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1、市场营销案例分析英文Case One : Xiangjiang Wildlife Park1Company IntroductionXiangjiang Wildlife Park, located in Guangzhou Province, is a comprehensive project for the development of the tourism resources in Pearl River Delta and promotion of the environmental protection and investment. It combines animal and

2、 plant protection, researching, culture, tourism, science education as a whole.1.1Company Values:Adopt a customer-oriented mentality when providing serviceTreat everyone sincerely and passionatelyKeep moving in harmoniousEnjoy happiness together2BackgroundXiangjiang Wildlife Park officially opened t

3、o the public when the Asian financial crisis had given a negative effect on China economy. The market of tourism is not optimistic during that time. However, in the first year it opened the park has created several miracles in tourism industry:Host more than 80000 tourists on the first day it opened

4、, serve 30000 students on a spring trip and firstly achieve highest record of hosting more than 3000000 tourists by the first year it opened. The reason why Xiangjiang Wildlife Park can make such a big successis that the park has implemented proper “ IntegratedMarketing Communications ”.Integrated M

5、arketing Communications is the concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver clear, consistent and compelling message about organization and its products.(Kotleret al.1999)3The actions taken by Xiangjiang Wildlife Parkscertaery spoEsta

6、blish “ wild& interestingothers accord ing to tourists3.1Establish “wild & interestingsCenery spots which are much different fromnseeldny ne stra nge, special and in terest ing things.(1)Con struct with high start and high sta ndard. The park specialize on massive crocodile breedi ng and watch ing a

7、nd characterize with large amount of free-roam ing animals features, meanwhile combining with a variety of animal shows and unique flavor and style of food.(2)Highlight the slogan return to nature. The park replace the traditional trench heavy iron cage with glass and ditch in order to minimize the

8、distanee betwee n huma n and ani mal, man and n ature.(3)Pay atte ntio n to en vir onmen tal la ndscape. Build n atural la ndscape perfectlycomb ined with ani mals and pla nts.(4)Break the traditional monotony zoo exhibition mode and make full use ofmoder n tourist attracti ons service and en terta

9、inment fun cti ons. The park sets up aparrot, elephant, beast performanee field, as well as the worlds largest Crocodile show field.(5)Follow the consumer-oriented rules, respect the consumers expected costand con sumpti on habits, always pay atte nti on to reach effective com muni cati onprin ciple

10、 with con sumers and develop the park accord ing to con sumers n eeds.Thepark employed professional advertising company into the park. With the help of professi onal assista nee, the Marketi ng Departme nt and Public Relati ons Departme nt has done lots of market inv estigati on and en vir onmen tal

11、 desig n, and pla nned several in tegrated marketi ng com muni cati on activities which has brought positive sen satio nal effects.3.2Start from the en vir onmentAccord ing to the idea what con sumers want, what we offer ,the park try theirbest to meet consumers requirements. Because the wildlife pa

12、rk is not the place only for people to watch rare ani mals, but also the place which allow people to relax and entertainment. Walking into the park, you can not only watch a variety of rare animals, but also can see the flowers garden, fruit decorated branches, melons hanging scaffolding, waterside

13、pavilions, springs forest, vegetation and trees. All these elega nt sce nery make urba n people who have lived in rein forced con crete con struct ion for a long time really appreciate the n ature of the Wild & In terest in g. On the basis of the moder n en terta inment and services, the park give f

14、ull play to the fun cti on of the moder n tourist attract ions: There are five ani mal performa nces for visitors taking turns every day, parrots, elephants, wild beasts, tigers and crocodiles, which make the tourists open their eyes. As a result of that, the park get one more function of a circus.

15、Meanwhile there are also many styles of fast food restaurants, a food street, a dessert gallery, as well as the Chi nas on ly crocodile restaura nt.3.3Focus on white tigerSeveral marketing studies show that locking the focus can lead to higher advertis ing effective ness. So the park come up with th

16、e marketi ng idea just say one thing. As a result of that, the park chose the sacred, powerful and rare white tiger as its image spokesma n. The tiger-related activities have always attracted large amount of attention and aroused media coverage. Moreover the white tiger troupe from the Un ited State

17、s makes the park eve n crowded of tourists. White Tiger image has left a deep impact on people. People will think of the XiangJiang Wildlife Park when talking about the white tiger. The park tickets and the largest outdoor post billboards among province both use the white tiger as main character.3.4

18、Draw support from media to do public relati on shipThe park is good at capturing golden opportunity of advertising. The park carefully planned a series of public relations activities which attracted intense public attention and active participation In this way it can get help from the mass media to

19、play a strong in flue nee on public opinion. Whe n the park ope ned, the Miss China campaign was underway. The TV show is recorded in the park, in which the Miss China performed with several animals in the wildlife. The audienee are deeply impressed by the beautiful natural seenery in the park. And

20、thus the Xiangjiang Wildlife Park has become an over ni ght success.In additi on, the ani mal world in childre n eyes draw ing con test and photography con test, held by the park on the Intern atio nal Childre ns Day, made a perfect comb in atio n of art and educati on. The activity is highly acclai

21、med by the mass media and people can not help focus ing on the Xian gjia ng Wildlife Park.3.5Actively participate in public ben efit activities to promote the image of the parkXian gjia ng Wildlife Park has always stressed on financing and orga nizing various social welfare activities since it opene

22、d. The park has implemented the free ticket policy for the elderly, young children and people with disabilities into the park. So far there have been over 300 000 people who have enjoyed entering the park free of charge, and the number of teenagers who enter the park with half-price also exceeded 20

23、0 000.In addition, the park focused on animal protection, research, culture, scienee and education programs, for which the park equipped with a number of scientific and tech ni cal researchers and also in vited foreig n and domestic experts to come to the park giving people lectures. As a result of

24、that, tourists who come to visit the park can learn more about the ecological balanee and think more of our survival en vir onment. Xian gjia ng Wildlife Park start to establish their own Ion g-term image at a high scale of level and win con sumers heart by focus ing on the public ben efit activitie

25、s.4An alysis and con clusi onThese are the values that guide our bus in ess, our product developme nt, and our brand. Theyre what we look for in every employee. As our company continues to evolve and grow, these five values rema in con sta nt.The key of the park s succesthfeishe park stressed on as

26、well as insisted on its compa ny value and achieved efficie nt in tegrated com muni cati on.The compa ny values serve as a compass for our acti ons and describe how we behave. They guide the way we work with our bus in ess part ners, within our com mun ities and with each other.Compa ny values help

27、compa nies in the decisi on-mak ing processes. As the core value of the park is customer-orie nted, all activities of the park are market-ce ntered and con sumer-ce ntered. They use what con sumer n eeds and desires as a start ing point and try to meet their n eeds through releva nt and efficie nt a

28、dvertis ing, public relati ons, promoti ons and market ing, media and other means of com muni cati on and orga ni cally in tegrati on. In this way they have achieved Ion g-term bus in ess in terests. For example, according to tourists mientality eeking new, strange, special and interesting things, t

29、he park establish “ wild& interesting sd”nery spots which are much differe nt from others.Company values educate clients and potential customers about what the company is about and clarify the identity of the company. Especially in this competitive world, having a set of specific company values that

30、 speak to the public is definitely a competitive advantage.Xiangjiang Wildlife Park elaborately planned a series public activities that can cause intense public in terest and active participatio n, which had a strong in flue nce on public op in io n. At the same time the compa ny carried out gree n

31、marketi ng and in sisted on the prin ciple of harm onious developme nt. With the grow ing emphasis on a range of social and environmental problems such as ecological balance and en vir onmen tal protect ion, gree n bus in ess will become in creas in gly popular among con sumers. The park try to res

32、on ate with con sumers by express ing the voices of con sumers on a com mon issue.Company values are becoming primary recruiting and retention tools. As an energetic warm friendly company, the park attracts large quantities of skilled employers who hold the same value as the compa ny to work for it. Differe nt from most cases,parks are hard to attract talents due to the distant working location. With the help of the en thusiastic and tale nt workers, the Xian gjia ng Wildlife Park stand as a giant and grow fast in his field.Case Two : Alibaba Group1Compa ny In

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