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2、写中国的美丽,而是侧面体现中国的环境怎么地被人为地破坏。受到影片中言语的表达,有些很普通的画面我都不忍看了,感觉我们确实挺残忍挺贪吃,但做为中国人的心态和那位讲述者的心态是完全不同的他们是旁观,我们是反思,有种被他们先声夺人的感觉。哈萨克,基诺族,怒族,是我从这部作品中知道的三个少数民族,本来是想写写自己的大收获物,还有作英语学习之用,但看到这么些敏感语句,我就有一股冲动想把它们全部摘抄出来,看看国外人是怎样看待我们对保护环境和野生动物的态度的,是他们太偏激呢,还是我们确实做的不够好。话到最后,我有点不知道该站在哪一边了。NO.1 从第一集的最初,就有一句很不留情的话,We know that

3、 China faces immense social and environmental problems。哪有这样说人家的。不是说他们说话不含蓄,这根本是无中生有,中国固然有些缺陷,但没到IMMENSE 的地步。记录片中有很多这样的语句,似乎以为他们用另一种语言就可以掩饰他们对中国的另一种,从这句话就可以看出,他们拍摄这六集作品的目的贬褒悬殊。NO.2“and the Song family are tucking into a lunch of rice and vegetables . 宋一家正在狼吞虎咽地吃着饭菜。”打扰人家吃饭时间去拍摄,整个家庭那么配合,怎么还可以这样说呀,那家人

4、真无辜,后面类似这样的场景还很多呀,感觉像被人卖了还帮人家数钱。NO.3 Theres a saying in the far south, 遥远的东方有一个说法,“we will eat anything with legs except a table, we eat anything with wings except plane.”吃任何有脚的,除了桌子,吃任何有翅膀的,除了飞机以外。我们是这样吃的吗?NO.4 Fortunately, Caohais dragonflie are abundant and fast-breeding. So Geng and his fellow f

5、ishermen have so far had little impact on their numbers. But not all wildlife is so resilient.恢复能力强的NO.5 Soft-shelled turtles are considered a gourmet delicacy by many Chinese,鳖对中国人而言是美味佳肴。And when it was filmed,当它被拍摄的时候,this was one of just three Swinhoes turtles left alive in China, the rest of it

6、s kind having been rounded up and eaten. 它其他的同伴全被抓起来吃了。或许每个人看到NO4和NO5,感受会不一样,我就不加以评论了。NO.6 But like so many Chinese animals, it is considered delicious to eat. Despite being classed as a protected species, giant salamanders are still illegally sold for food and the baby fish is now rare and endanger

7、ed in the wild. NO.7 like the white cranes , many of south Chinas unique animals face pressure from exploitation and competition with people over space and resources. 像白鹤一样,很多在中国南方的特有动物面临了和人类对质空间及资源的开发与竞争压力 . 。But if Chins is living proof of anything, it is wildlife is surprisingly resilient 但如果中国是种

8、见证,那就是这些野生动物有着惊人的恢复力。每有一种动物的出现,他都会提到人类对它们的迫害,而且说得好露骨。NO.8In the last 50 years China has seen massive development, bringing many environmental problems. But the relationship of the Chinese to their environment and its creatures is in fact deep, complex and extraordinary. NO.9But they know that cooped

9、 up indoors, birds may become depressed so they try to brighten their day by meeting other birds .但他们知道将鸟囚禁在室内 可能导致鸟儿抑郁寡欢,因此他们以鸟会友使鸟儿活跃。这一点我承认,看到那画面,许多鸟儿被孤立的关在一个个鸟笼里,失去自由,是挺可怜,但他们用词太犀利了。还有接下来说得更可恶。NO.10Chairman Mao south to rebuild Chinas dignity. 毛主席没法找到祖国的尊严。Mao believe strongly in self-reliance,他

10、强烈主张自给自足,achieve through using all of natures resources. 利用所有自然资源来达成目标。Maos first concern was to feed the Chinese people by turning as much land as possible over to grain production, destroying non-cereal crop and uprooting fruit trees in the process.毛主席首要关心国家大事的是人民的温饱尽可能将土地转化为耕地过程中破坏非谷物农作物并根绝果树。A c

11、ampaign to eliminate crop-raiding sparrows backfired when insect-eating birds were also targeted, causing an increase in insect pests.一项扑杀害鸟麻雀的运动,意外地使捕食昆虫的益鸟也遭殃,这导致害虫数目增加。Efforts to make China self-reliant in steel resulted in 10% of the countrys forests being felled to feed the furnaces努力实现中国钢铁自给自足

12、的目标,结果导致国内百分之十的森林遭到砍伐当成烧材。This had a profound impact on Chinas environment, with effects, in some cases, lasting until the present day. 对环境造成严重的影响的,有些影响延续至今。Maos policy towards the countryside has been describe in the phrase ,“man must conquer nature. “毛主席的乡村政策简言之就是 :“人类必须占用自然。”Quite different from

13、the ancient concept of harmonious co-existence with nature.这与“自然和谐共存”的古老观念相互违背。这段话说得好狠。毛主席的功过三七分,但还轮不到他们来指指点点的评论。NO.11 In the dead of winter, the monkeys are forced to rummaged around the rocks for a few meager morsels of lichen and moss. As the world surrounding their mountain home has filled up wi

14、th towns and crop lands, the snub-nosed monkeyss habitat has changed dramatically. 接着,森林与野生动植物是利用的资源,我看到了锯木头的画面也觉得些许的残忍。NO.12In The South Of China The Relationship With Nature Appears More brutal. Cantonese cuisine is famous for its diversity summed up in the saying, “we will eat anything on for leg

15、s, except a table.”在华南地区,人与自然的关系显,得更加残忍,广东菜以样式繁多著称,总归一句:“除了桌子以外,任何四条腿的东西我们都吃”And though the government has banned the consumption of wildlife in China and most of the meat here comes from captive-bred animals, a significant amount is taken illegally from the wild. 这里多数的肉类来自人工繁殖的动物非法取得的野生肉类数量惊人。吃吃吃,除

16、了吃的画面还看到几个厨师用熟悉的厨艺,在镜头前挥锅具,洒热汗。我真不知道那个画面中的人儿,在摄像机表现出最好的状态以让人捕捉最好的镜头,要是知道这镜头的字幕下,有人正用着另一种语言诉说着中国人的残忍与好吃,会是怎么的种感受。NO.13 We may turn our noses up at such a strange choice of food but eating snakes is more than just a matter of taste. 我们可能对这种奇怪的食物不屑一顾,但吃蛇肉不仅是品尝美味.the Cantonese believe it can help to cle

17、an the blood, increase vitality and beauty the skin.对于产广东人来说,吃蛇肉可以清血,增强体力增强体力与养颜美容。In such a crowded land, a tradition of eating everything withvery little waste could be seen as commendable thrift. 什都吃且不浪费食物的传统可视为节俭的美德。The problem is thatthere are so many people eating wild food in south China that

18、the illegal supply chain stretches well beyond is borders,contributing to the disappearance of wildlife not only withinChina, but from other countries , too .问题是华南地区有太人爱吃野味,非法供应链已延伸到境外, 不仅造成中国境内野生动绝迹,其他国家也不例外。接下拍到的一些昆虫的药材,我觉得对于那些对中国毫不了解的而且再加上前面所看到的内容国外观众,他们那种对中国生物的怜悯又会进 一步加深了。并且用了很多虽然法律禁止,间接的说有一些人明知

19、故犯。NO.14Despite the seemingly bizarre nature of the ingredients, Chinese traditional medicine has been successfully treating people for thousands of years.虽然中药材种类奇中国药材近年来已经治愈许多人。But although the use of endangered wildlife ingredients 虽然在中国用濒临绝种的野生动植物作为中药材已遭禁止some wild animals and plants are still us

20、ed illegally. Once again nature bears the cost.自然再次付出代价。NO.15Today, ancient Shaolin Mountain, the place where kung fu began, remains its prime training centre. Students from all over the country come here to learn the ancient knowledge from the natural world. The emphasis today is perhaps more on th

21、e physical rather than the philosoplical elements that underlie kungfu, 来自全国各地的学徨来此习武,学习自然界的古老知识。今日或许更强调体能的表现而非功夫内涵的哲学要素.这样说真的很过分诶,亵渎中国功夫。看到画面的中习武的小和尚真悲哀,羞达达的挥拳弄掌,以表现出最好的自己,却被人用另一咱讽刺意味的语言描述了。NO.15Despite living high on the mountains, golden taking were once hunted to near extinction for their meat.

22、尽管栖息在高山,人们将之猎杀取其肉,导致其一度濒临绝迹。In a return to the laws of ancient China, there is now a government ban on poaching and the taking is officially protected. 回归到古老中国法律,目前中国下令禁止偷猎, 明定秦岭羚牛为保育动物。NO.17who would have guessed that with close to a billion inhabitants , chinas heartland could still harbor a lands

23、cape of such pristine beauty . 谁能猜到中国有近亿种的生物,仍能保有如此原始之美。NO.18over the last century china has last nearly of its coastal wetlands and most of what remains is manager the benefit of people ,not wildlife .以人民福祉为先,而非野生动物.NO.19In recent years , human sewage and fertilizers from intensive farming 近年来,人类排放

24、的污水与密集农业的肥料,have increased plankton blooms in the Gulf导致渤海湾的浮游生物激增providing extra jellyfish food .while overfishing has reduced their enemies and competitors .Its a phenomenon that has become increasingly widespread across the worlds seas .However, what is seen elsewhere as a problem ,在别人看来是个问题 in c

25、hina is perceived as an opportunity .接下来拍到人们吃水母画面,在结合前面所有的画面就好像中国人就一张嘴,一个主题-吃。许多中国渔民赖以生存的捕鱼场景,在他的描述下,成了一场人类对大自然的掠夺。NO.20Today there are just 2.500Milu in China ,but it is remarkable that there are any at all . 但这才是值得注意的地方,1900年代初期野生麋鹿已绝迹 but luckily ,some of the imperial herd had been sent as a gift

26、 to Europe .Those at Woburn Abbey, in England ,prospered 在英格兰沃本修道院的麋鹿不断繁衍。And in the early 1980s, 40 of the deer were returned to their homeland where they can continue to thrive .我们面临着环境问题,没错;有一些人,知法犯法,非法捕获,也没错;我们的资源在一点点的减少,这也没错;但这本该是我们自己反思的问题,确被外国人用另一种语言,借着美丽中国的名义,辛辣地讽刺了。视频看了一遍又一遍,哪里是在讲美丽中国,他们画面中的美丽只是一个幌子,像要向全世界暗示,那一切都渐渐的被破坏,即将消失殆尽。尽管最近看了很多关于中国负面的文章,都是国人自己写的,文章内容思想大同小异,旨在反思。看了那些,我总结一个就是:we need a second Lu Xu.

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