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秋杭州专版人教新目标八年级英语上册同步练习题Unit 7Section B.docx

1、秋杭州专版人教新目标八年级英语上册同步练习题Unit 7 Section B,Unit 7 Will people have robots?第三课时Section B(1a1e)见学生用书A40.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1The water p_ollution_ in his country is still a big problem.2There isnt enough s_pace_ in the room for 60 desks.3I live in an a_partment_ across the street from here.4Robots can do some d

2、_irty/ifficult_ work for us.5Yang Liwei is a great Chinese a_stronaut_.6China has sent many r_ockets_ up into space.7I sometimes see blue s_ky_ in my city,but in the future maybe I cant.8Everyone should play a part in saving the e_nvironment/arth_.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1In 5 years,I _will_move_(move)to Lon

3、don.2We will use _less_(little)water because theres not enough water for us.3There will be more tall _buildings_(building)in the city next year.4Kids will study at home on _computers_(computer)5Do you think people will have _fewer_(few)jobs?Yes,because the robots can help people with work.6Jenny is

4、good at making flowers with _paper_(paper)7They _will_build_(build)new schools for the children in poor places next year.8A mothers love is like a circle.Thats no _beginning_(begin)and no ending.9Students often use computers _to_send_(send)emails.They dont need paper.10Are there any living things on

5、 other _planets_(planet)?I have no ideas.Maybe we can know more about that in the future.语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Robots have a long history.The _1_(one)one was made by a Greek inventor(发明家)You may see robots in some films.The robots in these films are stronger,_2_(

6、fast)and cleverer than people.In real life,most robots are used in factories.They are used to do many dangerous,difficult or _3_(bored)jobs.Some people cant look after themselves and robots are used to help _4_(they)For example,some people cant see,so they use dogs to help themselves move around.Thi

7、s dog is called _5_ guide dog.Scientists are _6_(make)robots to help them.In the future,robots might take the _7_ of these dogs.Robots are also used in hospitals.In one hospital,a robot takes meals _8_ the kitchen to the sick peoples rooms.It _9_(ever)loses its way because it has a map of the hospit

8、al in its computer system(系统)In the future,robots will also work in space._10_ robots will never replace humans.They can,however,help us in a lot of different ways.1_first_ 2._faster_ 3._boring_4_them_ 5._a_ 6._making_7_place_ 8._from_ 9._never_10_But_.完形填空A robot worked first at a Chinese bank.Many

9、 people are _1_ in the smart robot.Jiaojiao is the first robot to _2_ at the bank in Dalian,Liaoning Province.It can serve people in many _3_.The smiling robot is able to offer people many _4_ kinds of services.It can work as a _5_.It can also answer peoples questions.It talks with people _6_ touchi

10、ng,speaking and through body language.The robot is able to offer(提供)other perfect services,_7_.“Can we take a photo together?” one customer(顾客)asked.“Come on,_8_ make sure that you use PS(图像处理软件)please,” Jiaojiao answered.Many people laughed when they _9_ Jiaojiaos answer.The robot has attracted(吸引)

11、a large number of people on _10_ first day at work.Bank of TokyoMitsubishi UFJ,one of the worlds largest banks,introduced the new robot _11_ Nao.He will be able to answer customers questions about the _12_ services.Naos a bit _13_ than a normal bank tellerhe is just 23 inches tall and weighs about 9

12、 pounds.He _14_ 19 languages and Mitsubishi UFJ hopes hell help a lot of _15_ customers for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.(B)1.A.worried BinterestedCbored Dsurprised(D) BmeetCstudy Dwork(A)3.A.ways BhousesCplaces Dbanks(C) BeasyCdifferent Dsimilar(B) BguideCpilot Dartist(A)6.

13、 BonCwith Dwithout(C) well as BneitherCtoo Deither(A)8.A.but BorCso Das(B)9.A.thought BheardCrealized Dlearned(B)10.A.their BitsCher Dhis(A)11.A.named BnamesCnaming Dto name(B) BbanksCschools Dhotels(C)13.A.quieter BheavierCsmaller Dlarger(D)14.A.talks BtellsCsays Dspeaks(B)15.

14、A.local BforeignCcity Dcountryside.阅读理解Want to know what we students can do to make our city a better place to live in?Why not take part in “Clean & Green Weekend”?Join us,and you can help take care of the environment.We have many kinds of activities for you.Activity One: Park LifeDo you like taking

15、 a walk in the park with your friends?If so,why not come with us to clean up the park?And there is a gift for the person who collects the most trash(垃圾)!Meet us at Tao He Park at 9 am. next Saturday if you want to join in.Activity Two: The Air You BreatheA great way to make the air we breathe cleane

16、r is planting lots of trees!Trees filter(过滤)slowly a lot of pollutants from the air.So come and help us plant some new ones in Fen He Park at 2 Sunday.Activity Three: War on Graffiti(涂鸦)Some people think graffiti is cool.But it is not!We are trying to stop ugly graffiti on beautiful building

17、s.We are repainting the school walls from 1 pm. on Saturday.You dont have to bring any tools.Just remember to wear some old clothes!(A)1.Clean & Green Weekend wants to_.Amake our city more beautifulBhave funChelp students meet old friendsDbuild some buildings(D)2.The students who want to join in the

18、 trash collecting activity must meet_.Aat 1 pm.on SaturdayBat 2 SundayCat 9 SundayDat 9 Saturday(B)3.If were going to repaint the school walls,we need to_.Abring some tools with usBwear some old clothesCdraw pictures wellDplant some trees near the walls(B)4.We might read the

19、above passage_. Aon a wall Bon a school notice boardCin a newspaperDon a TV show(C)5.According to the passage,we know_.Agraffiti can make the buildings look coolBthe person who collects rubbish can get a giftCWe can plant trees to improve the environmentDwe can draw pictures on the wall,Unit 7 Will

20、people have robots?第四课时Section B(2a2e)见学生用书B40.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1Please remember that nothing is _impossible_(不可能的)if you try your best.2Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple _fell_(掉落)onto his head.3I _believe_(相信)you will succeed if you keep trying.4The teacher was _already_(已经)in the r

21、oom when I arrived.5She is _even_(甚至)smarter than her sister.6What are the differences between _humans_(人类)and animals?7Its hot _inside_(在里面)Please open the window.8He had an exciting experience(经历)in _Japan_(日本)last year.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1It is _impossible_(possible)to let him buy something for you,b

22、ecause he has no money.2It is fun _to_watch_(watch)others play sports on TV.3We all wanted to have a PE.lesson,but Miss Zhang _disagreed_(agree)4My mother can make cakes in different _shapes_(shape)5Dont touch the machine.Its _dangerous_(danger)6There are a lot of _factories_(factory)near my house.用

23、方框中所给短语的适当形式填空in the near future;fall down;hundreds of;look like;look for1His pencilbox is lost.Hes _looking_for_ it here and there now.2I believe that there will be a robot in your home _in_the_near_future_.3That kind of robot made in that factory _looks_like_ a real person.4Look! There are _hundre

24、ds_of_ butterflies flying in the garden.5The structure(结构)of the building was so strong that it didnt _fall_down_ in the terrible earthquake.语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。The future is coming!All over the world there are many new _1_(idea)for new places to live and work

25、in.Some of _2_(they)will be in the sea!They will be very big _3_ lots of people will live and work in them.The Americans are _4_(plan)to build a town called Atlantis City.It will be in the sea,about five miles away _5_ the land.But the most _6_(excited)idea comes from Japan.It is called Aeropolis.Ae

26、ropolis will be a huge sea city,with parks,schools,a hospital and _7_ airportand it will move!It will travel _8_(slow)around the world.There _9_ just two problems.Aeropolis will cost a lot of money _10_(make)And for people who get seasick,it wont be much fun.1_ideas_ 2._them_ 3._and_4_planning_ 5._f

27、rom_ 6._exciting_7_an_ 8._slowly_ 9._are_10_to_make_.短文填空根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。What will our life be like in the future?We wont use _1_(纸)to write on.We can study on computers.And there will be fewer cars and less _2_(污染)Everyone will play a part in saving the _3_(地球)The _4_(海洋)will b

28、e cleaner and the _5_(天空)will be bluer.So the _6_(环境)will be better and better.I believe people will even have robots in their homes.They can help with the housework.Of course,there are already robots working in _7_(工厂)now.They do simple jobs over and over again.And they will never get tired.People

29、will be able to fly to the moon for holidays.Perhaps people will live on a _8_(太空)station one day.However,some people _9_(不同意)They think it is _10_(不可能的)for humans to live on the moon.1_paper_2._pollution_ 3._earth_4_sea_ 5._sky_ 6._environment_7_factories_ 8._space_ 9._disagree_10_impossible_.阅读理解A

30、 kind of little cars may some day take the place of todays cars.If everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the air.There will also be more space for parking cars in cities.Three such cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive.Driving will be safer,too,as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour.The cars of the fu

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