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1、牛津高中英语模块五第一单元学案综述M5U1 Getting along with others第一课时 Welcome to the UnitA. 友谊不能总是在一方。B. 富裕招致朋友,困苦考验朋友。C. 没有朋友,世界成了荒野。D. 朋友是时间的窃贼。E. 没有缺点的朋友永不可得。F.患难时的朋友才是真正的朋友。G.朋友之间不分彼此。H.真正的朋友心心相印。I.人生没有朋友,犹如人生没有太阳。J.最好的镜子是老朋友。K.海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。L.如果你能买到一个人的友谊,它不值得拥有。一.谚语配对。根据英文,从方框内找出相应的译文。( ) 1. Without a friend, th

2、e world is wilderness. ( ) 2. Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them. ( ) 3. A friend in need is a friend indeed. ( ) 4. A friend without faults will never be found. ( ) 5. Friendship cannot stand always on one side. ( ) 6.Friends are thieves of time. ( ) 7. If you can buy a persons frien

3、dship,its not worth having.( ) 8.The best mirror is an old friend. . ( ) 9. True friends have hearts that beat as one. ( ) 10. Between friends all is common. ( )11.Alifewithoutafriendisalifewithoutasun( )12.A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.重点句型If you can buy a persons friendship,its no

4、t worth having.题目.1. It is _ to read the books our teacher recommended , for they are well _ reading.A. worthy; worthwhile B. worth; worthwhile C. worthwhile; worthy D. worthwhile; worth2.It is said that the Slender West Lake is worthy _.A. to visit B. of visit C. a visit D. of being visited第二课时 Rea

5、ding预习检测1. He would rather die than _(背叛) his country. 2. Hes a popular child, but not very a_ at school.3. Afterwards,I _ (假装)to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong.4. Last weekend, at the school gate I met a stranger, who asked me how many students had been _ (录取)into the school thi

6、s year.5.Mr. Wang knew that he had hurt his wife and _ (恳求)her to pardon him.6.She _ _ (发誓) that she had never seen him before.7. Ill never_ (原谅) you for what you said to me last night. 8.Ever since I had my son, my _(焦点,重点) is not me, its on him9. He is d_ to take part in the international speech c

7、ompetition. 10. His school results are not very good because he is often (心不在焉的) in class.11. As students, we should treat our teachers in a respectful m_.12. That crying boy was _ (谴责) of lying by his teacher.13.She felt g_ about leaving her sick child alone and going to work.14.The guests made a n

8、umber of _ (评论) about the service of the hotel. 15. The children were a_about which programme to watch.16.The things he said hurt me too, but he has not _(道歉)to me. 17.Some children may be highly _(敏感的)to sounds, smells, or touch.18.If you ever got into a _(不一致) with any one of your best friends, ho

9、w would you deal with it?重点短语1.承认做了.admit_sth 2.乞求某人做某事_sb_do sth3._ones secret保守秘密 4.feel_doing 想要做某事 5.遵守诺言keep ones_ 6. belong_属于7.spy_暗中监视,窥探 8.focus_集中于9.与.步调一致keep pace_ 10.由于,因为as a result_11._this manner 以这种方式 12.turn_变成.13.指控,指责_sb_ 14.make_ _对.进行评论15.argue_sb_sth与某人争论某事 16.apologize_sb_sth

10、 为某事像某人道歉17.情不自禁地做某事 cannot help_sth 18.与某人争吵某事 quarrel_sb_sth19.对.敏感 be_ _ 18.对.羞愧 be ashamed_20.在于某人lie_sb 21.因.责备某人blame sb_sth22.在公开场合_public 23.避免做某事 avoid_sth 24.对.感到愧疚 feel guilty_ 25.在.有天赋 be_ _26.与.不一致,不同意 in disagreement_ 27.与.一致,同意 in_with 28.不久,很快_long课文讲解1.betray (1).Sarah told me that

11、she felt _ (背叛) by her friend Hannah. (2). He shouldnt b_ his country to the enemy.(3)She said she was sorry, but her eyes b her secret delight.2. Sometimes other children say we are no _because we are both very _ and like to study.We are both very _ and we both get good _ at school.3.昨天我们突然考了数学,在班级

12、我取得了很好的分数。(surprise)_4.小测验之后,我说起话来听上去一定洋洋自得,说它实在太简单了,我肯定能取得好成绩。 (P2 line8)I_ _ _very proud of myself after the quiz, _how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good grade. (1) 情态动词must在句中表_猜测,“_”。musthave done 表示对已经发生的行为或状态进行肯定猜测;must be doing.表示对正在发生的行为进行肯定猜测;must be adj./n.prep./ adv.表示对目前的状态或身份

13、等进行肯定猜测。例如:He must be tired,_ _?他一定累了,是吗?He must be reading in the library,_ _?他一定正在图书馆读书,是吗?He must have gone to Beijing,_ _?他一定去了北京,是吗?He must have attended the meeting yesterday,_ _?题目:Jack his homework,for he is playing football outside.A.must have finished B.must finish C.cant have finished D.m

14、ight have finished -I knocked but nobody answered the door. -They _ asleep then and didnt hear you. A. should have been B. should be C. must have been D. must be(2) 句中的“saying.”为现在分词短语充当伴随状语,表示谓语动词发生的同时,该行为或状态也同时出现。与逻辑主语I之间为主动关系。He hurried to the bus station,hoping to catch the early bus.他匆忙赶往车站,希望能

15、赶上早班车。题目. She hesitated at the gate of the canteen, _ whether to enter or not.A. to wonder B. wondered C. wondering D. wonder5.Afterwards, I _ _ _cheerful, but Hannah sensed that something was wrong.用法:(1)pretend to do假装要做某事.(2)pretend to be doing 假装正在做(3)pretend to have done假装已经完成 (4)pretend thatcl

16、ause 假装.练习:(1)When I came in, Tom_ _ _ _.(假装在读书)(2)When asked about the book, _(他假装已读过这本书)。When I came into the room, he pretended_his homework.Ato do Bbe doing Cdoing Dto be doing When the father came in, he pretended_ hard. A. working B. to work C. to be working D. to have worked6.admit vt.承认,供认;准

17、许(入场、入会、入学);容许,容纳【课本原句】 We went to wash our hands in the girls toilets before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done. (P2)_用法:(1)admit doing sth/to doing/having done 承认做了某事 (2) admit thatclause 承认 (3)admit. to be. 承认为.(4) admit. into/to. 允许进入(5) be admitted into/to. 接纳某人进入;吸收某人参加题目:1) Jim was not

18、 _ to the club, because at that time he was not a member of it. A. allowed B. permitted C. admitted D. approved2)John is the only one of the students in the class that never _ a mistake even when it is pointed out to him. Aadmit making Badmits making Cadmit to make Dadmits to make7.我求她不要告诉别人,他也答应要为我

19、保守秘密。I_her_ _anyone else,and she said she would_ my_.beg :1) He pretended to be disabled so that he could beg for money form passers-by .2) I beg your pardon ? I didnt quite catch you .3) He begged me to take pity on him .秘密地_7.I was so upset that I felt like crying.翻译:_ I feel like _ for a walk. Wi

20、ll you go with me? If Mary goes, _.A. to go; I also B. to go; so do I C. going; so will I D. going; so do I8.我想汉娜肯定是出尔反尔,将我的分数透露给了大家。I thought that Hanna_ _ _my classmates about my grade after_ _ _. 不定式的省略情况 在动hope,wish,need,like,tell,try,want,promise,mean,intend,plan;expect sb to,形容词glad,willing,ha

21、ppy,ready,eager;固定结构have to,used to,be able to,ought to等后的不定式短语常被省略,只保留to;如果不定式之后的动词时be和have,在省略句中通常要保留be和have.1) He didnt show up at the party though he had wanted to .2) She refused to accepted my advice though I advised her to .3) -Do you think I will be successful in the experiment ? - You are l

22、ikely to be .4) -Has he handed in his essay ? - No , but he ought to have .题目:1)- Why dont you smoke ? - OK, I promise _. A to not do B not to C not to do D not 2) 虽然我们邀请了他,但他拒绝参加我们的聚会He refused to attend our party though we had _3) 他经常在课堂上犯困, 但是过去不是这样的 He is often sleepy in class now , but he used

23、_4)-汤姆英语考试没有及格。 -可是他应该及格的 - Tom didnt pass his English exam . - but he was supposed _5)He is taller than he_.A. used B. used to be C. used to D. used to do6)In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than . A.that used to be is used to was used to used to be9.keep

24、ones word遵守诺言(keep ones promise)【课本原句】 I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we werent going to be friends any more because she couldnt keep her word.(P2)我实在太生气了直接走过去告诉汉娜,我们以后再也不是朋友了,因为她不信守承诺。【联想拓展】break ones word (break ones promise ) 食言,违背诺言eat ones words 认错,收回前言in a /one word

25、 总之,一句话in other words 换句话说 in words 用语言word for /by word 逐字逐句的 get in a word 插话have a word with 和说句话 have words with 和吵架Word came that. 有消息传来10.swear to sb_ swear to do sth._ swear to sth_ swear at sb_证人发誓要讲出真相。_I swear to God that I had nothing to do with the case._Witnesses were required to swear

26、on the Bible._The man swore to the thing that happened in the shop._11.她说肯定有人在洗手间里监视我们。_12.1) Why cant you forgive him ? He meant no harm . 2) My advice is that it is best to forgive and forget . 3) Forgive me for interrupting , but I really dont agree with that . 4) She just couldnt forgive your swearing at her so much in public .13.focus 你必须把所有的注意力集中在你的学习上。_我是如此的累以至于我无法集中在任何事上。_14.我下定决

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