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1、 她明天来到这里的时候,我们已经离开了。78. The student _is looking forward to going abroad for further study. (refer) 所提到的那个学生渴望去国外进修。79. The murderer was brought in, with _ behind his back. (tie) 这个凶手被带了进来,双手绑在背后80. It _ that I had left the door unlocked. (occur) 我突然想起来忘了锁门。71. hadnt drunk 72. was it that73. can we k

2、eep74. only to see75. Work hard76. to be writing77. will have left78. (that/who was) referred to79. his hands tied 80. occurred to me襄阳市普通高中调研统一测试71. _is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad. (what)难的是一辈子做好事,不做坏事。72.Mr. Smith will give a lecture on this issue tomorrow afternoon, _. (wo

3、rth)明天下午,史密斯先生将就此做一个报告。据说,此报告值得一听。73. _the food, he had to admit he could not have found any more delicious food than that in this restaurant, (as)尽管对食物很挑剔,他也不得不承认再也找不到比这家餐馆做的更好的了。74.To tell you the truth, but for the fact that they were hard to team up with, I _ to join us. (invite)说实话,要不是他们不容易合作,我

4、早就邀请他们加入我们了。75.We must _students have vacations, with time to rest and refresh themselves, to think and to sum up their experience, (see)我们要让学生休假,给学生以恢复疲劳、思考问题、总结经验的时间。76.As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn , _you are. (equip)在我看来,教学习。你学的越多,你就越能适应生活77.Here ar

5、e the first two volumes, the third one _next month, (come)这儿是头两卷,第三卷下个月出版。78.The noise outside was .extremely terrible, thus _my study, (concentrate)外面的噪音太大,使我无法集中注意力学习。79. So far no conclusion of who is the Champion of the Host Talent Competition in our school _ (arrive)到目前为止谁是我校主持人风采大赛的冠军还没有定论。80.

6、It will take David a long time to do the social practice _this firm, (access)大卫要参加很长时间的社会实践,他才有资格进入该公司。71.What is hard (difficult) 72. which is said to be worth attending73. Particular as he was about74. would have invited them75. see to it that76. the more equipped for life .77. to come out78. maki

7、ng me unable to concentrate on79. has been arrived at80. before he has /get/gain access to湖北省宜昌市一中高三年级五月仿真模拟71.Not only_ ,but a large sum of money should also be invested to cope with the issue. ( measure)不仅要采取措施,还要投入大量的资金才能解决这个问题。72. An important problem _is what material is the most suitable for t

8、his particular part. ( consideration)将要考虑在内的一个重要问题就是什么材料最适合这个特殊部分。73. Throughout the meeting he remained silent except _ for discussion. (bring)整个会议过程中他一直保持沉默,除了他提出供大家讨论的事情之外。74. John wants to carry my luggage himself, but Id rather the hotel by taxi.( convey)约翰想要亲自扛我的行李,但我宁愿要出租车把行李送到宾馆。75. You have

9、 no idea what great trouble I _ him out of smoking lately. (talk )你不知道我最近劝他戒烟有多困难。76. Unluckily, yesterday I had a case _ stealing something, which made me feel extremely terrible. ( suspect )很不幸,昨天我碰到了这种情况:有人怀疑我偷了东西,这令我感到糟糕透了。77. Mary _ her behavior at the party, her tears streamed from her face wh

10、ile she was making apologies to her friends. ( ashamed)玛丽为她在晩会上的行为深感羞愧,当她向朋友们道歉时,眼泪不停地从脸上流下来。78. With so much work to do, even if_, I wont go to such a boring lecture. ( invite)有这么多的工作要做,即使邀请我去,我也不会去听如此枯燥的讲座。79. With Chinese students health continuously declining, some educators appeal to pay more a

11、ttention to their physicial health because its as its to gain knowledge . (important)由于中国学生的体质不断地下降,一些教育学家呼吁更多关注他们的身体健康,因为保持健康与获取知识同样重要。80. Since the earthquake in Yaan Sichuan broke out, each doctor and each nurse saving the injured round the clock. (engage)自从四川雅安地震爆发以来,每一个医生和护士都一直在夜以继日地忙于抢救伤员。71.

12、should measures be taken 72. to be taken into consideration/ which/that will be taken into consideration73. what he brought up 74. it were conveyed to/ have it conveyed to75. have had ( in ) talking 76. where I was suspected of77.( being/feeling )ashamed of 78. ( Im )invited to79. as important to ke

13、ep fit / healthy 80. has been engaging themselves in/ has been engaged in湖北省华中师大一附中高三上学期期中检测71. Moyan _ of the highest quality, any survey of the Modern Contemporary Chinese Literature must include him. (produce)莫言由于创作出了最高质量的作品,任何关于中国现当代文学的研究都必须包括他。72. It spared me any concern _ in refusing you if y

14、ou had behaved more like a gentleman. (feel)如果你的行为更像一个绅士,在拒绝你的时候,我可能会感到不自在,而你(你的无礼)免除了我的一切不自在。73. You may find you have more than one strong learning style, which is a bonus because _ in more than one style increases your chances of finding activities that suit you. (able)你不只拥有一种较好的学习方法,这是件好事,因为能采用多

15、种学习方法会增加你找到适合自己的活动的机会。74. There is a consensus among us that strong will and perseverance are _. (succeed)我们都一致认为坚强的意志和毅力是取得成功所需要的。75. Id rather you _ to take over the job now, in which case I can do everything in my power to prepare for the coming experiment. (get)我希望你现在就说服你爸爸接管这项工作,这样我就能全力以赴准备下一个实

16、验。76. Life is like a long race, _ others to go beyond ourselves. (compete)生活就像一场长跑,在这场长跑中,我们和别人竞争,以求超越自己。77. The young man, who by then _ university decided to do some part- time jobs to pay for his education. (admit)这个年轻人为了交学费决定做兼职,而那时他已经收到了大学录取通知书。78. When Mr. and Mrs. Brown lost their little daug

17、hter, it was their friends _ with love and sympathy. (see) 当布朗夫妇失去小女儿时,是他们的朋友的爱和同情帮助他们度过了难关。79. The experience of the Chinese nation proves a truth _ in times of disaster will be made up for by her progress. (lose)中华名族的经验证明:一个民族在灾难中失去的,必将从民族进步中得到补偿。80. I, in common with many other middle-aged men, _

18、 the embarrassment of unemployment during the past ten years. (meet)在过去的十年,我和很多其他中年人一样也遭遇过失业的尴尬。71. having produced works72. (that) I might have felt73. being able to learn/ study74. what it takes to succeed75. got round your father 76. where /in which we compete with77. had been admitted to78. who/

19、 that saw them through79. that what a nation loses/has lost80. have met with湖北省黄冈中学高三11月月考71With students too much homework, some educators appealed to the public to pay more attention to their physical health. (burden)由于学生背负着沉重的家庭作业的担子,一些教育家呼吁公众多关注他们的身体健康。72The British government made very complete

20、 tax laws, .(round)英国政府制定了不能绕开的完备的税制。73Although my original idea doesnt think, its to decide the plan. (up)虽然我的本意是不想的,但这个计划不由我来决定。74It was because he experienced the unusual turns and twists of his career .( resolve )正是他经历了职业生涯的起起伏伏后,他才决定退休的。75Only if you have stayed with Mr. Smith for a period of t

21、ime . (see)只有你与史密斯先生呆了段时间后,你才能看透他。76Obama won his reelection on November 7,2012, his dream.(live)奥巴马在2012年11月7日赢得了总统连任,实现了他的梦想。77You tell the truth, we will have faith in you.(swear)如果你发誓说实话,我们就会相信你。78I failed my driving test. If only I the chance. (seize)我考驾照失败了,要是我抓住了这次机会多好啊!79 the builder several

22、 times, he signed the contract at length. (negotiate)与建筑商协商了几次后,他最终签了这个合同。80Besides defeating China in trade, the presidential candidate, Romney, ensured the smooth employment of graduates in his speech, but more than one citizen his claims then. (sceptical)除了在贸易上击败中国外,总统后选人罗姆尼在他的演说中还确保毕业生的顺利就业,不止一个市民当时就对他的说法表示怀疑。71. burdened with 72. which cant be got round 73. not up to me 74. that he resolved to retire75. can you see through him76. living out 77. swearing to 78. had seized (on )79. Having negotiated with80. was sceptical about / of

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