译】在典礼上,他被授予表彰他成就的卷轴。Scruffily 不整洁地,邋遢地1【例句】Stop dressing scruffily.【翻译】不要打扮得这么邋遢。scrupulous严谨的;小心的;良心不安的1【例句】For larger studies, scrupulous attention has been paid to the sampling theory employed.【翻译】对于较大规模的研究来说,采用的严谨的抽样方式。scu

11、ff使磨损,拖着脚走2【例句】I scuffed the heel of my boots on the step.【翻译】我拖着靴子的脚跟站在台阶上。scuppernong斯卡泊农葡萄4【例句】Forty-nine separate dyes were derived from the scuppernong alone.【翻译】49种颜料都来自用一种斯卡泊农葡萄。serialize连载,连播;序列化1【例句】Only one thread at a time mat acquire ownership of a lock, so a lock may be used to serializ

12、e a code or a program state.【翻译】每次只有一个线程可以获得锁的所有权,所以这个锁可以用于序列化代码或者程序。shaft给装上杆柄,利用;杆状物3【例句】The air flow down to a shaft, thus loses potential energy.【翻译】空气下降到中心轴处,从而失去了潜在能量。shepherd带领,引导;牧(羊),放牧;照看;牧羊人4【例句】For three nights, the shepherd keeps his lonely vigil.【翻译】三个晚上,牧羊人都孤独的守着夜。shimmering闪闪发光,发微光2【

13、例句】Sailing through the inlet reveals a huge lake, shimmering under the sun.【翻译】划船经过这个水湾,就看到一个巨大的湖,在太阳下闪着微光。shriek尖叫,引人注意1【例句】The shriek sent shivers down my spine,【翻译】这个尖叫声让我毛骨悚然。sidestep回避,向侧方跨步;躲避,绕开1【例句】The attempt to sidestep the question of what intelligence is was very ingenious.【翻译】这种试图回避什么是智

14、能的方法很巧妙。siege围攻,围困,围城2【例句】He was smitten with Marys attractions and laid siege to her heart.【翻译】他被玛丽的魅力所征服,所以准备得到她的芳心。simile明喻1【例句】A simile has at least two layers of meaning.【翻译】一个明喻至少有两种意思。simultaneous 同时的,同时发生的,同时存在的2【例句】The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the planes take-off.【翻译】爆炸时间

15、被设定与飞机起飞时间同步。sinuous弯曲的,蜿蜒的1【例句】The river is sinuous, branching out on the ground.【翻译】河流蜿蜒,在地表上延展开来。sleek时髦的,圆滑的,花言巧语的1【例句】The sleek and modern building features at its heart.【翻译】这个现代时髦的建筑的特色在它的中心。sloshed溅,泼,泼在上1【例句】He sloshed the paint on without bothering to catch the drips.【翻译】他将颜料随意泼在画布上,并不去在意颜料

16、的位置。smother试窒息,使透不过气;浓烟,浓雾2【例句】Its better to smother the fire with the earth.【翻译】最好用土将火熄灭。snarling混乱,纠结2【例句】At the seaside we could hear the snarling of the waves.【翻译】在海边我们可以听见波涛的咆哮。snobbery势利,谄上欺下4【例句】Her novel is a satire on social snobbery.【翻译】她的小说是对势利小人的讽刺。snout长鼻子。口鼻部3【例句】They dont have any tee

17、th. They just suck their food up through their snout.【翻译】它们没有牙齿,只是用口鼻吸吮食物。snub冷落;拒绝;冷落;严厉斥责2【例句】He took the opportunity to deliver us another snub.【翻译】他借机再次冷落我们。snug温暖舒适的,小而整洁的1【例句】Its the day before Christmas, and children, and their parents, can finally nestle snug in their beds.【翻译】这是圣诞的前一天,孩子和他们

18、的父母们终于可以舒适的依偎在床上了。soar高飞;飞腾;猛增1【例句】The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.【翻译】鹰可以不拍打翅膀的翱翔。solitary独自的,独立的;独唱的3【例句】A solitary bagpiper began to play and was quickly surrounded by tv reporters.【翻译】一个孤独的风笛琴手开始弹,很快就被电视台记者包围。solo单独的;独自地,独唱的1【例句】The first piece is a piano solo by Berio.【翻译】第一个节目是

19、贝里奥的钢琴独奏。spectacle眼镜;奇观,壮观;场面3【例句】The celebration provided a magnificent spectacle.【翻译】庆祝活动的场面很壮观。splendid壮观的,豪华的;极好的,令人满意的4【例句】The splendid evening glow in the sky means another fine day tomorrow.【翻译】灿烂的晚霞预示明天又是好天气。speculate思索, 猜错,推理2【例句】I can only speculate whether it will make any impact on mobil

20、e phones.【翻译】我只能推测它是否会给手机带来影响。splurge乱花钱,糟蹋(钱);挥霍1【例句】If you are going to splurge, do it on an experience youll remember, not goods or gadgets.【翻译】如果想要挥霍一下,最好把钱花在那些让你铭记的体验上,而不是花钱买些商品或器具。spontaneous自发的,自然的3【例句】That tells us whether the change is spontaneous.【翻译】这可以告诉我们变化是否是自发的。sporadic不定时发生的,零星的1【例句】

21、Sporadic violence persists across the country, especially in the east.【翻译】全国各地仍有零星的暴力事件,尤其是在东部地区。spray喷,喷射;喷雾1【例句】This spray will exterminate the termites.【翻译】这种喷雾能消灭白蚁。sprint冲刺,全速短跑2【例句】Youll have to sprint if you want to catch the train.【翻译】如果你想赶上火车,就要冲刺。sprout发芽,抽芽;使发芽3【例句】These potatoes have beg

22、un to sprout.【翻译】这些图都已经开始发芽了。spur激励因素;支柱;鼓励;鞭策1【例句】Whenever the official holidays approach, many supermarkets spur the sales by means of promotion.【翻译】每当节假日临近,很多超市就通过促销活动来刺激销售。squash挤进;将(某人/ 某物)压扁;壁球7【例句】The pride of the white star line, the titanic had a smoking room, a swimming pool and a squash c

23、ourt. 【翻译】白星航线的骄傲是,泰坦尼克号有一个吸烟室,一个游泳池和一个壁球场。squeal发尖叫声,告密;尖叫声2【例句】At that moment there was a squeal of brakes and the angry blowing of a car horn.【翻译】那一刻响起了一阵刺耳的刹车声和汽车喇叭愤怒的鸣笛声。stadium运动场,体育场3【例句】Keep on the past the church, the stadium is about half a mile further on.【翻译】向教堂的方向走,离体育馆大概还有半英里远。stale陈腐的

24、,不新鲜的3【例句】The pleasure I get from playing guitar never stales.【翻译】玩吉他带给我的快乐从不会走味。starchy含淀粉的,刻板的,拘谨的1【例句】Did you know that frying starchy foods can produce a cancer-causing substance?【翻译】你知道油炸淀粉类食物会产生致癌物质吗?stewardship 管理工作;管事人之职位和职责1【例句】The organization certainly prospered under his stewardship.【翻译】

25、这个组织在他的领导下很繁荣。stifle扼杀;遏制;镇压2【例句】Regulation on children stifled creativity.【翻译】对孩子们的各种规定压制了他们的创造力。stray走失,偏离正题;走入歧途;流浪汉,走失的家禽2【例句】 That cat is a stray that we took in.【翻译】我们带回来的那只是流浪猫。stretch伸展;延伸;持续;包括1【例句】Twin lobes of super-hot gas, glowing blue in this image, stretch outward from the central sta

26、r.【翻译】超热气体的孪生裂片,在图片中发着蓝色的光,从中央恒星向外延伸。stubborn顽固的,固执的,顽强的1【例句】Presidents can be stubborn, and in the short term, they can get what they want.【翻译】总统们可以很固执,他们能够在短期内得到他们想要的东西。stumble跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚,结巴,弄错,失足4【例句】He stumbled and almost fell.【翻译】他绊了一下,差点儿跌倒。sturdy强壮的,健全的,坚固的,耐用的5【例句】Get yourself a sturdy file bo

27、x and a set of file folders, and set up a folder for each class.【翻译】你要准备一个坚固的文件盒记忆一些文件夹,为所学的每一门课都建立一个文件夹。submerge淹没;把浸入;沉没,下潜1【例句】Breaking the dam could submerge the downstream cities such as Wuhan.【翻译】摧毁大坝可能会淹没下游城市,例如武汉。subsequent随后的,后来的,作为结果而发生的1【例句】He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the b

28、ank robbery.【翻译】他对银行抢劫案后的其他罪行供认不讳。substitute代替,替换,代用1【例句】Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar?【翻译】糖精是塘的良好替代品吗?suffrage选举权,投票权1【例句】1866 The American equal rights association was founded, the first organization in the U.S. to advocated womens suffrage.【翻译】1866年美国平等权利协会成立,是第一个在美国倡导妇女选举权的组织。superfic

29、ial表面上的,肤浅的,缺乏深度的2【例句】Superficial scratches can be easily removed.【翻译】表面的划痕很容易去掉。Suspense悬念,悬而未决,含糊不定7【例句】Three thousand spectators waited in suspense on the lawn of the White House.【翻译】三千名观众在白宫草坪上等待着。swampy沼泽的;似沼泽;松软的1【例句】You can find this kind of fierce animal on the swampy land all over the world

30、.【翻译】你可以在全世界的沼泽地里发现这种凶猛的动物。sweltering闷热的,热的没有力气的2【例句】This sweltering summer, people rioted in protest against the limited supply of electricity.【翻译】在这里炎热的夏天,人们因为抗议限制用电而骚动。swerve使突然转向;使转弯;转向1【例句】He swerves the car to the left and saves her life.【翻译】他将车猛转向左方,救了她的命。syntax语法,句法1【例句】His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average.【翻译】无论是在口头还是笔头,他的语法和句法都非常出众。t

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