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1、七年级英语上册选词填空专题练习经典七年级英语上册选词填空专题练习经典一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式补全句子。 just light cross nature bridge place of interest in the future(1)She walked _ the floor and lay down on the bed. (2)The _ is not strong enough to allow the passage of vehicles. (3)Its _ that he should fall in love with

2、 such a beautiful girl. (4)We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for success _. (5)It _ then that I chanced to look round. (6)Then I saw him enter the room, sit down and _ a cigarette. (7)Im free all day. Can you recommend a good _? 【答案】 (1)across(2)bridge(3)natural(4)in the future

3、(5)just(6)light(7)place of interest 【解析】【分析】 just,只是,light,点亮,cross,穿越,nature,自然,bridge,桥,place of interest,名胜,in the future,今后 (1)句意: 她走过地板,躺在床上。walk across,固定搭配,穿过,故填across。 (2)句意:桥不够坚固,不能让车辆通过。根据提示词和 the passage of vehicles 可知通过车辆的是桥,故填bridge。 (3)句意: 他爱上这么漂亮的女孩是很自然的事情。is系动词后是形容词,根据 fall in love w

4、ith such a beautiful girl可知喜欢漂亮女孩很自然,natural,是形容词,故填natural。 (4)句意: 我们从过去中学习,体验现在,希望日后的成功。根据 the past 可知此处是日后和过去形成时间的呼应,故填in the future。 (5)句意: 那时我碰巧环顾四周。it just then that, 就在那时 ,故填just。 (6)句意: 然后我看见他走进房间,坐下来,点燃了一支烟。根据 sit down and 可知此处是and前后一致,故用动词原形做补语,根据cigarette可知是点燃烟,故填light。 (7)句意: 我一整天都有空。你能推

5、荐一个好的旅游胜地吗?good是形容词,前后是名词或名词词组,根据提示词和 Im free all day 可知有空了可以去旅游景点,故填place of interest 。 【点评】考查选词填空,注意副词,形容词,固定搭配等用法。2用方框里的词填空。have has dont which color(1)Im sorry. I _know her.(2)_one do you like? The red one.(3)What _are their trousers? They are black.(4)Li hua _a big nose and a round face(5)Doe s

6、he _small eyes? I dont know.【答案】 (1)dont(2)Which(3)color(4)has(5)have【解析】【分析】(1)句意是:对不起,我不认识她。否定句用助动词do +not 构成,可以缩写为dont。(2)根据答语 The red one.可知是询问“你喜欢哪一个”,故填 Which。(3)根据答语 They are black.可知是询问颜色的,故填 color。(4)主语 Li Hua是第三人称单数,故填动词三单形式 has。句意是:李华有一个大鼻子和一张圆脸。(5)助动词 Does后面跟动词原形,故填 have。句意是:她有小眼睛吗?我不知道。

7、【点评】本题考查选词填空,根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词填空,使句意通顺合理。3选择适当的单词补全对话。be late for, go to bed, get up, in the evening, go outAndy: Do you like your life in Grade 9, Paul?Paul: Yes, I do. But I must _very early every day. I dont want to _school.Andy: Really? Do you feel tired at school?Paul: No. But I feel tired _. We

8、usually have too much homework.Andy: No students like too much homework. Then when do you _?Paul: At ten oclock.Andy: Ten oclock? Why dont you start to do your homework earlier (更早)?Paul: Well, I_for a walk first after dinner. And then I start to do my homework at 7:00. 【答案】get up;be late for;in the

9、 evening;go to bed;go out 【解析】【分析】文章大意:Andy和Paul在讨论Paul上九年级的生活作息。选项中文:be late for迟到, go to bed上床睡觉, get up起床, in the evening在晚上, go out外出(1)句意:但我必须每天很早起床。情态动词must后跟动词原形,学生要早起上学,故答案为get up。(2)句意:我不想上学迟到。want to do sth.想做某事,be late for school上学迟到,早晨早起,就是为了上学不迟到,故答案为be late for。(3)句意:但是在晚上我觉得很累。此句缺少时间状

10、语,故答案为in the evening。(4)句意:你什么时间睡觉?助动词do后跟动词原形,根据答语10点钟判断,是询问晚上睡觉的时间,故答案为go to bed。(5)句意:晚饭后我首先出去散步。go out for a walk出去散步,结合句意可知,先出去散步,后写家庭作业,故答案为go out。【点评】考查选词填空,选词填空一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。4选词填空dance,sleep, eat,play, drink(1)Before

11、 _, Sandy likes to drink a cup of milk. (2)What about _some noodles this evening?Good idea. (3)Beef can give players enough energy for _football. (4)He often _a lot of water every day. (5)Kitty is good at _. She wants to be a good dancer. 【答案】(1)sleeping(2)eating(3)playing(4)drinks(5)dancing 【解析】【分析

12、】dance跳舞,sleep睡, eat吃,play玩, drink喝(1)句意:睡觉前,Sandy喜欢喝杯牛奶。介词before在之前,后接动词的-ing形式作宾语。根据句意和英文提示,可知一般是在睡觉前喝牛奶,故填sleeping。(2)句意:今天晚上吃面条怎么样?好主意。what about怎么样,介词about后面需接名词、代词或动名词。some noodles一些面条,是食物,根据句意和英文提示,可知应为吃面条,故填eating。(3)句意:牛排能为队员踢球提供足够能量。根据句意和英文提示,固定搭配play football踢足球。介词for后接动词的-ing形式,故填playing

13、。(4)句意:他经常每天和很多水。本句主语he是三单人称,动词需用三单形式。根据句意和英文提示,可知水应为喝,填drinks。(5)句意:凯蒂擅长跳舞。她想成为一名舞蹈家。be good at善于做某事,后接名词或动名词。根据句意和英文提示,可知想成为舞蹈家的会跳舞,故填dancing。【点评】考查选词填空。选词填空一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。5阅读对话,从方框中选择合适的词语,并用其正确形式填空。have lessons, have a go

14、od rest, wake up, go to bed, reasonAndy: John, students call Friday “Fulai Day” in China. Whats the _?John: Because the next day is Saturday, and we dont _. “Fu” comes!Andy: Oh, I see. So they dont need to_early the next morning.John: Yes. And they can _after watching their favourite TV shows in the

15、 evening.Andy: Youre right. Do you think Friday is really “Fulai Day”?John: Of course. I can _on Friday evening. What about you?Andy: I like “Fulai Day”, too. 【答案】reason;have lessons;wake up;go to bed;have a good rest 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本对话分析了人们喜欢星期五的原因。选项中文:have lessons上课, have a good rest好好休息, wake up醒来

16、, go to bed上床睡觉, reason原因(1)句意:原因是什么?前有the,后面应该是名词。故答案为reason。(2)句意:因为明天是星期六,我们不上课。上课是have lessons。故答案为have lessons。(3)句意:噢,我明白了。于是他们不需要第二天早上很早就醒来。睡醒是wake up。故答案为wake up。(4)句意:他们能在晚上看完自己喜欢的电视再睡觉。睡觉是go to bed。故答案为go to bed。(5)句意:当然了,我们可以在周五晚上好好休息。好好休息用have a good rest。故答案为have a good rest。【点评】考查选词填空。

17、选词填空一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据句子上下文推断出词义,结合所给单词判断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,进行适当词形变化。6用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 real some computer picture map(1)There are thirty _ on everyones desk in our classroom. We can do homework on it. (2) What can you see in these _? Some dogs and cats.(3)This is a _ of the w

18、orld. (4)There arent _ pens in the bag. (5)Our school is _ big and nice. 【答案】 (1)computers(2)pictures(3)map(4)any(5)really 【解析】【分析】 real,真的,some,一些,computer,电脑,picture,图片,map,地图 (1)句意: 我们教室里每个人的桌子上都30台有电脑。我们可以在上面做作业。根据 We can do homework on it可知能在上面做功课的是电脑,thirty是基数词,其后是名词复数 , 故填computers。 (2)句意:你在这

19、一张图片里能看到什么?些狗和猫。these后是名词复数,根据 dogs and cats可知是图片上的内容,故此处是名词图片,故填pictures。 (3)句意: 这是一张世界地图。不定冠词a后是名词单数,根据 the world ,可知是世界地图,故填map。 (4)句意: 包里没有钢笔。some,一些,修饰可数名词复数,pens是名词复数,否定句用any表示一些 , 故填any。 (5)句意: 我们的学校真的又大又好。big and nice是形容词,副词修饰形容词,really是副词,真地 , 故填really。 【点评】考查选词填空,注意词性,名词单复数的变化,同时熟记固定搭配。7用方

20、框中所给词的适当形式填空 tradition sweater celebrate lantern cook(1)Theyre _ Spring Festival now. (2)I would like some nice _ for New Years Day. (3)Look! They are having a _ family dinner. (4)He is ten years old, but he can _ very well. (5)Tony! Put away your _ and coats. 【答案】 (1)celebrating(2)lanterns(3)tradit

21、ional(4)cook(5)sweaters 【解析】【分析】 tradition传统 sweater 毛衣 celebrate庆祝 lantern灯笼 cook烹饪 (1)句意:他们现在正在庆祝春节。根据常识通常是庆祝春节,应用celebrate,are后跟动词现在分词, celebrate的现在分词是celebrating,故填celebrating。 (2)句意:我想要一些新年的灯笼。根据传统通常春节挂灯笼,some后跟名词的复数,故填 lanterns。 (3)句意:看!他们正在吃传统的家庭晚餐。根据 family dinner.可知应该是传统的,名词词组前应用形容词,traditi

22、on的形容词 traditional, 故填 traditional。 (4)句意:他十岁了,但他的厨艺很好。can后跟动词原形,故填cook。 (5)句意:托尼!把你的毛衣和外套收起来。形容词性物主代词后跟名词,故填sweaters。 【点评】选词填空,首先理解被给的词的意思,根据句意,选择适当的词,用其正确的形式填空。8用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 clean speak sweep meal happen(1) Hello. May I speak to Tony? This is Tony _.(2)Look! There are so many people over there.

23、Whats _? (3)My father is _ the floor, and my mother is washing our clothes. (4)His room is small but it is very _. (5)We have three _ every day. 【答案】 (1)speaking(2)happening(3)sweeping(4)clean(5)meals 【解析】【分析】clean干净的,speak讲话,sweep打扫,meal饭,happen发生 (1)句意:你好,我可以跟托尼讲话吗?这是托尼。根据上文Hello. May I speak to T

24、ony,你好,我可以跟托尼讲话吗,可知该情景是打电话,回答这是谁,用This isspeaking,故填speaking。 (2)句意:看,有如此多人在那里,在发生什么事?根据上文Look! There are so many people over there,看,有如此多人在那里,可知此处是因好奇而问发生什么事,whats happening,表示正在发生什么事,故填happening。 (3)句意:我的爸爸正在扫地并且我的妈妈正在洗我们的衣服。the floor,地板,应用sweep打扫来搭配,sweep the floor,扫地,根据my mother is washing our c

25、lothes,我的妈妈正在洗我们的衣服,可知时态是现在进行时,结构是be+doing,此处is已给出,故填sweeping。 (4)句意:他的房间是小的但是非常干净。根据small,小的,but,但是,可知前后是转折关系,clean,干净的,可与small构成转折,故填clean。 (5)句意:我们每天吃三顿饭。have,有,吃,喝,根据句意,我们每天吃三顿饭,meal,饭,可数名词,three,三,后加可数名词复数,故填meals。 【点评】考查选词填空,注意根据句意选择合适的单词,并且变换正确的形式。9用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用次(每空词)。 stay ga

26、me China when writeA: _ do you have Japanese(日语) lessons?B: On Mondays.A: And English?B: We have English on Fridays.A: Do you have _?B: Yes, we do. We have _ in Chinese on Tuesdays.A: What about ball _? Do you play ball games?B: Yes. We play soccer on Wednesdays and play basketball on Thursdays.A: W

27、hat about Sunday? I guess you dont go to school on Sundays.B: We _ at home and do our homework on Sundays.【答案】 When;Chinese;writing;games;stay 【解析】【分析】stay待,停留,game比赛,游戏,China中国,when什么时候,write,写 (1)句意:你什么时候上日语课?根据下文On Mondays,在星期一,可知上文提问什么时候,when,什么时候,故填When。 (2)句意:你有语文课吗?根据上文询问了Japanese日语课,English英

28、语课,及下文in Chinese on Tuesdays,在星期二用汉语,可知此处应是问语文课,China,中国,需变为Chinese,语文,故填Chinese。 (3)句意:我们在星期二有汉语写作。in Chinese,用汉语,应是用汉语写作,write,写,动词,此处应是做have的宾语,用名词,writing,写作,名词,故填writing。 (4)句意:球类比赛呢?根据下文Do you play ball games,你们打球类比赛吗,可知此处应是games,比赛,故填games。 (5)句意:星期天我们待在家里做作业。at home,在家,此处应搭配动词stay,待,又因是一般现在时

29、,主语是第一人称,谓语动词用原形,故填stay。 【点评】考查选词填空,注意选择词语后需转换适当的形式。10用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 cool freely Sunday Wednesday Tuesday(1)Are you _ today, Frank? Yes. Im not busy.(2)Hey, Jack! You look so _ in this black hat. (3)Its _ and I dont need to go to school. (4)_ comes before Thursday. (5)_ is the third day of a week.

30、【答案】 (1)free(2)cool(3)Sunday(4)Wednesday(5)Tuesday 【解析】【分析】cool酷的,freely自由地,Sunday星期天,Wednesday星期三,Tuesday,星期四 (1)句意:弗兰克,你今天是空闲的吗?是的,我不忙。根据下文Yes. Im not busy,是的,我不忙,可知上文是问他今天空闲吗,freely,自由地,副词,其形容词是free,自由的,空闲的,故填free。 (2)句意:嘿,杰克!戴着这个黑帽子你看起来如此酷。look,看起来,系动词,后面加形容词,cool,酷的,形容词,故填cool。 (3)句意:今天是星期天并且我不需要去上学。根据I dont n

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