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1、新标准英语视听说1答案新标准英语视听说1答案【篇一:英语视听说1截图答案完整版】txtunit1 12/12 1、hi, my name is emily. and the reason i took this class is because i sort of thought it might help me with my public speaking. im kind of nervous when it comes to speaking in front of crowds. and i thought maybe a drama class would help me get

2、more comfortable in front of a lot of people. im pretty uncomfortable right now because this is really my very first time speaking in front of a lot of people. but i thought im going to take the class, and then maybe, if i really get brave i might even try out for maybe a play, or or a musical .im n

3、ot a very good singer, but but i maybe would be a good actor. and, i think if i take the class, and maybe play some theater games and learn some lines and practice some scenes that maybe, maybe i would become good.1b/5 2b/5unit2【篇二:新标准大学英语视听说教程1答案】sage 1 2. abada passage2 1. 4613522.bcdd unit 2 pass

4、age 1 2. 1)go ahead and start 2)you can go to a restaurant 3)stay too late 4)wolud arrive 5)everyone tries everything 6)you dont like their cooking 7)thats considered rude 8)nothing more than that passage 2 1.cdcd 2. 1e 2h 3g 4a5c6b 7f8d unit 3 passage1passage 2 1. 326154 2. bdadd【篇三:新标准大学英语视听说教程第一册

5、视频及听力原文】ass=txtinside view conversation 1 porter good afternoon. janet good afternoon. porter new student? janet yes. porter welcome to hertford college. janet thank you. porter can i have your family name, please? janet yes, its li. porter er, l-double e? janet no, l-i. porter and whats your first

6、name, ms li? janet janet. porter janet li. ah yes, there you are. here are your keys. janet wheres my room? porter youre in staircase 6 room 5. janet who am i sharing with? porter nobody. you have your own room. er.theres a ms santos in the room next to you. janet oh. my own room? in china we usuall

7、y have several people in a dormitory. porter well, here you dont have to share with anyone. janet thank you sir. porter no need to call me sir, ms li. everyone calls me stewart. janet please call me janet! porter ok, janet, um, can you just sign for your keys, please? conversation 2 kate hi, have yo

8、u just arrived too? janet yes! kate i guess were neighbours. my names kate santos. janet im janet li. where are you from? kate from new york. how about you? janet im from anshan in china. kate is janet your real name? janet no, its my english name. my chinese name is li hui. is kate your full name?

9、kate no, its short for catherine. janet so do i call you catherine or kate? kate everyone calls me kate. janet nice to meet you. kate ok, janet. see you later. janet bye! conversation 3 kate hey! this is awesome! look at the size of this dining hall. janet is this where we have all our meals? kate i

10、 guess. mark you just arrived? girls yes! mark me too. by the way, im mark. nice to meet you. kate hi, im kate. mark hi kate, i guess youre from the states. kate right! how can you tell? youre british, huh? mark yes, im from london. and you are .? janet im li hui. im from china. but you can call me

11、janet. mark hi janet. welcome to england. what are you reading? janet english. mark how about you, kate? kate my major is law. and you? mark im studying ppe. 1kate thats a special oxford subject, isnt it? outside view julie my names julie dearden, and im the director of international programmes here

12、 at hertford college. eugene my names eugene berger, i studied here in oxford for four years er, studying modern languages at somerville college. julie oh, there are many oxford traditions. oxford is a very old university, the oldest english-speaking university in the, in the world. and so there are

13、 many traditions which are associated with the colleges, with the times of the year, and with sport, and with eating, for example. eugene each college is very different um, from um, the others, and it has its own character. some colleges are very conservative, and some are much more liberal and have

14、 a tradition of um, kind of liberal politics. but there are also some specific traditions. julie formal hall is when we all eat together here in college, the professors and the students. usually it takes places at seven oclock in the evening, and the professors sit on high table which is the table o

15、ver here, and the students sit on common table, which are the tables here. but everybody eats together. its a very beautiful evening because there are, theres a special meal and we eat by candlelight. eugene i think er, the traditions that make oxford so unique are firstly the oxford union and er, s

16、econdly, may day. the oxford union being a debating society where speakers come from all around the world to address the students and even allow themselves to be questioned by the students, making it a very interesting forum. julie my favourite is er, may day. and may day is the first day of may, an

17、d we have a tradition called may morning, and on may morning everybody gets up very early and the students have a celebration. there is a choir which sings on top of the tower at magdalen college and all the people of the town and all the students go to listen to the singing. so its very nice. eugen

18、e the tradition that er, was most important to me was probably summer eights. i was a rower. and summer eights is a rowing competition, held in may in the summer term. and in this competition, each college is trying to improve its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its way up th

19、e river. julie when the students take exams, they must go to a special building and its called examination schools. and also they must wear a special uniform, so they wear e. gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear a white shirt, arid the men wear a white tie and black trousers. the women wear a

20、 white shirt and a black skirt or black trousers. and they must wear this uniform, which has a latin name - sub fuse and they must wear this uniform in order to take their examinations. eugene i think the oxford traditions lend character to the place and its such an old institution, it should have t

21、raditions, but they can be very inconvenient. for example, sub fuse. this is the uniform that we are required according to the university rules, to wear. julie they also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers are carnations. and they wear different colours, the students wear different

22、coloured flowers for different examinations. so when you take your first exam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam you wear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you wear a red carnation. eugene so we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, wh

23、ite bow tie and carry a mortarboard. and to write an exam in the summer heat whilst wearing all that which youre not allowed to take off is um, uncomfortable. julie i really like the oxford traditions, i think its part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at oxford unive

24、rsity. listening in passage 1 interviewer can you tell me something about the ivy league? youre a professor at harvard, is that right? professor thats right, yes. interviewer tell me how many universities are there? how many institutions? professor in total there are eight institutions: theres harva

25、rd, yale, brown, columbia, cornell, dartmouth, princeton, and the university of pennsylvania. interviewer ah, ok. and whats the sporting . i believe theres some link with sports. professor there certainly is, yes. originally the ivy league referred to the sports teams from the universities which com

26、peted against each other, especially in football, basketball and ice hockey. now sometimes these universities, institutions, chose their students on the basis of their skills at these particular sports. but in the last 50 years, ivy league schools have accepted a wider range of students because it w

27、asnt possible to be both world-famous for research and also top class in sport. interviewer and what about their academic importance? i gather theyre academically very, very important, 2theyre very well-known. professor absolutely at the top. theyre near or at the top of the usa colleges and univers

28、ity rankings. and theyre almost always in the top one per cent of the worlds academic institutions for financial resources. interviewer and what does it mean socially to go to an ivy league university? professor certainly if youve been to one of these institutions, you are presumed or assumed to be

29、at the top end of the scale. the ivy league institutions have a reputation for social elitism, many of the students are rich, intellectual, white anglo-saxon, protestants. not all of them of course, but quite a lot of them. interviewer and do you know . whys it called the ivy league, whats the origi

30、n of the name? professor there are a number of stories, derivations, but possibly its based on four universities, and iv, the letters iv, thats the roman numeral for four. another more likely story is that ivy plants, which are symbolic of the age of the universities, you know, would be grown at the

31、 walls of these universities, these institutions, they cover the walls of the buildings. the term was created by a sports journalist, i think in the 1930s. interviewer right, ok. and which is the oldest university? professor the oldest goes back to the 17th century, thats harvard which was founded i

32、n 1636. and the youngest of the institutions is cornell which was founded in 1865. interviewer and which has the largest number of undergraduates? professor cornell has the largest number, about 13,000, 13,500 undergraduates. the institution with the smallest number is dartmouth college with a little over 4,000. interviewer and what about the acceptance rate? is it hard to get into? professor that ranges from abo

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