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1、电焊工考试试题电焊工考试试题部门: 姓名: 一.填充题;(每空0.5分,共20分) 1. 不同厚度钢板对接,进行环缝焊接时,应对厚板进行处_理 。 2. 焊接接头的基本形式可分对接接头、搭接接头。 3. 焊接时常见的焊缝内部缺陷有气孔、未焊透、加钨等。 4. 焊接电缆的常用长度不超过米。 5. 厚度较大的焊接件应选用较大的焊条。 6. 焊条直径的选择应考虑、焊接位置、焊接层数。 7. 一般电弧焊接过程包括、。 8. 有限空间场所焊接作业的主要危险是缺氧窒息、易于触电。 9. 在易燃易爆、有毒、窒息等环境中焊接作业前,必须进行和作业。 10. 焊条受潮后为焊接工艺性能变差,而且水分中的氢容易产生

2、、等缺陷。 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. B

3、y year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all

4、sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, receiving, internal coordination

5、, head of the window handle, limited time concluded one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practica

6、l problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good window, link, model. Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the provinces first public affairs network. Over 11. 常用钢材

7、中的五大元素,影响焊接性能的主要元素是、磷。 12. 气体保护焊可以分成气体保护焊、气体保护焊两大类。 13. 下列操作应在切断电源后进行、检修焊机、更换保险丝。 14. 自动埋弧焊的主要焊接工艺参数为、。 15. 焊接残余变形的矫正法有和两大类。 16. 焊接接头中以的疲劳强度最高。 17. 能降低焊件焊后的冷却速度。 18. 消除或减小焊接残余应力的方法有整体高温回火、温差拉伸法、机械震动法。 19. 焊接残余变形可分为角变形、波浪变形、横向缩短。 20. 防止或减少焊接变形的工艺措施有选择合理的、选择合理的和、反变形法、刚性固定法、散热法。 二.选择题:(每题1分,共20分) 1. 焊接

8、时,使焊条药皮发红的热量是() A. 电阻热 B. 电弧热 C. 化学热 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, r

9、eminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good

10、 ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, r

11、eceiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment envir

12、onment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good window, link, model. Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the provinces first public

13、 affairs network. Over 2. 焊前预热的主要目的是( )。 A. 防止产生偏折 B. 防止夹渣 C. 减少淬硬倾向,防止产生裂纹 3. 熔渣的熔点应比被焊金属的熔点( ) A. 高 B.低C相等 4. ()的焊缝极易形成热裂纹。 A 窄而浅 B 窄而深 C 宽而浅 5 .焊条电弧焊时,焊接区内氮的主要来源是( ) A 药皮 B 母材 C 焊接区周围的空气 6 焊接电弧是气体的()现象。 A 燃烧 B 导电 C 对流 7 薄板焊接时宜采用()运条法。 A 直线往复 B锯齿形 C月牙形 8 为防止平板对接接头的角变形,可采用()。 A增加板厚 B反变形法 C增加根部间隙 9焊

14、接电流主要影响焊缝的( ) A熔宽B熔深C余高 10 ()位置焊接可选较大的焊接电流。 A.平焊B.横焊 C.立焊 D.仰焊 11()是指在焊接工程中,熔池中的气泡在凝固时未能逸出而残留下来所形成的空穴。 A气孔B.裂纹C咬边 D夹渣 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-

15、time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of gr

16、eat lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict im

17、plementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the c

18、onvenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good window, link, model. Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rel

19、y on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the provinces first public affairs network. Over 12 在焊接一些厚度较大,焊接接头冷却较快和母材金属淬硬倾向较大的焊件时,焊缝中容易产生( ) A气孔B夹渣C咬边D冷裂纹 13 焊接的坡口钝边如太大,在焊接时容易产生( ) A焊瘤 B夹渣C咬边D.未焊透 14 当焊条的药皮中含有较多的()时会降低电弧燃烧的稳定性。 A钾 B钠 C钙 D氟化物 15 弧长缩短时,焊接电弧静特性曲线将() A上升 B下降 C不变 16.提高弧焊电源的空载电

20、压,则电弧稳定性将( ) A 提高 B 不变 C下降 17 要求焊缝有良好的塑性、韧性和抗裂性能时,应选用()焊条。 A.酸性焊条 B.铁粉高效焊条 C.碱性焊条 18 焊接碳素钢熔渣的主要成分是()。 A碳化物 B氟化物 C氧化物 D硫化物 19 ()坡口加工最容易。 A( V形 B.X形 C. U形 20 焊接电缆时采用多股细( )制成。 A 钢丝 B铝丝 C铜丝 D不锈钢丝 三.判断题(每题1分,共20分) 1 电弧是各种熔焊方法的热源。 ( ) feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems,

21、 we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls

22、 active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Ha

23、ll built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded one-stop service. By the

24、end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Gov

25、ernment to play a very good window, link, model. Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the provinces first public affairs network. Over 2 焊芯的作用只是传递电流。 ( ) 3 焊剂使用前必须进行烘干。 ( ) 4 E4303是典型的碱性焊条。 ( ) 5 搭接接头的强度没有对接接头高。 ( ) 6 钝边

26、的作用是防止接头根部焊穿。 ( ) 7 焊接电压增加时,焊缝厚度和余高将略有减小。( ) 8 焊缝的形成系数越小越好。 ( ) 9 药皮焊条与光焊条相比,容易产生焊缝加渣。 ( ) 10 碱性焊条的烘干温度应该比酸性焊条好。 ( ) 11 焊丝上镀铜的目的是,防止产生焊接裂纹。 ( ) 12 气体保护焊很易于实现全位置焊接。 ( ) 13 搭接接头的焊缝形式是属于角焊缝。 ( ) 14 焊接长焊缝时,连续焊变形最大。 ( ) 15 采用碱性焊条时,应该用短弧焊接。 ( ) 16 为了减小应力,应该先焊接结构中收缩量最小的焊缝。 ( ) 17 常采用的断续角焊缝应该是交错的。 ( ) 18 在同

27、样厚度和焊接条件下,X型坡口的变形比V型大。 ( ) feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders,

28、feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and

29、 suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, receiving,

30、internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and

31、 solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good window, link, model. Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the provinces first public affairs network. Over 19 焊件的装配间隙越大,横向收缩量越大。 ( ) 20 焊机空载电压一般不超过100V,否则将对焊工产生危险。 (

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