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1、浙江省杭州市届高三第一次教学质量检测题2008年杭州市第一次高考科目教学质量检测英语试题卷考生须知: 1本试卷分试题卷和答题卷,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2答题前,在答题卷密封区内填写学校、班级和姓名。 3所有答案必须写在答题卷上,写在试题卷上无效。 4考试结束,上交答题卷。第卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.think Alice needs to find herself a new job . .This is what weve been talk

2、ing about . A.Exactly B. Cheer up C.Please do D.Really2.Whthin five years,cars will be alot in our country. B.cheaper C.cheapest D.the cheapest3.When the disabled sportsman won a gold medal,a lot of people him on his success. A.apreciated B.aproved C.congratulated D.remaked4. Mom,I lost diam

3、ond ring you bought as my birthday present. Ill keep eye out for it when I clean your bedroom. A.a;an B.the;the C.the;an D.a;the5. the goal of “Education for All”,the Chinese government is making joint efforts. A.To achieve B.Achieving C.Achieve D.Having achieved6.Michael knew he would certainly get

4、 if he was late home. A.shout at shout at C.shouted at be shouted at7.As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake,many people had to be a stadium. A.put away B.put up C.put out D.put off8.I admired the painting,and Ted said he would like me to have as a gift from him. A

5、.one C.this D.some9.We spent 16 glorious days in August,2008 the athletesjoys and tears,and we were amazed at their ability. A.shared share C.sharing D.share10.As to helping reduce poverty in some remote areas,I cant think of better than providing a proper education for the people there. A

6、.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything11.Call again next week.They should have reached a decision . A.just then then C.until then D.only then12.I could never watch any movie more than once, good it is. A.whatever B.however C.whenever D.whichever13.Shall I tell her to come to see you? No,y

7、ou .Shes already been sent for. A.neednt B.shouldnt C.mustnt D.wouldnt14.Nowadays,few people form the habit of keeping a supply of candles in the house in case of power . A.drop B.lack C.absence D.failure15.Blamed for breaking my promise,I felt my face bot,and hung my hesd in shame. grow b

8、e growing C.grown D,grow16.Confidence and efforts are the intemational community needs now to counter the on-going financial crisis. A.why B.that C.what D.when17.Not until quite recently paid work outside the home. A.most mothers in Britain took B.did most mothers in Britain take C.took most mothers

9、 in Britain D.were most mothers in Britain taken18.Ill never forget such an attractive city I spent many hapy hours there wiht my classmates last summer holidays. A.that B.where which D.because19.Now American resesrchers think they are colse to developing a pill, will help people forget bad mem

10、ories. A.which B.what C.that D.it20.We should get together next week. Sounds like a plan! I you a call. A.will give B.would give C.have given D.give第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的4个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I will never forget the day when I went to Cohens Bakery.Modern and fascinati

11、ng 21 it was with its fine cafe,the bakery did not change my life,rather a 22 I saw there did.I was accomanying my friend to get a milk coffee.An older couple stood in front of us 23 ,and I happened to overhear their 24 .The woman asked for six onion bagels (面包圈) and two coffees.When the man reached

12、 out to take the box of bagels,that was the 25 that changed me.As his sleeve 26 ,a tattoo(文身) became visible.I saw the lettr J followed by five numbers.They were not 27 and had been fading since the end of the Holocaust(大屠杀).His skin had 28 wrinkled(起皱).I did not stare;I looked at the mans face 29 .

13、Iwanted to talk to him.I wanted to hear about his 30 .But seeing him with his wife doing an 31 task like buying bagels in a bakery stoped me. Hed moved 32 , and who was I to bring back horrible memories because of my 33 ?This man did not need my 34 , but I will always regret not talking to him 35 I

14、konw this was the right thing to do.You might think that its ridiculous that I was so deeply 36 by a man I never even spoke to.But seeing those numbers made me 37 his ability to move on. He had 38 the worst killing the world has ever known,and he was able to 39 from all the death and pain. He was a

15、survivor,but he found a 40 life. And for that, he is my hero, even though I dont even know his name.21. A.that C.when D.like22. A.cofee B.letter C.couple D.cafe23. line time public trouble24. B.speech C.request D.order25. A.oportunity B.event C.moment D.situation26. A

16、.pulled up B.opened up C.grew up D.gave up27. A.clean B.clear C.colorful D.pretty28. advance B,before long C.long since D.later on29. A.cither B.again C.yet D.instead30. A.qualifications B.researches C.adventures D.experiences31. A.important B.everyday C.exciting D.uncomfortable32. A.away B.up

17、C.on D.in33. A.curiosity B.confidence C.patience D.pride34. A.praise B.pity C.advice D.apology35. if B.ever since C.even though case36. A.surprised B.hurt C.connected D.affected37. A.areciate B.share C.remember D.follow38. A.lived for B.lived through C.lived under D.lived with39. A.suffer

18、B.judge C.rise D.learn40. A.normal B.dependent C.hard D.special第二部分:阅读理解(共25小题,每题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A When an undertaker(殡仪工) discovered that a 2yearold boy pronounced dead by two doctors still had a weak sign of life in him, he saved not only the life of th

19、at boy, but the lives of thousands of other children as well.The boy was Thomas John Barnardo,who grew up to become Englands worthiest 19th century philanthropist(慈善家)and first to support the cause of homeless children. As a youth,Thomas Barnardo found he was often in trouble himself due to his quic

20、k tempered nature,but before he was eighteen, his nature changed, and he felt growing in him a need to be of service to others. A walk through Londona East End one night made him see a need even more pressing that of helping the poor children in his own country. On that bitterly cold night Dr Barnar

21、do found 11 homeless boys, dressed in rags, trying to sleep on an iron roof. He found 70 others under a tarpaulin(油布),in doorways, and in empty barrels. He was astonished and paid a laborer to house the first of these unfortunate children,then rented a donkey stable as shelter for more, and through

22、the next several years managed to fill many village homes with him. These acts laid the foundation for the famous Barnardo Homes, about which the doctor made a promise that “No poor child shall ever be refused admission.”This kept him working well past midnight every night of his adult life.He rescu

23、ed more than 60,000 children.It ran him 250,000 ounds ( about $ 750,000 ) into debt, which was cancelled when he died at sixty and all of England went into mourning for him, and volunteers appeared to carry on his cause, In the village of Barkingside where he was buried, there stands a church known

24、as the Childrens Chruch, which houses 1,000 girls.Fountains and old trees surround workshops where the girls learn to be good workers and citizens. The promise is simple, but the faith was powerful, so powerful that it edabled the keeper to reshape the social structure of his society, making new wor

25、lds for thousands in need.41. What happened to Thomas John Barnardo at his early age? A.He was saved by an undertaker B.He was saved by two doctors. C.He received a huge fortune. D.He became homeless42. What made Barnardo decide to help the poor children? A.He changed his job and worked harder than

26、before. B.He met 11 homeless children and was greatly shocked. C.He paid a lot of money to house the poor children. D.He ran into heavy debts and later his debts were cancelled.43. Which of the following is Barnardos”promise”? A.All poor children shall go to the house. B.Not all poor children shall

27、be allowed to go to the house. C.All children shall go to the house except the poor children. D.Nobody shall keep a poor child outside the house.44. This passaget is mainly about . A.the situation of homeless children B.the power of Dr Barbardos promise C.the life of Dr Thomas John Barnardo D.the im

28、portance of reshaping the societyB “Im afraid Kire will be late,” a clerk at the company told me . “Oh, fine,” I said. “No problem.” I had been trying to make myself believe that all bad things I had read about models were rubbish, but the words difficult, cold and vain(虚荣)kept coming into my head.

29、And now she was going to be late.How late? An hour?Three hours?Maybe she wouldnt come at all. What if she were late,she would be rushing?She could be impatient and refuse to answer my questions. But when the winner of the Looks magazine supermodel competition walked in, she was smiling, relaxed and

30、apologeticand with her mother.Kira was not dressed in expensivelooking designer clothes but in a simple black dress. just a very friendly, very tall,very pretty girl.All odels under the age of 16 must take an adult with them whenever they work,she explained,and apart from looking very young,her moth

31、er was an ordinary mum noticeably proud of her successful daughter. The achievement of being chosen for the final gave Kira the confidence to go through with it and she performed perfectly.She won easily and the Select Mldel Company in London immediately offered her work. As a busy model,though,her

32、social life is obviously affected.The Select Company van ring at any time and tell her that she is wanted for a job the next day. “If my friends are going out together, I cant say Ill come, because I dont know what Im doing the next day. I cant really make palns, and if I do they sometimes get broken, but my friends are good

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