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人教版七年级下册英语Units 34 词语秀.docx

1、人教版七年级下册英语Units 34 词语秀七年级(下)Units 3-4 词语秀一、单词秀 1. sleep v. 睡;睡觉 eg: Be quiet!The baby is sleeping now. 安静!那个婴儿现在正在睡觉。 n. 睡觉;睡眠eg: I often have a short sleep at noon. 我经常在中午小睡一会儿。 拓展链接:sleep为不可数名词,意为“睡觉;睡眠”,但它可与a连用(特别是前面有形容词修饰时)表示“一段睡眠,一种的睡眠”。 2. during prep. 在期间,通常指一段时间中的某一个阶段或某几个阶段,用来表示不太确定的期间。eg:

2、They swim every day during the holidays. 他们在假期天天游泳。 3. leaf n. 叶子;树叶eg: Trees begin to have leaves in spring. 春天树木开始长叶子了。 拓展链接:leaves为leaf的复数形式。在英语中,以f,fe结尾的名词变复数时,把f或fe变成v,再加-es。例如: wife(妻子)wives 巧记以f(fe)结尾的名词变复数口诀:树叶半数自己黄,妻子拿刀去杀狼,架后小偷逃命忙。leaf(树叶),half(一半,半数),self(自己),wife(妻子),knife(刀),wolf(狼),shel

3、f(架子),thief(小偷),life(生命) 4. relax v. 放松;休息eg: The music relaxes me. 音乐使我放松。 拓展链接:relax有两个形容词:relaxing令人放松的;relaxed(指人)感到放松的。eg: Its a relaxing holiday. 这是一个令人放松的假期。 Everybody feels relaxed. 每个人都觉得很放松。 5. give v. 给;授予。结构为give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.表示“把某物给某人”(sb.为间接宾语,sth.为直接宾语)。eg: Please give me

4、the map.=Please give the map to me. 请把那张地图给我。 拓展链接:giveback归还 give up放弃 give in屈服 6. get v. 得到;获得eg: He gets a new job. 他得到了一份新工作。 “get sth. from sb.”表示“从某人那里获得(取走)某物”。 eg: Sarah gets the uniform from her sister. 萨拉从她姐姐那里得到那件制服。 拿来eg: Can you get me a cup of tea, please? 请帮我拿杯茶来好吗? 购买eg: I want to g

5、et this coat. 我想买这件大衣。 拓展链接:get up起床 get to到达 get on上车 7. talk v. 谈话;谈论eg: I want to talk to him about the matter. 我想要和他谈谈这件事。 n. 演讲;谈话;报告eg: Lets have a little talk. 我们谈一会儿话吧。 8. newspaper n. 报纸eg: He is reading an evening newspaper. 他正在看一份晚报。 拓展链接:newspaper作“报纸”讲时,是可数名词;而paper作“纸”讲时是不可数名词,作“报纸;试卷;

6、论文”讲时是可数名词。eg: The history paper is very easy. 这份历史试卷很容易。 in the newspaper在报纸上 a daily newspaper日报 a weekly newspaper周报 newspaper office报社 a newspaper reporter新闻记者 a newspaper report新闻报道 evening newspaper晚报 morning newspaper晨报 9. as prep. 作为;当作eg: As a student, you should get up early. 作为一名学生,你应当早点起

7、床。 conj. 正如;如同eg: Shes very tall, as is her mother. 她个子很高,和她母亲一样。 conj. 按照;如同eg: Do it as I do. 像我这样做。 conj. (表示时间)当时候eg: The girl sings as she walks. 那个女孩边走边唱。 conj. (表示原因)因为;由于eg: We all like her as she is very kind. 我们都喜欢她,因为她很友善。 adv. 如同;和一样eg: My brother runs as quickly as I do. 我弟弟跑得和我一样快。 10.

8、 play n. 戏剧;剧本eg: I like this TV play. 我喜欢这部电视剧。 v. 玩(耍) eg: They are playing soccer on the playground. 他们正在操场上踢足球。 拓展链接:play作动词时译法很多,和不同的乐器和球类名词连用,意思也会随之变化。 play+球类eg: play football踢足球 play baseball打棒球 play basketball打篮球 play volleyball打排球 play table tennis打乒乓球 play tennis打网球 play+the+乐器eg: play th

9、e drum打鼓 play the piano弹钢琴 play the violin拉小提琴 play the guitar弹吉他 play+棋类或其他名词eg: play tricks耍花招 play chess下棋 play cards打扑克牌 play computer games玩电脑游戏 二、短语秀 1. kind of 常用于口语,意为“有几分”,相当于a little或a bit,用来修饰形容词或副词,并且此处的kind没有单、复数的变化。eg: My sister is kind of lazy. 我的妹妹有点懒。 拓展记忆:a kind of 一种 all kinds of

10、各种各样的 2. play with 意为“和一起玩”或“玩东西”。eg: Dont play with fire, children. 孩子们,别玩火。 3. at night 意为“在夜里,在晚上”,一般不指明在哪一天的夜晚。night前不用冠词。其反义词组为in the day,意为“在白天”。eg: I like reading at night. 我喜欢晚上看书。 4. want to do意为“想成为,想当”,be意为“成为;当”。eg: What do you want to be when you grow up? 当你长大了,你想当什么? I want to be a tea

11、cher. 我想当一名老师。 5. work with 表示“和打交道;跟一起工作”。with作介词,意为“和一起”,后接名词或代词,接代词时,需用人称代词的宾格形式。eg: I often work with students. 我经常和学生打交道。 6. go out to dinners 意为“出去吃晚餐”,此处的to 可以用for替换。eg: Shall we get out to/for a dinner tonight? 今晚我们出去吃饭怎么样? 7. work hard 意为“努力地工作”。eg: We work hard all day. 我们整天努力地工作。 8. work

12、for 意为“为工作;在某机构工作”。eg: Mr Green works for a computer company. 格林先生在一家电脑公司工作。 拓展记忆:work at从事于,致力于 work as担任工作 9. children of 512 意为“512岁的孩子们”。of+数字,表示“的年龄”,作后置定语,修饰前面的中心词。eg: He is a man of 40. 他是一个40岁的男子。 10. music teacher 意为“音乐老师”。一个名词修饰另一个名词时,前面的修饰词一般用单数。在变复数时,通常只是把后面的中心词变成复数。但当修饰词是woman, man时,前后都

13、要变成复数。eg: two math teachers 两名数学老师 two men teachers 两名男老师 Unit 3 一、用another, other, the other, others, the others填空。 1. What _ things can you see on the table? 2. I dont like this coat. Please give me _ one. 3. She has two pens. One is black, _ is red. 4. There are fifty students in our class. Twent

14、y-eight of them are boys, _ are girls. 5. He is always(总是) helping _. Key:1.other 2.another 3.the other 4.the others 5.others 【辨析】(1)another指不定数目中的“另一个”、“又一个”(三个以上),用来代替或修饰单数可数名词。例如: I dont like this one. Please give me another. 我不喜欢这个。请再给我拿一个。 Would you like another cup of tea? 你想再喝一杯茶吗? (2)other意思

15、是“另外的”、“其他的”,修饰复数名词。例如: What other animals do you like? 你还喜欢别的什么动物? We study Chinese, math, English and other lessons. 我们学习语文、数学、英语和其他学科。 (3)the other通常指两个中的“另一个”。例如: She has two daughters. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor. 她有两个女儿。一个是教师,另一个是医生。 (4)others泛指“另外的人或物”。例如: Some like swimming, othe

16、rs like boating. 有些人喜欢游泳,另一些人喜欢划船。 (5)the others特指某范围内“其余全部的人或物”。例如: There are forty books in the box. Ten are mine, the others are my fathers.箱子里有四十本书。其中的十本是我的,其余的都是我父亲的。 二、 用cute, clever填空。 1. Wang Tao is a very _ boy. 2. The monkeys are very _. Key:1.clever 2.cute 【辨析】cute和clever用作形容词时,均可表示“聪明的、伶

17、俐的”之意,cute还可表示“逗人喜爱的、有吸引力的、漂亮的”等意思。其区别在于:cute多用来指动物的聪明、漂亮及逗人喜爱,而clever主要用来表示人或动物的脑子灵活,理解事物快。例如: The dolphins are very cute. 海豚很聪明。 Her brother is very clever. 她弟弟非常聪明。 He is a clever boy. 他是一个聪明的男孩。 三、用beautiful, pretty, good-looking, handsome填空。 1. She looks _ in that new skirt. 2. Nearly(几乎) all g

18、irls are _, but only a few are _. 3. She married a _ man. Key:1.pretty 2.good-looking; beautiful 3.handsome 【辨析】beautiful, pretty, good-looking与handsome四个词都可以表示“美丽的;好看的”, 但略有不同。 beautiful是表示“美丽”的最普通用语,不仅可以用来形容人或动物,也可以形容风景、服装或天气等;语气最强,一般不用来形容男性。例如: It is beautiful weather. 天气真好。 pretty只用于修饰小孩、妇女和弱小的东

19、西,语气较弱一些。例如: The beautiful girl has a pretty doll. 这个漂亮的女孩有一个美丽的洋娃娃。 good-looking指“相貌好看的”,语气较弱,可修饰男性和女性。例如: My uncle and aunt are good-looking. 我的叔叔和阿姨都很好看。 handsome表示“英俊的;潇洒的”,主要用来形容男子。例如: My brother is a handsome man. 我哥哥是一个美男子。 四、 用go to bed, sleep填空。 1. What time do you usually _? 2. Do you _ we

20、ll in the evening?Key:1.go to bed 2.sleep 【辨析】这两个词(语)均有“睡觉”之意,但它们在用法上有所不同。 go to bed指“上床睡觉”,强调从脱去衣服到床上这一动作,表示准备睡觉,不含“睡着”之意,是个结束性动词短语,与之相对应的词语是get up(起床)。例如: We usually get up at six in the morning and go to bed at nine in the evening. 我们通常早晨六点起床,晚上九点睡觉。 Its time to go to bed. 该睡觉了。 sleep指睡、睡觉的全过程。用于

21、进行时态表示“正在睡觉”。例如: Many of us work in the day and sleep at night. 我们中许多人白天工作,晚上睡觉。 He sleeps during the day. 他白天睡觉。 Please be quiet. My father is sleeping. 请安静,我爸爸正在睡觉。 五、 用every day, everyday填空。 1. I go to school by bike _. 2. Can you speak _ English? Key:1.every day 2.everyday 【辨析】every day是短语副词,意为“

22、每天,天天”,在句中作状语。例如: I get up early every day. 我每天起床早。 We speak English every day. 我们每天都讲英语。 everyday 是形容词,意为“每天的,日常的”,在句中作定语。例如: He goes to school in his everyday clothes. 他穿着平常的衣服去上学。 This is my everyday work. 这就是我的日常工作。 Unit 4 六、 用job, work填空。 1. Can you find a _ for him? 2. His father is out of _.

23、3. He goes to _ by bike. Key:1.job 【辨析】两个词均有“工作”之意,但所指不同。 job是可数名词,指具体的某项工作,特别是多用来指雇用的、招聘的、有报酬的工作。而work是不可数名词,主要是指体力和脑力劳动,表示一种抽象的概念。例如: Im very busy. I have much work to do these days. 这些天我很忙,我有许多工作要做。 七、 用wear, put on, be in, dress填空。 1. This is your new shirt. _ it _, please. 2. She

24、washed, _ and went out. 3. What size shoes do you _? 4. Do you know the girl _ red? Key:1.Put; on 2.dressed 3.wear 【辨析】wear, put on, be in与dress这四个词都表示“穿”,但侧重点不同。 wear强调穿的状态,意为“穿着;戴着”,其宾语可以是衣服,也可以是饰品等。例如: She often wears a flower in her hair. 她经常在头发上戴着一朵花。 put on强调穿的动作,意思是“穿上;戴上”,其宾语是衣服、鞋帽等。例如:

25、 Its very cold outside. Youd better put on your coat. 外面很冷。你最好穿上你的外套。 be in中的“in”是介词,也表示“穿着;戴着”的状态,后接衣服或颜色。例如: She is in white today. 今天她穿着白色的衣服。 dress表示动作或状态,常跟人作宾语,意为“给穿衣,打扮”。例如: Could you help me dress the children? 你能帮我给孩子们穿衣服吗? 八、用sometimes, sometime, some time填空。 1. I will call you _ tomorrow.

26、 2. He is _ late for school. 3. It will take you _ to finish the homework. Key:1.sometime 2.sometimes 3.some time 【辨析】sometimes 是个频度副词,意思为“有时”,表示动作时常发生。例如: I usually go to school by bike, sometimes by bus. 我通常骑自行车去上学,有时乘公共汽车去。 sometime的意思为“某时”,表示将来或过去某一不特定的时间。例如: She is coming sometime next Sunday.

27、她下星期日的某个时候将会来。 some time 是个名词词组,意思为“一段时间”。例如: Susan stays in the zoo for some time. 苏珊在动物园里呆了一段时间。 九、 用interesting, interested填空。 1. Im very _ in English. 2. The movie is very _. 3. I have an _ story-book. Key:1.interested 2.interesting 3.interesting 【辨析】两个词都是形容词,interesting的意思为“有趣的”,其句子的主语是事物名词或代词,

28、interesting常放在连系动词之后作表语或用来修饰名词作定语。例如: The book on animals is very interesting. There are many interesting stories about animals in it. 这本关于动物的书非常有趣,书中有许多关于动物的有趣故事。 interested常用在词组be interested in sth. 中,这个词组的意思为“对感兴趣”。例如: Tina is very interested in making kites. 蒂娜对做风筝很感兴趣。 十、 用in hospital, in the h

29、ospital填空。 1. “Where is Emma?” “She is ill _.” 2. His uncle works _. hospital the hospital 【辨析】in hospital 的意思是“住院”,而in the hospital的意思为“在医院里(工作、学习等)”。英语中有些表地点的名词之前加冠词与不加冠词意义大不相同:不加冠词,表示与地点有关的抽象意义;加上冠词,表示具体的地点。试比较: at the school在学校里 at school上学、求学 at the table在桌旁 at table在吃饭 十一、 用evening, night填空。 1. All of us work in the day and sleep at _. 2. I do my homework in the _. Key:1.night 2.evening 【辨析】e

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