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1、河南专升本英语从2001至今,河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习 (普通专升本)考试只考两门课程, 一是公共英语课程, 二是专业基础课程; 公共英语课程是所有非英 语专业的必考课程。 满分150分,可见公共英语在专升本考试中的重要性。 为了帮应试学生更好地整体把握考试,给出历年真题的题型及分值统计分析表。2003-2010专升本公共英语真题题型及分值表试题 题型20032004200520062007200820092010词汇语法3030304040404040阅读 理解6060604040404040完形填空2020102020202020翻译20202020202020

2、30词性 转换10101010100作文2020202020202020总分150150150150150150150150从该表看出,自2006年开始,词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、作文都是每年必考的固定题型,并且分值不变。翻译也是每年必考的题型, 从2003-2009年每年20分(英译汉10分,汉译英10分),但2010年翻译部分增加了 10分的英汉对话翻译。 词性转换自2005-2009年每 年10分,但2010年取消该题型。每年固定不变的题型有词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、翻 译、作文;可变化的题型有词性转换、补全对话、辨识错误和英汉对话翻译,预测这几种题型 会任选一个,分值 10分。

3、2003-2010年专升本公共英语词汇与语法测试试题分值表考点20032004200520062007200820092010语法14+19+15+38+30+22+19+30+20c20c10c20 c20 c20 c20 c20 c词汇161115+2+10+18+21 +10+1010101010合计5050507070707060比例1/31/31/31/21/21/21/21/3从表中看出,直接考察语法和词汇知识分值有 70分,占了总分值的近 1/2。从2006年开始, 在40分的语法词汇部分,语法占的比重大,如 2006年,语法:词汇是 38:2 ; 2007年,语法:词汇是 30

4、:10 ; 2008年,语法:词汇是 22:18 ; 2009年,语法:词汇是 19:21 ; 2010年,语法:词汇是30:10。而阅读、翻译及写作部分,依然是考核语法词汇基本知识的,所以学好语法词汇是考好专升本英语的关键。考什么? 学什么?河南省教育厅学生处“专升本”考试的要求指出: “英语考试要求为大学英语考试三至四级水平”。短短的几句话,包含了英语考试的全部内容, 但我们考生很多时候却并不明白: 到底要考什么?Example 1: P52,03,36 Lynda and hundreds of young people like him the post oftypist.第 A ap

5、proach (方法,靠近, 走近) B applied for C appealed to (吸引,恳求,上诉) D approved of (赞成)题干研究:1考查词汇:Q1: like; post; typist.熟词生意。Post no bills.禁止张贴。 Post position of paid employment.职位。2 考查语法:Q2: Lyn da and hun dreds of you ng people like him 并列平行结构。并列 连词所连接的并列成分应当在结构和功能上保持一致, 这就是并列平行结构,该语法知识点时常考到。历年真题再现:直接考的有词汇结

6、构题中的 04, P98,24;间接考的有:05,P85,阅读中 4 中句子 A growi ng number of un employed America ns waste time browsing the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 online job sites, filling them with resum es and then waiting for replies.在这样一个句子中,并列平行结构这一语法知识对于句子的正确理解起到了绝对重要的 作用。选项研究:A approach (方法,靠近,走近) B applied for C appealed

7、to (吸弓丨,恳求,上诉)D approved of (赞成)选项考查到:1形近词;2词义及语境,在此语境下只能选用某一选项。另外 appeal to在同一份试卷的第 49页阅读3中出现。综合本题,其主要考查词汇的, 考查形近词在特定语境下的区别。 但间接的考到了上述的其他知识。如果不能正确理解上述相关知识, 不可能理解本句的意义, 也就不可能正确地根据句义选出正确的答案。 同时,需要提醒的是,在本题中间接考到的相关知识点在另外的题目中就可能直接考到, 真题已经说明了这一点。 因此,教师要做到举一反三,同学也要做到这一步。Example 2:04, P65,60.定语从句语法点。They o

8、vercome all the difficulties and fulfilled the pla n three mon ths ahead of time,_ , is something we had not expected.A. that B what C it D which此处属于直接考。间接考例子有:翻译阅读同时出现。 07,P96,p4, There n ever seemed to be eno ugh time to go to church,which disturbed some friends and relations.阅读出现。06,P85,P4,Intern

9、et-addicted job seekers may be partly the cause of the fact that it is tak ing the un employed 23% Ion ger to find a new positi on tha n it took duri ng the las a ”t recessi on, when the ben efits on li ne job search ing were un available.同时注意本句涉及到的其他知识点1 Internet-addicted ,job seekers the cause une

10、mployed, position, unavailable.这些都是一些 重要的词汇,在这里间接考到。2语法要点:第一,定语从句;第二,同位语从句(常考点 07,P99,31);第三,than比较级句子。专升本本英语考试到底考什么,手段无非从词汇和语法这两个方面来进行,辅之于阅 读、完形填空、翻译和写作这四种方法。因此,上课过程中,我们有时会把阅读的讲解拉到 语法、词汇讲解一块,因为它们本身是难以分开的,但侧重点有所不同。全程计划:词汇与语法 4-5天;有同学会说单词词汇与结构一题一分,要花费那么多时间干什么,这种想法是错误的, 没有这些一切都不可能, 从现在开始大家要把主要精力花在背诵单词

11、、词组上面;阅读 4-5天;完形填空4-5天、翻译、写作各1天,其中完形填空 多占时间,翻译次之。上午课语法为主,下午要讲一部分词汇练习。 因为语法学好了,对英语学习我们就有了一个体系性的认识,所以我们首先从语法开始。但是单词、词组、固定搭配最难。第一部分语法与词汇Part I高频语法关于语法:语法会不会考?要考多少分? 12-16分,直接考不会少于 12分(直接考什么意思啊);要考考什么?通过2002-2010真题统计得出,语法考点依次重点为:从句、非谓语动词、虚拟语气、it用法、主谓情态动词、形容词和副词、动词时态、动词语态、介词、倒装、独立主格、致、反义疑问句等。虚拟语气;名词性从句;定

12、语从句;非谓语动词;倒装语序(这五大项排名不分先后)一般直接考2分左右;下面还有时态与语态 2分-1分,情态动词+have done 1分,主谓一 致要考1分,强调句句型1分。专升本本英语考试中出现的语法, 大部分都在中学出现过, 因此,我们的辅导不宜面面俱到,只需突出考试中最常考到的一些重点、难点。定语从句、名词性从句、非谓语动词的掌握不仅对于词汇结构直接考查有意义, 而且更为重要的是对于阅读理解意义相当重大;有些语法知识比如虚拟语气、倒装、强调句句型、 主谓一致、反义疑问句则主要对于词汇结构题直接考意义重大; 有些语法知识诸如并列平行结构、状语从句、插入结构、 it指代用法、比较结构则主要

13、对于阅读理解有重大意义。Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill do not wan t to know the truth about their condition , and that informing them risks destroying their hope, so that they may recover more slowly, or deteriorate faster, perhaps even commit suicide.注意找主干语法涉及到体系性的理论问题,

14、需要靠讲解,但也更需要结合习题来讲解!考什么:which弓I导的非限制性定语从句,一级考点定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引起的, 在句子中充当定语成分,来修饰名词、代词或句子。定语从句一般放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后,这种名词或代词称为先行词。概念与例句关系代词(介词+关系代词)先行词关系副词The new points which the preside nt stressed in his report are very importa nt in deed.(定语从句、关系代词、先行词 )That is the reason why I am not in favor of revisi

15、ng the plan.(定语从句、关系代副词、先行词 )所有从句都是由连接词引出来的, 定语从句的连接词被叫做关系代词、 关系副词。具体而言,有以下几种情况()关系代词知识点关系代词先行词关系代词所作成分例句that人或物主、宾、表1which物或整句话主、宾(动词宾语、介词宾语)2who人主3whom人宾4whose人或物定语(相当于先行词的所有格)5as人或物或整句话主语、宾语6例句:1 One should not plant a garden that is too large for him to care for.阅读 1)(062 .Because of their frequ

16、ent wars, many of their inventions were no more than improveme nts in the design of Greek weapons with which they were familiar .(06 阅读 2)3 There are a lot of women who will do the job as well as men.(06 阅读 2)Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very

17、 small quantity of money.(03 月度 2, P48).4 He saw the manager talking with somebody whom he didn t know.5 Many people whose possessions were destroyed in natural disasters eventually considered their loss as a blessing.(06CET-6,12)6 As is often the case, the more you use your brain, the more active i

18、t will become.(03 翻译 section B 4,P57)关系代词使用的几种特别规定:That 1)先行词是不定代词,常见有 all, much, any, something, anything 等;2) 先行词被 all, any, every, some,(a)few,(a)little 修3) 先行词被最高级、序数词、 the only/next/same/very修饰时;4) 先行词既包括人,又包括物时。5) 只用which:介词后、引导非限制性定语从句只能用 which。介词+which既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句,该结构中介词的选择取决于从

19、句谓语动词的固定 搭配,也取决于先行词的习惯搭配。It is written by a person with whom we are all familiar.This is the computer on which he spent all his savings.6) 关系代词省略情况:that、which引导定语从句作宾语可以省略。但以下情况不可省略:第一,弓I导非限制性定语从句中,即使作宾语 which也不能省略。第二,关系代词紧跟介词后,作介词宾语,此时一不可用 that,只可用which或whom引导定语从句,并且不可省略;但当介词谓语定语从句句末时, 作为介词宾语的关系代词仍

20、可用that,也可以省略。This is one of the things with which we have to put up.This is one of the things (that/which ) we have to put up with.(二)关系副词知识点关系副词与先行词关系在从句中所作成分when先行词是表示时间的名词,相当于介词 +which.状语where先行词是表示地点的名词,相当于介词+which状语why先行词是表示理由的名词(reason),相当于 for+which.状语二练习反馈长难句分析与理解1 Do Americans have the capa

21、city and vision to remove these structural barriers that deny democratic rights and opport un ities ?(06CET 4 阅读)2. Culture shock is an occupational disease for people who have been suddenly transplant ed abroad( 04 P61 阅读 4)3 For primitive men, activity during the day meant hunting and attacking ,

22、in which he s oon saw as red, the color of blood and fire. (05 P70 阅读 1)4 The curriculum consisted mainly of the classical languages, and the purpose of this kind of school was the preparation of boys for college, where most of them would be fitted f or the ministry .(07 P97)改正句子中的错误1 We grow all ou

23、r own fruit and vegetables, that saves money, of course.2 New York is famous for its skyscrapers, the highest of them has more than 100 storey.3 My boss even thought that beer was the best drink which he had ever drunk.4 I am pleased with what you have given me and all what you have told me .5 One o

24、f the most beautiful natural wonders in the United States is the Grand Canyon, w here located in northwestern Arizona.6 The first place where the students visited in the motor factory was the tool room.7 Do you think the reason why he gave is believable?难句挑战1 This new dictionary contains 16,ooo new

25、words and expressions, reflect recentresearch in science and technology.A many of them B many of which C many of that D many of those2 Ive never been to Beijing, but it s the best place .A where I d like to visit B in which I d like to visitC I most want to visit D that I want to visit it most3 The

26、days you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past.A in which B on which C of which D at which4 Sports, most young people like very much, may make you very strong.A that B / C which D and5 In the Europe , as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful grou ps which

27、bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing house thatwork in relation to one another.找主干第二章名词性从句考什么:that、what引导的名词性从句,一级考点。所谓名词性从句,就是把这个句子当作名词使用,并在句子中充当一定的句子成分:主语、同位语、表语、宾语。做什么成分,这个名词性从句就是相应的主语从句、同位语从句、表 语从句、宾语从句。一主语从句:在句子中担当主语的是一个句子,这个句子就叫做主语从句。How this happenedis still

28、a question.It is clear that he has gone.所有从句都是由连接词引出来的,主语从句的连接词有以下几种情况:连词that whether(that在从句中没有任何意义,不作任何成分,但不可省略)连接代词What, whatever, who, whoever连接副词When, where, how,why注意考点: 1 In the new country, that women go out to work and add to the family inco me is a new pattern of family life.2 What refrige

29、ration did promote was marketing marketing hardware and electricity, mark eting soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the globe in search of a good price.(P81,test3).直 注意:名词性从句中的that与定语从句中的that有着明显的差别:作不作成分,有没有指代。 二同位语从句读例子说问题:同位语、同位语从句、同位语连接词。1. The idea that we can invite him tomorr

30、ow is quite good.2 The rumor that there II be earthquake soon spread all over the area.3 The general gave the order that the soldiers should cross the river at once.4 After a couple of roun ds, the only, last and serious questi on rema ins whether our team can win the majority of the people.专升本考点:1后面常接同位语从句的抽象名词Belief, certainty, concept, doubt, evidenee, explanation, fact, hope, idea, news, order, promi se, proof, question ,rumor, thought 等。2分隔情况有时,由that引导的同位语从句可以不紧跟在它所说明的名词后面,而被谓语动词等隔开。In formatio n has bee n put fo

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