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1、届中考英语一轮复习人教版八年级英语下Unit5复习学案八年级下册Unit5复习学案复习目标:1.掌握第5单元的基础知识、重点语法、核心考点。2.熟练运用过去进行时和一般过去时谈论过去发生的事情。3.学会运用过去进行时和一般过去时讲故事。4.掌握记叙文的文章结构和写作思路。一 基础知识巩固(一)重点单词1.暴风雨(n.)_ 2闹钟(n.)_3在很大程度上(adv.)_ 4突然(adv.)_5报道;公布(v.&n.)_ 6.火柴(n.)_7窗;窗户(n.)_ 8倚;碰;撞(prep.)_9睡着(adj.)_ 10倒下的(adj.)_11理解;领会;认识到(v.)_ 12章节;段落(n.)_ 13学

2、生(n.)_ 14彻底地(adv.)_ 15.奇怪的(adj.)_ 16沉默(n.)_ 17.不久前;最近(adv.)_ 18.实情,事实(n.)_(二)单词拼写1.(2015济宁中考题改编)Have you ever heard of the saying “S_ is gold ” ?2.(2015青岛中考题改编) We have nothing a_ running .3.(2016青岛中考题改编)It rained h_ on my way home yesterday afternoon.(三)词汇拓展1.begin(v.)开始_(n.)开头;开端2heavy(adj.)沉的;沉重的

3、_(adv.)在很大程度上;大量地 3sudden(adj.)突然的;意外的_(adv.)突然;忽然4strange(adj.)奇特的;奇怪的_(n.)陌生人5wood(n.)木;木头_(adj.)木头的;木制的6fall(v.)掉落;下落_(adj.)倒下的;落下的7silence(n.)沉默;缄默;无声_(adj.)沉默的;安静的8recent(adj.)最近的;近来的_(adv.)不久前;最近9true(adj.)真实的;正确的_(n.)实情;事实10.wind (n. )风_(adj.)多风的冰_(adj.)覆盖着冰的;冰冷的 12. complete(adj.)彻

4、底的,完全的_(adv.)彻底地,完全地(四)用所给单词的适当形式填空:1I need _(silent) when I am studying.2I havent seen them _(recent)3My brother made a _(wood) house model by himself.4Dont always believe advertisement because they may hide some _(true)5Everything is hard in the _(begin), and let us study hard. More practice, much

5、 better.(五)核心短语1. (闹钟)发出响声_ 2接电话_ 3进入梦乡;睡着_4逐渐变弱;逐渐消失_ 5前往;费力地前进_6沉默;无声_ 7 拆除;往下拽;记录_8凌乱不堪_9.说实话 _ 10.忙于做某事_9. 对有(特殊)意义_(六) 语法1.过去进行时;2.when,while 引导的时间状语从句课本P36 4a中考链接1(2014山东日照中考)Did you watch the opening ceremony of the World Cup?No, I _ an exam.Ahave had Bam having Cwill have Dwas having2(2013山东

6、日照中考)Why didnt you answer my phone call, Jack?Im sorry, but I _ then.Adrove Bdrives Cwas driving Dhave driven二. 教材考点精讲考点一 pick up的用法【课文原句】 I called at seven and you didnt pick up我七点钟给你打电话,可你没接。(八下P34)(1)该句中pick up意为“接听;收听到”。注意代词作宾语时,必须放在pick和up中间。I managed to pick up an American news broadcast.我设法收听

7、到一个美国的新闻广播节目。(2)pick up的其他含义pick up意为“拾起;捡起;拿起”。He picked up the dictionary and began to look up the new words.他拿起词典开始查新单词。pick up意为“中途搭载乘客;接人”。The car stopped to pick me up.汽车停下来接我。跟踪训练 1(2018河北中考)Can you help me _ the pen? Its under the chair.Aask for Blook for Cpick up Dput up 2(2020改编)Look! What

8、s on the ground?Oh, its my sweater. Please _Apick it up Bpick up it Cpick them up Dpick up them3(2020改编)Do you _ your son after school?No. He comes back home on the school bus.Alook after Bpick up C drop in Dsend for考点二 beat和against的用法【课文原句】 Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to

9、 beat heavily against the windows.当雨点开始猛烈地敲打在窗户上的时候,本正在帮着妈妈做晚饭。(八下P35)(1)beat意为“敲打”,过去式是beat,过去分词是beaten。A small stone beat his head very hard and he fell down.一个小石头重重地击中了他的头部,他倒下了。 (2)beat还有“击败;打败”之意。充当beat宾语的是竞争对手,即指人或球队的名词或代词,win的宾语是比赛。She always beats me in volleyball.她打排球总是赢我。We beat the strong

10、est team in the football match.我们在足球比赛中击败了最强的队。(3)against意为“倚;碰;撞”,注意它是一个介词,要放在动词后面构成动词短语。I put my bicycle against the wall.我把我的自行车靠在墙上。Our class plays against Class 2 in this basketball game.这次篮球赛我们班对二班。(4)介词against 常与be动词一起使用,意为“反对”,反义词是be for “赞成”。No one is against this plan.没有人反对这个计划。跟踪训练1(2020改

11、编)Our class are much sure to win the basketball game _ Class Three.Aof Bin Cagainst Dfrom2(2012山东日照中考)I gave up the piano lessons because I have so much homework to do, but its _ my own wishes.Ain Bon Cfor Dagainst3(2020改编)Lily was sweeping the floor when the rain began to beat heavily _ the windows

12、.Abelow Bacross Cbehind Dagainst考点三 trouble的用法【课文原句】 I had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.因为非常害怕,事件发生后我很难回忆清楚当时的情况。(八下P39)(1)have trouble (in) doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”,介词in在这里指在某一方面,在句中可以省略,后面接动名词形式。(2)与haven.(in) doing sth.类似的结构:She had trouble/difficulty learning English

13、.她学习英语有困难。(3)trouble的常见短语还有:(be) in trouble 处于困境/苦恼中;get into trouble 陷入困境;遇到麻烦。(4)trouble的常见句型:Whats the trouble (with sb.)?(某人)怎么了?跟踪训练:1(2016福建福州中考改编)Sally is my best friend. She is always there whenever Im _Yeah. A friend in need is a friend indeed.Ain order Bin troubleCin public Din doubt三、 课文回

14、顾(一)阅读表达 2b(课本P38)1. When did Dr. Marting Luther die ?2.Who killed Dr. Marting Luther King ?3. What was Robert Allen doing when Dr. Marting Luther King was killed?4.Who took down the World Trade Center ?5. What was Kate Smith doing when a plane hit the World Trade Center ?(二)1.Read 3a quickly2.阅读填空B

15、en could not sleep at _(one).He finally fell_(sleep)when the wind was _(die) down at around 3:00 a.m. When he _(wake)up, the sun was rising. He went outside_ his family and found the neighborhood in_ mess. Fallen trees, broken _(window) and rubbish were everywhere. They joined the neighbors_(help) c

16、lean up the neighborhood together. A_ the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors _(close) together.3.Retell the passage(1)before the rainstorm strong windsblack cloudsno lightthe news on TV(2) while the rainstormBefore dinner. After dinner.(3) after the rainstorm.fell aslee

17、p when. when he woke a mess.join the neighbors to.Although.broke apart.brought .closer together四、话题写作: 难忘的事情中考链接:2012年日照中考书面表达 (共1题,计10分)三年的初中生活就要结束,崭新的高中学习即将到来。回顾过去,你一定有许多成功的喜悦与失利的遗憾;展望未来,你肯定有美好的憧憬和实实在在的打算。请你以“Unforgettable Memories ”为题,给英文报纸21st Century “青春校园”栏目写一篇80词左右的征文。注意:1. 内容要包含对

18、过去的回忆(学业有成、爱好特长、师生情谊以及最大的遗憾)和对未来的憧憬。 2. 文中不要出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;3. 文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Unforgettable MemoriesHow time flies! Three years passed _思路点拨:1.定人称、定时态人称:谈论时间或活动应该采用第一人称。时态:谈论事件或活动,时态用一般过去时,谈论憧憬与打算应该用一般将来时。2.列提纲,写句子五、课后作业1. 结合笔记复习本节课讲的知识点。2. 完成本节课对应的导学案上的题目。八年级下册Unit5复习学案答案二 基础知识巩固(一)重点单词1.暴风雨(n.) rai

19、nstorm/storm 2闹钟(n.) alarm3在很大程度上(adv.) heavily 4突然(adv.) suddenly5报道;公布(v.&n.) report 6.火柴(n.) match7窗;窗户(n.) window 8倚;碰;撞(prep.) against9睡着(adj.) asleep 10倒下的(adj.) fallen11理解;领会;认识到(v.) realize 12章节;段落(n.) passage13学生(n.) pupil 14彻底地(adv.)completely15.奇怪的(adj.) strange 16沉默(n.) silence 17.不久前;最近

20、(adv.) recently 18.实情,事实(n.) truth(二)单词拼写1. Silence 2. against 3. heavily(三)词汇拓展1. beginning 2heavily 3suddenly4stranger 5wooden 6fallen7silent 8recently 9truth10. windy 11.icy 12. completely(四)用所给单词的适当形式填空:1silence 2recently 3wooden4truth 5beginning(五)核心短语1. go off 2. pick up 3. fall asleep4. die d

21、own 5. make ones way to6. in silence 7. take down 8. in a mess9. tell the truth 10. be busy doing 11. have meaning to(六) 语法1 D 2. C二. 教材考点精讲考点一 1C 2.A 3.B考点二 1.C 2.D 3.D考点三 1B三、 课文回顾(一)阅读表达 2b(课本P38)1. On April 4,1968.2. We /I dont know .3. He was eating dinner .4. Some terrorists.5. She was working

22、 in her office .(二)2.阅读填空first ; asleep ; dying; woke; with; a; windows; to help; Although; closer四、话题写作: 难忘的事情One possible version:Unforgettable MemoriesHow time flies! Three years passed in a blink. Lots of memories left in my head. Teachers, classmates, hard work and above all friendship stay in

23、mind.Looking back, I have gone through either the joy of success or the pains of failure. Teachers are friendly to us in life and always strict with us in study. Class mates and friends help me so much. With their help Ive made great progress. But Im a careless boy. And I always make mistakes which

24、can be avoided. Senior middle school life is a new beginning and it gives me a chance to overcome my shortcomings. As it is said, “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choice.” The two-month holiday will also provide me the freedom to think over and make up my mind to do it

25、 better in the future. And I believe I can do it.评分说明:1. 文章要包含题目所要求的内容,即使和参考答案中所提及的不一 致,亦可接受。2. 要求考生用适当的时态、语态、句式和词语,完整准确地表述所 提示的内容,书写工整。请按下列五个档次评分:1. 短文通顺完整,能包含所有要点,表达清楚流畅, 语言基本无误, 910分;2. 短文较通顺完整,表达基本清楚,语言有少量错误,78分;3. 能写明基本要点,短文不够通顺完整,语言有较多错误,但尚能达意,56分;4. 仅能写明部分要点,短文不完整,语言错误多,影响意思表达,34分。5. 仅能写出与文章有关的单词或片语,02分。

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