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九年级英语上册Unit2 Topic1精品学案 整个话题14页 最新仁爱版Word格式文档下载.docx

1、4. 预读1a的内容,回答下列的问题:1). What did West Hill look like two years ago?2). What has happened to West Hill?5.再次阅读1c,找出重点词组和短语,朗读并掌握它们。6.预习指导:1)too many trees 太多树 too many 可数名词复数“太多” too much 不可数名词 “太多” much too adj./adv. “实在太” There are _ people. Dont eat _ meat. The water is _ dirty. 2) have/ has gone. 已

2、经不复存在,不见了,消失了。3). There be sth./ sb. doing sth. 有某人或某物正在做某事。There be sth./ sb. to do sth. 有某人/ 某物(将要/ 经常/ 过去) 做某事,有做某事的人/物。翻译 有许多学生在教室里读书。_ . There are two people waiting for the bus at the bus stop. _.4). pour sth into 把某物倒入 请把糖倒入杯里。Please _the sugar _the cup. Did you pour the bad soup into the pla

3、stic bag?译:_.教学过程:预习展示:1. check if the students can read the new words and phrase, pay attention to their pronunciation.2. read 1a in groups and try to answer the two questions.1) What did West Hill look like two years ago?2) What has happened to West Hill?3. Read 1a again and finish 1c.4. Group wor

4、k: In groups read 1a together and then ask several pairs of students to act it out.合作学习展示1. Listen to 1a and finish 1b. Get some students from different groups to do it.(evaluating)2. Working in pairs. Look at the pictures and make up conversations similar to the example with your partner.(assessing

5、)3. Listening-skill practice. Part3. The whole class listens to the conversations and number the pictures for the first time.4. Second listening: complete the sentences and finish part3.巩固落实:Group work:work in groups and talk about pollution in a place you are familiar with by using the key sentence

6、s given. 训练检测:一、根据句子意思及中文提示,写出单词。1). 他砍了一棵树柴火。He _ _ a tree for firewood.2). 有一些人在公交车站等早班车。_ _ some people at the bus stop _ _ the early bus.3). 哎呀, 你把我的杯子打碎了。Oh, _ _, you have broken my cup.4). 我出来的时候自行车不见了。My bike _ _ when I came out.5). 不要把脏水倒进河里。Dont _ the dirty water _ the river.二、单项选择。1. When

7、I entered the room, I saw Maria _ (read) a Chinese book.2. What a shame! The flowers and trees in the park _ (go).3. Everything _ (change) in the past few years.4. Pandas dont have enough bamboos _ (eat) now because of the pollution.Unit2 Topic1 SectionB 精品学案1 掌握四会词汇:breath, soil, harmful, be harmfu

8、l to。2 继续学习现在完成时。3 语音:了解元音、 重音、连读和停顿。4 学习表达责备和抱怨。教学难点:1 继续学习现在完成时。2 学习表达责备和抱怨。1. 现在完成时。2. 短语、词组和句型的用法:Its difficult for me to breathe.课前预习1. 预习本课的生词和短语,并背熟。2. 阅读1a,译一译。看起来很弱_ 喉咙痛_ not yet _更糟糕的是_ by the way _ 最好_心情不好 _ 对有害(1)_3. 自己大声朗读1a,回答下列问题:1). What does the chemical factory produce?2). What mak

9、es the old ladys chest hurt?3). Why cant she sleep well at night ?4). How long has she been like this?5).What will Kangkang do ?4. 预习指导:1). Its difficult for me to breathe. 我呼吸困难。 breathe (v.) 呼吸 ;breath (n.) 呼吸。 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸; take a deep breath 深深地吸一口气 句型:It is/was + adj. +for sb. to do st

10、h. 2). in a bad mood心情差 in a good mood心情好 3). Anyway I hope the government will solve this problem soon. 无论如何我希望政府能快点解决这个问题。常用结构:hope to do sth. 希望做某事 ;hope that +句子 wish to do sth.希望做某事;wish sb to do sth. 希望某人做某事。 wish that +句子。注意:不能说hope sb. to do sth. 4)、do harm to与 be harmful to 的用法区别: 两个短语的意思一样

11、都是对有害。do harm to 强调动态,而 be harmful to 则表示状态:1)、The snowstorm and the low temperature did harm to the Chinese transportation. 这次暴风雪和低温极大地伤害到中国的交通。(这句话会让人联想到暴风雪肆虐的情景,有动作隐含在句子里)。2)、 Smoking is harmful to the health. 吸烟有损健康。(这句话讲的是一个事实,没有强调造成伤害的情景)。1. Check if the students can read the new words and phr

12、ase.2. In groups read 1a together and then ask answer the questions in 1c.合作学习展示:1. Listen to 1a and finish 1b.get some students from groups to do it.2. Finish part2 together: choose the correct words to complete the passage.1. Group work: look at the pictures and read the words and phrases, paying

13、attention to the sounds and stress.(evaluating).2. Group work: Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in 3a.Then read them aloud, paying special attention to the pronunciation, liaison and pause. Finish 3a and 3b.1. 单项选择题 ( ) 1. I cant bear_ for you so long. A. to wait B. waiting C. waits

14、 ( ) 2. Whats more planes or machines produce _noise. A. much too B. too many C. too much ( ) 3. She told me she _ to America next Thursday. A. goes B. went C. would go ( ) 4. There is a paper factory _ waste water into the river nearby. A. poured B. pouring C. pours ( ) 5. He _ to travel around the

15、 world. A. wishes B. wish C. hopes 2. 句型转换1).Their English teacher went to San Francisco half a year ago.(改为同义句) Their English teacher has _ _ San Francisco for half a year.2). When did you become a memberr of Greener China?(改为同义句) _ _ have you been a member of Greener China?3). He could hardly brea

16、the because of the terrible gas. ( 改为同义句) It is _ _ for him_ _ because of the terrible gas.4). Ted has been in Sydney since last Wednesday.(划线部分提问) _ _ _Ted been in Sydney?5). All the neighbors take very good care of their gardens. All the neighbors _ _ their gardens well.Unit2 Topic1 SectionC 精品学案1

17、. 熟记本节单词及短语: deaf , print, hearing, loss, recently, disturb, do harm to , uncomfortable, unpleasant, sort, environmental, including, onto, sentence.2.初步了解who引导的定语从句。3.能正确使用本课所学对过去和现在进行比较以及谈论健康状况。4.了解污染的危害提高环保意识。1.引导学生通过阅读不同种类的污染,获取具体信息,进一步提高阅读的能力。2.能正确使用本课所学对过去和现在进行比较以及谈论健康状况。3.了解各种污染的危害提高环保意识。1. 能正

18、确使用本课所学对过去和现在进行比较以及谈论健康状况。短语、词组的法:1). be harmful to = do harm to 对有害 2). not all 表示不完全否定意为“不是所有的都3). no better than 同一样坏、差1.熟读本课要求认知和掌握的单词、词组和句型。2. 查阅下列词语,中英互译。Make noises_ todays world _ 并非所有的 _ go deaf _失聪 _ 相当多_ 听力丧失 _大声喧哗_ no better than _ do harm to/be harmful to _harm sth _ 各种各样的_ in public _

19、3、自主探究读1a回答下列问题。1).Does the writer think noise is a kind of pollution?2). Is it harmful to human beings health How do you know?4.根据1a的内容,完成1b。5.预习指导: do great harm to对有着极大的损害 e.g.: It not only disturbs others but also does great harm to hearing._ harm 可以当名词也可以当动词,名词为不可数名词,动词是及物动词E.g.: Its great harm

20、 to him. Dont harm him any more.2). not all 表示不完全否定意为“不是所有的都”。 同样的结构还有not both, not every, allnot , bothnot , everynot 然而不是所有的人都知道噪音也是一种污染 However _ people know that noise is also a kind of pollution总结:not与both, all, every或every的派生词连用时,表示部分否定。“不是所有的”neither, none, nothing, nobody, no one等用来表示全部否定。3)

21、. quite a few = many (+可数名词复数) 许多,相当多。 quite a little = much (+不可数名词) 许多。 very few 可数名词复数 几乎没有几个。 very little 不可数名词 几乎没有一点。类似的短语还有:Its well known that 众所周知. Its believed that 人们相信.4). no better than 同一样坏、差 = almost as bad/ badly as 比较:Youre no better than me. 你也不比我好多少。(言下之意为两人做得都不好)Youre not better

22、than me. 你没有我(做得)好。5) cause sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事 Careless caused him to fail the exam. 译:_ 6) have an effect on sth. 对某事有影响。 have no effect on sth. 对某事没有影响。教学过程1. Check if the students can read the new words and phrases,pay attention to their pronunciation .2.Ask some students to read the passage a

23、loud and help each other to do so .3.Read 1a for the for time in groups, finish 1b. Read 1a again and in group discuss the answers, and then complete the tasks in 1c.2. Complete the following passage with the correct form of each word. Finish part2.3.Part3: Choose one kind of pollution and discuss i

24、t in groups by using the following questions.巩固落实1.Discussing: tell sth about pollution.2. Write a short report about a kind of pollution based on 2and 3 by using the topic sentence of each paragraph which is given below.1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1). It was _ (report) that Liu Xiang would take part in the next

25、 Olympics. 2). Look ! There is a little boy _ (play) soccer on the playground. 3). Noise pollution can cause people _ (become) sick or deaf. 4). Its a pity that such a beautiful lake _ (go). 5). People who work and live in _ (noise) conditions may go deaf. 2. 完成句子 1). 据报道奥巴马将于明年二月访问中国。 _Obama will visit China next February . 2). 吸烟对我们的健康有害。 Smoking _our health. 3). 小明这次考试出了很多错。 Xiaoming made _mistakes in the exam. 3. 单项选择。( ) 1. Were you _ the task? A. success in finishing B. successful in finishing C. successful to finish D.

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