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1、中英文面试辅导材料Case QuestionsCase questions are most commonly used in consulting interviews, but they can be used in other situations, such as in interviews for marketing positions with consumer goods companies. Simply put, a case interview is the analysis of a business question. Unlike most other intervi

2、ew questions, it is an interactive process. Your interviewer will present you with a business problem and ask you for your opinion. Your job is to ask the interviewer logical questions that will permit you to make a detailed recommendation. The majority of case interviewers dont have a specific answ

3、er that you, the candidate, are expected to give. What the interviewer is looking for is a thought process that is at once analytical and creative. Heres a sample case question: 。案例分析案例分析往往在咨询公司的面试中被采用,但是他们也适用于其它情景,比如消费品公司的市场职位的面试。简而言之,一个案例分析就是对一个商业问题的分析。和面试中其它问题不同,它是一个互动的过程。它将通过一例商业问题以及你对其的看法来表现出你的

4、能力。你所要做的就是询问面试官一些有助于你得出一个方案的逻辑问题。大部分案例并没有标准的答案,面试官所看重的是有条理、有创造性的思维过程。下面是一个简单的案例分析:You are advising a credit card company that wants to market a prepaid phone card to its customers. Is this a good idea? 一家信用卡公司准备往市场推出一种给客户预存金额的电话卡,你认为这是否是一个好的想法?You: What is the role of our company? Do we simply marke

5、t the card or must we create them ourselves? Interviewer: This card will be co-marketed with an outside phone company. We dont need to perform telecommunications functions. 你:我们公司的角色是什么?仅仅由我们一家公司来发行该电话卡还是我们必须自己来发行?面试官:该电话卡需要和一家电信公司合作来发行,我们不需要去提供电信类的服务。You: What are our expenses connected with the ca

6、rd? Interviewer: We must pay 15 cents for every minute we sell. We also have to pay $1.00 as a start-up cost for the card and card systems. 你:发行该卡的费用大概是多少?面试官:对我们而言,电话费将以每分钟15美分计,另外我们还必须为每张卡缴纳1美元给制卡系统。You: What are our marketing expenses? Interviewer: We normally use slips of paper that are attached

7、 to the backs of our credit card payment envelopes. We sometimes also send customers a direct mailing - in a separate envelope. Or we can have telemarketers call selected customers. 你:我们市场的费用是多少?面试官:我们往往采取三种市场策略,第一种是在我们的信用卡支付信封背后附上广告小纸条;第二种是直接用单独的信封给我们的客户发送邮件;第三种是从电信部门获取一些客户名单中作电话促销。You: Whats the c

8、ost of each of these marketing techniques, and what is their response rate? Interviewer: Telemarketers have a 2 percent response rate, and cost $1.00 per call. Direct mailings cost us 40 cents per mailing and have a 0.50 percent rate of response. Our payment attachments have a 0.25 rate of response,

9、 but only cost us 5 cents each.你:每一种市场策略的推广费用大概是多少?以及他们的成功率?面试官:电话推广大概是2%的成功率,每一个电话1美元。直接寄邮件是每份40美分,成功率0.50%。如果是采用信用卡支付信封背后贴广告条的话,成功率为0.25%,但每份只要5美分。You: Im going to assume we will sell one-hour phone cards. That will cost us $9.00 for the minutes and a dollar per card - so each card costs us $10. I

10、nterviewer: That sounds reasonable. 你:现在假设我们即将出售一小时的电话卡,这将需要花费我们9美元电话费以及1美元的制卡费用,所以每张卡成本为10美元面试官:这听起来很合理You: And what is our expected revenue on a one-hour phone card? What is the current market rate for a 60-minute phone card? Interviewer: Assume its 50 cents a minute. 你:那么我们预期的一个小时的电话卡的价格是多少?目前市价大

11、概是多少?面试官:估计一分钟50美分You: So if we sell the cards for $30, we have a $20 profit, minus our expenditures on marketing. Interviewer: Whats our cost structure look like? 你:那么如果我们把一小时的电话卡以30美元出售,我们将获得20美元毛利润,再减去市场费用,即纯利润面试官:那我们的收入结构大概是怎样的?You: Okay, lets figure this out. To sell 1,000 cards through telemar

12、keting, we would need to contact 50,000 people. That would cost us $50,000. To use direct mail, we would have to contact 200,000 thousand people, which, at 40 cents per mailing, costs us $80,000. Since the envelope inserts arent very reliable, we will need to contact 800,000 people using that method

13、. But at 5 cents each, it costs only $20,000 to sell 1,000 cards. We make $20 profit on each card. But even at the cheapest promotional vehicle, at $20 profit, we would only break even, because our profits on 1,000 cards would be $20,000. We shouldnt market this card, unless we can further cut our m

14、arketing costs or increase the price of the card. If we could slice the cost of the envelope attachments a penny or so, or sell the card for $35, or convince our co-marketer to reduce our costs, it might be worth selling.你:如果采用电话促销方式,每售出1000张卡,我们需要联系50000名客户,这需要支出50000美元;如果采用投递邮件方式,我们需要联系200000客户,支出

15、80000美元;如果采用信封广告条方式,我们需要联系800000客户,支出20000美元,无疑这最后一种方式开销最低。如上面假设,每张卡我们可以得到20美元的毛利,那么1000张卡的利润是20000美元,那么就算我们采用最便宜的开销方式(信封附广告条方式),那么市场开销将会是20000美元,那这样也只能刚好保本。所以我们不应该推出这种电话卡、,除非我们可以进一步降低市场开销,或增加卡的出售价格。如果我们可以把信封附广告条的费用能够降低到每份1美分,或者以35美元的价格出售电话卡,或者说服我们的合作电信部门给我们更低的电话费用,那么该电话卡还是值得推出的。Commonly-asked Quest

16、ions常见的问题Companies these days look for more than whether youre a witty or especially cool individual when it comes to personality. Among the characteristics highest on their list are teamwork and innovation. They may not ask whether you are a team player, or creative - doesnt mean you shouldnt go ah

17、ead and tell them. But then again, a lot of interviewers will ask you outright: tell me why your personal traits will work here.如今的公司所期望的员工不仅仅需要机智和个性,他们最为看重的是团队合作精神和创新性。他们也许不会直接问你是否是一个团队合作者,或者是否有创新的能力这不意味着你不需要直接告诉他们。但是往往很多面试官会直接问你:告诉我为什么我们需要你的优点?1. Why are you applying for this position? Probably th

18、e most commonly asked question at job interviews. You need to convince your interviewer that you are enthusiastic about the job. 1,为什么你要应聘这个职位也许这是一个面试中最常见的问题,你需要告诉面试官你对这个职位充满了热情。2. Tell me about a time when you used initiative/Give me an example of when you came up with an innovative solution/Give m

19、e an example of a time you exceeded expectations. In this ever-changing world in which we work, employees are supposed to be innovative, to be able to think outside of the box. Questions like these (such as the way the initiative question and exceeded expectations questions are worded) can be used a

20、s opportunities to talk about creative faculties - pick an instance when showing initiative meant coming up with an out-of-the-ordinary solution.2,举个例子说明你的积极主动/说明你解决问题的创造性/说明你能够超标准地完成任务。在这个不停变化着的世界中,员工被要求具有创造性跳出思维的俗套去思考问题,比如独创的问题或者额外的一些问题,你所需要做的就是挑选一个事例说明你在遇到问题时所提出的具有变革性的解决方案。3. I see on your resume

21、 that you served as chairperson of such-and-such committee. What was that experience like?Along with innovation, employers often look for leadership ability. In general, interviewers are looking for evidence of a willingness to listen, an ability to give feedback, and a firmness when it comes to get

22、ting things done. 3,我在你的简历中看到你曾经作过某个协会的主席,可否阐述一下你在其中的经历?如同创造性一样,领导力往往也被公司所看重。面试官希望求职者展现出他们的聆听、反馈以及稳重等素质。4. What would members of your basketball team/business school cohort/ butterfly catching expedition say about you? Tell us about a time you had to deal with a difficult team member. Teamwork is an

23、other highly valued trait these days, companies are looking for employees who work well in groups. If your interviewer doesnt bring up teamwork, do it yourself. These questions are similar to the leadership questions - interviewers are looking for both an openness to ideas and a willingness to nudge

24、 team members toward a goal. 4,你在篮球队/商学院/捕蝶队的同学如何评价你?举例说明你是如何和一些合不来的团队成员相处的如今团队精神越来越被公司看重,因为他们需要的是能够在一个团队中工作的人。如果面试官没有提到团队精神,你应当自己提起这一点。如同上面领导中所问到的问题一样面试官希望员工展现出他们思维的开放性,以及与团队成员合作的愿望。5. Why did you decide to switch careers/Why did you decide to go back to school/Why did you take time off during coll

25、ege? Be prepared to walk through your resume with your interviewer, especially at companies that like to promote from within. They want to know that youre committed to the industry and will be loyal to their company.5为什么你打算更换工作/为什么你打算返回学校继续读书/为什么你在学校浪费了时间?紧跟着面试官的思维去遍历你的简历,特别是一个公司从内部提拔员工时,他们希望知道你对行业所

26、做出的贡献以及对公司的忠诚度。6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? You dont necessarily need to say that you want to work for the company forever, but you should express how you think the position to which you are applying will help you grow. 6,你5年内的职业发展是怎样的?你无需说你将会永远为公司工作,但是你需要说明该职位对你的成长有帮助7. So you just grad

27、uated. How did you like school?Loved it. Learned so much. And let me tell you a little bit about what types of activities I was involved in.7.作为一个应届生,你喜欢你的大学吗?喜欢,学到很多东西,下面我想简单举几个例子来说明这点8. What lessons did you learn from you last job that you think can be transferred to this position? 8,你觉得从你的上一职位中你学

28、到了什么,让你觉得你可以升迁到你所申请的职位?9. What do you consider your biggest fault?Interviewers love this question, even though it sort of invites dishonesty. Youre supposed to say something like: Im a perfectionist. Or: I tend to work too hard. You may want to prepare a more thoughtful answer, but you should at lea

29、st anticipate this question. 9,你觉得自己最大的缺点是什么?面试官喜欢问这个问题,即使这可能有引导不诚实的倾向。你可以说“我是一个完美主义者” 或者我有时候是个工作狂。不管怎么样,你最好预见到这个问题,并准备好更好的回答。10. If you could go anywhere for 24 hours, with an unlimited budget where would you go?Sometimes, interviewers will ask off-the-wall questions just to get a better sense of w

30、ho you are as a person.10.如果在未来的24小时内,你可以随意去任何地方,你打算去哪儿?有时候,面试官会问一些奇怪的问题来进一步了解你。Questions to Ask During Your Summer Internship Interviews暑期实习面试中常见问题* Can you give me an example of my summer responsibilities? Try to make sure the answer you receive is as specific as possible. Particularly if youre ne

31、w to the industry, you want to ensure that you will perform work that is representative of a full-time associate. 你能否举个例子说明一下我暑期实习的具体工作职责是?尽量确认你所得到的回答是详细而准确的。特别当你面对一个新的行业时,你需要知道你即将开始的工作和一个全职员工的工作并没有什么太大区别。* How many people are typically given permanent job offers? And ask for percentages too. This s

32、hows youre interested in opportunities after graduation at the firm, and allows you to plan your strategic options. Some firms, like Goldman Sachs, are known for giving offers to a small proportion of the summer class. You may want to try better odds at another firm. 有多少人在实习结束后留下工作了?比例大概是多少?这个问题表明你对这家公司的热情比较高,而且也可以为你的职业生涯提供更多的参考。有些公司,比如高盛投行,给实习生的机会非常地渺小,那么如果你打算为毕业后工作做打算的话,最好去尝试一下其他公司。* Will I be able to rotate between departments? Again, the more you know about the company, the b

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