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三年级 上册 英语 教案 unit 5 happy birthday Join in 剑桥英语版.docx

1、三年级 上册 英语 教案 unit 5 happy birthday Join in 剑桥英语版三年级 上册 英语 教案 unit 5 happy birthday Join in 剑桥英语版英语年级三课型新授课主备人 单位 授课教员 单位 课 题Unit5 Happy birthday part1课时评论或修正教学目标知识与才干:学习与生日有关的单词和对话,要求发音准确,语调自然流利进程方法:掌握与生活有关的单词和对话。情感态度价值观:创设情形,举行一个课堂生日宴会。重点难点1. birthday,birthday cake,birthday presents, birthday party

2、2. 了解第一局部的内容教具学具Recorder CAI pictures教学顺序师生活动评论或修正一、示标Step 1 What is it? 1、Greeting and sing T:Hi! How are you today? Let us sing the song I love you, you love me. OK? (Students do actions as they say.)2. Show pictures of a birthday cake(with candles),presents and a party. 3. Write the word on the b

3、lackboard and ask individual students in Chinese,then in English. When is your birthday? Do you have birthday cake, birthday presents ,a party? How do you feel in your birthday?二、探求 Step 2 PresentationToday is my birthday 1:look at the picture .listen to the radio 2、Ask some questions. T: What are t

4、hey doing? S: They are talking. T:Is Maria happy?S:Yes. T: Why? Why is Maria happy? Because is Marias S:Birthday. T: How old is Maria? S: Ten. 3、Practice in pairs One students pretends to be Jenny ,the other pretends to be LiMing.三、展现Step3、Sing Happy birthday !song四、延伸Step4、 ActivityStep5、Practice板书

5、设计Happy Birthday! birthday cake 生日蛋糕birthday presents 生日礼物birthday party 生日聚会学情反应优秀良好达标待达标教学反思 我采用了情形教学法、直观教学演示法、交际法、愉快教学法等相结合的方法,以情感培育人,以兴味吸引人。经过媒体演示展现情形cake ,birthday cake。操练单词、词组时我让先生配上拍手、跺 脚、说象声词Yummy ,yummy ,充沛调动先生的多种感官,让先生全体感知,体验言语的真实自然及言语的交际功用。科 目英语年级三课型新授课主备人 单位 授课教员 单位 课 题Unit5 Happy birthd

6、aypart 2-3课时评论或修正教学目标知识与才干:学习与生日有关的单词和对话,要求发音准确,语调自然流利知识目的1、Happy birthday!2、Today is (Pit)s birthday.What a love cake!Abracadabra, mouse and snake, a birthday cake, a birthday party, birthday cards.Warning! No water!Quick, lets run into the house.3、The pupils learn to read and listen to a story.进程方

7、法:掌握与生活有关的单词和对话。情感态度价值观:1、The pupils can enjoy English from the story.2、The pupils learn to communicate and corporate while acting the story.重点难点1. Sentences: Today is (Pit)s birthday.What a love cake!Abracadabra, mouse and snake, a birthday cake, a birthday party, birthday cards.Warning! No water!Q

8、uick, lets run into the house.2. The pupils learn to act the story.教具学具生日蛋糕模型,单词、句子卡片教学顺序师生活动评论或修正一、示标Step 1 Warm up1、展现日历引见:Today is Pits birthday。2、齐唱歌曲。二、探求 Step 2 Presentation1、边出示蛋糕模型边说Look,a birthday cake,what a lovely cake!2、先生学说what a lovely cake!3、教员出示警示语 Warning: No water ,协助先生了解其意。4、听故事录音

9、两遍。5、看图片听故事,了解故事大意。6、学说:Abracadabra, mouse and snake, a birthday cake, a birthday party, birthday cards.Warning! No water!Quick, lets run into the house .三、展现Step 3 Consolidation1、双簧扮演:每次两名同窗下台不用收回声响,依据录音内容扮演。2、分组自在扮演故事,允许改编故事。3、分组下台扮演,评出最正确扮演奖和最正确协作奖。四、延伸Step 4 Sum up1、再听故事。2、边听录音边想象扮演故事。Step 5 Hom

10、ework1、听故事录音。2、把故事扮演给家人看。板书设计Happy Birthday! birthday cake 生日蛋糕birthday presents 生日礼物birthday party 生日聚会学情反应优秀良好达标待达标教学反思 为了更好的突出重点,打破难点,我采用了情形教学法、直观教学演示法、交际法、愉快教学法等相结合的方法,以情感培育人,以兴味吸引人。经过媒体演示展现情形cake ,birthday cake。操练单词、词组时我让先生配上拍手、跺 脚、说象声词Yummy ,yummy ,充沛调动先生的多种感官,让先生全体感知,体验言语的真实自然及言语的交际功用。科 目英语年级

11、三课型新授课主备人 单位 授课教员 单位 课 题Unit5 (Part4.5 )课时评论或修正教学目标知识与才干:1能听懂apple,banana,birthday cake,tea,pizza,orange等单词并能之人图片或实物,2.在教员的指点下,运用Have a(n)./Can I have a(n)./Thank you./Here you are./Yummy.进程方法:speaking acting listening情感态度价值观:1.经过学习,进一步激起先生学习英语的兴味及参与课堂学习的积极性,2.并在协作学习中,逐渐培育先生相互协作学习的看法。重点难点1. 能听懂apple

12、,banana,birthday cake,tea,pizza,orange等单词并能指认图片或实物,2. 在教员的指点下,运用Have a(n)./Can I have a(n)./Thank you./Here you are./Yummy.教具学具Recorder,tape教学顺序师生活动评论或修正一、示标Step I Practice Warm-upSing the birthday song.先生指认图片和单词。生大声读出单词。先生玩接龙游戏。先生听录音完成part5.A:Have an apple,please. B: Thank you,yummy!二、探求Step II Pre

13、sentation1.出现生日聚会的场景,摆放食物。引导先生识别不同的食物。 播放录音。让先生跟读。2.教员出示事前预备好的食物图片,让先生看图片读出单词。3.做游戏。 每个先生说出自己最喜欢的食物称号,玩接龙游戏,说给下一个同窗听,知道小组最后一人,然后说出传上去的是什么食物的称号。三、展现Step III Listen 给先生播放录音,完成part5stepIV Practice 先生小组停止练习,练习对话。 A:Have an apple,please. B: Thank you,yummy!四、延伸Step IV Homework 给你自己的父母用英语说说自己想吃的食物。板书设计 Ha

14、ppy birthday apple banana birthdaycake tea pizza orange juice chocolate ice cream milk Have a(n)./Can I have a(n)./Thank you./Here you are.学情反应优秀良好达标待达标教学反思应该让先生分组停止自在对话练习,多提高英语口语水平。科 目英语年级三课型新授课主备人 单位 授课教员 单位 课 题Unit 5 Happy birthdaypart6、7、8,9课时普通说来,教员概念之构成阅历了十分漫长的历史。杨士勋唐初学者,四门博士春秋谷梁传疏曰:师者教人以不及,故谓


16、还用乱翻参考书吗?学目标知识与才干:对字母U、V、W、X、Y、Z 的认读、识记与书写。认读单词UFO、vegetables、water、X-ray、yoyo zebra进程方法:Listening、reading and writing情感态度价值观:经过活动游戏等一系列环节,激起先生学习英语的兴味 重点难点1. 掌握字母、单词的准确发音。熟练掌握字母和单词2. vegetables、zebra的认读。教具学具ppt、flashcards教学顺序师生活动评论或修正一、示标Step 1: GreetingsGood morning, boys and girls.How are you feel

17、ing today?Sing the letter song.Revise the old letters from A to T GreetingsSing the letter song.Have a revisionism of the old letters from A to T.Show the pictures.-Whats this?-Its a/anCommon sense(UFO=unidentified object)Vegetables、water、X-ray、yoyo、 zebraUu、Vv、Ww、Xx、Yy、ZzListeningPoint Read after t

18、he tape.WriteMatch the words with the pictures.Write the letters.Read again.Write the letters and say out the words.二、探求 Step 2 Presentation1. (PPT shows UFO) T: Whats this? Its an UFO.Follow me UFO.Tell the students UFO means an unidentified object.2.Teach U u3.Teach UFO 、vegetables、water、X-ray、yoy

19、o、 zebra and the letters Uu、Vv、Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz4. Listen to the tape only for the first time.5. Open your books and turn to page 39, point the letters while listening to the tape.6. Read these letters while listening for the third time.7. Write these letters while listening for the forth time.三、展现Step 3

20、Consolidation (1).PPT shows the letters U-Z in order. (2).Change the letters order. (3).Show the corresponding words of the pictures. (4).Match the words with the pictures.(5) Write the letters and check their writing.(6) Read the words three times.四、延伸Step 4 Homework: 1.Say the letters and words wi

21、th your friends after class.2.Write these letters five times.3.Say out the new words to your partners and have a look at who is the winner.板书设计 Unit 5 Happy Birthday U u UFO V v vegetables W w water X x X-ray Y y yoyo Z z zebra学情反应优秀良好达标待达标教学反思应该让先生分组停止自在对话练习,多提高英语口语水平。科 目英语年级三课型歌曲主备人 单位 授课教员 单位 课 题

22、Unit 5 Happy birthday! Part 10课时评论或修正教学目标知识与才干:1.Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in the song.2.Get Ss to know more about Christmas Day and New Years Day3.Develop students teamwork spirit and enable Ss to know more about festivals and love their life.进程方法:Help Ss to feel a

23、nd understand the song using the pictures. At last let Ss sing the song.情感态度价值观:1.使先生了解西方节日,拓宽视野。2.让先生了解在新年到来之时可以经过向亲友表示问候,或与亲友互赠贺卡等方式表示对人的一种关心和爱,以添加人与人之间的感情。重点难点1. Word: Christmas 以及与此相关的短语Christmas Day, Christmas card, Christmas tree and New Years Day2. How to use the new words and drills to talk

24、about the customs of Chinese and western festivals.教具学具Some pictures of Christmas TreeA Tape recorder教学顺序师生活动评论或修正一、示标Step I.Warm-upSing the the birthday song together.And listen to another song Happy New Year歌曲导入,激起先生学习兴味 Ss:Its Christmas S1:Because we have Christmas trees. Ss listen to the song. S

25、s listen again,Look at the pictures and mime,follow the tape. Ss sing the song once more.二、探求 Step II.Presentation(1)Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! Guess, Its a Western holiday. On a holiday. People dont work, Children dont go to school. Its on December 25th.Whats this?T:板书Christmas Christ

26、mas is special,Do you know why?(2)教员向先生出示一本2021年的挂历,并说Its new .引出并教学单词new.翻开挂历的第一页问先生,这是一个什么日子?教学New Year这个词。T:What do people usually say to others on that day?引导先生说出Happy New Year.三、展现StepIII.Listen and sing the song 1. T:Turn to Page 41,Help them feel and understand it using pictures. 2.Listen to

27、the song. 3.With the help of pictures and calendars on the test,Teach Christmas Dayand New years Day. 4. Using many forms,Such as T and Ss sing,boys and girls sing,sing in groups etc .Youd better do some simple actions. 5.T sets an example Using Teachers Day.Lead Ss make another song. 6.Teach greeting words about festivals.T drill the other so

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