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高中英语必修四 Unit15 同步练习.docx

1、高中英语必修四 Unit15 同步练习必修四 Unit 1 Women of achievement.单项填空1.(2010北京西城区市检测)Though the financial crisis has broken out all over the world, China hasthe highest rate of economic growth this year. A.completed B.achievedC.ended D.finished解析:achieve意为“实现,达到”。句意:尽管经济危机在世界范围内全面爆发了,但是中国今年实现了最高的经济增长率。答案:B2.The g

2、overnment started a nationalagainst corruption.A.campaign B.battleC.war D.struggle解析:campaign在句中指“(政治性)活动,运动”。句意:政府开展了一项全国性的反腐败运动。答案:A3.Shehis number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A.looked up B.looked afterC.referred to D.consulted解析:look up a number in the phone book表示“在电

3、话薄中查阅号码”,而refer to或consult可直接跟the phone book作宾语;look ofter照看,照料。答案:A4.(2010河南洛阳检测)We Chinese dontChristmas as normally as the Spring Festival. A.appreciate B.summarizeC.congratulate D.observe解析:句意:我们中国人通常不像庆祝春节那样庆祝圣诞节。observe表示“庆祝”,相当于celebrate。A、B、C三项分别为“感激”、“总结”、“祝贺”。答案:D5.My parents managed tome

4、out of smoking.A.argue B.debateC.discuss D.quarrel解析:argue sb.out of doing sth.“说服某人不做某事”。B项为讨论,辩论;C项为讨论;D项为争吵,只有A项说服符合句意。答案:A6.(2010江苏南京检测)To his disappointment,the opinion he had referredout wrong. turn turned be turned解析:he had referred to为定语从句,修饰the opinion;主句的谓语是turne

5、d out。turn out当证明讲时,不用被动语态,所以选C。答案:C7.(2009沈阳检测)that made Mrs.White so upset?Her sons making trouble in the school.A.Where was it B.Why was itC.How was it D.What was it解析:考查强调句型。句意:是什么让怀特夫人这么难过?她儿子在学校惹事了。判断强调句型的要点是:当去掉“It is.that/who”时,剩下的句子结构仍然完整。这里是强调句的疑问形式,由答语可知,这里句子的主语应该用What,所以应该选D项。答案:D8.Tom,y

6、ou must be very tired after a long walk.Would yousome drink?A.send for for for解析:care for在此表示喜欢,想要之意。句意:汤姆,走了这么远的路,你肯定累了。你想喝点什么吗?答案:B9.I dont think Ivery well in the interview.A.came to B.came downC.came across D.came about解析:come across除表“偶然遇见”外,还可以表示“给人留下(某种)印象,表现自己”。句意:我认

7、为我在面试中表现不好。come to“恢复知觉,归结为”;come down“崩塌”;come about“发生”,均不符句意。答案:C10.To helpmy family,my father takes on much more work than before.A.last B.dependC.remain D.support解析:句意:为了能够养家糊口,我父亲比以前多干了很多活。support ones family是“养家”的意思。答案:D11.(2008天津高考)The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to

8、their discussion.A.put away B.take downC.look over D.carry on 解析:考查动词短语辨析。put away 收起来放好;take down 拿下;look over检查; carry on 继续。答案:D12.Does your brother intend to study German? Yes,he intends.A.不填 D.that解析:考查省略。省略了to后面的study German。答案:B13.(2010江西景德镇检测)He drove them both to theirhomes. A.resp

9、ectable B.respectfulC.respective D.respected解析:respective“各自的”;respectable“值得尊敬的”;respectful“尊敬的,有礼貌的”;respected“尊敬的”,由句意可知C项符合。答案:C14.No one likes.A.looking down uponB.being looked down uponC.being looked be looked down解析:句意:没有人喜欢被瞧不起。由题意可知应用look down upon的被动式,又因like后跟v.ing形式表经常性的动作,跟不定式时表

10、偶然性的动作,故B项符合。答案:B15.(2010河南洛阳检测)Only in this waymake rapid progress. are able to B.can you be able toC.are you able to can解析:only修饰状语置于句首时,句子需用部分倒装。答案:C.完形填空Learning to AcceptI learned how to accept life as it is from my father.1,he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and heal

11、thy,but rather when he was2and ill.My father was3a strong man who loved being active,but a terrible illness4all that away.Now he can no longer walk,and he must sit quietly in a chair all day.Even talking is 5.One night,I went to visit him with my sisters.We started6about life,and I told them about o

12、ne of my7.I said that we must very often give things up8we growour youth,our beauty,our friendsbut it always9that after we give something up,we gain something new in its place.Then suddenly my father10up.He said,“But,Peter,I gave up11!What did I gain?”I thought and thought,but I couldnt think of any

13、thing to say.12,he answered his own question:“I 13the love of my family,”I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes,along with hope and thankfulness.I was also14by his words.After that,when I began to feel irritated(愤怒的)at someone,I15remember his words and become 16.If he could replace his g

14、reat pain with a feeling of love for others,then I should be17to give up my small irritations.In this18,I learned the power of acceptance from my father.Sometimes I 19what other things I could have learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy.For now,though,I am grateful for th

15、is one20.语篇解读:父亲因为重病瘫痪,甚至说话困难,但是从一次和父亲的谈话中,作者学会了如何面对生活,对于以前没有好好聆听父亲的教诲也颇感后悔。1.A.Afterwards B.ThereforeC.However D.Meanwhile解析:前文说“I learn.from my father”,后文却说“he did not teach me.”,前后形成转折对比关系,故此空需填一个表转折的词。Afterwards“之后,后来”;Therefore“因此”;However“但是”;Meanwhile“同时”。根据文意应选C。答案:C2.A.tired B.weakC.poor D.

16、slow解析:与上文的strong and healthy相对应的为2and ill,四个选项中只有weak符合答案:B3.A.already B.stillC.only D.once解析:以前父亲是个活跃的人,但是因为一场重病现在不能行走了。答案:D4.A.took B.threwC.sent D.put解析:take sth.away为固定搭配,表示“把拿走,带走,取走”。答案:A5.A.impossible B.difficultC.stressful D.hopeless解析:Even表示递进关系,前文说父亲不能行走,这里说讲话的问题。A.impossible“不可能的”;B.diff

17、icult“困难的”;C.stressful“有压力的,紧迫的”;D.hopeless“绝望的”。这四个选项中,B项difficult符合句意。A项是干扰项。由下文可知,父亲还能说话,只不过有些困难而已,故可排除A。答案:B6.A.worrying B.caringC.talking D.asking解析:由“and I told.”及下文谈话内容可知,是在“谈论生活”。答案:C7.A.decisions B.experiencesC.ambitions D.beliefs解析:结合下文对作者所说话的解释,说明作者在此谈起的应该是他的观点。decisions“决定”;experiences“经

18、验,经历”;ambitions“野心”;beliefs“信任,信仰”。故选D。答案 B.sinceC.before D.till解析:as“随着”,as we grow“在我们成长过程中”。答案:A9.A.suggests B.promisesC.seems D.requires解析:it seems that“看起来似乎是”,其他不合句意。答案:C10.A.spoke B.turnedC.summed D.opened解析:speak up“开口”;turn up“出现”;sum up“相加”;open up“开辟”。四个选项中,只有A符合句意。答案:A11.A.someth

19、ing B.anythingC.nothing D.everything解析:父亲说,他放弃了几乎所有的东西,但是换来了家人的爱。everything侧重整体,指所有的事情。答案:D12.A.Surprisingly B.ImmediatelyC.Naturally D.Certainly解析:父亲问完问题后当没人回答他的问题时,父亲自己回答了自己的问题,而且答案非常出人意料“I 13 the love of my family.”,故选A。答案:A13.A.had B.acceptedC.gained D.enjoyed解析:同上文“What did I gain?”相呼应。答案:C14.A

20、.touched B.astonishedC.attracted D.warned解析:上文提到my sisters听完父亲的话后都tears in their eyes,这显然是感动的,所以作者说I was also.,应选touched“感动”。astonished“惊讶的”;attracted“吸引”;warned“警告”。答案:A15.A.should B.couldC.would D.might解析:would作情态动词使用时可用来表达过去的习惯,根据句意应选C。答案:C16.A.quiet B.calmC.relaxed D.happy解析:上文的irritated的反义词应为“镇

21、静的”,故选calm。答案:B17.A.ready D.able解析:此句意为:如果他能用对别人的爱来换取自己的痛苦,那我就应该能,这里强调could与此空的对应,应选be able to。答案 B.formC.method D.way解析:固定搭配,in this way“用这种方法,通过这种方式”。答案:D19.A.doubt B.wonderC.know D.guess解析:句意:有时候我想知道如果我很小的时候就能认真地听父亲所说的每一句话,我可能还会学到更多有益的东西。wonder“想知道”,符合文意。doubt“怀疑”;know“知

22、道”;guess“猜测”,均不合句意。答案:B20.A.award B.giftC.lesson D.word解析:父亲在身体如此虚弱的情况下,依然教给了我很重要的为人之道,对于作者来说这就是父亲送给他的礼物,注意句中的be grateful for“感激”。说明作者对父亲给他的东西的珍惜,所以不仅仅是父亲给他上了一课,而应是父亲送给他的又一样珍贵的礼物。A项为干扰项;ward“奖品,奖赏”,不合句意。答案:B.阅读理解(2009福建高考)Foreign drivers will have to pay onthespot fines of up to 900 for breaking the

23、 traffic law to be carried out next month.If they do not have enough cash or a working credit card,their vehicles will be clamped (扣留)until they payand they will face an additional fee of 80 for getting back their vehicles.The law will also apply to British citizens.The fines will be described offic

24、ially as “deposits”when the traffic law takes effect,because the money would be returned if the driver went to court and was found not guilty.In practice,very few foreign drivers are likely to return to Britain to deal with their cases.Foreign drivers are rarely charged because police cannot take ac

25、tion against them if they fail to appear in court.Instead,officers often merely give warnings.Three million foreignregistered vehicles enter Britain each year.Polish vehicles make up 36 percent,French vehicles 10 percent and German vehicles 9 percent.Foreign vehicles are 30 percent more likely to be

26、 in a crash than Britishregistered vehicles.The number of crashes caused by foreign vehicles rose by 47 percent between 2003 and 2008.There were almost 400 deaths and serious injuries and 3,000 slight injuries from accidents caused by foreign vehicles in 2008.The new law is partly intended to settle

27、 the problem of foreign lorry drivers ignoring limits on weight and hours at the wheel.Foreign lorries are three times more likely to be in a crash than British lorries.Recent spot checks found that three quarters of lorries that failed safety tests were registered overseas.The standard deposit for

28、a careless driving offencesuch as driving too close to the vehicle in front or reading a map at the wheelwill be 300.Deposits for speeding offences and using mobile phones will be 60.Foreign drivers will not get points as punishment added to their licenses,while British drivers will.语篇解读:这是一篇新闻报道:英国

29、为了解决国外车辆导致的交通事故高发的问题,从下月起要实施一项措施:对违反交通规则的外国司机处以高达900英镑的现场罚款,如果当场不交,还要额外收取80英镑的(车辆)保管费。1.The first paragraph serves as a (n).A.explanation B.introductionC.comment D.background解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,第一段起的作用是引出这条新闻的具体内容,所以这段是引子,所以选B。答案:B2.The foreign drivers who break the traffic law and do not pay on the spo

30、t are likely to be fined up to.A. 60 B. 300C. 900 D. 980解析:数字计算题。依据文章第一段可知,这种罚款可高达900英镑,再依据第二段:如果司机不能够立刻缴纳罚款,还要额外缴纳80英镑的(车辆)保管费用,共计980英镑。答案:D3.We can learn from the passage that.A.many foreign drivers have been fined by British policeB.300,000 German vehicles enter Britain every yearC.25 percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety testsD.British drivers will be punished with points and fines for breaking the traffic law解析:推理判断题。依据文章最后一段可知,英国本国的司机除了要缴纳罚款之外,还要扣驾照的点数,而国外的车辆只罚款,由此得出D项正确。答案:D4.The new traffic law is mainly

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