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1、英语时态练习题附答案和讲解1. Sa ofs ave retly incead sint ealy 190s,hepeope _ enjoy the adantae ofthisnew technoogy. A. ein B. egnC. hv begu D. hadben2. ur on he lvsion r opn a agzine andu _ adrtiemns shwig p fmilis.A. wil often see B. of sC. refen seein D ae fenen3.I hearJe hs gone e Hly Isand rher oldy. Oh, ho

2、 ic! o ou w when she _? A.was leaig B. lft. has lef . left4.Whtwere udon whennyphedu?I hadjst fihd m orn_o take asower. A. ad started . stdC. ave tate D.was strtig5. _yo not to mve dtonarynw ant indit.A. asked D. ha sked6. HasSm finsed hi homewortday?Ihave n idea.He_ it this morning. .

3、did B. hsdneC. a doig D. had dn Whats tat terrile noise? he neghors _fo pay. A.ave prepare B. aprepargC. pepare D. wll pepare No he is out ofa o,ucy _ gng back schl, btsehasnededytA. ad conieed B. sbenconiering cndere . i ingto cnside9. Te teacher, wit gils nd 8 boys of her cass, _viitingamusum when

4、 th earhquake ruck. A. w B. ereC adbeen D.oldbe0.The discussi_ alivwhen anntesting topic s brough in. A as coming .had come. ha come D cam. Becasethe sho _ , allhe T-hir rsold hlf price A. asosed do Blosed dowC.ilsig dn had cled dwn2.Letkeep to t pint owe _ a deciios A. ill neverreach B. veve eche .

5、 evreac . never ree13. Myind wasn n wha h was sn so Im afraid I _ half of it. A. a missin B had missedC wilms D. missed1. It s said inth bok taThmas Edin(1871931) _ the world-ading invenor for ixty years Awuldbe B.has been. had been D.was1. Youwer out when I dppe in at youse Oh, I _ for a fiend romE

6、nglandat tharort. A. was waiting B. had waieCam waitig Dhs wated 16.She has set a nwrecor, th ,the saes of r ltest ok _ 0mlon.hav eache .hs reache. are eching D hadreaced1 He eptlooking aher, wondering whthrhe_ her somewere A. sw . has enC.sees D. hd seen18 The cry fans _ patintly or tw hur and tewo

7、uld wttillth moiestararrved。A wer witig B. hadben watingC. had waited . woul ait19.She _her hartle in hehmetownbefoescameto Chongqig fra btter jo. woudg .has changdCched D. was cning20. The frst ue of aom weaons was in194, ad theiower _ icreased enormouy evr since A. s B.wa.asben D hd beenou havents

8、ad a wordbu new oa, renda. Doyo ikit?Imr _ aythig abu itsooer. crtain thnis prt on y. A. wasnt sayig B ontayC.wont sy D dnt sy22 A morng as shewaied frthe edial eport fromhe doc, er nervousnes _. has gown grwigC. gr D hd gown23.Whydon you put tema n the frige? t il_ esfr severalday. . be stayed

9、 B. styC. be styin D vsayed24. Howa o posibly mi thens? I _ o T l a lon. as ee . had beC. as D will 5 -Sorry tohenterrupte y. lse g on -Were was I? -Yu _ yo ddnt ke yur fathers ob.A. hd a B. idC. wee sang Dabeen26. I arried late; I _th rad tobe soiyAwoldnt expect . havent xpetedC. hadnt xpected D. w

10、sntexpectin27 I _whilreadng the English txtbo.ui, myroomm woke m u intime! A. hadfalln alep B. hv fallenaslep C fll aslep D fllaee Alhugh hehs lie wh us for year, e _ s muc impresso.hadnt lf B. didnt leave. doesntleave . hantt2. I_ pinpong uite el, bu I avent hadimetopy sie tnw yea.A. will play B. h

11、ave plaedC. pe D. play 3 I wonder whJnny_us recenlWe shold hve hear om hrbyow A.hsnt written B. doesnt writ.wot wite D.han itten 3. A shortime bore e _ , he oldla _ a il, leangal e mone herbrth A. i; has wrtten B h di;wo . hd ied; wrote D. i; had witten32. Katedestook ver we.Watng wh er? Sh hasa hea

12、chbeause she_to long; shought tooo. . has beading B. harea C is reading . w reding3.s tme _ on, Sal bega o woder if Bruc_Bilsnew poem cled TableHue. A. hasgne; had read B. went; ared C.goes;has r D. wen; ad e34. Mi,o ouno who wned m on the phoe?So. I ont no.I_aba th bthrom. A. he hd B. wa vgC. had D

13、. a hving3 Cul yo tell me ho yo fhrsualy goes wor?YIit s fne, he _ o hs fie.A. will walk B. il on oo .walks D wd goonfot36. I aled you ate, uhere ws norepl Oh, tat s robaby whn I_a sher. A. mkin B. tookCee to take D. wa takng37 Have ev wrked wth ap rcrdr?I _ it a l when I as studying rnchinscool. Au

14、sed B was ued haveed D hd used38. Yo mustha ethm the oterday. Oh, no, I _ . A.hdnt Bmustn.hvent D. dint Wic fligt _ ? I wato cah the3:0. . youartocath B.are u cacgC do you atch hveyou caght40.Exc me, ir. Wouyuome for?Ofcurse.h is it?I_ ifou tel hwtofillout tisform.A. h odered . wa wondeingC. would w

15、oe . di wonder41 w canI ve oncentrat (集中精力) iyo _ contiually _ e with si ustins? .haventeruted B. had.intepted areitrruptig D. wereinterrping42. I boght this shrt for 35yan yesterdy.Its nsl ody fr only9. Yo houl have wad Oh,eally? Bt how _ I now? d B. can. did D. o3 Wil yu now? (from )Nt until I_mex

16、perimes. A.ill finih B. hav fnishedC. will hav fihe D adfiished44.Lo! Smene ha spit ofee on ecpe. ell, i _e. . isnt asntbnC. hdnt en D. wasnt4. Dd ou enjoy youolday?es, s thebst hoay I_ te yrs A. d had. had had . woud hae4.I on uderstnhowyu ot icket I awa_ yu _ rul driver .thin; re B. a hiking;

17、are C. thou; were D thin; were. I reall uh togo o a ie。I _on so muchweigsine I gve u jgin. A. pt B. am pting avept D.a t48.We _ go skg tomorow,but hres no snow,so well jut sty hoe nstead。A. ae gng B. wergoinC.ill o D. woldo4. At he ime o teearhqkeJeff was tllhis office e _ to fnish aprojet before he

18、 leftfor the ay. s rid B. h tridC. ha ben ryng D. had bentrng50T studendidnt pa y ttentio to thectr;e _o somethg else.A. thought B had tougtC. woud think D as thiking 51 c amstake oul have eeavoided. Ufotunae, he _ he mstagin an agai. A. reeated B.od retC. hadepeated D. woud haverpeated52 d yo ind h

19、 misin cupe in th unt yesterday?No, b _ t e toh witth ver snce. A. averie B. hvbeen trinC hadtrid d been trig5Iou ave coe sooner u I _ ha the ere waitin. A. ae known B. at knnC. dont k . n know 5. -O, ts yo,Steve! I _yu. No supsg v justhamy hai cu.(from )A. dot ecognze B. haven reonied C dn econze .

20、 hatrecgnized . Im gd t se tha you _ a lotfpogresssinceI_ y lat. . wil make;have me . have be mking; met. had mde; met D. haemde; eeting 6.-av yo fnsheyur oitonaready?Yes. I _ intwenty iute. . haefinished B. finihedC. will fnsh hadfinshed57. Onc a progra _ puino acomputr, _ cordinl. A. is;act B. is e; ctngC.

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